
Defines functions zmq.recvdir zmq.senddir

Documented in zmq.recvdir zmq.senddir

#' Transfer Functions for Files or Directories
#' High level functions calling \code{zmq.sendfile()} and \code{zmq.recvfile()}
#' to zip, transfer, and unzip small files or directories contains small files.
#' @details
#' \code{zmq.senddir()} calls \code{zmq.senddir()}, and
#' \code{zmq.recvdir()} calls \code{zmq.recvdir()}.
#' @param port 
#' A valid tcp port to be passed to \code{zmq.sendfile()} and
#' \code{zmq.recvfile()}.
#' @param endpoint
#' A ZMQ socket endpoint to be passed to \code{zmq.sendfile()} and
#' \code{zmq.recvfile()}.
#' @param infiles
#' The name (as a string) vector of the in files to be zipped and to be
#' sent away.
#' @param outfile
#' The name (as a string) of the out file to be saved on the disk.
#' If \code{outfile = NULL} and \code{exdir = NULL}, a tempfile will be
#' used and the tempfile nanme will be returned.
#' @param exdir
#' The name (as a string) of the out directory to save the unzip files
#' unzipped from the received \code{outfile}.
#' @param verbose
#' Logical; determines if a progress bar should be shown.
#' @param flags
#' A flag for the method used by \code{zmq_sendfile} and
#' \code{zmq_recvfile}
#' @param ctx
#' A ZMQ ctx. If \code{NULL} (default), the function will initial one at
#' the beginning and destroy it after finishing file transfer.
#' @param socket
#' A ZMQ socket based on \code{ctx}.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the function will create one at the beginning
#' and close it after finishing file transfer.
#' @return \code{zmq.senddir()} and \code{zmq.recvdir()} return
#' number of bytes (invisible) in the sent message if successful,
#' otherwise returns -1 (invisible) and sets \code{errno} to the error
#' value, see ZeroMQ manual for details.
#' In addition, \code{zmq.recvdir()} returns a zipped file name in a list.
#' @author Wei-Chen Chen
#' @references ZeroMQ/4.1.0 API Reference:
#' \url{http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:_start}
#' Programming with Big Data in R Website: \url{https://pbdr.org/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Run the sender and receiver code in separate R sessions.
#' ### Receiver
#' library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
#' zmq.recvdir(55555, "localhost", outfile = "./backup_2019.zip",
#'             verbose = TRUE)
#' ### or unzip to exdir
#' # zmq.recvdir(55555, "localhost", exdir = "./backup_2019", verbose = TRUE)
#' ### Sender
#' library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
#' zmq.senddir(55555, c("./pbdZMQ/R", "./pbdZMQ/src"), verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords programming
#' @seealso \code{\link{zmq.sendfile}()}, \code{\link{zmq.recvfile}()}.
#' @rdname b2_sendrecvdir
#' @name Transfer Functions for Files or Directories
#' @importFrom utils unzip zip

#' @rdname b2_sendrecvdir
#' @export
zmq.senddir <- function(port, infiles, verbose = FALSE,
                        flags = ZMQ.SR()$BLOCK,
                        ctx = NULL, socket = NULL)
  if (is.null(socket))
    if (is.null(ctx))
      ctx <- zmq.ctx.new()
      ctx.destroy <- TRUE
      ctx.destroy <- FALSE

    socket <- zmq.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ST()$PUSH)
    socket.close <- TRUE
    endpoint <- address("*", port)
    zmq.bind(socket, endpoint)
    ctx.destroy <- FALSE
    socket.close <- FALSE

  type = attr(socket, "type")
  if (is.null(type))
    stop("unable to determine socket type")
  else if (type != ZMQ.ST()$PUSH && type != ZMQ.ST()$REQ && type != ZMQ.ST()$REP)
    stop("socket type must be one of PUSH, REQ, or REP (matching PULL, REP, and REQ respectively in zmq.recvfile())")

  if (!verbose)
    extras <- "-q"
    extras <- ""

  tmp.fn <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
  zip(tmp.fn, infiles, extras = extras)
  ret <- zmq.sendfile(port, tmp.fn, verbose = verbose, flags = flags,
                      forcebin = TRUE, ctx = ctx, socket = socket)
  if (socket.close || ctx.destroy)

  if (ctx.destroy)
  invisible(list(ret = ret, infile = tmp.fn))

#' @rdname b2_sendrecvdir
#' @export
zmq.recvdir <- function(port, endpoint, outfile = NULL, exdir = NULL,
                        verbose = FALSE, flags = ZMQ.SR()$BLOCK,
                        ctx = NULL, socket = NULL)
  if (is.null(socket))
    if (is.null(ctx))
      ctx <- zmq.ctx.new()
      ctx.destroy <- TRUE
      ctx.destroy <- FALSE

    socket <- zmq.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ST()$PULL)
    socket.close <- TRUE

    endpoint <- address(endpoint, port)
    zmq.connect(socket, endpoint)
    ctx.destroy <- FALSE
    socket.close <- FALSE

  type = attr(socket, "type")
  if (is.null(type))
    stop("unable to determine socket type")
  else if (type != ZMQ.ST()$PULL && type != ZMQ.ST()$REP && type != ZMQ.ST()$REQ)
    stop("socket type must be one of PULL, REP, or REQ (matching PUSH, REQ, and REP respectively in zmq.sendfile())")

  if (is.null(outfile))
    outfile <- tempfile()

  ret <- zmq.recvfile(port, endpoint, outfile, verbose = verbose,
                      flags = flags, forcebin = TRUE,
                      ctx = ctx, socket = socket)

  if (!is.null(exdir))
    unzip(outfile, exdir = exdir)

  if (socket.close || ctx.destroy)

  if (ctx.destroy)
  invisible(list(ret = ret, outfile = outfile))

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pbdZMQ documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:36 p.m.