Man pages for pdfCluster
Cluster Analysis via Nonparametric Density Estimation

adj.rand.indexAdjusted Rand index
dbsDensity-based silhouette information methods
dbs-classClass "dbs"
groupsExtracts groups
h.normNormal optimal choice of smoothing parameter in density...
hprop2fSample smoothing parameters in adaptive density estimation
kepdfKernel estimate of a probability density function.
kepdf-classClass "kepdf"
oliveoilOlive oil data
pdfClassificationClassification of low density data
pdfClusterClustering via nonparametric density estimation
pdfCluster-classClass "pdfCluster"
pdfCluster-packageThe pdfCluster package: summary information
plot.dbsPlot objects of class dbs
plot.kepdfPlot objects of class kepdf
plot-methodsMethods for function plot
plot.pdfClusterPlot objects of class pdfCluster
show-methodsMethods for Function show
summary-methodsMethods for Function summary
wineWine data
pdfCluster documentation built on Dec. 2, 2022, 5:14 p.m.