plot-methods: Methods for function plot

plot-methodsR Documentation

Methods for function plot


Methods for functions plot aimed at graphically displaying the S4 classes included in the pdfCluster-package.


signature(x = "kepdf", y = "ANY")

S4 method for plotting objects of kepdf-class. See plot,kepdf-method for further details.

signature(x = "dbs", y = "missing")

S4 method for plotting objects of kepdf-class. See plot,dbs-method for further details.

signature(x = "pdfCluster", y = "missing")

S4 method for plotting objects of pdfCluster-class. See plot,pdfCluster-method for further details.

See Also

plot,dbs-method, plot,kepdf-method, plot,pdfCluster-method

pdfCluster documentation built on Dec. 2, 2022, 5:14 p.m.