
test_that("empty marker (with mutations) give likelihood 1", {
  x = nuclearPed(1)
  m = marker(x, alleles=1:3, mutmod = "random")
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m), 1)

test_that("nuclear - foundersOnly - mutation", {
  x = nuclearPed(1)
  p = 0.1; q = 1-p

  m1 = marker(x, '1'=1, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q), mutmod="ra")
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m1), p^2)

  m2 = marker(x, '1'=1:2, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q), mutmod="ra")
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m2), 2*p*q)

  m3 = marker(x, '1'=1, '2'=1:2, alleles=1:3, afreq=c(p,q,0), mutmod="ra")
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m3), p^2*2*p*q)


test_that("trio - someTyped - mutation", {
  x = nuclearPed(1)
  p = 0.9; q = 1-p

  m1 = marker(x, '1'=1, '2'=1, '3'=2,  afreq=c('1'=p,'2'=q), mutmod="eq", rate=0.1)
  rr = mutmod(m1)$male[1,2]
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m1), p^4 * rr^2)

  m2 = marker(x, '1'=1, '3'=2,  afreq=c('1'=p,'2'=q), mutmod="pr", rate=0.1)
  rr = mutmod(m2)$male[1,2]
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m2), p^2 * q * rr)

test_that("likelihoods are correct in trio SNP examples", {
  x = nuclearPed(1)
  p = 0.2; q = 1 - p

  # All heterozygous
  m1 = marker(x, '1'=1:2, '2'=1:2, '3'=1:2, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m1), 2*p^2*q^2)

  # Same, without mom
  m2 = marker(x, '1'=1:2, '3'=1:2, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m2), p*q)

test_that("likelihoods are correct in sibling SNP example", {
  x = nuclearPed(2)
  p = 0.2; q = 1 - p

  # Both homozygous
  m = marker(x, '3'=2, '4'=2, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m), 1/4*q^2*(1+q)^2)

test_that("likelihoods are correct in 3 generat. SNP example", {
  x = nuclearPed(1)
  x = addParents(x, 1)
  x = addParents(x, 2)
  p = 0.2; q = 1 - p

    # Both homozygous
  m = marker(x, '4'=1:2, '7'=1:2, '3'=1:2, alleles=1:2, afreq=c(p,q))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m), (2*p*q)^2 * (3/8 + p*q/2))

test_that("loops - mutation", {
  x = fullSibMating(1)
  p = 0.1; q = 0.2; r = 1-p-q

  m1 = marker(x, '5'=1:2, '6'=1:2, alleles=1:3, afreq=c(p,q,r))
  m2 = marker(x, '5'=1:2, '6'=1:2, alleles=1:4, afreq=c(p,q,r/2,r/2))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m1, verbose=F),
               likelihood(x, m2, verbose=F))

  m3 = marker(x, '5'=2, '6'=2, alleles=1:3, afreq=c(p,q,r))
  m4 = marker(x, '5'=2, '6'=2, alleles=4:1, afreq=c(r/2,r/2,q,p))
  expect_equal(likelihood(x, m3, verbose=F),
               likelihood(x, m4, verbose=F))

test_that("ancestral ped - non-stationary mut", {
  mutmat = matrix(c(0,0,1,1), ncol=2, dimnames = list(1:2, 1:2))
  mut = pedmut::mutationModel("custom", matrix = mutmat)

  x = relabel(addParents(linearPed(2), 4, verbose = F), 1:7)
  m = marker(x, '3'=2, '6'=2, alleles=1:2, mutmod=mut)
  # plot(x,m)
  expect_equal(likelihood(x,m), 1)

test_that("lumped mutation model is robust to allele ordering", {
  x = nuclearPed(2)
  m1 = m2 = marker(x, alleles = 1:4, afreq = c(.1,.2,.3,.4),
                   mutmod = "prop", rate = 0.5)
  genotype(m1, '3') = 3:4
  genotype(m2, '3') = 4:3
  expect_identical(likelihood(x, m1), likelihood(x, m2))

  genotype(m1, '3') = 3
  genotype(m1, '4') = 4

  genotype(m2, '3') = 4
  genotype(m2, '4') = 3
  expect_identical(likelihood(x, m1), likelihood(x, m2))

test_that("absorbing mutation model works in likelihood2()", {
  M1 = pedmut::mutationMatrix("custom", matrix = matrix(c(1,1,0,0), ncol = 2), alleles = 1:2)
  M2 = pedmut::mutationMatrix("custom", matrix = matrix(c(0,0,1,1), ncol = 2), alleles = 1:2)
  x = linearPed(2) |>
    addMarker("5" = "1/1", alleles = 1:2, mutmod = M1) |>
    addMarker("5" = "2/2", alleles = 1:2, mutmod = M2)
  # plot(x, marker = 1:2)

  expect_equal(likelihood2(x, 1, 2, rho = 0.25), 1)

  ### X chrom
  y = setChrom(x, marker = 1:2, chrom = 23) |> swapSex(3)
  expect_equal(likelihood2(y, 1, 2, rho = 0.25), 1)

test_that("nontrivial mutation models work in likelihood2()", {
  p = 0.8; q = 1-p
  M = pedmut::mutationMatrix("random", alleles = 1:2, seed = 123)
  x = nuclearPed(1) |>
    addMarker(geno = c("1/1", "1/1", "1/1"), alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(p, q)) |>
    addMarker(geno = c("1/1", "1/1", "2/2"), alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(p, q), mutmod = M)
  # plot(x, marker = 1:2)

  expect_equal(likelihood2(x, 1, 2, rho = 0.25), p^8 * M[1,2]^2)

  y = setMutationModel(x, model = M, marker = 1)
  expect_equal(likelihood2(y, 1, 2, rho = 0.25), p^8 * M[1,2]^2 * M[1,1]^2)

test_that("nontrivial mutation models work on X in likelihood2()", {
  p = 0.8; q = 1-p
  M = pedmut::mutationMatrix("random", alleles = 1:2, seed = 1234)
  x = nuclearPed(1) |>
    addMarker(geno = c(NA, "1/2", "1"), alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(p, q), chrom = 23) |>
    addMarker(geno = c(NA, "1/2", "1"), alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(p, q), chrom = 23, mutmod = M)
  # plot(x, marker = 1:2, labs = NULL)

  rho = 0.2 # irrelevant
  expect_equal(likelihood2(x, 1, 2, rho = rho), (2*p*q)^2 * .25 * (M[1,1] + M[2,1]))
  expect_equal(likelihood2(x, 2, 1, rho = rho), (2*p*q)^2 * .25 * (M[1,1] + M[2,1]))

  # Two sons
  y = x |> addSon(1:2) |> setGenotype(marker = 1, id = 4, geno = "1") |> setGenotype(marker = 2, id = 4, geno = "2")
  # plot(y, marker = 1:2, labs = NULL)

  rho = 0.2; rhob = 1-rho
  ans = (2*p*q)^2 * 1/8 * ((rhob*M[1,1] + rho*M[2,1])*(rhob*M[1,2] + rho*M[2,2]) + (rhob*M[2,1] + rho*M[1,1])*(rhob*M[2,2] + rho*M[1,2]))
  expect_equal(likelihood2(y, 1, 2, rho = rho), ans)
  expect_equal(likelihood2(y, 2, 1, rho = rho), ans)

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