#### Conduct LASSO penalized Meta-Analysis
#### This function conducts Bayesian regularized meta-regression, determining the
#### value of tau2 via cross-validation. This method is not yet validated.
#### @param ... Arguments passed on to other functions.
#### @return A `list` object of class `pma`, with the following structure:
#### ```
#### list(
#### rma # A random effects meta-analysis of class rma
#### lasso # A LASSO-penalized regression model of class cv.glmnet
#### tau2_cv # The residual heterogeneity tau2 based on cross-validation
#### )
#### ```
# @examples
# data("curry")
# df <- curry[c(1:5, 50:55), c("d", "vi", "sex", "age", "donorcode")]
# suppressWarnings({res <- pma(d~., data = df, ntau = 2)})
#### @importMethodsFrom rstan summary
#### @importFrom stats model.matrix na.omit quantile sd
#### @importFrom metafor rma
#### @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
pma <- function(x, ...){
#### @param formula An object of class `formula` (or one that can be coerced to
#### that class), see \code{\link[stats]{lm}}.
#### @param data Either a `data.frame` containing the variables in the model,
#### see \code{\link[stats]{lm}}, or a `list` of multiple imputed `data.frame`s,
#### or an object returned by \code{\link[mice]{mice}}.
#### @param vi Character. Name of the column in the \code{data} that
#### contains the variances of the effect sizes. This column will be removed from
#### the data prior to analysis. Defaults to \code{"vi"}.
#### @param study Character. Name of the column in the
#### \code{data} that contains the study id. Use this when the data includes
#### multiple effect sizes per study. This column can be a vector of integers, or
#### a factor. This column will be removed from the data prior to analysis.
#### See \code{Details} for more information about analyzing dependent data.
#### @param ntau Numeric, the numer of `tau2` values to try during
#### cross-validation.
#### @method pma formula
#### @export
#### @rdname pma
pma.formula <-
vi = "vi",
study = NULL,
ntau = 10,
...) {
cl <-
# Check for complete data
if(anyNA(data)) stop("The function pma() requires complete data.")
# Bookkeeping for columns that should not be in X or Y
data_cleaned <- .pema_prep_dat(data, vi, study)
# Make model matrix
mf <- = FALSE)
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), nomatch = 0L))]
mf[["data"]] <- data_cleaned$data
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- str2lang("stats::model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
Y <- mf[[1]]
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
X <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
if(all(X[,1] == 1)){
intercept <- TRUE
X <- X[, -1, drop = FALSE]
} else {
intercept <- FALSE
cl[names(cl) %in% c("formula", "data")] <- NULL
cl[[1L]] <- str2lang("pema::pma")
cl[["x"]] <- X
cl[["y"]] <- Y
cl[c("vi", "study")] <- data_cleaned[c("vi", "study")]
cl[["intercept"]] <- intercept
cl[["formula"]] <- formula
#### @param x An k x m numeric matrix, where k is the number of effect sizes and m
#### is the number of moderators.
#### @param y A numeric vector of k effect sizes.
#### @param intercept Logical, indicating whether or not an intercept should be included
#### in the model.
#### @method pma default
#### @export
#### @rdname pma
pma.default <-
study = NULL,
ntau = 10,
...) {
X <- x
Y <- y
# Check for complete data
if(anyNA(X) | anyNA(Y)) stop("The function pma() requires complete data.")
# Determine CV folds
nfolds <- 10
foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = length(y)))
} else {
nstudies <- length(unique(study))
if(nstudies < nfolds*20) message("Number of unique studies is small relative to the number of cross-validation folds. Decrease 'nfolds'.")
foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = nstudies))
foldid <- foldid[study]
mf_nomod <- metafor::rma(y, vi)
tau2_max <- mf_nomod$tau2
mf_allmod <- metafor::rma(yi = y, vi = vi, mods = x)
tau2_min <- mf_allmod$tau2
tau_seq <- seq(from = tau2_min, to = tau2_max, length.out = ntau)
wts <- 1/(vi + tau_seq[1])
res <- vector(mode = "list", length = ntau)
res[[1]] <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = X, y = y, weights = wts, keep = TRUE, foldid = foldid)
for(i in 2:ntau){
wts <- 1/(vi + tau_seq[i])
res[[i]] <- cv.glmnet(x = X, y = y, weights = wts, foldid = foldid)
err_min <- sapply(res, function(i){min(i$cvm)})
tau2_cv <- tau_seq[which.min(err_min)]
out <- res[[which.min(err_min)]]
out <- c(out,
rma = mf_nomod,
tau2_cv = tau2_cv,
x = x,
y = y,
vi = vi,
study = study,
foldid = foldid
class(out) <- c("pma", "cv.glmnet")
.pema_prep_dat <- function(data, vi, study){
vi_column <- NULL
study_column <- NULL
if(inherits(vi, "character")){
vi_column <- vi
vi <- data[[vi]]
data[[vi_column]] <- NULL
if(inherits(study, "character")){
if(!study %in% names(data)) stop("Argument 'study' is not a column of 'data'.")
study_column <- study
cl[["study"]] <- data[[study]]
data[[study_column]] <- NULL
} else {
if(!length(study) == nrow(data)){
stop("Argument 'study' must be a character string referencing a column in 'data', or a vector of study IDs with length equal to the number of rows in 'data'.")
return(list(vi = vi, study = study, data = data))
#### Convert an object to cv.glmnet
#### Create a `cv.glmnet` object from an object for which a method exists,
#### so that all methods for `cv.glmnet` objects can be used.
#### @param x An object for which a method exists.
#### @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#### @return An object of class `cv.glmnet`,
#### as documented in [glmnet::cv.glmnet()].
#### @export
#### @examples
#### x <- "a"
#### converted <- <- function(x, ...){
UseMethod("", x)
#### @method pma
#### @export <- function(x, ...){
out <- x[["lasso"]]
class(out) <- c(class(out), "pma_cv_glmnet")
attr(out, "tau2_cv") <- x$tau2_cv
attr(out, "tau2") <- x$rma$tau2
#### @method character
#### @export <- function(x, ...){
class(x) <- c("cv.glmnet", "character")
#### @method predict pma
#### @export
predict.pma <- function(object, newdata, s = "lambda.min", ...){
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <- quote(predict)
cl[["object"]] <-
names(cl)[names(cl) == "newdata"] <- "newx"
#### @method predict pma
#### @export
predict.pma <- function(object, newdata = NULL, s = "lambda.min", ...){
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <- quote(predict)
class(object) <- "cv.glmnet"
cl[["object"]] <- object
cl[["s"]] <- s
cl[["newdata"]] <- object$x
names(cl)[names(cl) == "newdata"] <- "newx"
#### @method coef pma
#### @export
coef.pma <- function(object, s = "lambda.min", ...){
cl <-
cl[[1L]] <- quote(coef)
class(object) <- "cv.glmnet"
cl[["object"]] <- object
cl[["s"]] <- s
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