
Defines functions computeLifetimeFrequencies computeItemFrequencies timesPerLifetime timesPerInterval

Documented in computeItemFrequencies computeLifetimeFrequencies timesPerInterval timesPerLifetime

#' @title
#' Frequency Per Duration.
#' @description
#' Estimate frequency of a behavior for a particular duration.
#' @details
#' Estimates the frequency of a given behavior for a particular duration, given
#' a specified number of times it occurred during a specified interval.
#' @param num_occurrences The number of times the behavior occurred during the
#' specified interval, \code{interval}.
#' @param interval The specified interval corresponding to the number of times
#' the behavior occurred \code{num_occurrences}.
#' @param duration The desired duration during which to estimate how many times
#' the behavior occurred:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{1} = average number of times per day
#'   \item \code{2} = average number of times per week
#'   \item \code{3} = number of times in the past month
#'   \item \code{4} = number of times in the past year
#' }
#' @param not_occurred_past_year Whether or not the behavior did NOT occur in
#' the past year. If \code{yes}, the behavior did not occur in the past year.
#' @param never_occurred Whether or not the behavior has NEVER occurred in
#' the person's lifetime. If \code{yes}, the behavior has never occurred in the
#' person's lifetime.
#' @param item_names The names of the questionnaire items.
#' @param data The data object.
#' @param frequency_vars The name(s) of the variables corresponding to the
#' number of occurrences (\code{num_occurrences}).
#' @param interval_vars The name(s) of the variables corresponding to the
#' intervals (\code{interval}).
#' @param not_in_past_year_vars The name(s) of the variables corresponding to
#' whether the behavior did not occur in the past year
#' (\code{not_occurred_past_year}).
#' @param never_occurred_vars The name(s) of the variables corresponding to
#' whether the behavior has never occurred during the person's lifetime
#' (\code{never_occurred}).
#' @return
#' The frequency of the behavior for the specified duration.
#' @family behaviorFrequency
#' @examples
#' timesPerInterval(
#'   num_occurrences = 2,
#'   interval = 3,
#'   duration = "month",
#'   not_occurred_past_year = 0
#' )
#' timesPerInterval(
#'   duration = "month",
#'   not_occurred_past_year = 1
#' )
#' timesPerLifetime(
#'   num_occurrences = 2,
#'   never_occurred = 0
#' )
#' timesPerLifetime(
#'   never_occurred = 1
#' )

#' @rdname frequencyPerDuration
#' @export
timesPerInterval <- function(num_occurrences = NULL, interval = NULL, duration = "month", not_occurred_past_year = NULL) {
  if(missing(num_occurrences) | is.null(num_occurrences)){
    num_occurrences <- rep(NA, length(not_occurred_past_year))

  if(missing(interval) | is.null(interval)){
    interval <- rep(NA, length(not_occurred_past_year))

  if(missing(not_occurred_past_year) | is.null(not_occurred_past_year)){
    not_occurred_past_year <- rep(NA, length(num_occurrences))

  valid_intervals <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

  ifelse_valid <- function(condition, yes, no) {
    ifelse(is.na(condition) | !condition, no, yes)

  interval_days <- ifelse_valid(
    interval == 1, 1,
    ifelse_valid(interval == 2, 7, ifelse_valid(interval == 3, 30, ifelse_valid(interval == 4, 365.25, NA)))

  duration_days <- switch(
    "day" = 1,
    "week" = 7,
    "month" = 30,
    "year" = 365.25

  interval_occurrences <- ifelse(
    ((is.na(num_occurrences) | is.na(interval)) & (not_occurred_past_year == 0 | is.na(not_occurred_past_year))) | (!is.na(num_occurrences) & num_occurrences < 0), NA,
      is.na(not_occurred_past_year), num_occurrences * (duration_days / interval_days),
        not_occurred_past_year == 1, 0, num_occurrences * (duration_days / interval_days))))

  interval_occurrences <- as.numeric(interval_occurrences)


#' @rdname frequencyPerDuration
#' @export
timesPerLifetime <- function(num_occurrences = NULL, never_occurred = NULL) {
  if(missing(num_occurrences) | is.null(num_occurrences)){
    num_occurrences <- rep(NA, length(never_occurred))

  if(missing(never_occurred) | is.null(never_occurred)){
    never_occurred <- rep(NA, length(num_occurrences))

  lifetime_occurrences <- ifelse(
    (is.na(num_occurrences) & never_occurred == 0) | (!is.na(num_occurrences) & num_occurrences < 0), NA,
      is.na(never_occurred), num_occurrences,
      ifelse(never_occurred == 1, 0, num_occurrences)))

  lifetime_occurrences <- as.numeric(lifetime_occurrences)


#' @rdname frequencyPerDuration
#' @export
computeItemFrequencies <- function(item_names, data, duration = "month", frequency_vars, interval_vars, not_in_past_year_vars) {
  # Define a function to apply to each item
  processItem <- function(item_name, data, duration, frequency_var, interval_var, not_in_past_year_var) {
    results <- timesPerInterval(
      num_occurrences = data[[frequency_var]],
      interval = data[[interval_var]],
      not_occurred_past_year = data[[not_in_past_year_var]]


  # Use mapply to apply the processItem function to each item
  results_list <- mapply(
    item_name = item_names,
    data = list(data), # wrap data in a list
    frequency_var = frequency_vars,
    interval_var = interval_vars,
    not_in_past_year_var = not_in_past_year_vars)

  # Convert the list of results into a dataframe
  results_df <- as.data.frame(results_list)

  # Rename columns based on item names
  colnames(results_df) <- item_names


#' @rdname frequencyPerDuration
#' @export
computeLifetimeFrequencies <- function(item_names, data, frequency_vars, never_occurred_vars) {
  # Define a function to apply to each item
  processItem <- function(item_name, data, frequency_var, never_occurred_var) {
    results <- timesPerLifetime(
      num_occurrences = data[[frequency_var]],
      never_occurred = data[[never_occurred_var]]


  # Use mapply to apply the processItem function to each item
  results_list <- mapply(
    item_name = item_names,
    data = list(data), # wrap data in a list
    frequency_var = frequency_vars,
    never_occurred_var = never_occurred_vars)

  # Convert the list of results into a dataframe
  results_df <- as.data.frame(results_list)

  # Rename columns based on item names
  colnames(results_df) <- item_names


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petersenlab documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:34 a.m.