
Defines functions split_energy_irradiance

Documented in split_energy_irradiance

#' Energy irradiance for split spectrum regions
#' This function returns the energy irradiance for a series of contiguous
#' wavebands from a radiation-source spectrum. The returned values can be either
#' absolute or relative to their sum.
#' @param w.length numeric vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param s.irrad numeric vector of spectral (energy or photon) irradiance values
#'   (W m-2 nm-1) or (mol s-1 m-2 nm-1).
#' @param cut.w.length numeric vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param unit.in character string with allowed values "energy", and "photon",
#'   or its alias "quantum".
#' @param scale character string indicating the scale used for the returned
#'   values ("absolute", "relative", "percent").
#' @param check.spectrum logical indicating whether to sanity check input data,
#'   default is TRUE.
#' @param use.cached.mult logical Flag indicating whether multiplier values
#'   should be cached between calls.
#' @param use.hinges logical Flag indicating whether to insert "hinges" into the
#'   spectral data before integration so as to reduce interpolation errors at
#'   the boundaries of the wavebands.
#' @return a numeric vector of irradiances with no change in scale factor: [W
#'   m-2 nm-1] -> [W m-2] or [mol s-1 m-2] -> [W m-2] or relative values
#'   (fraction of one) if scale = "relative" or scale = "percent".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' with(sun.data,
#'      split_energy_irradiance(w.length, s.e.irrad,
#'                              cut.w.length = c(300, 400, 500, 600, 700)))
#' @note The last three parameters control speed optimizations. The defaults
#'   should be suitable in most cases. If you set \code{check.spectrum=FALSE}
#'   then you should call \code{\link{check_spectrum}} at least once for your
#'   spectrum before using any of the other functions. If you will use
#'   repeatedly the same SWFs on many spectra measured at exactly the same
#'   wavelengths you may obtain some speed up by setting
#'   \code{use.cached.mult=TRUE}. However, be aware that you are responsible for
#'   ensuring that the wavelengths are the same in each call, as the only test
#'   done is for the length of the \code{w.length} vector.
#' @family low-level functions operating on numeric vectors.
split_energy_irradiance <-
  function(w.length, s.irrad,
           cut.w.length = range(w.length),
           unit.in = "energy",
           scale = "absolute",
           check.spectrum = TRUE,
           use.cached.mult = FALSE,
           use.hinges = getOption("photobiology.use.hinges", default = NULL) )
    split_irradiance(w.length, s.irrad,
                     cut.w.length = cut.w.length,
                     unit.out = "energy",
                     unit.in = unit.in,
                     scale = scale,
                     check.spectrum = check.spectrum,
                     use.cached.mult = use.cached.mult,
                     use.hinges = use.hinges)

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photobiology documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:14 p.m.