Man pages for photobiologyPlants
Plant Photobiology Related Functions and Data

Betula_ermanii.mspctSpectral data for 'Betula ermanii' leaves
B_GCalculate B:G photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
carotenoids.mspctAbsorbance spectra for carotenoids.
chlorophylls_fluorescence.mspctFluorescence emission spectra for chlorophylls.
chlorophylls.mspctAbsorbance spectra for chlorophylls.
CRYs.mspctCRY1, CRY2 and CRY3 absorbance spectra.
McCree_photosynthesis.mspctMcCree's action spectra for whole-leaf photosynthesis.
Pfr_P_ratioCalculation of Pfr:Ptot ratio from spectral irradiance
Pfr_P_ratio_monoCalculation of Pfr:Ptot ratio for monochromatic radiation.
Pfr_PtotCalculate phytochrome photoequilibrium
Pfr_Ptot_R_FRPr:Ptot ratio (photoequilibrium) from R:FR photon ratio.
photobiologyPlants-packagephotobiologyPlants: Plant Photobiology Related Functions and...
PHOTs.mspctPHOT1 and PHOT2 absorbance spectra.
Phy_reaction_ratesPhytochrome reaction rates
Phy_SigmaPhytochrome Sigma as a function of wavelength
Phy_Sigma_FRPfr Sigma as a function of wavelength
Phy_Sigma_RPr Sigma as a function of wavelength
PHYs.mspctTabulated data for Phytochrome Sigma
R_FRCalculate R:FR photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
Solidago_altissima.mspctSpectral optical data for 'Solidago altissima' leaves
UVA1_UVCalculate UVA1:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVA2_UVCalculate UVA2:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVAlw_UVCalculate UVAlw:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVA_PARCalculate UVA:PAR photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVAsw_UVCalculate UVAsw:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVA_UVCalculate UVA:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVB_PARCalculate UVB:PAR photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVB_UVCalculate UVB:UV photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UV_PARCalculate UV:PAR photon ratio from spectral irradiance.
UVR8s.mspctUVR8 absorbance spectrum
ZTLs.mspctZTL absorbance spectra.
photobiologyPlants documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:08 p.m.