file_size: Calculate file size

View source: R/file_size.R

file_sizeR Documentation

Calculate file size


file_size takes a filepath and an optional regular expression pattern. It returns the size of all files within that directory which match the given pattern.


file_size(filepath = getwd(), pattern = NULL)



A character string denoting a filepath. Defaults to the working directory, getwd().


An optional character string denoting a regular expression() pattern. Only file names which match the regular expression will be returned. See the See Also section for resources regarding how to write regular expressions.


The sizes of files with certain extensions are returned with the type of file prefixed. For example, the size of a 12 KB .xlsx file is returned as ⁠Excel 12 KB⁠. The complete list of explicitly catered-for file extensions and their prefixes are as follows:

  • .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm and .xlsx files are prefixed with Excel

  • .csv files are prefixed with CSV

  • .sav and .zsav files are prefixed with SPSS

  • .doc, .docm and .docx files are prefixed with Word

  • .rds files are prefixed with RDS

  • .txt files are prefixed with Text,

  • .fst files are prefixed with FST,

  • .pdf files are prefixed with PDF,

  • .tsv files are prefixed with TSV,

  • .html files are prefixed with HTML,

  • .ppt, .pptm and .pptx files are prefixed with PowerPoint,

  • .md files are prefixed with Markdown

Files with extensions not contained within this list will have their size returned with no prefix. To request that a certain extension be explicitly catered for, please create an issue on GitHub.

File sizes are returned as the appropriate multiple of the unit byte (bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), etc.). Each multiple is taken to be 1,024 units of the preceding denomination.


A tibble::tibble() listing the names of files within filepath which match pattern and their respective sizes. The column names of this tibble are name and size. If no pattern is specified, file_size returns the names and sizes of all files within filepath. File names and sizes are returned in alphabetical order of file name. Sub-folders contained within filepath will return a file size of ⁠0 B⁠.

If filepath is an empty folder, or pattern matches no files within filepath, file_size returns NULL.

See Also

For more information on using regular expressions, see this Jumping Rivers blog post and this vignette from the stringr() package.


# Name and size of all files in working directory

# Name and size of .xlsx files only in working directory
file_size(pattern = "\\.xlsx$")

# Size only of alphabetically first file in working directory
file_size() %>%
  dplyr::pull(size) %>%

phsmethods documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:41 a.m.