game_systems: Standard game systems

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game_systemsR Documentation

Standard game systems


game_systems returns a list of pp_cfg objects representing several game systems and pieces. to_subpack and to_hexpack will attempt to generate matching (piecepack stackpack) subpack and (piecepack) hexpack pp_cfg R6 objects respectively given a piecepack configuration.


game_systems(style = NULL, round = FALSE, pawn = "token")

to_hexpack(cfg = getOption("piecepackr.cfg", pp_cfg()))

to_subpack(cfg = getOption("piecepackr.cfg", pp_cfg()))



If NULL (the default) uses suit glyphs from the default “sans” font. If "dejavu" it will use suit glyphs from the "DejaVu Sans" font (must be installed on the system).


If TRUE the “shape” of “tiles” and “cards” will be “roundrect” instead of “rect” (the default).


If "token" (default) the piecepack pawn will be a two-sided token in a “halma” outline, if "peg-doll" the piecepack pawn will be a “peg doll” style pawn, and if "joystick" the piecepack pawn will be a “joystick” style pawn. Note for the latter two pawn styles only pawn_top will work with grid.piece.


List of configuration options


Contains the following game systems:


Boards and pieces in six color schemes for Alquerque

checkers1, checkers2

Checkers and checkered boards in six color schemes. Checkers are represented by a piecepackr “bit”. The “board” “face” is a checkered board and the “back” is a lined board. Color is controlled by suit and number of rows/columns by rank. checkers1 has one inch squares and checkers2 has two inch squares.

chess1, chess2

Chess pieces, boards, and dice in six color schemes. Chess pieces are represented by a “bit” (face). The “board” “face” is a checkered board and the “back” is a lined board. Color is controlled by suit and number of rows/columns by rank. chess1 has one inch squares and chess2 has two inch squares. Currently uses print-and-play style discs instead of 3D Staunton chess pieces.


Traditional six-sided pipped dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit).

dice_d4, dice_numeral, dice_d8, dice_d10, dice_d10_percentile, dice_d12, dice_d20

Polyhedral dice most commonly used to play wargames, roleplaying games, and trading card games:


Four-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Tetrahedrons with the rank as a numeral at the top point.


Six-sided dice with numerals instead of pips in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit).


Eight-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Octahedrons with the rank as a numeral at the top face.


Ten-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Pentagonal trapezohedrons with the rank as a numeral at the top face. The rank of ten is represented by a zero.


Ten-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Pentagonal trapezohedrons with the rank as a numeral followed by a zero at the top face. The rank of ten is represented by a zero.


Twelve-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Dodecahedrons with the rank as a numeral at the top face.


Twenty-sided dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). Icosahedrons with the rank as a numeral at the top face.


“Fudge” dice in six color schemes (color controlled by their suit). “Fudge” dice have three ranks "+", " ", and "-" repeated twice.

dominoes, dominoes_black, dominoes_blue, dominoes_green, dominoes_red, dominoes_white, dominoes_yellow

Traditional pipped dominoes in six color schemes (dominoes and dominoes_white are the same). In each color scheme the number of pips on the “top” of the domino is controlled by their “rank” and on the “bottom” by their “suit”. Supports up to double-18 sets.

dominoes_chinese, dominoes_chinese_black

dominoes_chinese has Asian-style six-sided pipped dice with white background and black and red pips. The “tile”'s are Chinese dominoes (1" x 2.5") whose number of pips are controlled by both their “rank” and their “suit”. dominoes_chinese_black are like dominoes_chinese but the dice and dominoes have a black background and white and red pips.


Go stones and lined boards in six color schemes. Go stones are represented by a “bit” and the board is a “board”. Color is controlled by suit and number of rows/columns by rank.


Standard 16mm x 16mm x 10mm “meeples” in six colors represented by a “bit”.


Various morris aka mills aka merels games in six colors. Color is controlled by suit and “size” of morris board is controlled by rank e.g. “Six men's morris” corresponds to a rank of 6 and “Nine men's morris” corresponds to a rank of 9. Game pieces are represented by stones.

piecepack, dual_piecepacks_expansion, playing_cards_expansion, hexpack, subpack, piecepack_inverted

The piecepack is a public domain game system invented by James "Kyle" Droscha. See for more info about the piecepack and its accessories/expansions.


A standard piecepack. The configuration also contains the following piecepack accessories:

piecepack dice cards

An accessory proposed by John Braley. See

piecepack matchsticks

A public domain accessory developed by Dan Burkey. See

piecepack pyramids

A public domain accessory developed by Tim Schutz. See

piecepack saucers

A public domain accessory developed by Karol M. Boyle at Mesomorph Games. See


The standard piecepack with its color scheme inverted. Intended to aid in highlighting special pieces in diagrams.


A companion piecepack with a special suit scheme. See


A piecepack with the standard “French” playing card suits. See


A hexagonal extrapolation of the piecepack designed by Nathan Morse and Daniel Wilcox. See


A mini piecepack. Designed to be used with the piecepack to make piecepack “stackpack” diagrams. See

playing_cards, playing_cards_colored, playing_cards_tarot

Poker-sized card components for various playing card decks:


A traditional deck of playing cards with 4 suits and 13 ranks (A, 2-10, J, Q, K) plus a 14th “Joker” rank.


Like playing_cards but with five colored suits: red hearts, black spades, green clubs, blue diamonds, and yellow stars.


A (French Bourgeois) deck of tarot playing cards: first four suits are hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds with 14 ranks (ace through jack, knight, queen, king) plus a 15th “Joker” rank and a fifth "suit" of 22 trump cards (1-21 plus an “excuse”).


Boards and pieces for Reversi. "board_face" provides lined boards with colored backgrounds. "board_back" provides checkered boards. "bit_face" / "bit_back" provides circular game tokens with differently colored sides: red paired with green, black paired with white, and blue paired with yellow.

See Also

pp_cfg for information about the pp_cfg objects returned by game_systems.


cfgs <- game_systems(pawn = "joystick")

# May take more than 5 seconds on CRAN servers
# standard dice, meeples, and joystick pawns
if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE) && piecepackr:::device_supports_unicode()) {
   opt <- options( = FALSE)
   dice <-  c("d4", "numeral", "d8", "d10", "d12", "d20")
   cfg <- paste0("dice_", dice)
   grid.piece("die_face", suit = c(1:6, 1), rank = 1:6,
              cfg = cfg, envir = cfgs, x = 1:6, y = 1,
              default.units = "in", op_scale = 0.5)
   grid.piece("die_face", rank=1:6, suit=1:6,
              x=1:6, y=2, default.units="in",
              op_scale=0.5, cfg=cfgs$dice)
   grid.piece("bit_face", suit=1:6,
              x=1:6, y=3, default.units="in",
              op_scale=0.5, cfg=cfgs$meeple)
   grid.piece("pawn_top", suit=1:6,
              x=1:6, y=4, default.units="in",
              op_scale=0.5, cfg=cfgs$piecepack)

# dominoes
if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
   colors <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "white")
   cfg <- paste0("dominoes_", rep(colors, 2))
   grid.piece("tile_face",  suit=1:12, rank=1:12+1,
              cfg=cfg, envir=cfgs,
              x=rep(6:1, 2), y=rep(2*2:1, each=6),
              default.units="in", op_scale=0.5)
# piecepack "playing card expansion"
if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE) && piecepackr:::device_supports_unicode()) {
   df_tiles <- data.frame(piece_side="tile_back",
                          x=0.5+c(3,1,3,1), y=0.5+c(3,3,1,1),
                          suit=NA, angle=NA, z=1/8,
   df_coins <- data.frame(piece_side="coin_back",
                          x=rep(4:1, 4), y=rep(4:1, each=4),
                          angle=rep(c(180,0), each=8), z=1/4+1/16,
   df <- rbind(df_tiles, df_coins)
   pmap_piece(df, cfg = cfgs$playing_cards_expansion, op_scale=0.5,

piecepackr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:09 p.m.