

test_that("PIVOT construction", {
    con <- dbplyr::simulate_mssql()
    src <- dbplyr::src_dbi(con)

    pivot.base <- 
        list( x = ident('##long')
            , vars  = c("Species", "Variable", "Value")
            ) %>% structure(class=c('op_base_remote', 'op_base', 'op'))
    db_long <- structure( list( src = src
                              , ops = pivot.base
        , class = c('tbl_dbi', 'tbl_sql', 'tbl_lazy', 'tbl'))

    grouped <- group_by(db_long, Variable)

    wide <- pivot(grouped, Species, mean(Value, na.rm=TRUE), Length = Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
    expect_is(wide, 'tbl_sql')
    expect_identical(wide$src, src)
    expect_identical(wide$ops$x, grouped$ops)
    expect_is(wide$ops, 'op_pivot')
    expect_equal(wide$ops$dots, quos(Length = Petal.Length, Petal.Width))
    expect_equal(wide$ops$args$key, quo(Species))
    expect_equal(wide$ops$args$value, quo(mean(Value, na.rm=TRUE)))
    expect_equal(op_vars(wide), c('Variable', 'Length', 'Petal.Width'))

    expect_equal( levels_op_pivot(wide$ops)
                , c(Length = 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')

    pivot.built <- sql_build(wide)
    expect_is(pivot.built, 'pivot_query')
    expect_is(pivot.built, 'query')
    expect_identical(pivot.built$from  , ident('##long'))
    expect_identical(pivot.built$key   , ident('Species'))
    expect_identical(pivot.built$value , quo(mean(Value, na.rm=TRUE)))
    expect_identical(pivot.built$levels, ident(c('Length'='Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width')))
    expect_identical(pivot.built$select, ident(c('Variable'='Variable')))

    pivot.sql <- sql_render(wide)
    expect_is(pivot.sql, 'sql')
    expect_is(pivot.sql, 'character')
    expect_equal(length(pivot.sql), 1)

        sql(paste( 'SELECT "Variable", "Petal.Length" AS "Length", "Petal.Width"'
                 , 'FROM "##long"'
                 , 'PIVOT ('
                 , '    AVG("Value")'
                 , '    FOR "Species" IN ("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")'
                 , ') AS "mean_Value__na_rm___TRUE_"'
                 , sep='\n'))
test_that("PIVOT warnings and errors", {
    con <- dbplyr::simulate_mssql()
    src <- dbplyr::src_dbi(con)

    pivot.base <- 
        list( x = ident('##long')
            , vars  = c("Species", "Variable", "Value")
            ) %>% structure(class=c('op_base_remote', 'op_base', 'op'))
    db_long <- structure( list( src = src
                              , ops = pivot.base
        , class = c('tbl_dbi', 'tbl_sql', 'tbl_lazy', 'tbl'))
        sql_pivot_MSSQLServer( con, ident('##test'), ident(), ident('Key')
                             , quo(Value), ident(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
                             , ident('Key'), fill=0L
    }, 'Microsoft SQL Server Pivot Query requires an aggregate function.')
        sql_pivot_MSSQLServer( con, ident('##test')
                             , ident()
                             , ident('Key')
                             , quo(Max(Value)), ident(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
                             , order_by = 1
                             , fill=0L
    }, 'order_by is not a character vector')
        sql_pivot_MSSQLServer( con, ident('##test')
                             , ident()
                             , ident('Key')
                             , quo(Max(Value)), ident(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
                             , order_by = character(0)
                             , fill=0L
    }, 'length\\(order_by\\) not greater than 0')
test_that("PIVOT with nested select", {
    con <- dbplyr::simulate_mssql()
    src <- dbplyr::src_dbi(con)

    pivot.base <- 
        list( x = ident('##iris')
            , vars  = tbl_vars(datasets::iris)
            ) %>% structure(class=c('op_base_remote', 'op_base', 'op'))
    db_iris <- structure( list( src = src
                              , ops = pivot.base
        , class = c('tbl_dbi', 'tbl_sql', 'tbl_lazy', 'tbl'))
    result <- pivot(db_iris, Species, mean(Petal.Length, na.rm=TRUE), versicolor, virginica)  
    expect_is(result, 'tbl_sql')
    built <- sql_build(result)
    expect_is(built, 'pivot_query')
    expect_is(built$from, 'select_query')
    expect_equal(built$from$from, ident('##iris'))
test_that("pivot.data.frame", {
    result1 <- pivot(iris, Species, mean(Petal.Length))
    expect_is(result1, 'tbl')
    expect_is(result1, 'data.frame')
    expect_equal(tbl_vars(result1), c('setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica')) 
    expect_equal(nrow(result1), 1)
    result2 <- 
        iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% 
        summarise_all(mean) %>% 
        pivot(Species, Petal.Length)
    expect_is(result2, 'tbl')
    expect_is(result2, 'data.frame')
    expect_identical(result1, result2)

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pivot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:02 p.m.