
Defines functions rcb_init

#' Build package in the background
#' This R6 class is a counterpart of the [build()] function, and
#' represents a background process that builds an R package.
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' bp <- pkgbuild_process$new(path = ".", dest_path = NULL,
#'          binary = FALSE, vignettes = TRUE, manual = FALSE, args = NULL)
#' bp$get_dest_path()
#' ```
#' Other methods are inherited from [callr::rcmd_process] and
#' `processx::process`.
#' @section Arguments:
#' See the corresponding arguments of [build()].
#' @section Details:
#' Most methods are inherited from [callr::rcmd_process] and
#' `processx::process`.
#' `bp$get_dest_path()` returns the path to the built package.
#' @section Examples:
#' ```
#' ## Here we are just waiting, but in a more realistic example, you
#' ## would probably run some other code instead...
#' bp <- pkgbuild_process$new("mypackage", dest_path = tempdir())
#' bp$is_alive()
#' bp$get_pid()
#' bp$wait()
#' bp$read_all_output_lines()
#' bp$read_all_error_lines()
#' bp$get_exit_status()
#' bp$get_dest_path()
#' ```
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @name pkgbuild_process

#' @export

pkgbuild_process <- R6Class(
  inherit = callr::rcmd_process,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(path = ".", dest_path = NULL, binary = FALSE,
                          vignettes = TRUE, manual = FALSE, clean_doc = NULL,
                          args = NULL, needs_compilation = pkg_has_src(path),
                          compile_attributes = FALSE,
                          register_routines = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
        self, private, super, path, dest_path, binary, vignettes,
        manual, clean_doc, args, needs_compilation, compile_attributes,
        register_routines, quiet
    finalize = function() {
    is_incomplete_error = function() FALSE,
    read_all_error = function() "",
    read_all_error_lines = function() character(),
    read_error = function(n = -1) "",
    read_error_lines = function(n = -1) character(),
    get_dest_path = function() private$dest_path,
    get_built_file = function() {
      if (self$is_alive()) stop("Still alive")
      if (self$get_exit_status() != 0) stop("Build process failed")

      ## Already copied?
      if (!is.null(private$out_file)) {

      ## No, copy, and remove temp dir, order is important here!
      file_name <- dir(private$out_dir)
      tmp_file <- file.path(private$out_dir, file_name)
      file.copy(tmp_file, private$dest_path, overwrite = TRUE)
      private$out_file <- file.path(private$dest_path, file_name)
      unlink(private$out_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    kill = function(...) {
  private = list(
    path = NULL,
    dest_path = NULL,
    out_dir = NULL,
    out_file = NULL,
    makevars_file = NULL

rcb_init <- function(self, private, super, path, dest_path, binary,
                     vignettes, manual, clean_doc, args, needs_compilation,
                     compile_attributes, register_routines, quiet) {
  options <- build_setup(
    path, dest_path, binary, vignettes, manual, clean_doc,
    args, needs_compilation, compile_attributes,
    register_routines, quiet

  private$path <- options$path
  private$dest_path <- options$dest_path
  private$out_dir <- options$out_dir
  private$makevars_file <- tempfile()

  ## Build tools already checked in setup

  withr_set_makevars(compiler_flags(debug = FALSE), new_path = private$makevars_file)
    c("R_MAKEVARS_USER" = private$makevars_file), {
      options <- callr::rcmd_process_options(
        cmd = options$cmd,
        cmdargs = c(options$path, options$args),
        wd = options$out_dir,
        stderr = "2>&1"



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pkgbuild documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:18 p.m.