
Defines functions fitacis2

Documented in fitacis2

#' Fit A-Ci curves with custom kinetics
#' @param data data frame with A/Ci curves. Requires net CO2 assimilation
#' (Anet/Photo/ALEAF in umol m-2 s-1), leaf temperature (Tleaf in Celsius),
#' intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci, in umol mol-1), incident irradiance
#' on the leaf (PPFD/PARi in umol m-2 s-1), atmospheric pressure (Patm/Press
#' in kPa), and (optional, set useRd = TRUE for this option) respiration
#' (Rd, in umol m-2 s-1).
#' @param group1 grouping variable 1, could be species, temperature, ID
#' @param group2 grouping variable 2
#' @param group3 grouping variable 3
#' @param gm25 mesophyll conductance at 25 Celsius in mol m-2 s-1 bar-1
#' @param Egm activation energy of mesophyll conductance in kJ mol-1
#' @param K25 Km in 21% O2 (aka Kcair, aka apparent Km in 21% O2) at 25 Celsius
#' in umol mol-1 (equivalent to ubar bar-1)
#' @param Ek activation energy of Kcair in kJ mol-1
#' @param Gstar25 photorespiratory CO2 compensation point at 25 Celsius in
#' umol mol-1 (equivalent to ubar bar-1)
#' @param Egamma activation energy of GammaStar in kJ mol-1
#' @param fitmethod Set to either "bilinear" or "default". Default option
#' in this package is "default". See ?fitaci in plantecophys for more
#' details.
#' @param fitTPU Should TPU limitations be fit? Set to TRUE/FALSE. See
#' ?fitaci in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param Tcorrect Should outputs be temperature corrected? Default here
#' is FALSE. See ?fitaci in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param useRd Should respiration be used? Default is FALSE. See ?fitaci
#' in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param citransition Pre-specify Ci transition point? Units in umol mol-1
#' (ubar bar-1) Default is FALSE. See ?fitaci in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param alphag Fraction of photorespiratory glycolate carbon that is not
#' returned to the chloroplast (von Caemmerer, 2000). If ACi curves show
#' high-CO2 decline, then this value should be > 0. See ?fitaci in plantecophys
#' for more details.
#' @param PPFD Light intensity? Can be retrieved from dataframe. Default is
#' NULL. Units are umol m-2 s-1. See ?fitaci in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param Tleaf Leaf temperature? Can be retrieved from dataframe. Default is
#' NULL. Units are Celsius. See ?fitaci in plantecophys for more details.
#' @param alpha Quantum yield of CO2 assimilation. Default is 0.24. Units are
#' umol CO2 fixed / umol incident photons. See  ?fitaci in plantecophys for
#' more details.
#' @param theta Curvature of the photosynthetic light response. Default is
#' 0.85. If light response has sharper transition, increase up to 1. If light
#' response has shallower curves, decrease towards 0. See ?fitaci in
#' plantecophys for more details.
#' @param varnames Variable names in your dataframe. ALEAF is net CO2
#' assimilation in umol m-2 s-1, Tleaf is leaf temperature in Celsius,
#' Ci is intercellular CO2 concentration in umol mol-1, PPFD is light
#' intensity in umol m-2 s-1, Rd is respiration rate in umol m-2 s-1,
#' and Press is atmospheric pressure in kPa. See ?fitaci in plantecophys
#' for more details.
#' @param ... Further arguments for plantecophys::fitaci(). See ?fitaci for
#' details.
#' @return fitacis2 allows gmeso, GammaStar, and Km to vary with Tleaf.
#' Output matches the fitacis function from plantecophys. Note that the
#' temperature response function of Km is derived from the temperature
#' responses of Ko and Kc in Bernacchi et al.2001, as is the GammaStar
#' temperature response defaults. The gm defaults are from Bernacchi et
#' al. 2002 fitted between 1and 35 Celsius. Also note that this ALWAYS
#' uses gm. To fit data on a "Ci-basis", set gm25 really high (e.g.
#' 10000 mol m-2 s-1 bar-1) and Egm to 0 kJ mol-1.
#' In some instances (e.g. very low stomatal conductance), fitacis2 will fail.
#' In these cases, the output for that curve will be "Failed", rather than an
#' A-Ci curve fit object.
#' Bernacchi CJ, Singsaas EL, Pimentel C, Portis AR, Long SP.
#' 2001. Improved temperature response functions for models of
#' rubisco-limited photosynthesis. Plant Cell Environment 24:253-259.
#' Bernacchi CJ, Portis AR, Nakano H, von Caemmerer S, Long SP. 2002.
#' Temperature response of mesophyll conductance. Implications for the
#' determination of rubisco enzyme kinetics and for limitations to
#' photosynthesis in vivo. Plant Physiology 130:1992-1998.
#' von Caemmerer S. 2000. Biochemical models of leaf photosynthesis.
#' CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood.
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @importFrom plantecophys fitaci
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' #Read in data
#' data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_2.csv",
#' package = "plantecowrap"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' #Run ACi curve fitting
#' fits <- fitacis2(data, group1 = "Grouping",
#' varnames = list(ALEAF = "A",
#'                 Tleaf = "Tleaf",
#'                 Ci = "Ci",
#'                 PPFD = "PPFD",
#'                 Rd = "Rd",
#'                 Press = "Press"),
#' fitmethod = "bilinear", fitTPU = TRUE, Tcorrect = FALSE)
#' }
fitacis2 <- function(data,
                     group2 = NA,
                     group3 = NA,
                     gm25 = 0.08701, #mol m-2 s-1 bar-1
                     Egm = 47.650, #kJ mol-1
                     K25 = 718.40, #umol mol-1 (ubar bar-1)
                     Ek = 65.50828, #kJ mol-1
                     Gstar25 = 42.75, #umol mol-1 (ubar bar-1)
                     Egamma = 37.83, #kJ mol-1
                     fitmethod = "default",
                     fitTPU = TRUE,
                     Tcorrect = FALSE,
                     useRd = FALSE,
                     citransition = NULL, #umol mol-1
                     alphag = 0,
                     PPFD = NULL, #umol m-2 s-1
                     Tleaf = NULL, #Celsius
                     alpha = 0.24, #umol CO2 / umol photons
                     theta = 0.85,
                     varnames = list(ALEAF = "Photo",  #umol m-2 s-1
                                     Tleaf = "Tleaf", #Celsius
                                     Ci = "Ci", #umol mol-1
                                     PPFD = "PARi", #umol m-2 s-1
                                     Rd = "Rd", #umol m-2 s-1
                                     Press = "Press"), #kPa
                     ...) {
  #Assign group names and pressure
  data$group1 <- data[, group1]
  data$Press <- data[, varnames$Press]
  if (!is.na(group2)) {
  data$group2 <- data[, group2]
  if (!is.na(group3)) {
  data$group3 <- data[, group3]
  if (!is.na(group2) & !is.na(group3)) {
  data <- unite(data, col = "group",
                c("group1", "group2", "group3"),
                sep = "_")
  } else {
    if (!is.na(group2) & is.na(group3)) {
      data <- unite(data, col = "group",
                    c("group1", "group2"),
                    sep = "_")
    } else {
      data$group <- data$group1
  #Split data by group
  data <- split(data, data$group)
  #Create empty list for curve fits.
  fits <- as.list(1:length(data))
  #Fit ACi curves
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    #Calculate mesophyll conductance
    gmeso <- gm25 * exp(Egm *
                          (mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf +
                                  273.15) - 298.15) /
                          (298.15 *
                             mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf + 273.15) *
    #Calculate Km
    Km <- K25 * exp(Ek *
                      (mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf +
                              273.15) - 298.15) /
                      (298.15 *
                         mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf + 273.15) *
    Patm <- mean(data[[i]]$Press)
    #Calculate GammaStar
    GammaStar <- Gstar25 * exp(Egamma *
                      (mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf +
                              273.15) - 298.15) /
                      (298.15 *
                         mean(data[[i]]$Tleaf + 273.15) *
    #Fit ACi curve
    fits[[i]] <- tryCatch(fitaci(data[[i]],
                        Patm = Patm,
                        varnames = varnames,
                        fitmethod = fitmethod,
                        Tcorrect = Tcorrect,
                        fitTPU = fitTPU,
                        gmeso = gmeso,
                        Km = Km,
                        GammaStar = GammaStar,
                        useRd = useRd,
                        citransition = citransition,
                        alphag = alphag,
                        PPFD = PPFD,
                        Tleaf = Tleaf,
                        alpha = alpha,
                        theta = theta,
                        error = function(e) paste("Failed"))
    #Assign names
    names(fits)[i] <- data[[i]]$group[1]
  #Return curve fits in list

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plantecowrap documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:45 p.m.