#' Plot restricted cubic splines curves
#' @description
#' Drawing of restricted cubic spline (RCS) curves form a linear regression model,
#' a logistic regression model or a Cox proportional hazards regression model.
#' @param data a data frame contain the columns of outcome, time, exposure,
#' covariates, and group.
#' @param outcome the name of outcome variable in the data.
#' @param time the name of time variable in the data, for Cox regressions.
#' @param exposure the name of exposure variable in the data.
#' @param covariates the names of covariate variables in the data.
#' @param positive in which positive of outcome variable to make the comparison.
#' By default, positive is automatically defined. If outcome is a factor variable,
#' then positive is defined as the highest level. If outcome is a numerical
#' variable, then positive is defined as the largest value.
#' @param group the name of group variable in the data.
#' @param knots location of knots, detail see [knot] function.
#' @param knots.line logical indicating whether or not to show the vertical lines
#' for the knots, default FALSE.
#' @param ref.value referrence value for the RCS curve, 'min' means using the
#' minimum value of esposure as a reference, 'median' uses the median, 'mean'
#' uses the mean, 'k1' uses the first knot. 'k2' uses the second knot, 'k3'
#' uses the third 'knot', and so on. In addition, you can directly set the
#' numerical vector as the reference value.
#' @param ref.line logical indicating whether or not to show the referrence line,
#' default TRUE.
#' @param logical indicating whether or not to draw confidence interval.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param conf.level the confidence level to use for the confidence interval if
#' = TRUE. Must be strictly greater than 0 and less than 1. Defaults to
#' 0.95, which corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.
#' @param conf.type confidence interval type of 'shape' (default) or 'line'.
#' @param pvalue logical indicating whether or not to show P values,
#' include P for overall association and P for nonlinear, default TRUE.
#' @param pvalue.digits digits for P values, default 3.
#' @param pvalue.position position for P value, numeric vector of length two
#' (x-axis and y-axis).
#' @param pvalue.label.overall label for P value of overall.
#' @param pvalue.label.nonlinear label for P value of nonlinear.
#' @param fontsize font size, default 12.
#' @param fontfamily font family, default 'serif' (Times New Roman).
#' @param linesize line size, default 0.25.
#' @param linecolor line color, default '#0072B5FF'.
#' @param alpha alpha for the shape of confidence interval, default 0.1.
#' @param xbreaks breaks of x-axis.
#' @param ybreaks breaks of y-axis.
#' @param xlab label of x-axis.
#' @param ylab label of y-axis.
#' @param explain logical indicating whether or not to explain the figure,
#' default TRUE.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @seealso [rcs], [knot]
#' @return A ggplot2 object with class 'rcsplot' containing the attributes of 'title' and 'note'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # View data
#' head(cancer)
#' # RCS curves for a linear regression model
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "size",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "metastasis"))
#' # RCS curves for a logistic regression model
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "size", "metastasis"))
#' # RCS curves for a Cox regression model
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' time = "time",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "size", "metastasis"))
#' # Unadjusted covariates
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' time = "time",
#' exposure = "age")
#' # By group
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' time = "time",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "size", "metastasis"),
#' group = "sex")
#' # Set 5 knots from 'kont' function
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' time = "time",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "size", "metastasis"),
#' knots = knot(5))
#' # Set the second knot as the referrence value
#' rcsplot(data = cancer,
#' outcome = "status",
#' time = "time",
#' exposure = "age",
#' covariates = c("sex", "race", "size", "metastasis"),
#' knots = knot(5),
#' ref.value = "k2")
rcsplot <- function(data,
outcome = NULL,
time = NULL,
exposure = NULL,
covariates = NULL,
positive = NULL,
group = NULL,
knots = c(0.05, 0.35, 0.65, 0.95),
knots.line = FALSE,
ref.value = "k1",
ref.line = TRUE, = TRUE,
conf.level = 0.95,
conf.type = c("shape", "line"),
pvalue = TRUE,
pvalue.digits = 3,
pvalue.position = c(0.02, 0.98),
pvalue.label.overall = "P for overall",
pvalue.label.nonlinear = "P for nonlinear",
fontsize = 12,
fontfamily = "serif",
linesize = 0.25,
linecolor = "#0072B5FF",
alpha = 0.1,
xbreaks = NULL,
ybreaks = NULL,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
explain = TRUE,
...) {
# Select variables and check
outcome <- select_variable(data, outcome)
exposure <- select_variable(data, exposure)
time <- select_variable(data, time)
group <- select_variable(data, group)
covariates <- select_variable(data, covariates)
covariates <- setdiff(covariates, outcome)
covariates <- setdiff(covariates, exposure)
covariates <- setdiff(covariates, time)
stop("The exposure variable must be numeric.", call. = FALSE)
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
# Set positive event
positive <- max(data[[outcome]])
}else if(is.factor(data[[outcome]])){
positive <- levels(data[[outcome]])[2]
stop("You need to specify the positive event of outcome.", call. = FALSE)
data[[outcome]] <- ifelse(data[[outcome]] == positive, 1, 0)
stop("The outcome variable must be numeric or the level must be 2.", call. = FALSE)
# Set data to environments
pos <- 1
envir = as.environment(pos)
assign("ddist_", rms::datadist(data), envir = envir)
options(datadist = "ddist_")
# Set reference
assign("m_", stats::quantile(data[[exposure]], knots), envir = envir)
if(ref.value == "min"){
ref.value1 <- min(data[[exposure]], na.rm = TRUE)
}else if(ref.value == "median"){
ref.value1 <- stats::median(data[[exposure]], na.rm = TRUE)
}else if(ref.value == "mean"){
ref.value1 <- mean(data[[exposure]], na.rm = TRUE)
if(regex_detect(ref.value, pattern = "^k\\d+", = TRUE)){
ref.value1 <- regex_extract(ref.value, pattern = "\\d+")
ref.value1 <- as.numeric(ref.value1)
ref.value1 <- m_[ref.value1]
stop("Reference knot must start with k.", call. = FALSE)
ref.value1 <- ref.value
eval(parse(text = "ddist_$limits['Adjust to', exposure] <<- ref.value1"))
# Fit models
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
formula <- sprintf("%s ~ rms::rcs(%s, m_)", outcome, exposure)
if(length(covariates) != 0){
formula <- paste(formula, paste(covariates, collapse = " + "), sep = " + ")
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
model <- rms::lrm(formula = formula, data = data)
formula <- sprintf("survival::Surv(%s, %s) ~ rms::rcs(%s, m_)", time, outcome, exposure)
if(length(covariates) != 0){
formula <- paste(formula, paste(covariates, collapse = " + "), sep = " + ")
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
model <- rms::cph(formula = formula, data = data)
formula <- sprintf("%s ~ rms::rcs(%s, m_)", outcome, exposure)
if(length(covariates) != 0){
formula <- paste(formula, paste(covariates, collapse = " + "), sep = " + ")
formula <- stats::as.formula(formula)
model <- rms::ols(formula = formula, data = data)
# Check conf.level.
if(conf.level < 0 | conf.level > 1){
stop("The conf.level must be strictly between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)
# Get plotdata from models
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
eval.text <- sprintf("rms::Predict(model, %s, = %f, = TRUE, fun = exp)",
eval.text <- sprintf("rms::Predict(model, %s, %s, = %f, = TRUE, fun = exp)",
eval.text <- sprintf("rms::Predict(model, %s, = %f, = TRUE)",
plotdata <- eval(parse(text = eval.text))
plotdata <-
# Delete data from environments
rm("ddist_", inherits = TRUE, envir = envir)
rm("m_", inherits = TRUE, envir = envir)
# Set breaks for x-axis or y-axis
xbreaks <- pretty(plotdata[[exposure]])
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
ybreaks <- pretty(c(0, plotdata$upper))
ybreaks <- pretty(c(0, plotdata$yhat))
ybreaks <- pretty(c(plotdata$lower, plotdata$upper))
ybreaks <- pretty(plotdata$yhat)
# Set labels for x-axis or y-axis
if(xlab == ""){
xlab <- attr(data[[exposure]], "label")
if (is.null(xlab)) {
xlab <- exposure
if(ylab == ""){
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
if (is.null(time)) {
ylab <- "Odds ratio"
ylab <- sprintf("%s (%s%% CI)", ylab, as.character(conf.level * 100))
} else{
ylab <- "Hazard ratio"
ylab <- sprintf("%s (%s%% CI)", ylab, as.character(conf.level * 100))
ylab <- "\u3b2"
ylab <- sprintf("%s (%s%% CI)", ylab, as.character(conf.level * 100))
conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
# Plot by ggplot2
if (is.null(group)) {
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plotdata) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "yhat"),
color = linecolor,
linewidth = linesize)
if(conf.type == "shape"){
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(exposure, ymin = "lower", ymax = "upper"),
alpha = alpha,
fill = linecolor)
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "lower"),
color = linecolor,
linewidth = linesize,
linetype = 2) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "upper"),
color = linecolor,
linewidth = linesize,
linetype = 2)
} else{
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plotdata) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "yhat", color = group),
linewidth = linesize)
if(conf.type == "shape"){
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(exposure, ymin = "lower", ymax = "upper", fill = group),
alpha = alpha)
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "lower", color = group),
linewidth = linesize,
linetype = 2) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes_string(x = exposure, y = "upper", color = group),
linewidth = linesize,
linetype = 2)
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = 2, linewidth = linesize)
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2, linewidth = linesize)
plot <- plot +
gg_theme_sci(font.size = fontsize, = fontfamily) +
ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(expand = FALSE, clip = "off") +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = xbreaks, limits = c(min(xbreaks), max(xbreaks))) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = ybreaks, limits = c(min(ybreaks), max(ybreaks)))
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = stats::quantile(data[[exposure]], knots),
linetype = 3,
linewidth = linesize)
# Show P value
if (pvalue) {
pdata <- stats::anova(model)
pdata <-
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
p.value <- pdata[2, 3]
p.overall <- pdata[1, 3]
p.value <- pdata[2, 5]
p.overall <- pdata[1, 5]
p.value <- format_pvalue(p.value, digits = pvalue.digits)
if (!regex_detect(p.value, "<", fixed = TRUE)) {
p.value <- paste0(pvalue.label.nonlinear, " = ", p.value)
} else{
p.value <- regex_replace(p.value, "<", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
p.value <- paste0(pvalue.label.nonlinear, " < ", p.value)
p.overall <- format_pvalue(p.overall, digits = pvalue.digits)
if (!regex_detect(p.overall, "<", fixed = TRUE)) {
p.overall <- paste0(pvalue.label.overall, " = ", p.overall)
} else{
p.overall <-
regex_replace(p.overall, "<", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
p.overall <-
paste0(pvalue.label.overall, " < ", p.overall)
p.string <- paste(p.overall, p.value, sep = "\n")
# Check p value position.
if(length(pvalue.position) != 2L){
stop("The pvalue.position must of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
if(pvalue.position[1] < 0 | pvalue.position[1] > 1){
stop("The first element of pvalue.position must be strictly between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)
if(pvalue.position[2] < 0 | pvalue.position[2] > 1){
stop("The Second element of pvalue.position must be strictly between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)
px <- min(xbreaks) + (max(xbreaks) - min(xbreaks)) * pvalue.position[1]
py <- min(ybreaks) + (max(ybreaks) - min(ybreaks)) * pvalue.position[2]
plot <- plot + draw_label(p.string,
size = fontsize,
fontfamily = fontfamily,
x = px,
y = py,
hjust = 0,
vjust = 1)
# Explain the figures, title and note.
title <- sprintf("Figure: Association Between %s and %s Using a Restricted Cubic Spline Regression Model.",
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
abbr <- ifelse(is.null(time), "ORs", "HRs")
abbr <- "\u3b2"
note <- sprintf("Graphs show %s for %s according to %s",
note <- paste0(note, ".")
note <- sprintf("%s adjusted for %s.", note, paste(covariates, collapse = ", "))
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
note <- paste(note, "Data were fitted by a logistic regression model,", sep = " ")
note <- paste(note, "Data were fitted by a restricted cubic spline Cox proportional hazards regression model,", sep = " ")
note <- paste(note, "Data were fitted by a linear regression model,", sep = " ")
if(ref.value == "min"){
reference <- "the minimum"
}else if(ref.value == "median"){
reference <- "the median"
}else if(ref.value == "mean"){
reference <- "mean"
reference <- regex_extract(ref.value, pattern = "\\d+")
reference <- paste("the", paste0(knots * 100, "th")[as.numeric(reference)], "percentile", sep = " ")
reference <- ref.value
tmp <- sprintf("and the model was conducted with %d knots at the %s percentiles of %s (reference is %s).",
paste(paste0(knots * 100, "th"), collapse = ", "),
note <- paste(note, tmp, sep = " ")
# The range of TSH was restricted to 0.34 to 7.5 mIU/L because predictions
# greater than 7.5 mIU/L (95th percentile) are based on too few data points
# note <- paste(note, sprintf("The %s ranges from %.1f to %.1f.",
# exposure,
# min(data[[exposure]], na.rm = TRUE),
# max(data[[exposure]], na.rm = TRUE)), sep = " ")
note <- paste(note, sprintf("Solid lines indicate %s, and %s indicate %s%% CIs.",
ifelse(conf.type == "shape", "shadow shape", "dashed lines"),
as.character(conf.level * 100)), sep = " ")
if(length(unique(data[[outcome]])) == 2L){
note <- paste(note,
"OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.",
"HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval." ),
sep = " ")
note <- paste(note, "CI, confidence interval.", sep = " ")
attr(plot, "title") <- title
attr(plot, "note") <- note
attr(plot, "explain") <- explain
class(plot) <- c("rcsplot", class(plot))
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