
# test.plotmo.args..R: test dot and other argument handling in plotmo

options(warn=1) # print warnings as they occur

options(warn=2) # treat warnings as errors
lm.mod <- lm(O3~wind, data=ozone1)

expect.err(try(plotmo(lm.mod, se=2, leve=.95)), "plotmo's 'se' argument is deprecated, please use 'level' instead")

expect.err(try(plotmo(lm.mod, se=T)), "plotmo's 'se' argument is deprecated, please use 'level=.95' instead")

expect.err(try(plotmo(lm.mod, se=.8)), "plotmo's 'se' argument is deprecated, please use 'level=.95' instead")

expect.err(try(plotmo(lm.mod, level=2)), "level=2 is out of range, try level=.95")

oz2 <- ozone1[1:40,]
a <- earth(O3~temp+wind, dat=oz2, deg=2, nk=21, ncr=3, nfo=3,"lm")

expect.err(try(plotmo(a, lw=2, trace=1, thresh=.9, SHOWCALL=TRUE)), " ignored argument 'lw'")


# test col.response and friends
plotmo(a, col.response=2, pch.response=c(1, 2, 20), type2="co", SHOWCALL=TRUE) # pch.response tests back compat
plotmo(a, pt.col=c(1,2,3), pt.pch=c(1, 2, 20), type2="im", SHOWCALL=TRUE)
plotmo(a, pt.col=c(1,2,3), pt.pch=paste(1:nrow(oz2)), pt.cex=.8, type2="im", do.par=2, SHOWCALL=TRUE)
plotmo(a, pt.col=c(1,2,3), pt.pch=paste(1:nrow(oz2)), pt.cex=.8, type2="co", degree1=0, do.par=F)
plotmo(a, col=2, SHOWCALL=TRUE) # will cause red response points
plotmo(a, pt.col=4, col=3, persp.col="pink", SHOWCALL=TRUE) # col now goes to lines

# test cex and nrug and smooth
plotmo(a, cex=.8, SHOWCALL=TRUE, nrug=-1, rug.col=2, rug.lwd=1, smooth.col=3,
       bty="n", col.lab="darkorange", xlab="an x label", cex.lab=1.2) # esoteric, but they work
plotmo(a, SHOWCALL=TRUE, density.col=2, density.lty=2, smooth.col=3, smooth.f=.3, col="lightblue")
plotmo(a, cex=1.2, SHOWCALL=TRUE, nrug="density")

# test caption, grid, interval options
plotmo(a, caption.col=3, caption.font=2, grid.col="pink",
       level=.8, SHOWCALL=TRUE)
plotmo(a, caption.col=2, caption.font=2, caption.cex=.8, grid.col=TRUE, bty="n",
       level=.8, level.shade="lightblue", level.shade2="red",
       grid.lty=3, grid.lwd=4, grid.nx=NA, SHOWCALL=TRUE)

# test overall plot args handled by par() and graphics args outside do.par
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar = c(3,3,3,1), mgp = c(1.5,.5,0), oma=c(0,0,4,0))
old.mar <- par("mar")
old.mfcol <- par("mfcol")
cat("before par: cex=", par("cex"), " col.main=", par("col.main"),
    " col.axis=", par("col.axis"), " mar=", par("mar"), " mfcol=", par("mfcol"),
    "\n", sep="")
plotmo(a, mfcol=c(2,3), cex.main=1.4, oma=c(5,5,5,5), SHOWCALL=TRUE)
plotmo(a,          caption="no cex")
plotmo(a, cex=1,   caption="cex=1, plot should be identical to previous page")
plotmo(a, cex=1.2, caption="cex=1.2")
plotmo(a, do.par=FALSE, degree2=0, degree1=1,         main="do.par=FALSE no cex", caption="a test graphics args with do.par=FALSE")
plotmo(a, do.par=FALSE, degree2=0, degree1=1, cex=1,  main="do.par=FALSE cex=1")
plotmo(a, do.par=FALSE, degree2=0, degree1=1, cex=.8, main="do.par=FALSE cex=.8")
plotmo(a, do.par=FALSE, degree2=0, degree1=1, cex=1.1, xlab="xlab", col.main=2, col.axis="blue", col.lab=3, font.lab=2,
          main="do.par=FALSE cex=1.1, col.main=2\ncol.axis=\"blue\", col.lab=3, font.lab=2")
plotmo(a, do.par=FALSE, degree1=1, degree2=1, persp.ticktype="d",
          main="do.par=FALSE persp.ticktype=\"d\"")
# all of these should have been restored
cat("after par: cex=", par("cex"), " col.main=", par("col.main"),
    " col.axis=", par("col.axis"), " mar=", par("mar"), " mfcol=", par("mfcol"),
    "\n", sep="")
stopifnot(par("col.main") == "#456789")
stopifnot(par("mar") == old.mar)
stopifnot(par("mfcol") == old.mfcol)

# test aliasing of col with other args, and back compat of col.degree1 vs degree1.col
a20 <- earth(pclass ~ ., data=etitanic, degree=2)
plotmo(a20, nresponse=1, col=2, col.degree1=3, persp.col="pink", SHOWCALL=1, degree1=1:2, degree2=1:2)
plotmo(a20, nresponse=1, lty=2, persp.lty=1, SHOWCALL=1, degree1=1:2, degree2=1:2)

# test "prednames." with a long predictor name
trees.with.long.predname <- trees
trees.with.long.predname$a_quite_long_variable_name <- trees.with.long.predname$Girth
trees.with.long.predname$Girth <- NULL
mod <- earth(Volume~.,data=trees.with.long.predname)
par(mfrow=c(3,2), mar = c(3,3,3,1), mgp = c(1.5,.5,0), oma=c(0,0,4,0))
plotmo(mod, do.par=FALSE)
plotmo(mod, do.par=FALSE, prednames.abbreviate=FALSE)
expect.err(try(plotmo(mod, do.par=FALSE, prednames.abbreviate=c(1,2))), "the prednames.abbreviate argument is not FALSE, TRUE, 0, or 1")
plotmo(mod, do.par=FALSE, prednames.minlength=3)


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plotmo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:19 p.m.