
pyramid.plot<-function (lx, rx, labels = NULL, top.labels = c("Male", "Age", 
    "Female"), main = "", laxlab = NULL, raxlab = NULL, unit = "%", 
    lxcol, rxcol, gap = 1, space = 0.2, ppmar = c(4, 2, 4, 2), 
    labelcex = 1, add = FALSE, xlim, show.values = FALSE, ndig = 1, 
    do.first = NULL) {
    if (any(c(lx, rx) < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) 
        stop("Negative quantities not allowed")
    lxdim <- dim(lx)
    rxdim <- dim(rx)
    ncats <- ifelse(!is.null(lxdim), dim(lx)[1], length(lx))
    if ( !length(labels) ) 
        labels <- 1:ncats
    ldim <- length(dim(labels))
    nlabels <- ifelse(ldim, length(labels[, 1]), length(labels))
    if (nlabels != ncats) 
        stop("lx and labels must all be the same length")
    if (missing(xlim)) 
        xlim <- rep(ifelse(!is.null(lxdim), ceiling(max(c(rowSums(lx), 
            rowSums(rx)), na.rm = TRUE)), ceiling(max(c(lx, rx), 
            na.rm = TRUE))), 2)
    if (!is.null(laxlab) && xlim[1] < max(laxlab)) 
        xlim[1] <- max(laxlab)
    if (!is.null(raxlab) && xlim[2] < max(raxlab)) 
        xlim[2] <- max(raxlab)
    oldmar <- par("mar")
    if (!add) {
        par(mar = ppmar, cex.axis = labelcex)
        plot(0, xlim = c(-(xlim[1] + gap), xlim[2] + gap), ylim = c(0, 
            ncats + 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", 
            ylab = "", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", main = main)
        if (!is.null(do.first)) 
            eval(parse(text = do.first))
        if (is.null(laxlab)) {
            laxlab <- seq(xlim[1] - gap, 0, by = -1)
            axis(1, at = -xlim[1]:-gap, labels = laxlab)
        else axis(1, at = -(laxlab + gap), labels = laxlab)
        if (is.null(raxlab)) {
            raxlab <- 0:(xlim[2] - gap)
            axis(1, at = gap:xlim[2], labels = raxlab)
        else axis(1, at = raxlab + gap, labels = raxlab)
        if (gap > 0) {
            if (!is.null(lxdim)) 
                axis(2, at = 1:ncats, labels = rep("", ncats), 
                  pos = gap, tcl = -0.25)
            else axis(2, at = 1:ncats * as.logical(rx + 1), labels = rep("", 
                ncats), pos = gap, tcl = -0.25)
            if (!is.null(lxdim)) 
                axis(4, at = 1:ncats, labels = rep("", ncats), 
                  pos = -gap, tcl = -0.25)
            else axis(4, at = 1:ncats * as.logical(lx + 1), labels = rep("", 
                ncats), pos = -gap, tcl = -0.25)
        if (is.null(dim(labels))) {
            if (gap) 
                text(0, 1:ncats, labels, cex = labelcex)
            else {
                text(xlim[1], 1:ncats, labels, cex = labelcex, 
                  adj = 0)
                text(xlim[2], 1:ncats, labels, cex = labelcex, 
                  adj = 1)
        else {
            if (gap) {
                lpos <- -gap
                rpos <- gap
            else {
                lpos <- -xlim[1]
                rpos <- xlim[2]
            text(lpos, 1:ncats, labels[, 1], pos = 4, cex = labelcex, 
                adj = 0)
            text(rpos, 1:ncats, labels[, 2], pos = 2, cex = labelcex, 
                adj = 1)
         adj = 0.5, cex = labelcex)
        if(length(unit) == 1) mtext(unit,1,2.5,at=0,cex=labelcex)
    halfwidth <- 0.5 - space/2
    if (is.null(lxdim)) {
        if (missing(lxcol)) 
            lxcol <- rainbow(ncats)
        if (missing(rxcol)) 
            rxcol <- rainbow(ncats)
        rect(-(lx + gap), 1:ncats - halfwidth, rep(-gap, ncats), 
            1:ncats + halfwidth, col = lxcol)
        rect(rep(gap, ncats), 1:ncats - halfwidth, (rx + gap), 
            1:ncats + halfwidth, col = rxcol)
        if (show.values) {
            par(xpd = TRUE)
            lxt <- formatC(lx, format = "f", digits = ndig)
            rxt <- formatC(rx, format = "f", digits = ndig)
            text(-(gap + lx), 1:ncats, lxt, pos = 2, cex = labelcex)
            text(gap + rx, 1:ncats, rxt, pos = 4, cex = labelcex)
            par(xpd = FALSE)
    else {
        nstack <- dim(lx)[2]
        if (missing(lxcol)) 
            lxcol <- rainbow(nstack)
        if (missing(rxcol)) 
            rxcol <- rainbow(nstack)
        lxstart <- rxstart <- rep(gap, ncats)
        for (i in 1:nstack) {
            lxcolor <- rep(lxcol[i], ncats)
            rxcolor <- rep(rxcol[i], ncats)
            rect(-(lx[, i] + lxstart), 1:ncats - halfwidth, -lxstart, 
                1:ncats + halfwidth, col = lxcolor)
            rect(rxstart, 1:ncats - halfwidth, rx[, i] + rxstart, 
                1:ncats + halfwidth, col = rxcolor)
            lxstart <- lx[, i] + lxstart
            rxstart <- rx[, i] + rxstart

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plotrix documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:07 p.m.