
### test.R: Runs all RUnit tests that work when the package is loaded with
### library() or require()

## Get warnings at once
options(warn = 1)

## Make sure the global environment is clean:
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))

## Get the pls functions and data

## Get RUnit and utility functions

## Make checkException silent
opts <- getOption("RUnit")
opts$silent <- TRUE
options(RUnit = opts)

## Define and check test suite
testdirs <- c("RUnit/common", "RUnit/library")
plsTestSuite <- defineTestSuite("pls", testdirs)

## Run test suite
printTextProtocol(res <- runTestSuite(plsTestSuite))
if (res$pls$nFail > 0 || res$pls$nErr > 0) stop("One or more tests failed")

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pls documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 1:11 a.m.