
#* Plumber allows for things like URI paths to be accessed via named R function arguments, but this is generally considered bad practice (see the examples below)
#* @serializer print
#* @post /bad-practice/<a>/<b>
function(a, b) {
  list(a = a, b = b)

#* Since URI paths, query params, and body arguments can have conflicting names, it's better practice to access arguments via the request object
#* If more information is needed from the body (such as filenames), inspect `req$body` for more information
#* @serializer print
#* @post /good-practice/<a>/<b>
function(req, res) {
    args = req$args,
    argsQuery = req$argsQuery,
    argsPath = req$argsPath,
    argsBody = req$argsBody,
    body = req$body

# Test this api...

### In an R session...
### Run plumber API
# plumb_api("plumber", "17-arguments") %>% print() %>% pr_run(port = 1234)

### In a terminal...
### Curl API

## Fails (conflicting variable `a`)
# curl --data '' ''
# curl --data 'a=3' ''
# curl --data 'a=4' ''

## Works (but missing variable `d`)
# curl --data '' ''
#> $a
#> [1] "1"
#> $b
#> [1] "2"

## Works (but missing variable `d`)
# curl --data 'd=3' ''
#> $a
#> [1] "1"
#> $b
#> [1] "2"

## Safe endpoint setup
# curl --data 'a=5&b=6' ''
#> $args
#> $args$req
#> <environment>
#> $args$res
#> <PlumberResponse>
#> $args$a
#> [1] "1"
#> $args$b
#> [1] "2"
#> $args$d
#> [1] "10"
#> $args$a
#> [1] "3"
#> $args$b
#> [1] "4"
#> $args$a
#> [1] "5"
#> $args$b
#> [1] "6"
#> $argsQuery
#> $argsQuery$a
#> [1] "1"
#> $argsQuery$b
#> [1] "2"
#> $argsQuery$d
#> [1] "10"
#> $argsPath
#> $argsPath$a
#> [1] "3"
#> $argsPath$b
#> [1] "4"
#> $argsBody
#> $argsBody$a
#> [1] "5"
#> $argsBody$b
#> [1] "6"
#> $body
#> $body$a
#> [1] "5"
#> $body$b
#> [1] "6"

Try the plumber package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumber documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:52 a.m.