
Defines functions r_to_py.eventlog py_to_r.pm4py.objects.log.log.EventLog py_to_r.pm4py.objects.log.log.TraceLog r_to_py.petrinet py_to_r.pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet.PetriNet py_to_r.pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet.Marking as_pm4py_marking

Documented in as_pm4py_marking

#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py
#' @export

#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
#' @export

#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py
r_to_py.eventlog <- function(x, convert = FALSE) {
  df <- as.data.frame(x)
  # fix for https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/issues/389
  #i <- sapply(df, is.factor)
  #df[i] <- lapply(df[i], as.character)
  r_to_py(df, convert = convert)

#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
py_to_r.pm4py.objects.log.log.EventLog <- function(x) {
  variant_to_dataframe <- pm4py$objects$conversion$log$constants$TO_DATAFRAME
  df <- pm4py$objects$conversion$log$factory$apply(x, variant = variant_to_dataframe)
  df[ , !names(df) %in% c("case:concept:name")]

#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
py_to_r.pm4py.objects.log.log.TraceLog <- function(x) {
  #TODO: recover the complete bupaR event log which requires:
  # - case identifier (could come from 'case:concept:name')
  # - activity identifier (classifier? but which one?)
  # - activity instance identifier (auto generate?)
  # ....
  variant_to_dataframe <- pm4py$objects$conversion$log$constants$TO_DATAFRAME
  df <- pm4py$objects$conversion$log$factory$apply(x, variant = variant_to_dataframe)
  df[ , !names(df) %in% c("case:concept:name")]

#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py
r_to_py.petrinet <- function(x, convert = FALSE) {

  pm4py_petrinet <- import("pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet", convert = convert)
  py_builtins <- import_builtins(convert = convert)

  if ("label" %in% names(x$transitions)) {
    t_labels <- x$transitions$label
  } else {
    t_labels <- rep(NA, nrow(x$transitions))

  t_list <- Map(function(name, label) {
    if (is.na(label)) {
      label <- NULL
    pm4py_petrinet$PetriNet$Transition(name, label)
  }, x$transitions$id, t_labels)

  p_list <- Map(function(p) pm4py_petrinet$PetriNet$Place(p), x$places$id)

  a_list <- Map(function(from, to) {
    if (from %in% names(t_list)) {
      source <- t_list[[from]]
      target <- p_list[[to]]
    } else {
      source <- p_list[[from]]
      target <- t_list[[to]]

    a <- pm4py_petrinet$PetriNet$Arc(source, target)



  }, x$flows$from, x$flows$to)

    places = unname(unlist(p_list)),
    transitions = unname(unlist(t_list)),
    arcs = py_builtins$set(unname(unlist(a_list)))

#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate iterate
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
py_to_r.pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet.PetriNet <- function(x) {

  places <- unlist(iterate(x$places, function(p) ensure_str(p$name)))
  transitions <- unlist(iterate(x$transitions, function(t) ensure_str(t$name)))

  arcs_from <- unlist(iterate(x$arcs, function(a) ensure_str(a$source$name)))
  arcs_to <- unlist(iterate(x$arcs,function(a) ensure_str(a$target$name)))

  flows <- data.frame(from = arcs_from, to = arcs_to,
                      stringsAsFactors = F)

  pn <- petrinetR::create_PN(places, transitions, flows,
                             c()) # pm4py Petri net does not know about marking

  # Make sure that labels are strings since PM4PY sometimes uses tuples or other objects
  # Also, replace NULL by NA to avoid issues with R removing elements
  pn$transitions$label <- iterate(x$transitions, function(t) ensure_str(t$label))


#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate iterate
#' @importFrom reticulate py_to_r
py_to_r.pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet.Marking <- function(x) {
  iterate(x$elements(), function(p) ensure_str(p$name))

#' Convert to a PM4Py marking
#' Converts a character vector of place identifiers to a PM4Py marking object.
#' @param x A character vector with (possible duplicate) place identifiers.
#' @param petrinet A PM4Py Petri net.
#' @examples
#' if (pm4py_available()) {
#'   library(eventdataR)
#'   data(patients)
#'   # As Inductive Miner of PM4PY is not life-cycle aware, keep only `complete` events:
#'   patients_completes <- patients[patients$registration_type == "complete", ]
#'   net <- discovery_inductive(patients_completes)
#'   as_pm4py_marking(c("sink"), r_to_py(net$petrinet))
#' }
#' @export
as_pm4py_marking <- function(x, petrinet) {

  if (inherits(x, "pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet.Marking")) {

  pm4py_petrinet <- import("pm4py.objects.petri.petrinet", convert = FALSE)
  marking <- pm4py_petrinet$Marking()

  found <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
  py <- import_builtins()
  iter <- py$iter(petrinet$places)

  while (TRUE) {
    item <- iter_next(iter)
    if (is.null(item))

    loc <- which(x == item$name)
    if (any(loc)) {
      found[loc] <- TRUE
      marking[item] = length(loc)

  if (all(found)) {
  } else {
    stop(paste0("Places ",
                paste0(x[!found], collapse = ","),
                " not found in ",

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pm4py documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 1:08 a.m.