imd_anova: Test for a qualitative and quantitative difference between...

View source: R/imd_anova.R

imd_anovaR Documentation

Test for a qualitative and quantitative difference between groups using IMD and ANOVA, respectively


This is the IMD-ANOVA test defined in Webb-Robertson et al. (2010).


  comparisons = NULL,
  pval_adjust_a_multcomp = "none",
  pval_adjust_g_multcomp = "none",
  pval_adjust_a_fdr = "none",
  pval_adjust_g_fdr = "none",
  pval_thresh = 0.05,
  equal_var = TRUE,
  parallel = TRUE



pmartR data object of any class, which has a 'group_df' attribute created by the 'group_designation()' function


data frame with columns for "Control" and "Test" containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made between the Test and the corresponding Control. If left NULL, then all pairwise comparisons are executed.


character string specifying the filter method to use: "combined", "gtest", or "anova". Specifying "combined" implements both the gtest and anova filters.


character string specifying the type of multiple comparison adjustment to implement for ANOVA tests. Valid options include: "bonferroni", "holm", "tukey", and "dunnett". The default is "none" which corresponds to no p-value adjustment.


character string specifying the type of multiple comparison adjustment to implement for G-test tests. Valid options include: "bonferroni" and "holm". The default is "none" which corresponds to no p-value adjustment.


character string specifying the type of FDR adjustment to implement for ANOVA tests. Valid options include: "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr". The default is "none" which corresponds to no p-value adjustment.


character string specifying the type of FDR adjustment to implement for G-test tests. Valid options include: "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr". The default is "none" which corresponds to no p-value adjustment.


numeric p-value threshold, below or equal to which biomolecules are considered differentially expressed. Defaults to 0.05


logical; should the variance across groups be assumed equal?


logical value indicating whether or not to use a "doParallel" loop when running the G-Test with covariates. Defaults to TRUE.


An object of class 'statRes', which is a data frame containing columns (when relevant based on the test(s) performed) for: e_data cname, group counts, group means, ANOVA p-values, IMD p-values, fold change estimates on the same scale as the data (e.g. log2, log10, etc.), and fold change significance flags (0 = not significant; +1 = significant and positive fold change (ANOVA) or more observations in test group relative to reference group (IMD); -1 = significant and negative fold change (ANOVA) or fewer observations in test group relative to reference group (IMD))


Bryan Stanfill, Kelly Stratton


Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo M., et al. "Combined statistical analyses of peptide intensities and peptide occurrences improves identification of significant peptides from MS-based proteomics data." Journal of proteome research 9.11 (2010): 5748-5756.


# Transform the data
mymetab <- edata_transform(omicsData = metab_object, data_scale = "log2")

# Group the data by condition
mymetab <- group_designation(omicsData = mymetab, main_effects = c("Phenotype"))

# Apply the IMD ANOVA filter
imdanova_Filt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = mymetab)
mymetab <- applyFilt(filter_object = imdanova_Filt, omicsData = mymetab, min_nonmiss_anova = 2)

# Implement IMD ANOVA and compute all pairwise comparisons 
# (i.e. leave the comparisons argument NULL), with FDR adjustment
anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "anova",
                       pval_adjust_a_multcomp = "Holm", pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY")
imd_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "gtest",
                     pval_adjust_g_multcomp = "bon", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")
imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "combined",
                           pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")
imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "combined",
                           pval_adjust_a_multcomp = "bon", pval_adjust_g_multcomp = "bon",
                           pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")

# Two main effects and a covariate
mymetab <- group_designation(omicsData = mymetab, main_effects = c("Phenotype", "SecondPhenotype"),
                             covariates = "Characteristic")
imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = 'comb')

# Same but with custom comparisons
comp_df <- data.frame(Control = c("Phenotype1", "A"), Test = c("Phenotype2", "B"))
custom_comps_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, comparisons = comp_df, test_method = "combined")

pmartR documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 1:06 a.m.