
Defines functions imd_cov group_comparison_imd imd_test paired_test group_comparison_anova run_twofactor_cpp anova_test imd_anova

Documented in anova_test group_comparison_anova group_comparison_imd imd_anova imd_test

#' Test for a qualitative and quantitative difference between groups using IMD
#' and ANOVA, respectively
#' This is the IMD-ANOVA test defined in Webb-Robertson et al. (2010).
#' @param omicsData pmartR data object of any class, which has a `group_df`
#'   attribute created by the `group_designation()` function
#' @param comparisons data frame with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control. If left NULL, then all
#'   pairwise comparisons are executed.
#' @param test_method character string specifying the filter method to use:
#'   "combined", "gtest", or "anova". Specifying "combined" implements both the gtest and
#'   anova filters.
#' @param pval_adjust_a_multcomp character string specifying the type of multiple
#'   comparison adjustment to implement for ANOVA tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "holm", "tukey", and "dunnett". The default is "none" which
#'   corresponds to no p-value adjustment.
#' @param pval_adjust_g_multcomp character string specifying the type of multiple
#'   comparison adjustment to implement for G-test tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni" and "holm". The default is "none" which corresponds to no
#'   p-value adjustment.
#' @param pval_adjust_a_fdr character string specifying the type of FDR
#'   adjustment to implement for ANOVA tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr". The default is "none" which corresponds
#'   to no p-value adjustment.
#' @param pval_adjust_g_fdr character string specifying the type of FDR
#'   adjustment to implement for G-test tests. Valid options include:
#'   "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr". The default is "none" which corresponds
#'   to no p-value adjustment.
#' @param pval_thresh numeric p-value threshold, below or equal to which
#'   biomolecules are considered differentially expressed. Defaults to 0.05
#' @param equal_var logical; should the variance across groups be assumed equal?
#' @param parallel logical value indicating whether or not to use a
#'   "doParallel" loop when running the G-Test with covariates. Defaults to
#'   TRUE.
#' @return An object of class 'statRes', which is a data frame containing
#'   columns (when relevant based on the test(s) performed) for: e_data cname,
#'   group counts, group means, ANOVA p-values, IMD p-values, fold change
#'   estimates on the same scale as the data (e.g. log2, log10, etc.), and fold
#'   change significance flags (0 = not significant; +1 = significant and
#'   positive fold change (ANOVA) or more observations in test group relative to
#'   reference group (IMD); -1 = significant and negative fold change (ANOVA) or
#'   fewer observations in test group relative to reference group (IMD))
#' @author Bryan Stanfill, Kelly Stratton
#' @references Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo M., et al. "Combined statistical
#' analyses of peptide intensities and peptide occurrences improves
#' identification of significant peptides from MS-based proteomics data."
#' Journal of proteome research 9.11 (2010): 5748-5756.
#' @examplesIf identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true") & requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' # Transform the data
#' mymetab <- edata_transform(omicsData = metab_object, data_scale = "log2")
#' # Group the data by condition
#' mymetab <- group_designation(omicsData = mymetab, main_effects = c("Phenotype"))
#' # Apply the IMD ANOVA filter
#' imdanova_Filt <- imdanova_filter(omicsData = mymetab)
#' mymetab <- applyFilt(filter_object = imdanova_Filt, omicsData = mymetab, min_nonmiss_anova = 2)
#' # Implement IMD ANOVA and compute all pairwise comparisons 
#' # (i.e. leave the comparisons argument NULL), with FDR adjustment
#' anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "anova",
#'                        pval_adjust_a_multcomp = "Holm", pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY")
#' imd_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "gtest",
#'                      pval_adjust_g_multcomp = "bon", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")
#' imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "combined",
#'                            pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")
#' imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = "combined",
#'                            pval_adjust_a_multcomp = "bon", pval_adjust_g_multcomp = "bon",
#'                            pval_adjust_a_fdr = "BY", pval_adjust_g_fdr = "BY")
#' # Two main effects and a covariate
#' mymetab <- group_designation(omicsData = mymetab, main_effects = c("Phenotype", "SecondPhenotype"),
#'                              covariates = "Characteristic")
#' imd_anova_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, test_method = 'comb')
#' # Same but with custom comparisons
#' comp_df <- data.frame(Control = c("Phenotype1", "A"), Test = c("Phenotype2", "B"))
#' custom_comps_res <- imd_anova(omicsData = mymetab, comparisons = comp_df, test_method = "combined")
#' @export
imd_anova <- function(omicsData,
                      comparisons = NULL,
                      pval_adjust_a_multcomp = 'none',
                      pval_adjust_g_multcomp = 'none',
                      pval_adjust_a_fdr = 'none',
                      pval_adjust_g_fdr = 'none',
                      pval_thresh = 0.05,
                      equal_var = TRUE,
                      parallel = TRUE) {
  # Preliminaries --------------------------------------------------------------

  # check that omicsData is of the appropriate class
  if (!inherits(
    c("proData", "pepData", "lipidData", "metabData", "nmrData")
    stop("omicsData is not an object of appropriate class")

  # Check for group_DF attribute #
  if (!("group_DF" %in% names(attributes(omicsData)))) {
    stop("group_designation must be called in order to create a 'group_DF' attribute for omicsData.")
  } else {
    groupData <- attributes(omicsData)$group_DF
    # check for any groups of size 1 #

    # if any, filter out the corresponding sample(s) #
    # we don't want to filter them out, we just want to ignore them...

  # Match provided 'test_method' to available options
  test_method <- try(
      c("combined", "gtest", "anova")
    silent = TRUE
  if (!(test_method %in% c("combined", "gtest", "anova"))) {
    # If test-method isn't valid, stop and tell them
    stop("Provided 'test_method' argument is invalid, please select 'anova','gtest' or 'combined'.")

  # Throw an error if there are no main effects and gtest or combined is
  # selected.
  if (
    "no_main_effect" %in% attr(groupData, "main_effects") &&
      test_method %in% c("gtest", "combined")
  ) {
        "If there are no main effects test_method cannot be gtest or combined.",
        sep = " "

  # Check for log transform #
  if (!(get_data_scale(omicsData) %in% c("log2", "log", "log10")) &
    # if(!(attr(omicsData,"data_info")$data_scale%in%c("log2","log","log10")) &
    (test_method %in% c("combined", "anova"))) {
    stop("Data must be log transformed in order to implement ANOVA.")

  # Check for an imd_anova filter. Throw down a warning if a filter hasn't been
  # applied.
  if (is.null(attr(omicsData, "imdanova"))) {
    warning("No IMD-ANOVA filter has been applied, output may include results for invalid comparisons (e.g ANOVA with only 2 observations in a group). Consider applying an IMD-ANOVA filter (see `?imdanova_filter`) prior to calling imd_anova()")
    # Add attribute so imd_test and anova_test don't return the same warning.
    attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_anova <- "No IMD ANOVA Attribute"

  # Check if combined results was selected.
  if (test_method == "combined" && pval_adjust_a_multcomp != pval_adjust_g_multcomp) {
    # Dear pmartR user,
    #   Please stop making my life difficult. I have enough problems as it is. I
    # do not need you complicating things further. I would really appreciate it
    # if you would read the instructions carefully, consider your options
    # thoroughly, and act wisely based on the outcome of the previous two steps.
    #                                                 Sincerely,
    #                                                 pmartR programmer
    message(paste("The p-value adjustment method selected for ANOVA and G-test",
      "are different. Check the input to pval_adjust_a_multcomp and",
      sep = " "

  # Farm boy, check the inputs. Farm boy, fix all the problems. Farm boy, hurry
  # up. Farm boy, why is the user an idiot? Farm boy, make everything uniform.
  # Farm boy, do all the tedious crap. AS YOU WISH!
  pval_adjust_a_multcomp <- try(
      c("bonferroni", "tukey", "dunnett", "holm", "none")
    silent = TRUE
  if (inherits(pval_adjust_a_multcomp, 'try-error')) {
    # I clearly told you what you could choose from in the documentation.
    # Obviously it is too much to ask for you to read the instructions!
      paste("The available options for pval_adjust_a_multcomp are: 'bonferroni',",
        "'holm', 'tukey', 'dunnett', and 'none'.",
        sep = " "
  pval_adjust_g_multcomp <- try(
      c("bonferroni", "holm", "none")
    silent = TRUE
  if (inherits(pval_adjust_a_multcomp, 'try-error')) {
    # I cannot make this any easier for you. Please seek the help you
    # desperately need.
      paste("The available options for pval_adjust_g_multcomp are: 'bonferroni',",
        "'holm', and 'none'.",
        sep = " "

  # Have a looksie at the covariates attribute.
  if (is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates"))) {
    covariates <- NULL
  } else {
    # Grab the names of the covariates from the group_DF attribute. This is
    # necessary because covariates used to be an argument to the imd_anova
    # function. It is easier to create an object that contains the covariate
    # names than to change every instance where covariates show up. The code
    # would be much better if. ... I am going to stop there and not say what I
    # think about how things were done in the past.
    covariates <- names(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates"))[-1]

  # Check if the data are paired. The paired object is used by multiple
  # functions within imd_anova.
  if (is.null(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id"))) {
    paired <- FALSE
  } else {
    paired <- TRUE

  # Check the input to the pval_thresh argument.
  if (!is.numeric(pval_thresh)) {
    # Why the heck would you input the p-value threshold as a character
    # vector?!?!?! In what universe does that make any sense?! I am still
    # baffled that we have run into this situation. I can feel my eye starting
    # to twitch.
    stop("pval_thresh must be numeric.")

  # Make sure pval_thresh is between 0 and 1.
  if (pval_thresh < 0 || pval_thresh > 1) {
    # If Lisa comes to me asking me to find out why the user's plots are
    # obviously not correct and it is because pval_thresh is not between 0 and 1
    # I will lose it. The Hulk will have nothing on me at that point.
    stop("pval_thresh must be between 0 and 1.")

  # Statisticalness!!! ---------------------------------------------------------

  # Determine the non-missing per group counts for ALL biomolecules. Depending
  # on the filter and the choice of test method there could be NAs in the Count_
  # columns (which should never happen). Five demerits for the programmer that
  # didn't foresee this problem that I am now attempting to fix without causing
  # additional problems in the current pipeline.
  nmpg <- nonmissing_per_group(omicsData)$nonmiss_totals

  # Use imd_test() to test for independence of missing data (qualitative difference between groups)
  if (test_method == 'anova') {
    # If there are no main effects we just need the biomolecule ID column and
    # the counts.
    if ("no_main_effect" %in% attr(groupData, "main_effects")) {
      # Snag the index in e_data of the biomolecule ID column.
      edata_idx <- which(
        names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData)

      # Create a very watered down list similar to the output from imd_test.
      # This list will only contain the Results data frame with the biomolecule
      # ID and counts across all samples.
      imd_results_full <- list(
        Results = data.frame(
          ids = omicsData$e_data[, edata_idx],
          Count_paired_diff = rowSums(!is.na(omicsData$e_data[, -edata_idx]))

      # Rename the ID column with the appropriate name.
      names(imd_results_full$Results)[1] <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)
    } else {
      # If they don't want the g-test done, save some time by removing
      # comparisons and the pval_adjust arguments Also make the gtest_pvalues
      # NULL so nothing's returned.
      # NOTE: The code below doesn't do what the comments above say they want
      # done.
      imd_results_full <- imd_test(omicsData,
        groupData = groupData,
        comparisons = NULL, # This actually performs all pairwise comparisons.
        pval_adjust_multcomp = 'none',
        pval_adjust_fdr = 'none',
        pval_thresh = pval_thresh,
        covariates = NULL,
        paired = paired,
        parallel = parallel
      # NOTE: covariates = NULL in the above call to imd_test because the
      # covariate portion of the code is the slowest part of the imd_test
      # function. In addition, the covariates portion of the results are not
      # used when test_method = anova.
  } else {
    imd_results_full <- imd_test(omicsData,
      groupData = groupData,
      comparisons = comparisons,
      pval_adjust_multcomp = pval_adjust_g_multcomp,
      pval_adjust_fdr = pval_adjust_g_fdr,
      pval_thresh = pval_thresh,
      covariates = covariates,
      paired = paired,
      parallel = parallel
    gtest_pvalues <- imd_results_full$Pvalues
    colnames(gtest_pvalues) <- paste0("P_value_G_", colnames(gtest_pvalues))
    gtest_flags <- imd_results_full$Flags
    colnames(gtest_flags) <- paste0("Flag_G_", colnames(imd_results_full$Pvalues))

  # Get cname and counts by group from imd_results_full
  imd_counts <- imd_results_full[[1]][, c(1, grep("^Count", colnames(imd_results_full[[1]])))]

  # Use anova_test() to test for a global equality of means, test requested comparisons and
  # compute foldchanges for those comaprisons (quantitative difference between groups)
  if (test_method == 'gtest') {
    # If they only want the g-test, used anova_test to compute means, fold changes but
    # don't return flags or p-values
    anova_results_full <- anova_test(omicsData,
      groupData = groupData,
      comparisons = comparisons,
      pval_adjust_multcomp = 'none',
      pval_adjust_fdr = 'none',
      pval_thresh = pval_thresh,
      covariates = NULL,
      paired = paired,
      equal_var = equal_var,
      parallel = parallel
  } else {
    anova_results_full <- anova_test(omicsData,
      groupData = groupData,
      comparisons = comparisons,
      pval_adjust_multcomp = pval_adjust_a_multcomp,
      pval_adjust_fdr = pval_adjust_a_fdr,
      pval_thresh = pval_thresh,
      covariates = covariates,
      paired = paired,
      equal_var = equal_var,
      parallel = parallel
    anova_fold_flags <- anova_results_full$Flags
    colnames(anova_fold_flags) <- paste0("Flag_A_", colnames(anova_fold_flags))
    anova_pvalues <- anova_results_full$Fold_change_pvalues
    colnames(anova_pvalues) <- paste0("P_value_A_", colnames(anova_pvalues))

  # Group means and fold changes should be returned even if they only ask for g-test
  anova_results <- anova_results_full[[1]][, c(1, grep("Mean", colnames(anova_results_full[[1]])))]
  anova_fold_change <- anova_results_full$Fold_changes
  colnames(anova_fold_change) <- paste0("Fold_change_", colnames(anova_fold_change))

  # Return appropriate results for each test_method

  if (test_method == 'anova') {
    all_anova <- cbind(anova_results, anova_pvalues, anova_fold_change, anova_fold_flags)
    Full_results <- dplyr::right_join(imd_counts, all_anova)

    if (nrow(Full_results) > max(nrow(imd_counts), nrow(all_anova))) {
      stop("Combining g-test and ANOVA results failed.")

    # Nab the comparisons actually performed. These will be used in the
    # statRes_output function when creating the number_significant attribute.
    actual_comparisons <- names(anova_results_full$Flags)

    # Create a variable for the ANOVA flags. This will be added as an attribute
    # of the statRes object and used in the bpquant function to create the
    # signatures variable.
    the_flag <- cbind(
    colnames(the_flag)[1] <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)
  } else if (test_method == 'gtest') {
    all_gtest <- cbind(imd_counts, gtest_pvalues, gtest_flags)
    all_anova <- cbind(anova_results, anova_fold_change)
    Full_results <- dplyr::left_join(all_gtest, all_anova)

    if (nrow(Full_results) > max(nrow(all_gtest), nrow(all_anova))) {
      stop("Combining g-test and ANOVA results failed.")

    # Nab the comparisons actually performed. These will be used in the
    # statRes_output function when creating the number_significant attribute.
    actual_comparisons <- names(imd_results_full$Flags)

    # Set the_flag variable to NULL because we don't want this attribute to
    # exist when only the G-test was run.
    the_flag <- NULL
  } else if (test_method == "combined") {
    # Combine the G-test and ANOVA results!
    all_gtest <- cbind(imd_counts, gtest_pvalues, gtest_flags)
    all_anova <- cbind(
      anova_results, anova_pvalues, anova_fold_change,
    Full_results <- dplyr::full_join(all_gtest, all_anova)

    # Nab the comparisons actually performed. These will be used in the
    # statRes_output function when creating the number_significant attribute.
    actual_comparisons <- names(anova_results_full$Flags)

    # Combine ANOVA and G-test flags ---------------

    # Criteria for reporting p-values when combined test is selected:
    # (1)   If ANOVA flag but no G-test flag, report ANOVA flag
    # (2)   If G-test flag but no ANOVA flag, report G-test flag
    # (3)   If neither are present, report NA
    # (4)   If both are present but corresponding p-values are not significant,
    #       report ANOVA flag
    # (5)   If both are present but ANOVA is p-value is significant, report
    #       ANOVA flag
    # (6)   If both are present but G-test p-value is significant, report G-test
    #       flag

    # Start with the anova p-values (extracted from combined results) and
    # replace if missing [see (2)] or G-test is significant [see (6)]
    imd_pvals <- data.matrix(Full_results[grep(
    imd_flags <- data.matrix(Full_results[grep(

    # Extract G-test p-values and flags.
    g_pvals <- data.matrix(Full_results[grep(
    g_flags <- data.matrix(Full_results[grep(

    # Replace missing ANOVA p-values with g-test p-values
    if (any(is.na(imd_pvals))) {
      anova_NAs <- which(is.na(imd_pvals))
      imd_pvals[anova_NAs] <- g_pvals[anova_NAs]
      imd_flags[anova_NAs] <- g_flags[anova_NAs]

    # Replace insignificant ANOVA p-values with significant g-test:
    # Insignificant ANOVA p-value indices.
    insig_anova <- which(imd_pvals > pval_thresh)

    if (any(insig_anova)) {
      # Nab significant G-test p-value indices.
      sig_gtest <- which(g_pvals <= pval_thresh)

      # Find overlap between the significant G-test p-values and the
      # insignificant ANOVA p-values.
      overlap <- sig_gtest[sig_gtest %in% insig_anova]

      if (any(overlap)) {
        # Replace ANOVA flags (with insignificant p-values) with G-test flags
        # (that have significant p-values).
        imd_flags[overlap] <- g_flags[overlap]

    # Remove "Flag_A_" from column names.
    colnames(imd_flags) <- gsub("^Flag_A_", "", colnames(imd_flags))

    # Create a variable for the combined flags. This will be added as an
    # attribute of the statRes object and used in the bpquant function to create
    # the signatures variable.
    the_flag <- data.frame(
    colnames(the_flag)[1] <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)

  # Reorder the columns of Full_results to: biomolecule ID, counts, means, fold
  # changes, p-values, and flags.
  Full_results <- Full_results %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("Count_", vars = colnames(Full_results)),
      .after = !!dplyr::sym(get_edata_cname(omicsData))
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("Mean_", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("Fold_change_", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("P_value_A", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("P_value_G", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("Flag_A", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()
    ) %>%
      dplyr::starts_with("Flag_G", vars = colnames(.data)),
      .after = dplyr::last_col()

  final_out <- statRes_output(

  attr(final_out, "bpFlags") <- the_flag
  which_X <- attr(anova_results_full, "which_X") 
  if (!is.null(attr(anova_results_full, "which_X"))) {
    which_X <- rep(NA, nrow(final_out))
    model_inds <- match(anova_results_full$Results[,get_edata_cname(omicsData)], final_out[,get_edata_cname(omicsData)])
    nona <- which(!is.na(model_inds))
    model_inds <- model_inds[nona]
    which_X[model_inds] <- attr(anova_results_full, "which_X")[nona]
  attr(final_out, "which_X") <- which_X
  attr(final_out, "cnames") = attr(omicsData, "cnames")
  attr(final_out, "data_class") = attr(omicsData, "class")

  # Update the non-missing counts ----------------------------------------------

  # Determine which columns contain counts. The column indices will be used to
  # overwrite the group counts.
  has_counts <- stringr::str_detect(names(final_out), "^Count_")

  # I am assuming the order of the counts in statRes will not always match the
  # order of the output from nonmissing_per_group. Here I will match the order
  # of the columns between the two data frames.
  statRes_names <- stringr::str_remove(names(final_out)[has_counts], "Count_")

  # Order the names from the non-missing count data frame to match the statRes
  # object. These indices will be used to correctly subset the non-missing count
  # data frame when updating the counts columns.
  order_name <- match(statRes_names, names(nmpg)[-1])

  # Nab the name of the biomolecule ID column.
  bio_id_name <- get_edata_cname(omicsData)

  # Find the biomolecules from the statRes object that are in the entire data
  # set.
  order_bio_id <- match(
    final_out[, bio_id_name],
    nmpg[, bio_id_name]

  # Update the statRes object counts with the entire omicsData counts.
  final_out[, has_counts] <- nmpg[order_bio_id, (1 + order_name)]


# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# ANOVA FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' Tests for a quantiative difference between groups (aka factors, aka main
#' effects)
#' This is the ANOVA part of the IMD-ANOVA test proposed in Webb-Robertson et
#' al. (2010).
#' The order in which different scenarios are handeled: \enumerate{ \item If the
#' data are paired, then the pairing is accounted for first then each of the
#' next steps is carried out on the new variable that is the difference in the
#' paired individuals.<br> \item If covariates are provided, their effect is
#' removed before testing for group differences though mathematically covariates
#' and grouping effects are accounted for simultaneously \item ANOVA is executed
#' to assess the effect of each main effects, results in a vector of group means
#' for each biomolecule and variance estimate \item Group comparisons defined by
#' `comaprison` argument are implemented use parameter vector and variance
#' estimates in ANOVA step }
#' @param omicsData A pmartR data object of any class
#' @param groupData `data.frame` that assigns sample names to groups
#' @param comparisons `data.frame` with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control  If left NULL, then all
#'   pairwise comparisons are executed.
#' @param pval_adjust_multcomp character string specifying the type of multiple
#'   comparisons adjustment to implement. The default, "none", corresponds to no
#'   adjustment. Valid options include: "bonferroni", "holm", "tukey", and
#'   "dunnett".
#' @param pval_adjust_fdr character string specifying the type of FDR adjustment
#'   to implement. The default, "none", corresponds to no adjustment. Valid
#'   options include: "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr".
#' @param pval_thresh numeric p-value threshold, below or equal to which
#'   peptides are considered differentially expressed. Defaults to 0.05
#' @param covariates A character vector with no more than two variable names
#'   that will be used as covariates in the IMD-ANOVA analysis.
#' @param paired logical; should the data be paired or not? if TRUE then the
#'   `f_data` element of `omicsData` is checked for a "Pair" column, an error is
#'   returned if none is found
#' @param equal_var logical; should the variance across groups be assumed equal?
#' @param parallel A logical value indicating if the t test should be run in
#'   parallel.
#' @return  a list of `data.frame`s
#'   \tabular{ll}{
#'   Results  \tab Edata cname,
#'   Variance Estimate, ANOVA F-Statistic, ANOVA p-value, Group means\cr \tab
#'   \cr Fold_changes  \tab Estimated fold-changes for each comparison \cr \tab
#'   \cr Fold_changes_pvalues  \tab P-values corresponding to the fold-changes
#'   for each comparison \cr \tab \cr Fold_change_flags  \tab Indicator of
#'   statistical significance (0/+-2 to if adjusted p-value>=pval_thresh or
#'   p-value<pval_thresh) \cr
#'   }
#' @author Bryan Stanfill, Daniel Claborne
#' @references Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo M., et al. "Combined statistical
#'   analyses of peptide intensities and peptide occurrences improves
#'   identification of significant peptides from MS-based proteomics data."
#'   Journal of proteome research 9.11 (2010): 5748-5756.
anova_test <- function(omicsData, groupData, comparisons, pval_adjust_multcomp,
                       pval_adjust_fdr, pval_thresh, covariates, paired, equal_var,
                       parallel) {
  # Catch if number of groups is too small
  k <- length(unique(groupData$Group))
  if (k < 2 && !"no_main_effect" %in% attr(groupData, "main_effects")) {
    stop("At least two groups are necessary to perform an ANOVA if the data are not paired.")

  ### --------forbidden omicsData-------------###
  if (inherits(omicsData, "seqData")) {
    stop("Not valid for seqData objects")

  ### --------Check for anova filter-------------###
  if (is.null(attr(omicsData, "imdanova"))) {
    warning("These data haven't been filtered, see `?imdanova_filter` for details.")
  } else {
    cnames <- omicsData$e_data[, attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname]
    filterrows <- which(cnames %in% attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_anova)
    if (length(filterrows) > 0)
      omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[filterrows, ]

  #----Check to see if appropriate p-value adjustment technique is chosen----#
  # all pairwise -> Tukey
  # Case versus control -> Dunnett
  if (length(unique(comparisons$Control)) == 1 & tolower(pval_adjust_multcomp) == "tukey" & length(comparisons$Control) > 1) {
    stop("Tukey adjustment for multiple comparisions should only be used when all pairwise comparisons are being made; try a 'Dunnett' adjustment.")

  # if((length(unique(comparisons$Control))>1 | (is.null(comparisons) & length(unique(groupData$Group))>2)) & tolower(pval_adjust)=="dunnett"){
  #   stop("Dunnett adjustment for multiple comparisions should only be used when all case-vs-control comparisons are being made; try a 'Tukey' adjustment.")
  # }

  samp_cname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$fdata_cname

  # 10/27/2021 Not sure when/if the columns in e_data could be different from
  # the rows in group_DF. We are leaving the following code how it is to prevent
  # any unforeseen and unfortunate cases where groupData (the group_DF
  # attribute) has more columns than e_data (yikes!).

  # Remove rows in "groupData" that don't have corresponding columns in
  # 'omicsData$edata'
  # The sampleIDs in groupData (possibly more than is in the e_data)
  group_samp_cname <- groupData[, samp_cname]
  # Only keep the rows of groupData that have columns in e_data
  groupData <- groupData[group_samp_cname%in%colnames(omicsData$e_data),]
  groupData <- groupData %>% 
  covariate_names = colnames(attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates"))[-1]
  main_effect_names = attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "main_effects")
  #Create a data matrix that only includes the samples in "groupData" and put them in the order specified by
  data <- omicsData$e_data[,as.character(groupData[,samp_cname])]
  # Create a NULL object for covariate data. This will be used to determine if
  # this object has been modified in the paired section.
  cov_data <- NULL

  # Paired stuffs --------------------------------------------------------------

  # If paired==TRUE then use the pairing to create pair adjusted abundances.
  if (paired) {
    # Create a catchy name for the paired variable in f_data. The trick is to
    # make it readable but not too long. For example, using da instead of the
    # creates a name with one character less. These are the types of tricks you
    # learn when obtaining an advanced degree.
    da_pair_name <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")

    # Make sure the paired column wasn't deleted between calling
    # group_designation and imd_anova. It is essential that you carry out all of
    # these tedious checks. The user is generally unstable when it comes to
    # following instructions. If you don't create all these safeguards they can
    # really do a number on your hard work. Then they come complaining to you as
    # if it was your fault they couldn't take the time to read and follow your
    # very clear (and amazing) instructions.
    if (!da_pair_name %in% names(omicsData$f_data)) {
      stop("The pair ID variable is not present in f_data.")

    # New steps for creating pair data:
    # 1. call function to take differences
    # 2. nab sample names according to type of data in pairing column
    # 3. update column (sample) names in data
    # 4. update groupData according to reduced number of samples in paired data
    # 5. update cov_data according to reduced number of samples in paired data

    # 1-3.
    # Take the difference between sample pairs. The columns of this data matrix
    # have been renamed according to the values in the pair ID column of f_data.
    data <- take_diff(omicsData)

    # 4.
    # The data has previously been combined into one value (the difference was
    # taken between each pair of samples). This means groupData also needs to be
    # collapsed. Otherwise the dimensions of the data matrix and groupData will
    # not match and the remaining pipeline will explode because the column names
    # of e_data will not match the sample names in f_data. There will be twice
    # as many rows in groupData as columns in the data matrix. Here we will
    # select the first row in groupData while grouping by the column with the
    # pairing information.
    groupData <- merge(
      omicsData$f_data[, c(samp_cname, da_pair_name)],
      sort = FALSE
    ) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!dplyr::sym(da_pair_name)) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1) %>%

    # Grab the column containing the pair ID. This will be used to create the
    # new sample name for the paired differences.
    moniker <- groupData[, da_pair_name]

    # If the pair IDs are numbers paste "Pair_" before each number to create new
    # sample names. If we don't do this the data.frame function will complain at
    # some point and ruin all of our hard work by throwing an uninterpretable
    # error or (even worse) producing incorrect results. At this point pmartR
    # users will complain to Lisa and Kelly and then they will yell at me.
    if (is.numeric(moniker)) {
      moniker <- paste("Pair", moniker,
        sep = "_"

    # Update the sample names in groupData according to the newly created paired
    # sample names.
    groupData[, samp_cname] <- moniker

    # Add the original main_effects, pairs, and nonsingleton_groups attributes
    # to the updated groupData object. These attributes will be used in various
    # locations throughout the remainder of anova_test().
    attr(groupData, "main_effects") <- attr(
      attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "main_effects"
    attr(groupData, "pair_id") <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")
    attr(groupData, "nonsingleton_groups") <- attr(
      attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "nonsingleton_groups"

    # Update the number of groups. This should be the same as before but we are
    # proceeding with an "overabundance of caution".
    k <- dplyr::n_distinct(groupData$Group)

    # If provided, covariate data needs to be updated too
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
      # Add the covariate data to the sample ID and pair ID columns of f_data.
      # The sample ID column will always be the first element of the cols vector
      # and pair ID will always be the second element of that vector.
      cov_data <- dplyr::inner_join(
        x = omicsData$f_data[, c(samp_cname, da_pair_name)],
        y = attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates")

      # 5.
      # The data has previously been combined into one value (the difference was
      # taken between each pair). This means the covariate data also needs to be
      # collapsed. Otherwise the dimensions of the data matrix and the covariate
      # data will not match. The covariate data frame will have two values for
      # each difference. Here we will select the first row in cov_data while
      # grouping by the column with the pairing information.
      cov_data <- cov_data %>%
        dplyr::group_by(!!dplyr::sym(da_pair_name)) %>%
        dplyr::slice(1) %>%
        # Remove the grouping structure. If we don't then the pair ID variable
        # will be added to the beginning of the data frame after removing it
        # with select.
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        # The second column will always be the pair ID column because we created
        # the cov_data object to be that way above. Remove this column because
        # it is not needed. We don't need it messing up our hard work in
        # unpredictable ways in other functions.
        dplyr::select(-2) %>%

      # Update the sample names in cov_data according to the newly created
      # paired sample names.
      cov_data[, samp_cname] <- moniker

  # Covariate stuffs -----------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    # Check if cov_data was updated/modified in the paired section. If it was
    # then it needs to remain in the format created in the paired section.
    if (is.null(cov_data)) {
      # Extract the covariates data frame from the group_DF attribute. This will
      # be used to combine with the main effects data to create the correct x
      # matrix (when removing the effect of covariates).
      cov_data <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "covariates")
    # The -1 is hard coded because the sample ID name is ALWAYS the first column
    # in the covariates data frame.
    if (any(is.na(cov_data[, -1]))) {
      warning("Missing values were detected in the provided covariates thus covariates will be ignored")
      covar_effects <- matrix(0,nrow = nrow(data), ncol=ncol(data))

    # If covariates are adjusted for, then force equal variance assumption even
    # if there are only two levels to main effect
    equal_var <- TRUE

  # paired t test stuffs -------------------------------------------------------

  if ("no_main_effect" %in% attr(groupData, "main_effects")) {
        data = data,
        bio_ids = omicsData$e_data[get_edata_cname(omicsData)],
        cutoff = pval_thresh,
        parallel = parallel

  # Everything assumes the group levels are in the order they appear
  groupData$Group <- factor(groupData$Group, levels=unique(groupData$Group))
  groupData[,main_effect_names] <- lapply(groupData[main_effect_names], function(x) factor(x, levels=unique(x)))
  group_names <- paste("Mean",as.character(unique(groupData$Group)),sep="_")

  # Keep all the relevant stuff
  groupData_sub <- groupData[,c("Group", main_effect_names, covariate_names)]

  ## Translate the groups into numeric labels for anova_cpp() function.  Also needed to order rows of the prediction grid
  gp <- factor(groupData$Group,labels=1:k,levels=unique(groupData$Group))

  # ANOVA stuffs ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (length(attr(get_group_DF(omicsData), "main_effects")) == 1) {
    ##---- One factor ANOVA ----##
    # pre-compute coefficients of the non-interaction model
    xmatrix <- model.matrix(~ ., groupData[c("Group", covariate_names)])
    Xfull = xmatrix # not used in one factor case, but needed as an argument
    Xred = xmatrix
    Betas <- compute_betas(data.matrix(data), xmatrix)

    # indices of covariates in design matrix as well as special indices for continuous covariates.
    if (length(covariate_names) > 0) {
      covar_inds = (length(main_effect_names) + 1):(length(main_effect_names) + 1 + length(covariate_names))
      covar_inds = which(attr(Xred, "assign") %in% covar_inds)
      continuous_covars = covariate_names[sapply(groupData_sub[covariate_names], is.numeric)]
      continuous_covar_inds = which(colnames(Xred) == continuous_covars)
    } else {
      covar_inds <- NULL
      continuous_covar_inds <- numeric(0) # right type for Rcpp
    # Construct the matrix which predicts over all group + categorical covariates combinations.  Continuous covariates will be set to the mean of their values for non-missing data points.
    pred_grid_red <- pred_grid_full <- get_pred_grid(group_df = groupData_sub, main_effect_names = main_effect_names, covariate_names, fspec = as.formula("~."))
    #Rcpp::sourceCpp('~/pmartR/src/anova_helper_funs.cpp') #Run if debugging code
    raw_results <- anova_cpp(data.matrix(data),gp,1-equal_var, xmatrix, Betas, pred_grid_red, continuous_covar_inds, attr(pred_grid_red, "groups"))
    which_xmatrix <- rep(0, nrow(data)) # dummy argument to group_comparison_anova, makes us always select the reduced model since we only have one main effect.

    ##---- Two factor ANOVA ----##
    #source('~/pmartR/R/anova_helper_fun.R') #Run if debugging

    # design matrix for the reduced model (no interactions between main effects)
    Xred <- model.matrix(~.,data=dplyr::select(groupData_sub, -dplyr::one_of("Group")))

    # design matrix for the full model (interaction terms between main effects)
    rhs =sprintf("%s %s",
                paste(main_effect_names, collapse="*"),
                paste(c("", covariate_names), collapse = " + "))
    full_formula = sprintf("~ %s", rhs)
    Xfull <- model.matrix(as.formula(full_formula),data=dplyr::select(groupData_sub, -dplyr::one_of("Group")))

    if (length(covariate_names) > 0) {
      covar_inds = (length(main_effect_names) + 1):(length(main_effect_names) + 1 + length(covariate_names))
      covar_inds = which(attr(Xred, "assign") %in% covar_inds)
      continuous_covars = covariate_names[sapply(groupData_sub[covariate_names], is.numeric)]
      continuous_covar_inds = which(colnames(Xred) == continuous_covars)
    } else {
      covar_inds <- NULL
      continuous_covar_inds <- numeric(0)

    pred_grid_red <- get_pred_grid(group_df = groupData_sub, main_effect_names = main_effect_names, covariate_names, fspec = as.formula("~."))
    pred_grid_full <- get_pred_grid(group_df = groupData_sub, main_effect_names = main_effect_names, covariate_names, fspec = as.formula(full_formula))

    raw_results <- run_twofactor_cpp(
      Xfull=Xfull, Xred=Xred,
      continuous_covar_inds = continuous_covar_inds

    which_xmatrix = raw_results$which_X
    Xfull <- raw_results$Xfull
    Xred <- raw_results$Xred
  #The C++ function returns a list so we need to make it into a data.frame
  results <- data.frame(raw_results$Sigma2, raw_results$lsmeans, raw_results$Fstats, raw_results$pvalue, raw_results$dof, which_xmatrix)
  #Rename the columns to match group names
  colnames(results) <- c("Variance",group_names,"F_Statistic","p_value", "degrees_of_freedom", "which_xmatrix")
  #Pull off edata_cname and add to results df``
  edatacname <- attr(omicsData,"cnames")$edata_cname
  results <- cbind(omicsData$e_data[edatacname],results)
  ###-------Use group_comparison_anova() to compare the groups that were requested--------------##
  #source('~/pmartR/R/group_comparison.R') # Run if debugging
  #Rcpp::sourceCpp('~/pmartR/src/group_comparisons.cpp') #Run if debugging
  # Construct matrices that map the beta coefficients to the group means
  beta_to_mu_full <- pred_grid_full
  beta_to_mu_red <- pred_grid_red

  beta_to_mu_full[,covar_inds] <- 0
  beta_to_mu_red[,covar_inds] <- 0

  beta_to_mu_full <- unique(beta_to_mu_full)
  beta_to_mu_red <- unique(beta_to_mu_red)

  group_comp <- group_comparison_anova(
    groupData=groupData[,c("Group", main_effect_names, covariate_names)],
    Xfull = Xfull,
    Xred = Xred,
  #If there are only two levels, replace group_comp p-values with those taken from ANOVA function
    group_comp$p_values <- raw_results$pvalue

  # Fold change stuffs ---------------------------------------------------------

  # Different way to compute fold change: diff if log scale, ratio otherwise
  if (attr(omicsData, "data_info")$data_scale %in% c("log2", "log", "log10")) {
    fold_change <- group_comp$diff_mat
  } else {
    Cmat_res <- create_c_matrix(groupData, comparisons)
    Cmat <- Cmat_res$cmat
    fold_change <- fold_change_ratio(raw_results$lsmeans, Cmat)
    fold_change <- data.frame(fold_change)
    colnames(fold_change) <- colnames(group_comp$diff_mat)

  # p-value correction stuffs --------------------------------------------------

  p_values_adjust <- p_adjustment_anova(
    p_values = group_comp$p_values,
    diff_mean = group_comp$diff_mat,
    t_stats = group_comp$t_tests,
    sizes = raw_results$group_sizes,
    pval_adjust_multcomp = pval_adjust_multcomp,
    pval_adjust_fdr = pval_adjust_fdr
  colnames(p_values_adjust) <- colnames(fold_change)

  # Flag stuffs ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Create object to be returned
  sig_indicators <- data.matrix(p_values_adjust)

  sigs <- which(sig_indicators < pval_thresh)
  if (length(sigs) > 0) {
    sig_indicators[sigs] <- sign(data.matrix(group_comp$diff_mat)[sigs])
    sig_indicators[-sigs] <- 0
  } else {
    sig_indicators[which(sig_indicators >= pval_thresh)] <- 0
  sig_indicators <- data.frame(sig_indicators)
  colnames(sig_indicators) <- colnames(fold_change)

  # Return stuffs --------------------------------------------------------------

  # (estimated variance, F-statistic, p-value and group means), estimated fold
  # changes, and adjusted p-values for the requested comparisons
  out <- list(
    Results = results,
    Fold_changes = fold_change,
    Fold_change_pvalues = p_values_adjust,
    Flags = sig_indicators

  attr(out, "Xfull") <- Xfull
  attr(out, "Xred") <- Xred
  attr(out, "which_X") <- which_xmatrix



#Wrapper function for the two factor ANOVA function
run_twofactor_cpp <- function(data,gpData, Xfull, Xred, pred_grid_full, pred_grid_red, continuous_covar_inds){
  #Run the two factor ANOVA model
  res <- two_factor_anova_cpp(
    attr(pred_grid_red, "groups")

  res$Xfull <- Xfull
  res$Xred <- Xred

#' Group comparisons for the anova test
#' Takes the results of anova_test() and returns group comparison p-values
#' @param data The expression values without the id column
#' @param groupData data frame that assigns sample names to groups
#' @param comparisons dataframe that defines the comparsions of interest
#' @param Xfull design matrix for the full model with interaction terms between the main effects
#' @param Xred design matrix for the reduced model with no interaction terms between the main effects 
#' @param anova_results_full results of the \code{pmartR::anova_test()} function
#' @param beta_to_mu_full matrix that maps the beta coefficients to the group means for the full model
#' @param beta_to_mu_red matrix that maps the beta coefficients to the group means for the reduced model
#' @return A data.frame containing the p-values from the group comparisons.
#' @author Bryan Stanfill, Daniel Claborne
group_comparison_anova <- function(data,groupData,comparisons, Xfull, Xred, anova_results_full, beta_to_mu_full, beta_to_mu_red){
  #The group means include the word "Group" in them so that is what will be passed
  #to the group_comparison(...) and fold_change(...) functions along with estimated variance
  anova_results <- anova_results_full$Results
  means <- data.matrix(anova_results[,grep("Mean",colnames(anova_results))])
  sizes <- data.matrix(anova_results_full$Sizes)
  which_xmatrix <- data.matrix(anova_results_full$Results$which_xmatrix)
  #If "comparisons" is null, then do all pairwise comparisons, else use the "comparisons" df to
  #create the appropriate C matrix
  # From the design matrix, we can get the matrix D that maps coefficients (Beta) to cell means by the relationship mu = D %*% Beta.  We then multiply both sides by the contrast matrix C, which would be used to do group comparisons in the cell-means model.  The matrix C %*% D is the correct contrast matrix to do cell mean comparisons for our particular design matrices.

  # Cell means contrast matrix
  Cmat_res <- create_c_matrix(group_df = groupData, to_compare_df = comparisons)
  Cmat <- Cmat_res$cmat
  # C %*% D appropriate contrast matrices for group comparisons
  Cnew_full = Cmat %*% beta_to_mu_full
  Cnew_red = Cmat %*% beta_to_mu_red
  group_comp <- group_comparison_anova_cpp(means, data, sizes, which_xmatrix, Xfull, Xred, Cnew_full, Cnew_red, Cmat)
  group_comp$diff_mat <- data.frame(group_comp$diff_mat)
  colnames(group_comp$diff_mat) <- Cmat_res$names
  colnames(group_comp$diff_ses) <- Cmat_res$names
  colnames(group_comp$t_tests) <- paste(Cmat_res$names, "Test-Stat")
  group_comp$p_values <- data.frame(group_comp$p_values)
  colnames(group_comp$p_values) <- paste(Cmat_res$names, "p-value")

# Runs a t test on the difference between paired data when there are no main
# effects.

# @author Evan A Martin
paired_test <- function(data, bio_ids, cutoff, parallel) {
  # Create the results data frame. With no main effects and paired data this
  # will consist of two columns. The first contains the biomolecule IDs and the
  # second is the mean of differences.
  results <- cbind(bio_ids, rowMeans(data, na.rm = TRUE))
  names(results)[2] <- "Mean_paired_diff"

  # Set up parallel backend.
  if (parallel) {
    cores <- parallelly::availableCores()
    cl <- parallelly::makeClusterPSOCK(cores - 1)
  } else {

  t_pval <- foreach::foreach(v = 1:nrow(data), .combine = "c") %dopar% {
    # Run the t test on each row of the difference data frame. Only the p-value
    # will be kept. This will be used to determine the flags and returned in the
    # final statRes object.
    t.test(data[v, ])$p.value

  # Create a vector of zeros for the flag. If a p-value is significant the flag
  # will be changed to either -1 or 1 depending on the sign of the fold change.
  banner <- rep(0, nrow(data))

  # Determine which p-values fall below the threshold.
  siggy <- which(t_pval < cutoff)

  # Use the fold change (mean across columns) and the p-value to determine the
  # flag.
  banner[siggy] <- sign(results$Mean_paired_diff)[siggy]

      Results = results,
      Fold_changes = data.frame(paired_diff = results$Mean_paired_diff),
      Fold_change_pvalues = data.frame(paired_diff = t_pval),
      Flags = data.frame(paired_diff = banner)

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# IMD FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' Tests for the independence of missing data across groups (aka factors, aka
#' main effects)
#' Tests the null hypothesis that the number of missing observations is
#' independent of the groups.  A g-test is used to test this null hypothese
#' against the alternative that the groups and missing data are related.  This
#' is usually performed in conjuction with an ANOVA which tests if the mean
#' response (which varies with data type) is the same across groups; this
#' combination is called IMD_ANOVA.  It's probably a good idea to first filter
#' the data with `imd_anova_filter` to see if there is enough infomration to
#' even do this test.  See Webb-Robertson et al. (2010) for more.
#' @param omicsData A pmartR data object of any class
#' @param groupData `data.frame` that assigns sample names to groups
#' @param comparisons `data.frame` with columns for "Control" and "Test"
#'   containing the different comparisons of interest. Comparisons will be made
#'   between the Test and the corresponding Control  If left NULL, then all
#'   pairwise comparisons are executed.
#' @param pval_adjust_multcomp A character string specifying the type of multiple
#'   comparisons adjustment to implement. The default setting, "none", is to not
#'   apply an adjustment. Valid options include: "bonferroni" and "holm".
#' @param pval_adjust_fdr A character string specifying the type of FDR
#'   adjustment to implement. The default setting, "none", is to not
#'   apply an adjustment. Valid options include: "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and
#'   "fdr".
#' @param pval_thresh numeric p-value threshold, below or equal to which
#'   peptides are considered differentially expressed. Defaults to 0.05
#' @param covariates A character vector with no more than two variable names
#'   that will be used as covariates in the IMD-ANOVA analysis.
#' @param paired A logical value that determines whether paired data should be
#'   accounted for
#' @param parallel A logical value indicating whether or not to use a
#'   "doParallel" loop when running the G-Test with covariates. The default is
#'   TRUE.
#' @return  a list of `data.frame`s
#'   \tabular{ll}{
#'   Results  \tab e_data cname,
#'   Count of non-missing data for each group, Global G-test statistic and
#'   p-value\cr \tab \cr Gstats  \tab Value of the g statistics for each of the
#'   pairwise comparisons specified by the `comparisons` argument \cr \tab \cr
#'   Pvalues  \tab p-values for each of the pairwise comparisons specified by
#'   `comparisons` argument \cr \tab \cr Flags  \tab Indicator of statistical
#'   significance where the sign of the flag reflects the difference in the
#'   ratio of non-missing observations (0/+-2 to if adjusted
#'   p-value>=pval_thresh or p-value<pval_thresh) \cr
#'   }
#' @author Bryan Stanfill
#' @references Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo M., et al. "Combined statistical
#' analyses of peptide intensities and peptide occurrences improves
#' identification of significant peptides from MS-based proteomics data."
#' Journal of proteome research 9.11 (2010): 5748-5756.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
imd_test <- function(omicsData, groupData, comparisons, pval_adjust_multcomp,
                     pval_adjust_fdr, pval_thresh, covariates, paired,
                     parallel = TRUE) {
  # Catch if number of groups is too small
  k <- length(unique(groupData$Group))
  if (k < 2) {
    stop("This test cannot be performed with less than two groups.")

  if (inherits(omicsData, "seqData")) {
    stop("Not valid for seqData objects")

  # Check for gtest filter
  if (is.null(attr(omicsData, "imdanova"))) {
    warning("These data haven't been filtered, see `?imdanova_filter` for details.")
  } else {
    cnames <- omicsData$e_data[, attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname]
    filterrows <- which(cnames %in% attr(omicsData, "imdanova")$test_with_gtest)
    if (length(filterrows) > 0)
      omicsData$e_data <- omicsData$e_data[filterrows, ]

  # Remove rows in "groupData" that don't have corresponding columns in 'omicsData$edata'
  samp_cname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$samp_cname
  if (is.null(samp_cname)) { # Added becuase "samp_cname" has been replaced with "fdata_cname"
    samp_cname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$fdata_cname
  group_samp_cname <- groupData[, samp_cname] # The sampleIDs in groupData (possibly more than is in the e_data)
  groupData <- groupData[group_samp_cname %in% colnames(omicsData$e_data), ] # Only keep the rows of groupData that have columns in e_data
  # groupData <- dplyr::filter(groupData,SampleID%in%colnames(omicsData$e_data)) #This is faster but too specific to a cname of SampleID

  # Create a data matrix that only includes the samples in "groupData" and put
  # them in the order specified by "groupData"
  data <- omicsData$e_data[, as.character(groupData[, samp_cname])]

  # Find the number of times each peptide was absent for each of the
  # experimental groups, matrix of CAk values
  gp <- factor(groupData$Group, labels = 1:k, levels = unique(groupData$Group))

  # Number of samples associated with each group
  nK <- as.numeric(table(gp))
  label_map <- data.frame(Num_label = 1:k, Group = unique(groupData$Group), nK = nK)

  # Global IMD test - any pattern in missing across all groups? ----------------

  # Rcpp::sourceCpp('src/count_missing_cpp.cpp') #Run for debugging
  absent <- count_missing_cpp(data.matrix(data), gp)
  colnames(absent) <- label_map$Group

  # Number of times each peptide was observed for each of the experimental groups, matrix of COk values
  observed <- matrix(label_map$nK, nrow = nrow(absent), ncol = ncol(absent), byrow = TRUE)
  observed <- observed - absent
  colnames(observed) <- label_map$Group

  # compute total number of samples from which each peptide is absent (mA) or observed (mO)
  mA <- rowSums(absent)
  mO <- rowSums(observed)
  N <- mA + mO

  # Expected number of absences (EAk) and observations (EOk) for each group
  EAk <- (mA / N) * matrix(label_map$nK, nrow = nrow(absent), ncol = ncol(absent), byrow = TRUE)
  EOk <- (mO / N) * matrix(label_map$nK, nrow = nrow(absent), ncol = ncol(absent), byrow = TRUE)

  # Sum is only taken over non-zero counts; zero counts are turned into NaN so they need to be zeroed out
  Gks <- observed * log(observed / EOk)
  Gks[which(is.nan(Gks))] <- 0
  GksA <- absent * log(absent / EAk)
  GksA[which(is.nan(GksA))] <- 0
  Gks <- Gks + GksA

  # Compute test statistic but summing over all nonzero counts (na.rm=TRUE removes the zero counts)
  Global_Gk <- 2 * rowSums(Gks)

  # Put the statistic, degrees of freedom and p-value into a data frame
  Global_results <- data.frame(Statistic = Global_Gk, p_value = pchisq(Global_Gk, df = (k - 1), lower.tail = FALSE))

  # Pull off edata_cname and add to results df
  edatacname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname
  edataIdx <- which(colnames(omicsData$e_data) == edatacname)
  colnames(observed) <- paste("Count", colnames(observed), sep = '_')
  Global_results <- cbind(omicsData$e_data[edatacname], observed, Global_results)

  # Pairwise IMD test - any qualitative difference between groups? -------------

  # Create the c matrix. This matrix will be used to determine the number of
  # comparisons being performed, what the column names of the test statistic
  # and p-value data frames should be, and to determine the sign of the imd
  # flags.
  cmat <- create_c_matrix(
    group_df = groupData,
    to_compare_df = comparisons

  # Compute test statistic but summing over all nonzero counts (na.rm=TRUE
  # removes the zero counts)
  if (k == 2) {
    # Determine if covariates/paired data should be accounted for.
    if (is.null(covariates) || paired) {
      pairwise_stats <- data.frame(Global_Gk)
      pairwise_pvals <- data.frame(Global_results$p_value)
    } else {
      interim <- imd_cov(
        data = omicsData$e_data[, -edataIdx],
        groupData = groupData,
        fdata = omicsData$f_data,
        cmat = cmat,
        covariates = covariates,
        paired = paired,
        parallel = parallel

      pairwise_stats <- interim$tstats
      pairwise_pvals <- interim$pvals

    if (is.null(comparisons)) {
      colnames(pairwise_stats)[1] <- colnames(pairwise_pvals)[1] <- paste(label_map$Group[1], label_map$Group[2], sep = "_vs_")
    } else {
      colnames(pairwise_stats)[1] <- colnames(pairwise_pvals)[1] <- paste(comparisons$Test[1], comparisons$Control[1], sep = "_vs_")

    # Signs for group comparisons
    ratio_diff <- sign(
      (observed / (observed + absent)) %*% t(cmat$cmat)
    colnames(ratio_diff) <- cmat$names
  } else {
    # Determine if covariates/paired data should be accounted for.
    if (is.null(covariates) && !paired) {
      pairwise_gk <- group_comparison_imd(groupData, comparisons, observed, absent)
      pairwise_stats <- data.frame(pairwise_gk$GStats)
      pairwise_pvals <- data.frame(pairwise_gk$pvalues)
      colnames(pairwise_pvals) <- colnames(pairwise_gk$pvalues)
      ratio_diff <- pairwise_gk$signs
    } else {
      interim <- imd_cov(
        data = omicsData$e_data[, -edataIdx],
        groupData = groupData,
        fdata = omicsData$f_data,
        cmat = cmat,
        covariates = covariates,
        paired = paired,
        parallel = parallel

      pairwise_stats <- interim$tstats
      pairwise_pvals <- interim$pvals

      ratio_diff <- sign(
        (observed / (observed + absent)) %*% t(cmat$cmat)
      colnames(ratio_diff) <- cmat$names

  # P-value adjustment ---------------------------------------------------------

  # Implement Bonferonni correction by multiplying by number of tests if requested, otherwise do nothing

  if (ncol(pairwise_pvals) == 1)
    pval_adjust_multcomp <- 'none'

  if (pval_adjust_multcomp == "bonferroni") {
    adjusted_pvals <- pmin(data.matrix(pairwise_pvals * (ncol(pairwise_pvals))), 1)
  } else if (pval_adjust_multcomp == "holm") {
    adjusted_pvals <- t(apply(pairwise_pvals, 1, ranked_holm_cpp))
    colnames(adjusted_pvals) <- colnames(pairwise_pvals)
  } else {
    adjusted_pvals <- pairwise_pvals

  # Apply FDR adjustment
  if (is.null(pval_adjust_fdr))
    pval_adjust_fdr <- "none"

  adjusted_pvals <- apply(adjusted_pvals, 2, p.adjust, method = pval_adjust_fdr)

  #----- Create significance flag matrix -----#
  sig_indicators <- data.matrix(adjusted_pvals)
  sigs <- which(sig_indicators < pval_thresh)
  if (length(sigs) > 0) {
    sig_indicators[sigs] <- sign(ratio_diff[sigs])
    sig_indicators[-sigs] <- 0
  } else {
    sig_indicators[which(sig_indicators >= pval_thresh)] <- 0

  sig_indicators <- data.frame(sig_indicators)
  # sig_indicators <- data.frame(adjusted_pvals[,1],sig_indicators)
  # colnames(sig_indicators)[1] <- colnames(adjusted_pvals)[1]

    Results = Global_results,
    Gstats = pairwise_stats,
    Pvalues = adjusted_pvals,
    Flags = sig_indicators

#' Group comparisons for the g-test
#' Takes the results of imd_test() and returns group comparison p-values
#' @param groupData data frame that assigns sample names to groups
#' @param comparisons dataframe that defiens the comparsions of interest
#' @param observed matrix of number of observed counts
#' @param absent matrix of number of observed counts
#' @return A data.frame containing the p-values from the group comparisons.
#' @author Bryan Stanfill
group_comparison_imd <- function(groupData, comparisons, observed, absent) {
  # If "comparisons" is null, then do all pairwise comparisons, else use the "comparisons" df to
  # create the appropriate C matrix
  Cmat_res <- create_c_matrix(groupData, comparisons)
  Cmat <- abs(Cmat_res$cmat)

  # Number of samples per group
  nK <- observed[1, ] + absent[1, ]

  moMat <- observed %*% t(Cmat)
  maMat <- absent %*% t(Cmat)
  N <- moMat[1, ] + maMat[1, ]

  # CokMat <- CakMat <- EokMat <- EakMat <- NULL
  Gstats <- matrix(0, ncol = nrow(Cmat), nrow = nrow(moMat))
  for (i in 1:ncol(moMat)) {
    nk_N_ratio <- nK / N[i] * Cmat[i, ]

    EokMat <- matrix(moMat[, i], ncol = 1) %*% matrix(nk_N_ratio, nrow = 1)
    EakMat <- matrix(maMat[, i], ncol = 1) %*% matrix(nk_N_ratio, nrow = 1)
    CokMat <- observed * matrix(Cmat[i, ], nrow = nrow(observed), ncol = ncol(Cmat), byrow = TRUE)
    CakMat <- absent * matrix(Cmat[i, ], nrow = nrow(observed), ncol = ncol(Cmat), byrow = TRUE)
    GmatObs <- CokMat * log(CokMat / EokMat)
    GmatAbs <- CakMat * log(CakMat / EakMat)
    GmatObs[is.nan(GmatObs)] <- GmatAbs[is.nan(GmatAbs)] <- 0
    Gstats[, i] <- 2 * rowSums(GmatObs + GmatAbs)

  colnames(Gstats) <- Cmat_res$names
  pvals <- pchisq(Gstats, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

  # Return signs for imd_test flags, i.e., diff in proportion of observed values
  signs <- sign((observed / (observed + absent)) %*% t(Cmat_res$cmat))

  return(list(GStats = Gstats, pvalues = pvals, signs = signs))

# imd_cov carries out pairwise G-tests on all possible pairs of groups
# accounting for covariates and (when present) paired samples.
# @param data The e_data object without the biomolecule ID column.
# @param groupData The group_DF attribute.
# @param fdata The f_data object. This will only be used if the data are paired.
# @param cmat A list output by the create_c_matrix function.
# @param covariates A character vector specifying the covariates.
# @param paired A logical value indicating whether the data is paired.
# @param parallel A logical value indicating whether or not to use a
#   "doParallel" loop when running the G-Test with covariates. The default is
#   TRUE.
# @return A list of two data frames. The first data frame contains the test
#   statistics for each pairwise comparison across all biomolecules. The second
#   contains the corresponding p-values.
# @Author Evan A Martin
imd_cov <- function(data, groupData, fdata, cmat,
                    covariates, paired, parallel = TRUE) {
  # Create an object that will correctly subset the anova(glm()) output given
  # the number of covariates present.
  if (paired && is.null(covariates)) {
    gem <- 3
  } else if (paired && length(covariates) == 1) {
    gem <- 4
  } else if (paired && length(covariates) == 2) {
    gem <- 5
  } else if (!paired && length(covariates) == 1) {
    gem <- 3
  } else {
    gem <- 4

  # Lay hold on the appropriate indices of covariates attribute of the groupData
  # object using the names of the covariates in the input.
  covIdx <- which(colnames(attr(groupData, "covariates")) %in% covariates)

  # Snag the index of the pair ID variable in f_data.
  pairIdx <- which(names(fdata) == attr(groupData, "pair_id"))

  # Create a list for the test statistics and p-values from anova for each
  # pairwise test.
  list_anova <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(cmat$names))

  # Set up parallel backend.
  if (parallel) {
    cores <- parallelly::availableCores()
    cl <- parallelly::makeClusterPSOCK(cores - 1)
  } else {

  # Loop through each comparison and compute the test statistic and p-value for
  # each row in e_data.
  for (e in 1:length(cmat$names)) {
    # Determine which groups will be compared by extracting the group names from
    # cmat$names.
    groupNames <- stringr::str_replace(
      string = cmat$names[[e]],
      pattern = "_vs_",
      replacement = "|"

    # Nab the indices corresponding to the two groups that are being compared.
    # These indicies will be used to subset the columns of e_data and the rows
    # of both the main effect and covariate data frames.
    groupIdx <- stringr::str_which(groupData$Group, groupNames)

    nova <- foreach::foreach(v = 1:nrow(data)) %dopar% {
      # Account for paired data when covariates are NOT present.
      if (paired && is.null(covariates)) {
        # Run the G-test with the pairing information and no covariates.
          ninja <- anova(
              as.numeric(!is.na(data[v, groupIdx])) ~
                fdata[groupIdx, pairIdx] +
              family = binomial
            test = "Chisq"

        # Account for paired data and one covariate.
      } else if (paired && length(covariates) == 1) {
        # Run the G-test with the pairing information and the covariate.
          ninja <- anova(
              as.numeric(!is.na(data[v, groupIdx])) ~
                fdata[groupIdx, pairIdx] +
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx] +
              family = binomial
            test = "Chisq"

        # Account for paired data and two covariates.
      } else if (paired && length(covariates) == 2) {
        # Run the G-test with the pairing information and the covariates.
          ninja <- anova(
              as.numeric(!is.na(data[v, groupIdx])) ~
                fdata[groupIdx, pairIdx] +
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx[[1]]] +
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx[[2]]] +
              family = binomial
            test = "Chisq"

        # Account for one covariate when data are NOT paired.
      } else if (!paired && length(covariates) == 1) {
        # Run the G-test with one covariate.
          ninja <- anova(
              as.numeric(!is.na(data[v, groupIdx])) ~
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx] +
              family = binomial
            test = "Chisq"

        # Account for two covariates when data are NOT paired.
      } else {
        # Run the G-test with two covariates.
          ninja <- anova(
              as.numeric(!is.na(data[v, groupIdx])) ~
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx[[1]]] +
                attr(groupData, "covariates")[groupIdx, covIdx[[2]]] +
              family = binomial
            test = "Chisq"

      # Snag the test statistic and p-value from the anova(glm()) output.
      dragon <- data.frame(
        daStats = ninja$Deviance[[gem]],
        daPvals = ninja$`Pr(>Chi)`[[gem]]


    # Combine each row into one data frame.
    list_anova[[e]] <- data.table::rbindlist(nova)

  # Create separate data frames for the test statistics and the p-values.
  devi <- cbindList(lapply(list_anova, `[[`, "daStats"))
  pchi <- cbindList(lapply(list_anova, `[[`, "daPvals"))

  # Name the columns of the test statistic and p-value data frames with the
  # names of the corresponding groups being compared.
  colnames(devi) <- cmat$names
  colnames(pchi) <- cmat$names

    tstats = devi,
    pvals = pchi

# cbindList takes a list and combines each element of the list in a data frame
# column-wise.
# @param aList A list whose elements are vectors all with the same length.
# @return A data frame with each element of the list as a column in the data
#   frame.
# @Author Evan A Martin
cbindList <- function(aList) {
  # Create a matrix that will have one column for each element of aList.
  aMatrix <- matrix(0,
    nrow = length(aList[[1]]),
    ncol = length(aList)

  # Loop through each element in aList and add it as a column to a data frame.
  for (e in 1:length(aList)) {
    aMatrix[, e] <- aList[[e]]

  # Convert to a data frame.
  aDF <- data.frame(aMatrix)


# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# COMPARISON FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

create_c_matrix <- function(group_df, to_compare_df = NULL) {
  # This function will create the C-matrix that defines the comparisons that are requested
  # and returns a list of names that defines which two groups are being compared for each
  # row of the C matrix

  # group_df - defines which columns (`sample_name`) belong to which groups (`Group`)
  groups_two_fac <- groups <- as.character(unique(group_df$Group))
  ngroups <- length(groups)
  compi <- NULL

  if (is.null(to_compare_df)) {
    # Create the Cmatrix that corresponds to all pairwise comparisons
    # With two factors, all pairwise includes the higher order terms
    n_comparisons <- choose(ngroups, 2)
    Cmat <- matrix(0, n_comparisons, ngroups)
    row <- 1
    for (i in 1:(ngroups - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):ngroups) {
        Cmat[row, i] <- 1
        Cmat[row, j] <- -1
        row <- row + 1
        compi <- c(compi, paste0(groups[i], "_vs_", groups[j]))
  } else {
    n_comparisons <- nrow(to_compare_df)
    Cmat <- matrix(0, n_comparisons, ngroups)
    all_comp_levels <- as.character(unique(unlist(to_compare_df)))

    if (ncol(group_df) > 2) { # Two factor case, allow for main effect tests so grow groups to include those
      group_df[, -1] <- apply(group_df[, -1], 2, as.factor)
      groups_two_fac <- as.character(unique(unlist(group_df[, -1])))

    # Check that all of the groups in "to_compare_df" are present in "group_df"
    if (!all(all_comp_levels %in% groups_two_fac) & !all(all_comp_levels %in% groups)) {
      stop("Some groups listed in the 'comparisons' argument do not appear in the 'groupData' argument.")
    for (i in 1:n_comparisons) {
      control_i <- which(to_compare_df$Control[i] == groups)
      test_i <- which(to_compare_df$Test[i] == groups)
      Cmat[i,control_i] <- (-1/length(control_i)) # red herring, should only ever be one...
      Cmat[i,test_i] <- 1/length(test_i)
      compi <- c(compi,paste0(to_compare_df$Test[i],"_vs_",to_compare_df$Control[i]))

  return(list(cmat = Cmat, names = compi))

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# P-VALUE FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons
#' Depending upon the \code{pval_adjust} method selected, the supplied p_values are compared against an adjusted \code{pval_thresh} value or the provided
#' means are used to compute new statistics, p-values are computed and compared against the provided \code{pval_thresh}.  A \code{data.frame} that indicates which
#' of the tests are significant, 1 if significant or 0 if insignificant.  If \code{means} is also provided and the p-value is signficant then the direction
#' of the change is indicated by the sign on 1, i.e., means<0 and p_value<pval_thresh will return -1, similarly for means>0.
#' @param p_values A matrix (or \code{data.frame}) of p-values to be adjusted.
#' @param diff_mean A matrix (or \code{data.frame}) of groups means that are to be compared
#' @param t_stats A matrix (or \code{data.frame}) of t-test statistics resulting from from standard procedures
#' @param sizes A matrix (or \code{data.frame}) of group sizes
#' @param pval_adjust_multcomp character vector specifying the type of multiple comparisons adjustment to implement. A NULL value corresponds to no adjustment. Valid options include: holm, bonferroni, dunnett, tukey or none.
#' @param pval_adjust_fdr character vector specifying the type of FDR adjustment to implement. A NULL value corresponds to no adjustment. Valid options include: bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr, or none.
#' @return a data frame with the following columns: group means, global G-test statistic and corresponding p-value
#' @author Bryan Stanfill
p_adjustment_anova <- function(p_values, diff_mean, t_stats,
                               sizes, pval_adjust_multcomp,
                               pval_adjust_fdr) {
  if (pval_adjust_multcomp == "tukey" | pval_adjust_multcomp == "dunnett") {
    # Tukey-Kramer statistics are t-statistic/sqrt(2)
    if (is.null(t_stats) | is.null(sizes)) {
      stop("The standard t-tests and group sizes need to be supplied in order to apply Tukey-Kramer adjustment.")

    n_compares <- ncol(t_stats)

    if (n_compares == 1) {
      # Tukey adjustment is not done if only one comparison is provided
      pval_adjust_multcomp <- 'none'
    } else {
      if (pval_adjust_multcomp == "tukey") {
        tukey_stats <- data.matrix(t_stats * sqrt(2))
        # Tukey only needs sizes for the rows, not individual group sizes
        if (is.data.frame(sizes)) {
          sizes <- rowSums(data.matrix(sizes))
        } else if (is.matrix(sizes)) {
          sizes <- rowSums(sizes)

        # Rcpp::sourceCpp('src/tukey_helper.cpp') #Use for debugging
        adjusted_pvals <- ptukey_speed(tukey_stats, sizes)

        # Need to find all rows where only one test was performed and replace
        # the adjusted p-value with the original p-value.
        just_one <- which(rowSums(!is.na(t_stats)) == 1)

        # Find the non-missing values from the original p-value data frame.
        # These are the p-values that need to replace the incorrectly adjusted
        # p-values (because only one test was performed). The numbers returned
        # from this code will be the indices of the data frame as a vector (not
        # a row/column index). R's convention is to number down the rows then
        # across the columns. For example,
        # matrix(1:25, nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)[c(3, 5)]
        # [1] 11 21
        not_na <- which(!is.na(p_values[just_one, ]))

        # Replace all unjustly adjusted p-values with the original p-value.
        # These are the rows where only one p-value was calculated.
        adjusted_pvals[just_one, ][not_na] <- data.matrix(
          p_values[just_one, ]
      } else { # Dunnett adjustment - Needs to be sped up
        adjusted_pvals <- matrix(NA, nrow(t_stats), ncol(t_stats))
        # colnames(adjusted_pvals) <- colnames(t_stats)

        for (i in 1:nrow(adjusted_pvals)) {
          k <- length(which(!is.na(p_values[i, ])))
          if (k > 0) {
            dfi <- sum(sizes[i, ]) - k
            rm_nas <- which(is.na(p_values[i, ]))
            # Modified version of an example from "Additional multcomp Examples" viggnette of the multcomp package
            # Until we add covariates the correlation matrix is assumed to be the identity
            if (length(rm_nas) > 0) {
              adjusted_pvals[i, -rm_nas] <- as.numeric(sapply(abs(t_stats[i, -rm_nas]), function(x, k, df) 1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(-rep(x, k), rep(x, k), df = df), k = k, df = dfi))
            } else {
              adjusted_pvals[i, ] <- as.numeric(sapply(abs(t_stats[i, ]), function(x, k, df) 1 - mvtnorm::pmvt(-rep(x, k), rep(x, k), df = df), k = k, df = dfi))

      colnames(adjusted_pvals) <- colnames(t_stats)
      colnames(adjusted_pvals) <- gsub("Test-Stat", "p-value", colnames(adjusted_pvals)) # This is a band-aid right now, may need to make more general later

  # Don't make this an "else if" because pval_adjust_multcomp can be changed to 'none' if n_compares==1
  if (pval_adjust_multcomp %in% c('none', "bonferroni", "holm")) {
    # p_values needs to be supplied to apply bonferroni adjustment, if it's NULL tell them that's a problem
    if (is.null(p_values)) {
      stop("The `p_values` argument must be supplied to perform the selected `pval_adjust_multcomp` method")

    if (is.null(dim(p_values)) || ncol(p_values) == 1) { # leaving this as "||" because only evaluating the 1st argument is fine in this case, as it returns TRUE when p_values is a vector (and thus ncol(p_values) does not compute and using a "|" gives an error)
      pval_adjust_multcomp = 'none'

    if (pval_adjust_multcomp != 'holm') {
      # For bonferroni adjustment, multiply p_values by number of comparisons (columns in p_values) else do no adjustment
      multiplier <- ifelse(pval_adjust_multcomp == "bonferroni", ncol(p_values), 1)
      adjusted_pvals <- pmin(data.matrix(multiplier * p_values), 1)
    } else {
      # Rcpp::sourceCpp('src/holm_adjustment.cpp') #For debugging
      # source('~/pmartR/R/support_p_adjustment.R') #For debugging
      adjusted_pvals <- t(apply(p_values, 1, ranked_holm_cpp))

      # NaN p-values should stay NaN
      nan_pvals <- lapply(p_values, is.nan)
      for (i in 1:ncol(adjusted_pvals)) {
        adjusted_pvals[, i][nan_pvals[[i]]] <- NaN

  # FDR adjustment
  if (is.null(pval_adjust_fdr))
    pval_adjust_fdr <- "none"

  adjusted_pvals <- apply(adjusted_pvals, 2, p.adjust, method = pval_adjust_fdr)

  # Return the adjusted p-values

  return(pvalues = data.frame(adjusted_pvals))

# I haven't found a function that quickly gets the rank of the original p-values
# so do it in R for now, still much faster than a pure R version
ranked_holm_cpp <- function(ps) {

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# COVARIATE FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#Function to create an X matrix based on a covariate data frame
build_x_mat <- function(cov_df, intercept = TRUE){
    cov_df <- matrix(cov_df,ncol=1)

  # If all covariates are numeric, simply return the same matrix back
  if (is.numeric(cov_df)) {
  # if we build the intercept model, the first column is the intercept, and all factor columns have their first level absorbed into the intercept.
  if (intercept) {
    Xmatrix <- rep(1, nrow(cov_df))
  } else{
    Xmatrix <- NULL
  #If the covariates are a mix of numeric, factors and characters, return matrix
  #of group identifiers
  for(i in 1:ncol(cov_df)){
      #If column i is numeric, append it to X
      Xmatrix <- cbind(Xmatrix,cov_df[,i])
      coli_levels <- unique(cov_df[,i])
      n_levels <- length(coli_levels)
        Xcoli <- matrix(0,nrow(cov_df),n_levels - intercept)
        for(j in 1:(n_levels - intercept)){
          # j + 1 so that we drop the first level
          Xcoli[cov_df[,i]==coli_levels[j + intercept],j] <- 1
        Xmatrix <- cbind(Xmatrix, Xcoli)

#---Function to remove linearly dependent columns in x corresponding to group
# levels----####
reduce_xmatrix <- function(x, ngroups) {
  p <- ncol(x)
  orig_rank <- qr(x)$rank
  if (orig_rank < p) {
    # Remove constant columns
    col_sds <- apply(x, 2, sd)
    if (any(col_sds == 0)) {
      x <- x[, -which(col_sds == 0)]
    } else {
      stdx <- apply(x, 2, function(mat) (mat - mean(mat)) / sd(mat))
      dmat <- as.matrix(dist(t(stdx)))
      dmat <- dmat[(1:ngroups), -(1:ngroups)]
      if (any(dmat == 0)) {
        ind_mat <- matrix(1:ngroups, ngroups, (p - ngroups))
        cols_to_remove <- ind_mat[which(dmat == 0)]
        x[, cols_to_remove] <- 0

#' Build the prediction grid to compute least squares means.
#' @param group_df A dataframe with the reserved 'Group' column, and columns for main effects and covariates.
#' @param main_effect_names Character vector with the column names of the main effects in group_df.
#' @param covariate_names Character vector with the column names of the covariates in group_df.
#' @param fspec A formula specification to be passed to \code{\link{model.matrix}} to construct the prediction grid in model matrix form.
#' @return A matrix of the prediction grid
#' @author Daniel Claborne
get_pred_grid <- function(group_df, main_effect_names, covariate_names=NULL, fspec = as.formula("~.")) {
  grid_list = list()
  for (name in main_effect_names) {
    grid_list[[name]] = factor(unique(group_df[,name]), levels = unique(group_df[,name]))

  for (name in covariate_names) {
    if (is.numeric(group_df[,name])) {
      grid_list[[name]] = 0
    } else {
      grid_list[[name]] = factor(unique(group_df[,name]), levels = unique(group_df[,name]))

  grid_df <- do.call(expand.grid, grid_list)

  # this left join maintains the order of the original groups in the grid
  grid_df <- dplyr::left_join(
    group_df %>% dplyr::distinct(Group, dplyr::across(dplyr::one_of(main_effect_names))), 
    by = main_effect_names, keep=FALSE

  k = length(unique(group_df$Group))
  gp_id = factor(grid_df$Group, labels = 1:k, levels = unique(grid_df$Group))
  gp_names = unique(grid_df$Group)
  grid_df <- grid_df %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of("Group"))

  modmatrix = as.matrix(model.matrix(fspec, data = grid_df))
  attr(modmatrix, "groups") = gp_id
  attr(modmatrix, 'ordered_group_names') = gp_names

#' Compute the least squares means from a prediction grid and estimated coefficients
#' @param data The raw data from which the estimates were computed
#' @param xmatrix The design matrix from which the prediction grid was constructed
#' @param pred_grid The prediction grid, obtained from \code{\link{get_pred_grid}}
#' @param Betas The estimated coefficients
#' @param continuous_covar_inds The column indices of xmatrix corresponding to continuous covariates.
#' @return A data frame of the least squares means
#' @author Daniel Claborne
get_lsmeans <- function(data, xmatrix, pred_grid, Betas, continuous_covar_inds=NULL) {
  lsmeans <- list()

  for (i in 1:nrow(Betas)) {
    beta = Betas[i,]
    y = data[i,]
    nona = which(!is.na(y))
    xnona = xmatrix[nona,]

    # we predict at the average level of the continuous covariates
    if (!is.null(continuous_covar_inds)) {
      for (j in continuous_covar_inds) {
        mean_ = mean(xnona[,j])
        pred_grid[,j] = mean_

    lsmeans_i <- pred_grid %*% beta
    lsmeans[[i]] <- lsmeans_i

  names(lsmeans) <- paste0("X", 1:nrow(Betas))
  lsmeans = do.call(cbind.data.frame, lsmeans)

  # average the predictions within group
  lsmeans = lsmeans %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(Group = attr(pred_grid, "groups")) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Group) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.numeric), mean)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of("Group")) %>%
    t() %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    `colnames<-`(paste0("Mean_", attr(pred_grid, "ordered_group_names")))


# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# PAIRED FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

# Function to translate paired data into differences
build_pair_mat <- function(omicsData) {
  # Nab all the info we need from the group_DF attribute.
  pairID <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")
  pairGroup <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_group")
  pairDenom <- attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_denom")

  # Snag the index of the biomolecule ID in e_data.
  edata_idx <- which(names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData))

  # Create a copy of f_data. The copy will be reordered to match the order of
  # e_data.
  fdata <- omicsData$f_data

  # Reorder the rows of f_data to match the order of the rows in e_data.
  fdata <- fdata[match(
    fdata[, get_fdata_cname(omicsData)],
  ), ]

  # Find unique pair IDs. The unique IDs will be used to correctly subset fdata
  # when matching sample IDs between edata and fdata.
  distinct_pairs <- unique(fdata[, pairID])

  # Grab the number of pairs in the data. This will be used to create the
  # correct number of columns in the matrix used to calculate the difference
  # between pairs.
  n_pairs <- length(distinct_pairs)

  # Create a matrix of zeros. Each column represents a pair and each row
  # represents a sample. A 1 and -1 will be added column-wise to specify which
  # sample in the pair will be subtracted from the other.
  Xmatrix <- matrix(0, nrow(fdata), n_pairs)

  for (e in 1:n_pairs) {
    # Determine which rows in fdata correspond to the current pair ID.
    current_pairs <- which(fdata[, pairID] == distinct_pairs[[e]])

    # Set the rows in Xmatrix to 1 that correspond to the current pair ID.
    Xmatrix[current_pairs, e] <- 1

    # Determine which row index for the current pair corresponds to pairDenom.
    # This is the sample that will be subtracted from the other sample and the
    # value in Xmatrix will be changed to -1.
    denom_idx <- which(
      as.character(fdata[current_pairs, pairGroup]) == pairDenom

    # Change the value to -1 in Xmatrix that corresponds to pairDenom. The
    # abundance value for this sample will be subtracted from the abundance
    # value of the other sample.
    Xmatrix[current_pairs[[denom_idx]], e] <- -1


#' Compute pairwise differences
#' Computes the differences for paired data according to the information in the
#' pairing column of f_data. This variable name is also an attribute of the
#' group_DF attribute.
#' @param omicsData Any one of the omicsData objects (pepData, metabData, ...).
#' @return A data.frame containing the differences between paired samples.
#' @author Evan A Martin
take_diff <- function(omicsData) {
  # Apprehend the index in f_data for the sample ID and pair ID columns.
  samp_idx <- which(names(omicsData$f_data) == get_fdata_cname(omicsData))
  pair_idx <- which(
    names(omicsData$f_data) == attr(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), "pair_id")

  # Create a matrix with -1 and 1 in the corresponding rows to calculate the
  # difference between the paired samples. This matrix is created according to
  # the column in f_data containing the paired information.
  pid_matrix <- build_pair_mat(omicsData)

  # Find the biomolecule ID index in e_data.
  bio_idx <- which(
    names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData)

  # Compute the differences between paired samples according to the pid matrix.
  diff_data <- fold_change_diff_na_okay(
    data = data.matrix(omicsData$e_data[, -bio_idx]),
    C = t(pid_matrix)

  # Extract the first occurrence of each pair variable in f_data. These will be
  # used later to rename the columns of diff_data.
  moniker <- omicsData$f_data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(pair_idx))) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1) %>%

  # Check if the data from the pair ID column is numeric. If it is the word
  # "Pair" will be added before each number. That way data.frame() won't
  # complain because the column names of the difference data will not be
  # numbers. Everyone wins!!!
  if (is.numeric(moniker)) {
    moniker <- paste("Pair", moniker,
      sep = "_"

  # Rename the columns of e_data to reflect that the paired differences were
  # calculated.
  colnames(diff_data) <- moniker


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