
Defines functions particleMetropolisHastings particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodel particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodelReparameterised

Documented in particleMetropolisHastings particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodel particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodelReparameterised

# Particle Metropolis-Hastings implemenations for LGSS and SV models
# Johan Dahlin <uni (at) johandahlin.com.nospam>
# Documentation at https://github.com/compops/pmh-tutorial
# Published under GNU General Public License

#' Particle Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for a linear Gaussian state space 
#' model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the parameter posterior for \eqn{phi} a linear Gaussian state 
#' space model of the form \eqn{ x_{t} = \phi x_{t-1} + \sigma_v v_t } and 
#' \eqn{ y_t = x_t + \sigma_e e_t }, where \eqn{v_t} and \eqn{e_t} denote 
#' independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e.\eqn{N(0,1)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param initialPhi The mean of the log-volatility process \eqn{\mu}.
#' @param sigmav The standard deviation of the state process \eqn{\sigma_v}.
#' @param sigmae The standard deviation of the observation process 
#' \eqn{\sigma_e}.
#' @param noParticles The number of particles to use in the filter.
#' @param initialState The inital state.
#' @param noIterations The number of iterations in the PMH algorithm.
#' @param stepSize The standard deviation of the Gaussian random walk proposal 
#' for \eqn{\phi}.
#' @return
#' The trace of the Markov chain exploring the marginal posterior for 
#' \eqn{\phi}.
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 4 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/particleMetropolisHastings
#' @importFrom stats dgamma
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif

particleMetropolisHastings <- function(y, initialPhi, sigmav, sigmae, 
  noParticles, initialState, noIterations, stepSize) {
    phi <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    phiProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    logLikelihood <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    logLikelihoodProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    proposedPhiAccepted <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    # Set the initial parameter and estimate the initial log-likelihood
    phi[1] <- initialPhi
    theta <- c(phi[1], sigmav, sigmae)
    outputPF <- particleFilter(y, theta, noParticles, initialState)
    logLikelihood[1]<- outputPF$logLikelihood
    for (k in 2:noIterations) {
      # Propose a new parameter
      phiProposed[k] <- phi[k - 1] + stepSize * rnorm(1)
      # Estimate the log-likelihood (don't run if unstable system)
      if (abs(phiProposed[k]) < 1.0) {
        theta <- c(phiProposed[k], sigmav, sigmae)
        outputPF <- particleFilter(y, theta, noParticles, initialState)
        logLikelihoodProposed[k] <- outputPF$logLikelihood
      # Compute the acceptance probability
      priorPart <- dnorm(phiProposed[k], log = TRUE)
      priorPart <- priorPart - dnorm(phi[k - 1], log = TRUE)
      likelihoodDifference <- logLikelihoodProposed[k] - logLikelihood[k - 1]
      acceptProbability <- exp(priorPart + likelihoodDifference)
      acceptProbability <- acceptProbability * (abs(phiProposed[k]) < 1.0)

      # Accept / reject step
      uniformRandomVariable <- runif(1)
      if (uniformRandomVariable < acceptProbability) {
        # Accept the parameter
        phi[k] <- phiProposed[k]
        logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihoodProposed[k]
        proposedPhiAccepted[k] <- 1
      } else {
        # Reject the parameter
        phi[k] <- phi[k - 1]
        logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihood[k - 1]
        proposedPhiAccepted[k] <- 0
      # Write out progress
      if (k %% 100 == 0) {
        cat(sprintf(" Iteration: %d of : %d completed.\n \n", k, noIterations))
        cat(sprintf(" Current state of the Markov chain:       %.4f \n", phi[k]))
        cat(sprintf(" Proposed next state of the Markov chain: %.4f \n", phiProposed[k]))
        cat(sprintf(" Current posterior mean:                  %.4f \n", mean(phi[0:k])))
        cat(sprintf(" Current acceptance rate:                 %.4f \n", mean(proposedPhiAccepted[0:k])))

#' Particle Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for a stochastic volatility model
#' model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the parameter posterior for \eqn{\theta=\{\mu,\phi,\sigma_v\}} in 
#' a stochastic volatility model of the form \eqn{x_t = \mu + \phi ( x_{t-1} - 
#' \mu ) + \sigma_v v_t} and \eqn{y_t = \exp(x_t/2) e_t}, where \eqn{v_t} and 
#' \eqn{e_t} denote independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e. 
#' \eqn{N(0,1)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param initialTheta An inital value for the parameters 
#' \eqn{\theta=\{\mu,\phi,\sigma_v\}}. The mean of the log-volatility 
#' process is denoted \eqn{\mu}. The persistence of the log-volatility 
#' process is denoted \eqn{\phi}. The standard deviation of the 
#' log-volatility process is denoted \eqn{\sigma_v}.
#' @param noParticles The number of particles to use in the filter.
#' @param noIterations The number of iterations in the PMH algorithm.
#' @param stepSize The standard deviation of the Gaussian random walk proposal 
#' for \eqn{\theta}.
#' @return
#' The trace of the Markov chain exploring the posterior of \eqn{\theta}.
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 5 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodel
#' @importFrom stats dgamma
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm

particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodel <- function(y, initialTheta, noParticles, 
  noIterations, stepSize) {
  T <- length(y) - 1

  xHatFiltered <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = T + 1)
  xHatFilteredProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = T + 1)
  theta <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
  thetaProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
  logLikelihood <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
  logLikelihoodProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
  proposedThetaAccepted <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
  # Set the initial parameter and estimate the initial log-likelihood
  theta[1, ] <- initialTheta
  res <- particleFilterSVmodel(y, theta[1, ], noParticles)
  logLikelihood[1] <- res$logLikelihood
  xHatFiltered[1, ] <- res$xHatFiltered
  for (k in 2:noIterations) {
    # Propose a new parameter
    thetaProposed[k, ] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = theta[k - 1, ], sigma = stepSize)
    # Estimate the log-likelihood (don't run if unstable system)
    if ((abs(thetaProposed[k, 2]) < 1.0) && (thetaProposed[k, 3] > 0.0)) {
      res <- particleFilterSVmodel(y, thetaProposed[k, ], noParticles)
      logLikelihoodProposed[k]  <- res$logLikelihood
      xHatFilteredProposed[k, ] <- res$xHatFiltered
    # Compute difference in the log-priors
    priorMu <- dnorm(thetaProposed[k, 1], 0, 1, log = TRUE) 
    priorMu <- priorMu - dnorm(theta[k - 1, 1], 0, 1, log = TRUE)
    priorPhi <- dnorm(thetaProposed[k, 2], 0.95, 0.05, log = TRUE) 
    priorPhi <- priorPhi - dnorm(theta[k - 1, 2], 0.95, 0.05, log = TRUE)
    priorSigmaV <- dgamma(thetaProposed[k, 3], 2, 10, log = TRUE)
    priorSigmaV <- priorSigmaV - dgamma(theta[k - 1, 3], 2, 10, log = TRUE)
    prior <- priorMu + priorPhi + priorSigmaV
    # Compute the acceptance probability
    likelihoodDifference <- logLikelihoodProposed[k] - logLikelihood[k - 1]
    acceptProbability <- exp(prior + likelihoodDifference)
    acceptProbability <- acceptProbability * (abs(thetaProposed[k, 2]) < 1.0)
    acceptProbability <- acceptProbability * (thetaProposed[k, 3] > 0.0)
    # Accept / reject step
    uniformRandomVariable <- runif(1)
    if (uniformRandomVariable < acceptProbability) {
      # Accept the parameter
      theta[k, ] <- thetaProposed[k, ]
      logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihoodProposed[k]
      xHatFiltered[k, ] <- xHatFilteredProposed[k, ]
      proposedThetaAccepted[k] <- 1
    } else {
      # Reject the parameter
      theta[k, ]  <- theta[k - 1, ]
      logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihood[k - 1]
      xHatFiltered[k, ] <- xHatFiltered[k - 1, ]
      proposedThetaAccepted[k] <- 0
    # Write out progress
    if (k %% 100 == 0) {
      cat(sprintf(" Iteration: %d of : %d completed.\n \n", k, noIterations))
        " Current state of the Markov chain:       %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
        theta[k, 1],
        theta[k, 2],
        theta[k, 3]
          " Proposed next state of the Markov chain: %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
          thetaProposed[k, 1],
          thetaProposed[k, 2],
          thetaProposed[k, 3]
        " Current posterior mean:                  %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
        mean(thetaProposed[0:k, 1]),
        mean(thetaProposed[0:k, 2]),
        mean(thetaProposed[0:k, 3])
      cat(sprintf(" Current acceptance rate:                 %.4f \n", mean(proposedThetaAccepted[0:k])))
  list(theta = theta, xHatFiltered = xHatFiltered, proposedThetaAccepted = proposedThetaAccepted)

#' Particle Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for a stochastic volatility model
#' model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the parameter posterior for \eqn{\theta=\{\mu,\phi,\sigma_v\}} in 
#' a stochastic volatility model of the form \eqn{x_t = \mu + \phi ( x_{t-1} - 
#' \mu ) + \sigma_v v_t} and \eqn{y_t = \exp(x_t/2) e_t}, where \eqn{v_t} and 
#' \eqn{e_t} denote independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e. 
#' \eqn{N(0,1)}. In this version of the PMH, we reparameterise the model and 
#' run the Markov chain on the  parameters \eqn{\vartheta=\{\mu,\psi,
#' \varsigma\}}, where \eqn{\phi=\tanh(\psi)} and \eqn{sigma_v=\exp(\varsigma)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param initialTheta An inital value for the parameters 
#' \eqn{\theta=\{\mu,\phi,\sigma_v\}}. The mean of the log-volatility 
#' process is denoted \eqn{\mu}. The persistence of the log-volatility 
#' process is denoted \eqn{\phi}. The standard deviation of the 
#' log-volatility process is denoted \eqn{\sigma_v}.
#' @param noParticles The number of particles to use in the filter.
#' @param noIterations The number of iterations in the PMH algorithm.
#' @param stepSize The standard deviation of the Gaussian random walk proposal 
#' for \eqn{\theta}.
#' @return
#' The trace of the Markov chain exploring the posterior of \eqn{\theta}.
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 5 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodelReparameterised
#' @importFrom stats dgamma
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm

particleMetropolisHastingsSVmodelReparameterised <- function(y, initialTheta, 
  noParticles, noIterations, stepSize) {
    T <- length(y) - 1
    xHatFiltered <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = T + 1)
    xHatFilteredProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = T + 1)
    theta <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
    thetaProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
    thetaTransformed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
    thetaTransformedProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 3)
    logLikelihood <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    logLikelihoodProposed <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)
    proposedThetaAccepted <- matrix(0, nrow = noIterations, ncol = 1)      
    # Set the initial parameter and estimate the initial log-likelihood
    theta[1, ] <- initialTheta
    res <- particleFilterSVmodel(y, theta[1, ], noParticles)
    thetaTransformed[1, ] <- c(theta[1, 1], atanh(theta[1, 2]), log(theta[1, 3]))
    logLikelihood[1] <- res$logLikelihood
    xHatFiltered[1, ] <- res$xHatFiltered
    for (k in 2:noIterations) {
      # Propose a new parameter
      thetaTransformedProposed[k, ] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = thetaTransformed[k - 1, ], sigma = stepSize)
      # Run the particle filter
      thetaProposed[k, ] <- c(thetaTransformedProposed[k, 1], tanh(thetaTransformedProposed[k, 2]), exp(thetaTransformedProposed[k, 3]))
      res <- particleFilterSVmodel(y, thetaProposed[k, ], noParticles)
      xHatFilteredProposed[k, ] <- res$xHatFiltered
      logLikelihoodProposed[k] <- res$logLikelihood
      # Compute the acceptance probability
      logPrior1 <- dnorm(thetaProposed[k, 1], log = TRUE) - dnorm(theta[k - 1, 1], log = TRUE)
      logPrior2 <-dnorm(thetaProposed[k, 2], 0.95, 0.05, log = TRUE) - dnorm(theta[k - 1, 2], 0.95, 0.05, log = TRUE)
      logPrior3 <- dgamma(thetaProposed[k, 3], 3, 10, log = TRUE) - dgamma(theta[k - 1, 3], 3, 10, log = TRUE)
      logPrior <- logPrior1 + logPrior2 + logPrior3
      logJacob1 <- log(abs(1 - thetaProposed[k, 2]^2)) -log(abs(1 - theta[k - 1, 2]^2))
      logJacob2 <- log(abs(thetaProposed[k, 3])) - log(abs(theta[k - 1, 3]))
      logJacob <- logJacob1 + logJacob2
      acceptProbability <- exp(logPrior + logLikelihoodProposed[k] - logLikelihood[k - 1] + logJacob)

      # Accept / reject step
      uniformRandomVariable <- runif(1)
      if (uniformRandomVariable < acceptProbability) {
        # Accept the parameter
        theta[k, ] <- thetaProposed[k, ]
        thetaTransformed[k, ] <- thetaTransformedProposed[k, ]
        logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihoodProposed[k]
        xHatFiltered[k, ] <- xHatFilteredProposed[k, ]
        proposedThetaAccepted[k] <- 1
      } else {
        # Reject the parameter
        theta[k, ] <- theta[k - 1, ]
        thetaTransformed[k, ] <- thetaTransformed[k - 1, ]
        logLikelihood[k] <- logLikelihood[k - 1]
        xHatFiltered[k, ] <- xHatFiltered[k - 1, ]
        proposedThetaAccepted[k]  <- 0
      # Write out progress
      if (k %% 100 == 0) {
        cat(sprintf(" Iteration: %d of : %d completed.\n \n", k, noIterations))
          " Current state of the Markov chain:       %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
          thetaTransformed[k, 1],
          thetaTransformed[k, 2],
          thetaTransformed[k, 3]
            " Proposed next state of the Markov chain: %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
            thetaTransformedProposed[k, 1],
            thetaTransformedProposed[k, 2],
            thetaTransformedProposed[k, 3]
          " Current posterior mean:                  %.4f %.4f %.4f \n",
          mean(theta[0:k, 1]),
          mean(theta[0:k, 2]),
          mean(theta[0:k, 3])
        cat(sprintf(" Current acceptance rate:                 %.4f \n", mean(proposedThetaAccepted[0:k])))
    list(theta = theta,
         xHatFiltered = xHatFiltered,
         thetaTransformed = thetaTransformed)

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