
Defines functions particleFilter kalmanFilter particleFilterSVmodel

Documented in kalmanFilter particleFilter particleFilterSVmodel

# State estimation in LGSS and SV models using Kalman and particle filters.
# Johan Dahlin <uni (at) johandahlin.com.nospam>
# Documentation at https://github.com/compops/pmh-tutorial
# Published under GNU General Public License

#' Fully-adapted particle filter for state estimate in a linear Gaussian state 
#' space model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the filtered state and the log-likelihood for a linear Gaussian 
#' state space model of the form \eqn{ x_{t} = \phi x_{t-1} + \sigma_v v_t } 
#' and \eqn{ y_t = x_t + \sigma_e e_t }, where \eqn{v_t} and \eqn{e_t} denote 
#' independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e.\eqn{N(0,1)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param theta The parameters \eqn{\theta=\{\phi,\sigma_v,\sigma_e\}} of the 
#' LGSS model. The parameter \eqn{\phi} scales the current state in 
#' the state dynamics. The standard deviations of the state process noise
#' and the observation process noise are denoted \eqn{\sigma_v} and 
#' \eqn{\sigma_e}, respectively.
#' @param noParticles The number of particles to use in the filter.
#' @param initialState The initial state.
#' @return
#' The function returns a list with the elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{xHatFiltered: The estimate of the filtered state at time \eqn{t=1,...,T}.}
#' \item{logLikelihood: The estimate of the log-likelihood.}
#' \item{particles: The particle system at each time point.}
#' \item{weights: The particle weights at each time point.}
#' }
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 3 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/particleFilter
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm

particleFilter <- function(y, theta, noParticles, initialState) {
  T <- length(y) - 1
  phi <- theta[1] 
  sigmav <- theta[2]
  sigmae <- theta[3]
  # Initialise variables
  particles <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  ancestorIndices <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  weights <- matrix(1, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  normalisedWeights <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  xHatFiltered <- matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = 1)
  logLikelihood <- 0
  ancestorIndices[, 1] <- 1:noParticles
  particles[ ,1] <- initialState
  xHatFiltered[ ,1] <- initialState  
  normalisedWeights[, 1] = 1 / noParticles
  for (t in 2:T) {
    # Resample ( multinomial )
    newAncestors <- sample(noParticles, replace = TRUE, prob = normalisedWeights[, t - 1])
    ancestorIndices[, 1:(t - 1)] <- ancestorIndices[newAncestors, 1:(t - 1)]
    ancestorIndices[, t] <- newAncestors
    # Propagate
    part1 <- (sigmav^(-2) + sigmae^(-2))^(-1)
    part2 <- sigmae^(-2) * y[t]
    part2 <- part2 + sigmav^(-2) * phi * particles[newAncestors, t - 1]
    particles[, t] <- part1 * part2 + rnorm(noParticles, 0, sqrt(part1))
    # Compute weights
    yhatMean <- phi * particles[, t]
    yhatVariance <- sqrt(sigmae^2 + sigmav^2)
    weights[, t] <- dnorm(y[t + 1], yhatMean, yhatVariance, log = TRUE)
    maxWeight <- max(weights[, t])
    weights[, t] <- exp(weights[, t] - maxWeight)
    sumWeights <- sum(weights[, t])
    normalisedWeights[, t] <- weights[, t] / sumWeights
    # Estimate the state
    xHatFiltered[t] <- mean(particles[, t])
    # Estimate the log-likelihood
    predictiveLikelihood <- maxWeight + log(sumWeights) - log(noParticles)
    logLikelihood <- logLikelihood + predictiveLikelihood

  list(xHatFiltered = xHatFiltered,
       logLikelihood = logLikelihood,
       particles = particles,
       weights = normalisedWeights)

#' Kalman filter for state estimate in a linear Gaussian state space model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the filtered state and the log-likelihood for a linear Gaussian 
#' state space model of the form \eqn{ x_{t} = \phi x_{t-1} + \sigma_v v_t } 
#' and \eqn{ y_t = x_t + \sigma_e e_t }, where \eqn{v_t} and \eqn{e_t} denote 
#' independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e.\eqn{N(0,1)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param theta The parameters \eqn{\theta=\{\phi,\sigma_v,\sigma_e\}} of the 
#' LGSS model. The parameter \eqn{\phi} scales the current state in 
#' the state dynamics. The standard deviations of the state process noise
#' and the observation process noise are denoted \eqn{\sigma_v} and 
#' \eqn{\sigma_e}, respectively.
#' @param initialState The initial state.
#' @param initialStateCovariance The initial covariance of the state. 
#' @return
#' The function returns a list with the elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{xHatFiltered: The estimate of the filtered state at time \eqn{t=1,...,T}.}
#' \item{logLikelihood: The estimate of the log-likelihood.}
#' }
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 3 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/kalmanFilter
#' @importFrom stats dnorm

kalmanFilter <- function(y, theta, initialState, initialStateCovariance) {
  T <- length(y)
  yHatPredicted <- matrix(initialState, nrow = T, ncol = 1)
  xHatFiltered <- matrix(initialState, nrow = T, ncol = 1)
  xHatPredicted <- matrix(initialState, nrow = T + 1, ncol = 1)
  predictedStateCovariance <- initialStateCovariance
  logLikelihood <- 0
  A <- theta[1] 
  C <- 1
  Q <- theta[2] ^ 2
  R <- theta[3] ^ 2
  for (t in 2:T) {
    # Correction step
    S <- C * predictedStateCovariance * C + R
    kalmanGain <- predictedStateCovariance * C / S
    filteredStateCovariance <- predictedStateCovariance - kalmanGain * S * kalmanGain
    yHatPredicted[t] <- C * xHatPredicted[t]
    xHatFiltered[t] <- xHatPredicted[t] + kalmanGain * (y[t] - yHatPredicted[t])
    # Prediction step
    xHatPredicted[t + 1] <- A * xHatFiltered[t]
    predictedStateCovariance <- A * filteredStateCovariance * A + Q
    # Estimate loglikelihood (not in the last iteration, to be able to compare with faPF)
    if (t < T) {
      logLikelihood = logLikelihood + dnorm(y[t], yHatPredicted[t], sqrt(S), log = TRUE)
  list(xHatFiltered = xHatFiltered, logLikelihood = logLikelihood)

# Bootstrap particle filter (SV model)

#' Bootstrap particle filter for state estimate in a simple stochastic 
#' volatility model
#' @description 
#' Estimates the filtered state and the log-likelihood for a stochastic 
#' volatility model of the form \eqn{x_t = \mu + \phi ( x_{t-1} - \mu ) + 
#' \sigma_v v_t} and \eqn{y_t = \exp(x_t/2) e_t}, where \eqn{v_t} and \eqn{e_t} 
#' denote independent standard Gaussian random variables, i.e. \eqn{N(0,1)}.
#' @param y Observations from the model for \eqn{t=1,...,T}.
#' @param theta The parameters \eqn{\theta=\{\mu,\phi,\sigma_v\}}. 
#' The mean of the log-volatility process is denoted \eqn{\mu}. 
#' The persistence of the log-volatility process is denoted \eqn{\phi}. 
#' The standard deviation of the log-volatility process is 
#' denoted \eqn{\sigma_v}.
#' @param noParticles The number of particles to use in the filter.
#' @return
#' The function returns a list with the elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{xHatFiltered: The estimate of the filtered state at time \eqn{t=1,...,T}.}
#' \item{logLikelihood: The estimate of the log-likelihood.}
#' }
#' @references 
#' Dahlin, J. & Schon, T. B. "Getting Started with Particle 
#' Metropolis-Hastings for Inference in Nonlinear Dynamical Models." 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets,
#' 88(2): 1--41, 2019.
#' @author 
#' Johan Dahlin \email{uni@@johandahlin.com}
#' @note 
#' See Section 5 in the reference for more details.
#' @keywords 
#' ts
#' @export
#' @example ./examples/particleFilterSVmodel
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm

particleFilterSVmodel <- function(y, theta, noParticles) {
  T <- length(y) - 1
  mu <- theta[1] 
  phi <- theta[2]
  sigmav <- theta[3]  
  particles <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  ancestorIndices <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  weights <- matrix(1, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  normalisedWeights <- matrix(0, nrow = noParticles, ncol = T + 1)
  xHatFiltered <- matrix(0, nrow = T, ncol = 1)
  logLikelihood <- 0
  ancestorIndices[, 1] <- 1:noParticles
  normalisedWeights[, 1] = 1 / noParticles

  # Generate initial state
  particles[, 1] <- rnorm(noParticles, mu, sigmav / sqrt(1 - phi^2))
  for (t in 2:(T + 1)) {
    # Resample ( multinomial )
    newAncestors <- sample(noParticles, replace = TRUE, prob = normalisedWeights[, t - 1])
    ancestorIndices[, 1:(t - 1)] <- ancestorIndices[newAncestors, 1:(t - 1)]
    ancestorIndices[, t] <- newAncestors
    # Propagate
    part1 <- mu + phi * (particles[newAncestors, t - 1] - mu)
    particles[, t] <- part1 + rnorm(noParticles, 0, sigmav)
    # Compute weights
    yhatMean <- 0
    yhatVariance <- exp(particles[, t] / 2)
    weights[, t] <- dnorm(y[t - 1], yhatMean, yhatVariance, log = TRUE)
    maxWeight <- max(weights[, t])
    weights[, t] <- exp(weights[, t] - maxWeight)
    sumWeights <- sum(weights[, t])
    normalisedWeights[, t] <- weights[, t] / sumWeights
    # Estimate the log-likelihood
    logLikelihood <- logLikelihood + maxWeight + log(sumWeights) - log(noParticles)

  # Sample the state estimate using the weights at t=T
  ancestorIndex  <- sample(noParticles, 1, prob = normalisedWeights[, T])
  xHatFiltered <- particles[cbind(ancestorIndices[ancestorIndex, ], 1:(T + 1))]
  list(xHatFiltered = xHatFiltered, logLikelihood = logLikelihood)

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