
Defines functions hpp.event.times hpp.sim hpp.mean hpp.mean.event.times hpp.plot nhpp.event.times nhpp.sim nhpp.sim.slow nhpp.mean nhpp.mean.event.times nhpp.plot nhpp.lik hpp.lik hpp.mle nhpp.mle plotprocesses hpp.scenario nhpp.scenario

Documented in hpp.event.times hpp.lik hpp.mean hpp.mean.event.times hpp.mle hpp.plot hpp.scenario hpp.sim nhpp.event.times nhpp.lik nhpp.mean nhpp.mean.event.times nhpp.mle nhpp.plot nhpp.scenario nhpp.sim nhpp.sim.slow plotprocesses

# Functions for simulations and calculations involving Poisson processes.

hpp.event.times <- function(rate, num.events, num.sims=1, t0=0) {
  # Simulate homogeneous Poisson process event times.
  # Get the n consecutive event times of an homogeneous poisson process with given rate.
  # Note: the rate parameter is often referred to as lambda.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to create
  #   :t0: start time
  # Returns: 
  #   a numeric vector of length num.events if num.sims=1
  #   else, a num.events * num.sims matrix [num.events+1 is prepend.zero=T]

  if(num.sims==1) {
    return(t0 + cumsum(rexp(n=num.events, rate=rate)))
  else {
    x = matrix(rexp(n=num.events*num.sims, rate=rate), num.events)
    return(t0 + apply(x, 2, cumsum))

hpp.sim <- function(rate, num.events, num.sims=1, t0=0, prepend.t0=T) {
  # Simulate homogeneous Poisson process(es).
  # Get the n consecutive event times of an homogeneous poisson process with given rate.
  # Note: the rate parameter is often referred to as lambda.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to create
  #   :t0: start time
  #   :prepend.t0: TRUE to include t0 at the start of the process
  # Returns: 
  #   a numeric vector of length num.events if num.sims=1
  #   else, a num.events * num.sims matrix [num.events+1 is prepend.zero=T]
  if(num.sims==1) {
    x = hpp.event.times(rate, num.events, num.sims=1, t0=t0)
      return(c(t0, x))
  else {
    x = hpp.event.times(rate, num.events, num.sims=num.sims, t0=t0)
      return(rbind(rep(t0, num.sims), x))

hpp.mean <- function(rate, t0=0, t1=1, num.points=100, maximum=NULL) {
  # Calculate the expected value of an homogeneous Poisson process at points in time.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :t0: start time
  #   :t1: end time
  #   :num.points: number of points between t0 and t1 to use in estimating mean
  #   :maximum: the optional maximum value that the process should take
  times = seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points)
  x = rate*times
    return(pmin(x, maximum))

hpp.mean.event.times <- function(rate, num.events) {
  # Calculate the expected event times of an homogeneous Poisson process.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: observe mean event times at this many points
  return(seq(from=1/rate, length.out=num.events, by=1/rate))

hpp.plot <- function(rate, num.events, num.sims=100, t0=0, t1=NULL, 
                     num.points=100, quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), ...) {
  # Plot num.events simulated homogeneous Poisson processes, plus
  # the mean and quantiles
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to plot
  #   :t0: plot start time
  #   :t1: plot end time
  #   :num.points: number of points to use in estimating mean and quantile processes
  #   :quantiles: plot these quantile processes
  x = hpp.sim(rate, num.events, num.sims)
    t1 = 1.1*max(x)
  plotprocesses(x, xlim=c(t0, t1), ...)
  # Expected value process
  x.bar = hpp.mean(rate, t0, t1, num.points, maximum=num.events)
  lines(seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points), x.bar, col='darkorange1', lwd=2)
  # Quantile processes
  x.q = t(apply(x, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs=quantiles)))
  plotprocesses(x.q, col='red', lwd=2, lty=3, add=T)
  return(list(x=x, x.bar=x.bar, x.q=x.q))

nhpp.event.times <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=1, t0=0) {
  # Simulate non-homogeneous Poisson process event times.
  # Get the n consecutive event times of a non-homogeneous poisson process.
  # Events are simulated using an homogeneous process with rate,
  # and an event at time t is admitted with probability prob.func(t).
  # This method, called 'thinning' by Lewis & Shedler (1978) is described in
  # Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes by Thinning
  # The rate parameter of an homogeneous process is often called lambda.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the equivalent homogeneous 
  #           Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to create
  #   :t0: the reference start time of all events
  # Returns: 
  #   a numeric vector of length num.events if num.sims=1
  #   else, a num.events * num.sims matrix [num.events+1 is prepend.zero=T]
  n <- num.events
  if(n<=0) return(c())
  if(num.sims==1) {
    # As a first attempt, take 2n homogeneous events
    times = hpp.event.times(rate, 2*n, t0=t0)
    # and accept each event with time-varying probability, determined by prob.func
    prob.accept = prob.func(times)
    rands = runif(2*n)
    accept = rands < prob.accept
    if(sum(accept) >= n) {
      # We have enough events to accept
      returnable = times[accept][1:n]
    else {
      # We need more events
      extra = hpp.event.times(rate, n-sum(accept), num.sims=1, t0=max(times))
      returnable = c(times[accept], extra)
  else {
    f = function(x) nhpp.event.times(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=1, t0=t0)
    return(sapply(1:num.sims, f))

nhpp.sim <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=1, t0=0, prepend.t0=T) {
  # Simulate non-homogeneous Poisson process(es).
  # Get the n consecutive event times of a non-homogeneous poisson process.
  # Events are simulated using an homogeneous process with rate,
  # and an event at time t is admitted with probability prob.func(t).
  # This method, called 'thinning' by Lewis & Shedler (1978) is described in
  # Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes by Thinning
  # The rate parameter of an homogeneous process is often called lambda.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the equivalent homogeneous 
  #           Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to create
  #   :t0: the reference start time of all events
  #   :prepend.t0: T to include t0 at the start of the process  
  # Returns: 
  #   a numeric vector of length num.events if num.sims=1
  #   else, a num.events * num.sims matrix [num.events+1 is prepend.zero=T]
  if(num.sims==1) {
    x = nhpp.event.times(rate, num.events, prob.func=prob.func, num.sims=1, t0=t0)
      return(c(t0, x))
  else {
    x = nhpp.event.times(rate, num.events, prob.func=prob.func, num.sims=num.sims, t0=t0)
      return(rbind(rep(t0, num.sims), x))

# A slower but easier to understand (e.g. non-recursive) version of nhpp.sim
nhpp.sim.slow <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=1, t0=0, prepend.t0=T) {
  # Simulate a non-homogeneous Poisson process.
  # Get the n consecutive event times of a non-homogeneous poisson process.
  # Events are simulated using an homogeneous process with rate,
  # and an event at time t is admitted with probability prob.func(t).
  # This method, called 'thinning' by Lewis & Shedler (1978) is described in
  # Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Poisson Processes by Thinning
  # The rate parameter of an homogeneous process is often called lambda.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the equivalent homogeneous 
  #           Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to create
  #   :t0: the reference start time of all events
  #   :prepend.t0: T to include t0 at the start of the process  
  # Returns: 
  #   a numeric vector of length num.events if num.sims=1
  #   else, a num.events * num.sims matrix
  if(num.sims==1) {
    i=0; t=t0
    times = numeric(length=num.events)
    while(i < num.events) {
      tau = rexp(n=1, rate=rate)
      t.new = t + tau
      if(runif(1) < prob.func(t.new)) {
        i = i + 1
        times[i] = t.new
      t = t.new
      return(c(t0, times))
  else {
    f = function(x) nhpp.sim.slow(rate, num.events, prob.func)
    return(sapply(1:num.sims, f))

nhpp.mean <- function(rate, prob.func, t0=0, t1=1, num.points=100, 
                      maximum=NULL) {
  # Calculate the expected value of a non-homogeneous Poisson process at points in time.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1  
  #   :t0: start time
  #   :t1: end time
  #   :num.points: number of points between t0 and t1 to use in estimating mean
  #   :maximum: the optional maximum value that the process should take
  f <- function(x) rate * prob.func(x)
  times = seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points)
  y = sapply(times, function(x) integrate(f, lower=0, upper=x)$value)
    return(pmin(y, maximum))

nhpp.mean.event.times <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, max.time=1000) {
  # Calculate the expected event times of a non-homogeneous Poisson process.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: calculate the event times for this many events 
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1  
  #   :max.time: the maximum time needs to be specified to act as upper bound in the 
  #               solver routine. I would like to remove the need to set this variable
  #               but for now I use the arbitrarily high value of 1000...
  times = c()
  f <- function(x) rate * prob.func(x)
  for(i in 1:num.events) {
    t1 = uniroot(function(x) integrate(f, lower=t0, upper=x)$value - 1, 
                 lower=t0, upper=max.time)$root
    times = c(times, t1)
    t0 = t1

nhpp.plot <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=100,
                              t0=0, t1=NULL, num.points=100, 
                              quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), ...) {
  # Plot num.events simulated homogeneous Poisson process, plus
  # the mean and quantiles
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :prob.func: function that takes time as sole argument and returns value between 0 and 1
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to plot
  #   :t0: plot start time
  #   :t1: plot end time
  #   :num.points: number of points to use in estimating mean and quantile processes
  #   :quantiles: plot these quantile processes
  x = nhpp.sim(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims)
    t1 = 1.1*max(x)
  plotprocesses(x, xlim=c(t0, t1), ...)
  # Expected value process
  x.bar = nhpp.mean(rate, prob.func, t0, t1, num.points, maximum=num.events)
  lines(seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points), x.bar, col='darkorange1', lwd=2)
  # Quantile processes
  x.q = t(apply(x, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs=quantiles)))
  plotprocesses(x.q, col='red', lwd=2, lty=3, add=T)
  return(list(x=x, x.bar=x.bar, x.q=x.q))

# Inference
nhpp.lik <- function(x, T1, rate, prob.func) {
  # TODO: explain
  lambda.func = function(x) rate * prob.func(x)
  expectation = integrate(lambda.func, lower=0, upper=T1)$value
  return(sum(log(lambda.func(x))) - expectation)

hpp.lik <- function(x, T1, rate) {
  # Get the likelihood of a rate parameter at a specific time for observed HPP event times.
  # Params
  #   :x: a vector of HPP event times
  #   :T1: Calculate likelihood at this time
  #   :rate: the putative HPP event rate
  return(nhpp.lik(x, T1, rate, prob.func=function(x) rep(1, length(x))))

hpp.mle <- function(x, T1) {
  # Get the maximum-likelihood rate parameter for given HPP event times.
  # Params
  #   :x: a vector of HPP event times
  #   :T1: Calculate MLE at this time
  return(length(x) / T1)

nhpp.mle <- function(x, T1, prob.func, max.val) {
  # TODO: explain
  opt.f = function(z) nhpp.lik(x, T1, rate=z, prob.func=prob.func)
  return(optimize(opt.f, interval=c(0, max.val), maximum=T)$maximum)

# Plotting
plotprocesses = function(x, y=NULL, xlab='t (years)', ylab='N', type='l', lty=2, col='cadetblue3', xlim=c(0, 1.1*max(x)), 
                          lwd=0.5, add=F, ...) {
  # TODO: explain
    y = 0:(dim(x)[1]-1)
  matplot(x, y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type=type, lty=lty, col=col, xlim=xlim, lwd=lwd, add=add, ...)

# Object-oriented approach
         representation(x="matrix", x.bar="numeric", x.bar.index="numeric", x.q="matrix"),
         prototype(x=matrix(), x.bar=numeric(), x.bar.index=numeric(), x.q=matrix())

setMethod("plot" , "PoissonProcessScenario",
          function(x, plot.mean=T, plot.quantiles=T, ...) {
            # Plot simulated processes
            plotprocesses(x@x, ...)
            # Plot mean process
              lines(x@x.bar.index, x@x.bar, col='darkorange1', lwd=2)
            # Plot quantile processes
              plotprocesses(x@x.q, col='red', lwd=2, lty=3, add=T)
setMethod ("show", "PoissonProcessScenario",
           function(object) {
             cat(dim(object@x), "\n")
hpp.scenario <- function(rate, num.events, num.sims=100, t0=0, t1=NULL, 
                         num.points=100, quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), ...) {
  # Simulate an homogeneous Poisson process scenario, with sample paths, 
  # expected value process, and quantile processes.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to plot
  #   :t0: start time of processes
  #   :t1: end time of mean process, inferred automiatically when NULL (default)
  #   :num.points: number of points to use in estimating mean process
  #   :quantiles: calculate these quantile processes
  # Simulated processes
  x = hpp.sim(rate, num.events, num.sims, t0=t0, ...)
    t1 = 1.1*max(x)
  # Expected value process
  x.bar = hpp.mean(rate, t0=t0, t1=t1, num.points=num.points, maximum=num.events)
  # Quantile processes
  x.q = t(apply(x, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs=quantiles)))
    new("PoissonProcessScenario", x=x, x.bar=x.bar, 
        x.bar.index=seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points), x.q=x.q)

nhpp.scenario <- function(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=100, t0=0, t1=NULL, 
                         num.points=100, quantiles=c(0.025, 0.975), ...) {
  # Simulate a non-homogeneous Poisson process scenario, with sample paths, 
  # expected value process, and quantile processes.
  # Params
  #   :rate: the rate at which events occur in the Poisson process, aka lambda
  #   :num.events: number of event times to simulate in each process
  #   :num.sims: number of simulated paths to plot
  #   :t0: start time of processes
  #   :t1: end time of mean process, inferred automiatically when NULL (default)
  #   :num.points: number of points to use in estimating mean process
  #   :quantiles: calculate these quantile processes
  # Simulated processes
  x = nhpp.sim(rate, num.events, prob.func, num.sims=num.sims, t0=t0, ...)
    t1 = 1.1*max(x)
  # Expected value process
  x.bar = nhpp.mean(rate, prob.func, t0=t0, t1=t1, num.points=num.points, maximum=num.events)
  # Quantile processes
  x.q = t(apply(x, 1, function(x) quantile(x, probs=quantiles)))
    new("PoissonProcessScenario", x=x, x.bar=x.bar, 
        x.bar.index=seq(t0, t1, length.out=num.points), x.q=x.q)

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