MergeTaxaDepth: Combine Read Depths from Multiple Taxa into One Taxon

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MergeTaxaDepthR Documentation

Combine Read Depths from Multiple Taxa into One Taxon


This function should be used in situations where data that were imported as separate taxa should be merged into a single taxon. The function should be used before any of the pipeline functions for genotype calling. Read depths are summed across duplicate taxa and output as a single taxon.


MergeTaxaDepth(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'RADdata'
MergeTaxaDepth(object, taxa, ...)



A RADdata object.


A character vector indicating taxa to be merged. The first taxon in the vector will be used to name the combined taxon in the output.


Additional arguments (none implemented).


Examples of reasons to use this function:

  • Duplicate samples across different libraries were given different names so that preliminary analysis could confirm that they were truly the same (i.e. no mix-ups) before combining them.

  • Typos in the key file for the SNP mining software (TASSEL, Stacks, etc.) caused duplicate samples to have different names when they really should have had the same name.

To merge multiple sets of taxa into multiple combined taxa, this function can be run multiple times or in a loop.


A RADdata object derived from object. The alleleDepth, antiAlleleDepth, locDepth, depthRatio, and depthSamplingPermutation slots, and "taxa" and "nTaxa" attributes, have been changed accordingly to reflect the merge.


Lindsay V. Clark

See Also



# dataset for this example

# merge the first three taxa into one
exampleRADm <- MergeTaxaDepth(exampleRAD, c("sample001", "sample002", "sample003"))

# inspect read depth

polyRAD documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:14 p.m.