
Defines functions ExamineGenotype.RADdata ExamineGenotype MergeIdenticalHaplotypes.RADdata MergeIdenticalHaplotypes RemoveUngenotypedLoci.RADdata RemoveUngenotypedLoci MergeTaxaDepth.RADdata MergeTaxaDepth LocusInfo.RADdata LocusInfo EstimateContaminationRate.RADdata EstimateContaminationRate RemoveHighDepthLoci.RADdata RemoveHighDepthLoci RemoveMonomorphicLoci.RADdata RemoveMonomorphicLoci MergeRareHaplotypes.RADdata MergeRareHaplotypes FindNearbyAlleles.RADdata FindNearbyAlleles StripDown.RADdata StripDown SplitByChromosome.RADdata SplitByChromosome SubsetByPloidy.RADdata SubsetByPloidy SubsetByLocus.RADdata SubsetByLocus SubsetByTaxon.RADdata SubsetByTaxon CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno.RADdata CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno OneAllelePerMarker.RADdata OneAllelePerMarker plot.RADdata GetBlankTaxa.RADdata GetBlankTaxa SetBlankTaxa.RADdata SetBlankTaxa GetRecurrentParent.RADdata GetRecurrentParent SetRecurrentParent.RADdata SetRecurrentParent GetDonorParent.RADdata GetDonorParent SetDonorParent.RADdata SetDonorParent GetTaxaByPloidy.RADdata GetTaxaByPloidy GetTaxaPloidy.RADdata GetTaxaPloidy SetTaxaPloidy.RADdata SetTaxaPloidy SetContamRate.RADdata SetContamRate GetContamRate.RADdata GetContamRate GetLocDepth.RADdata GetLocDepth GetAlleleNames.RADdata GetAlleleNames nAlleles.RADdata nAlleles nLoci.RADdata nLoci GetLoci.RADdata GetLoci nTaxa.RADdata nTaxa GetTaxa.RADdata GetTaxa AddAlleleBias.RADdata AddAlleleBias AddNormalizedDepthProp.RADdata AddNormalizedDepthProp AddAlleleLinkages.RADdata AddAlleleLinkages AddGenotypePriorProb_LD.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_LD AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa AddAlleleFreqByTaxa.RADdata AddAlleleFreqByTaxa AddPCA.RADdata AddPCA GetProbableGenotypes.RADdata GetProbableGenotypes GetWeightedMeanGenotypes.RADdata GetWeightedMeanGenotypes AddGenotypePosteriorProb.RADdata AddGenotypePosteriorProb AddPloidyChiSq.RADdata AddPloidyChiSq AddPloidyLikelihood.RADdata AddPloidyLikelihood AddGenotypePriorProb_Even.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_Even AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents EstimateParentalGenotypes.RADdata EstimateParentalGenotypes GetLikelyGen.RADdata GetLikelyGen AddGenotypeLikelihood.RADdata AddGenotypeLikelihood AddAlleleFreqHWE.RADdata AddAlleleFreqHWE AddAlleleFreqMapping.RADdata AddAlleleFreqMapping AddDepthSamplingPermutations.RADdata AddDepthSamplingPermutations print.RADdata RADdata

Documented in AddAlleleFreqByTaxa AddAlleleFreqByTaxa.RADdata AddAlleleFreqHWE AddAlleleFreqHWE.RADdata AddAlleleFreqMapping AddAlleleFreqMapping.RADdata AddAlleleLinkages AddAlleleLinkages.RADdata AddDepthSamplingPermutations AddGenotypeLikelihood AddGenotypeLikelihood.RADdata AddGenotypePosteriorProb AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_Even AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_LD AddGenotypePriorProb_LD.RADdata AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents.RADdata AddPCA AddPCA.RADdata AddPloidyChiSq AddPloidyChiSq.RADdata AddPloidyLikelihood AddPloidyLikelihood.RADdata CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno EstimateContaminationRate EstimateContaminationRate.RADdata EstimateParentalGenotypes EstimateParentalGenotypes.RADdata ExamineGenotype ExamineGenotype.RADdata GetAlleleNames GetBlankTaxa GetContamRate GetDonorParent GetLikelyGen GetLocDepth GetLoci GetProbableGenotypes GetProbableGenotypes.RADdata GetRecurrentParent GetTaxa GetTaxaByPloidy GetTaxaByPloidy.RADdata GetTaxaPloidy GetWeightedMeanGenotypes GetWeightedMeanGenotypes.RADdata LocusInfo LocusInfo.RADdata MergeIdenticalHaplotypes MergeRareHaplotypes MergeRareHaplotypes.RADdata MergeTaxaDepth MergeTaxaDepth.RADdata nAlleles nLoci nTaxa OneAllelePerMarker OneAllelePerMarker.RADdata plot.RADdata RADdata RemoveHighDepthLoci RemoveHighDepthLoci.RADdata RemoveMonomorphicLoci RemoveMonomorphicLoci.RADdata RemoveUngenotypedLoci RemoveUngenotypedLoci.RADdata SetBlankTaxa SetContamRate SetDonorParent SetRecurrentParent SetTaxaPloidy SplitByChromosome SplitByChromosome.RADdata StripDown StripDown.RADdata SubsetByLocus SubsetByLocus.RADdata SubsetByPloidy SubsetByPloidy.RADdata SubsetByTaxon SubsetByTaxon.RADdata

# class definition for storing data in polyRAD

# RADdata class constructor ####
RADdata <- function(alleleDepth, alleles2loc, locTable, possiblePloidies, 
                    contamRate, alleleNucleotides, taxaPloidy){
    stop("alleleDepth must be in integer format.")
    stop("alleleDepth must be in matrix format.")
    stop("There should be no missing data in alleleDepth; put 0 for zero depth.")
    stop("alleleDepth must have taxa names as row names.")
  if(length(alleles2loc) != dim(alleleDepth)[[2]]){
    stop("There must be one value of alleles2loc for each column of alleleDepth.")
    stop("alleles2loc must be an integer.")
    stop("No NA values allowed in alleles2loc.")
  if(max(alleles2loc) > dim(locTable)[[1]]){
    stop("Each locus number in alleles2loc must correspond to a row in loctable.")
    stop("locTable must be a data frame.")
  if(!is.null(locTable$Chr) && is.factor(locTable$Chr)){
    warning("Chromosomes should be coded as character or integer rather than factor in locTable.")
    stop("possiblePloidies must be list")
  possiblePloidies <- lapply(possiblePloidies, as.integer)
  if(!all(sapply(possiblePloidies, function(x) all(!is.na(x) & x > 0)))){
    stop("Each element of possiblePloidies should be a vector of integers greater than zero.")
  if(contamRate < 0 || contamRate > 1){
    stop("contamRate can only range from zero to one.")
  if(contamRate > 0.01){
    warning("contamRate higher than expected.")
    stop("alleleNucleotides must be a character vector.")
  if(length(alleleNucleotides) != length(alleles2loc)){
    stop("Length of alleleNucleotides must be same as length of alleles2loc.")
  storage.mode(taxaPloidy) <- "integer"
  if(length(taxaPloidy) == 1){
    # repeat ploidy for all samples if only one is provided
    taxaPloidy <- rep(taxaPloidy, times = nrow(alleleDepth))
  if(length(taxaPloidy) != nrow(alleleDepth)){
    stop("Need one ploidy for each taxon.")
    stop("taxaPloidy must be integer.")
  if(any(taxaPloidy < 1)){
    stop("taxaPloidy must be positive integer.")
    names(taxaPloidy) <- rownames(alleleDepth)
  } else {
    if(!setequal(names(taxaPloidy), rownames(alleleDepth))){
      stop("Sample names must match between taxaPloidy and alleleDepth.")
    taxaPloidy <- taxaPloidy[rownames(alleleDepth)]
  if(!(all(unlist(possiblePloidies) %% 2L == 0L) || all(taxaPloidy %% 2L == 0L))){
    stop("Either possiblePloidies or taxaPloidy must consist entirely of even numbers.")
  taxa <- dimnames(alleleDepth)[[1]]
  names(taxaPloidy) <- taxa
  nTaxa <- dim(alleleDepth)[1]
  nLoci <- dim(locTable)[1]
  locDepth <- t(rowsum(t(alleleDepth), alleles2loc))
     # dimnames(locDepth)[[2]] is integer from alleles2loc converted to character

  expandedLocDepth <- locDepth[,as.character(alleles2loc), drop = FALSE]
  # for each allele and taxon, get proportion of reads for that locus
  depthRatio <- alleleDepth/expandedLocDepth
  # depth of reads for each locus that do NOT belong to a given allele
  antiAlleleDepth <- expandedLocDepth - alleleDepth
  dimnames(antiAlleleDepth)[[2]] <- dimnames(alleleDepth)[[2]]
  return(structure(list(alleleDepth = alleleDepth, alleles2loc = alleles2loc,
                        locTable = locTable, possiblePloidies = possiblePloidies,
                        locDepth = locDepth,
                        depthRatio = depthRatio, antiAlleleDepth = antiAlleleDepth,
                        alleleNucleotides = alleleNucleotides,
                        taxaPloidy = taxaPloidy), 
                   class = "RADdata", taxa = taxa, nTaxa = nTaxa, nLoci = nLoci,
                   contamRate = contamRate))

# print method for RADdata (just some summary statistics) ####
print.RADdata <- function(x, ...){
  cat("## RADdata object ##", 
      paste(nTaxa(x), "taxa and", nLoci(x), "loci"),
      paste(sum(x$locDepth), "total reads"), 
      paste("Assumed sample cross-contamination rate of", 
            attr(x, "contamRate")),
      "\nPossible ploidies:", sep = "\n")
  printPloidies <- function(y){
    if(length(y) == 1){
      prefix <- "Auto"
    } else {
      prefix <- "Allo"
    tot <- sum(y)
    if(tot == 1){
      suffix <- "ha"
    if(tot == 2){
      suffix <- "di"
    if(tot == 3){
      suffix <- "tri"
    if(tot == 4){
      suffix <- "tetra"
    if(tot == 5){
      suffix <- "penta"
    if(tot == 6){
      suffix <- "hexa"
    if(tot == 7){
      suffix <- "septa"
    if(tot == 8){
      suffix <- "octo"
    if(tot > 8){
      suffix <- "poly"
    return(paste(prefix, suffix, "ploid (", paste(y, collapse = " "), ")", sep = ""))
  txp <- unique(x$taxaPloidy)
  for(pl in x$possiblePloidies){
    for(tp in txp){
      cat(printPloidies(pl * tp / 2L), sep = "\n")
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "alleleFreqType"))){
    cat("", paste("Allele frequencies estimated for", attr(x, "alleleFreqType")),
        sep = "\n")

#### parameter estimation generic functions and methods ####
AddDepthSamplingPermutations <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddDepthSamplingPermutations", object)
AddDepthSamplingPermutations.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  # get log of number of permutations of order in which each allele could have
  # been sampled from total depth from that locus.
  expandedLocDepth <- object$alleleDepth + object$antiAlleleDepth
  depthSamplingPermutations <- lchoose(expandedLocDepth, object$alleleDepth)
  dimnames(depthSamplingPermutations)[[2]] <- dimnames(object$alleleDepth)[[2]]
  object$depthSamplingPermutations <- depthSamplingPermutations
# estimate allele frequencies assuming mapping population.
# Simple version using depth ratios.
AddAlleleFreqMapping <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddAlleleFreqMapping", object)
AddAlleleFreqMapping.RADdata <- function(object, 
                                         expectedFreqs = seq(0, 1, 0.25),
                                         allowedDeviation = 0.05,
                                         excludeTaxa = c(GetDonorParent(object),
                                                         GetBlankTaxa(object)), ...){#,
#                                         deleteLociOutsideFreqRange = FALSE){
  maxdev <- min(dist(expectedFreqs, method = "manhattan"))/2
  if(maxdev < allowedDeviation && !isTRUE(all.equal(maxdev, allowedDeviation))){
    stop("allowedDeviation is too large given intervals within expectedFreqs")
    stop("excludeTaxa must be a character vector (taxa names).")
  for(ext in excludeTaxa[!excludeTaxa %in% GetTaxa(object)]){
    warning(paste(ext, "not found in taxa list."))
  taxaToKeep <- GetTaxa(object)[!GetTaxa(object) %in% excludeTaxa]
  meanRat <- .alleleFreq(object, type = "choose", taxaToKeep = taxaToKeep)
  outFreq <- rep(NA, length(meanRat))
  names(outFreq) <- names(meanRat)
  attr(outFreq, "type") <- attr(meanRat, "type")
  for(f in expectedFreqs){
    outFreq[which(meanRat >= f - allowedDeviation & meanRat < f + allowedDeviation)] <- f
  # fill in any missing allele frequencies for partially completed loci
  incompleteLoci <- unique(object$alleles2loc[is.na(outFreq)])
  for(L in incompleteLoci){
    theseal <- which(object$alleles2loc == L)
    if(sum(is.na(outFreq[theseal])) == 1){
      subtot <- sum(outFreq[theseal], na.rm = TRUE)
      outFreq[theseal[is.na(outFreq[theseal])]] <- 1 - subtot
  # for unexpected allele frequencies, keep them as they are
  outFreq[is.na(outFreq)] <- meanRat[is.na(outFreq)]
  # add allele frequencies to the object
  object$alleleFreq <- outFreq
  attr(object, "alleleFreqType") <- "mapping"
  # delete loci that don't match expected allele frequencies
#  if(deleteLociOutsideFreqRange){
#    lociToDelete <- unique(object$allele2loc[is.na(outFreq)])
#    object <- SubsetLoci(object, loci = lociToDelete, delete = TRUE)
#  }

# estimate allele frequencies assuming a diversity panel in Hardy-Weinberg
# Equilibrium.  Simple version using depth ratios.
AddAlleleFreqHWE <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddAlleleFreqHWE", object)
AddAlleleFreqHWE.RADdata <- function(object, excludeTaxa = GetBlankTaxa(object),
  taxaToKeep <- GetTaxa(object)[!GetTaxa(object) %in% excludeTaxa]
  object$alleleFreq <- .alleleFreq(object, type = "choose", 
                                   taxaToKeep = taxaToKeep)
  attr(object, "alleleFreqType") <- "HWE"

# estimate likelihood of genotypes given the read depth
# (i.e. the probability of that read count distribution given each 
# possible genotype)
AddGenotypeLikelihood <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypeLikelihood", object)
AddGenotypeLikelihood.RADdata <- function(object, overdispersion = 9, ...){
    message("Allele frequencies not found; estimating under HWE from depth ratios.")
    object <- AddAlleleFreqHWE(object)
  alFreq <- object$alleleFreq
    message("Generating sampling permutations for allele depth.")
    object <- AddDepthSamplingPermutations(object)
  # get ploidies, ignoring inheritance pattern
  ploidies <- sort(unique(sapply(object$possiblePloidies, sum)))
  # fix any allele freq that are zero, to prevent NaN likelihood
  minfreq <- 1/nTaxa(object)/max(ploidies)
  alFreq[alFreq == 0] <- minfreq
  alFreq[alFreq == 1] <- 1 - minfreq
  # get ploidies by taxa
  tx_pld_unique <- sort(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)))
  # set up list for genotype likelihoods and loop through
  object$genotypeLikelihood <- array(list(),
                                     dim = c(length(ploidies),
                                     dimnames = list(NULL, as.character(tx_pld_unique)))
  # probability of getting each allele from contamination
  sampleContam <- attr(object, "contamRate") * alFreq
  for(i in seq_along(ploidies)){
    for(h in seq_along(tx_pld_unique)){
      pldtot <- sum(object$possiblePloidies[[i]]) * tx_pld_unique[h] / 2L
      # get probability of sampling each allele from each possible genotype
      sampleReal <- (0:pldtot)/pldtot * (1 - attr(object, "contamRate"))
      alleleProb <- matrix(0, nrow = length(sampleReal), 
                           ncol = length(sampleContam))
      for(j in seq_along(sampleReal)){
        alleleProb[j,] <- sampleReal[j] + sampleContam
      antiAlleleProb <- 1 - alleleProb
      # multiply probabilities by overdispersion factor for betabinomial
      alleleProb <- alleleProb * overdispersion
      antiAlleleProb <- antiAlleleProb * overdispersion
      thesetaxa <- GetTaxaByPloidy(object, tx_pld_unique[h])
      # get likelihoods
      object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]] <- array(0, dim = c(pldtot+1, 
                                                         length(thesetaxa), nAlleles(object)),
                                              dimnames = list(as.character(0:pldtot),
      for(j in 1:(pldtot+1)){
        # likelihoods under beta-binomial distribution
        object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]][j,,] <- 
          exp(object$depthSamplingPermutations[thesetaxa,] +
                sweep(lbeta(sweep(object$alleleDepth[thesetaxa,, drop = FALSE], 2, alleleProb[j,], "+"),
                            sweep(object$antiAlleleDepth[thesetaxa,, drop = FALSE], 2, antiAlleleProb[j,], "+")),
                      2, lbeta(alleleProb[j,], antiAlleleProb[j,]), "-"))
      # fix likelihoods where all are zero
      totlik <- colSums(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]])
      toRecalculate <- which(totlik == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
      if(dim(toRecalculate)[1] > 0){
        for(k in 1:dim(toRecalculate)[1]){
          taxon <- toRecalculate[k,1]
          allele <- toRecalculate[k,2]
          # for rare cases where likelihood still not estimated, set to one
          if(sum(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]][, taxon, allele]) == 0){
            object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]][, taxon, allele] <- 1

# for a given taxon, return the most likely genotypes (based on likelihoods only)
GetLikelyGen <- function(object, taxon, minLikelihoodRatio = 10){
  UseMethod("GetLikelyGen", object)
GetLikelyGen.RADdata <- function(object, taxon, minLikelihoodRatio = 10){
  if(length(taxon) != 1){
    stop("Only one taxon can be passed to GetLikelyGen.")
  if(!taxon %in% GetTaxa(object)){
    stop("taxon not found in object.")
  if(length(minLikelihoodRatio) != 1 || is.na(minLikelihoodRatio) ||
    stop("A single numeric value is needed for minLikelihoodRatio.")
  if(minLikelihoodRatio < 1){
    warning("minimumLikelihoodRatio less than 1 does not make sense.")
    cat("Genotype likelihoods not found.  Estimating.", sep = "\n")
    object <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(object)
  npld <- nrow(object$genotypeLikelihood)
  txpld <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[taxon]
  txpldchr <- as.character(txpld)
  ploidies <- sapply(object$genotypeLikelihood[,txpldchr], function(x) dim(x)[1] - 1)
  nAllele <- nAlleles(object)
  outmat <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = npld, ncol = nAllele,
                   dimnames = list(as.character(ploidies), 
  for(i in 1:npld){
    nonNaAlleles <- which(!is.na(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,txpldchr]][1,taxon,]))
    # get the most likely genotype
#    outmat[i,nonNaAlleles] <- apply(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,txpldchr]][,taxon,nonNaAlleles], 2, which.max) - 1 # R version
    outmat[i,nonNaAlleles] <- BestGenos(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,txpldchr]][,taxon,nonNaAlleles],
                                        ploidies[i], 1, length(nonNaAlleles)) # Rcpp function
    # remove genotypes that don't meet the likelihood ratio threshold
    if(minLikelihoodRatio > 1){
      # get likelihood ratios
      myrat <- apply(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,txpldchr]][,taxon,nonNaAlleles], 2, 
                       xmxind <- which.max(x)
                       xsecond <- max(x[-xmxind])
      outmat[i,nonNaAlleles[myrat < minLikelihoodRatio]] <- NA_integer_

# Estimate parental genotypes.  Used for getting genotype priors in mapping
# population, and for Hind/He statistic.
EstimateParentalGenotypes <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("EstimateParentalGenotypes", object)
EstimateParentalGenotypes.RADdata <- 
           donorParent = GetDonorParent(object), 
           recurrentParent = GetRecurrentParent(object), n.gen.backcrossing = 0,
           n.gen.intermating = 0,
           n.gen.selfing = 0,
           minLikelihoodRatio = 10, ...){
    pld.don <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[donorParent]
    pld.rec <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[recurrentParent]

    if(is.null(object$alleleFreq) || attr(object,"alleleFreqType") != "mapping"){
      message("Allele frequencies for mapping population not found.  Estimating.")
      pld.max <- max(sapply(object$possiblePloidies, sum))
      allelesin <- (pld.don + pld.rec) * pld.max / 2
      possfreq <- seq(0, 1, length.out = (n.gen.backcrossing + 1) * allelesin + 1)
      alldev <- (possfreq[2] - possfreq[1])/2
      object <- AddAlleleFreqMapping(object, allowedDeviation = alldev, 
                                     expectedFreqs = possfreq)
      message("Genotype likelihoods not found.  Estimating.")
      object <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(object)

    likelyGen.don <- GetLikelyGen(object, donorParent, 
                                  minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio)
    likelyGen.rec <- GetLikelyGen(object, recurrentParent,
                                  minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio)

    # matrix of expected allele frequencies for all possible genotypes and ploidies
    npld <- nrow(object$genotypeLikelihood)
    expfreq_byPloidy <- vector(mode = "list", length = npld)
    # do allele frequencies match parent genotypes?
    freqMatchGen <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = npld, ncol = nAlleles(object))
    # find possible expected allele frequencies, see where they match parental genos
    for(i in seq_len(npld)){
      pl.d <- dim(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,as.character(pld.don)]])[1] - 1L
      pl.r <- dim(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,as.character(pld.rec)]])[1] - 1L
      expfreq_byPloidy[[i]] <- matrix(nrow = pl.d+1, ncol = pl.r+1)
      for(gen.d in 0:pl.d){
        for(gen.r in 0:pl.r){
          expfreq_byPloidy[[i]][gen.d + 1, gen.r + 1] <-
            (gen.d * 0.5^n.gen.backcrossing + gen.r * (2 - 0.5^n.gen.backcrossing))/
            (pl.d + pl.r)
      thisgen.don <- likelyGen.don[i,]
      thisgen.rec <- likelyGen.rec[i,]
      expfreq <- (thisgen.don * 0.5^n.gen.backcrossing + 
                    thisgen.rec * (2 - 0.5^n.gen.backcrossing))/(pl.d + pl.r)
      freqMatchGen[i,] <- expfreq == object$alleleFreq

    freqMatchGen[is.na(freqMatchGen)] <- FALSE
    allelesToFix <- which(colSums(freqMatchGen) == 0)
    # correct parental genotypes where appropriate, using rounded allele frequencies
    for(a in allelesToFix){
      thisfreq <- object$alleleFreq[a]
      for(i in seq_len(npld)){
        poss_matches <- which(expfreq_byPloidy[[i]] == thisfreq, arr.ind = TRUE) - 1
        if(nrow(poss_matches) == 0) next
        if(nrow(poss_matches) == 1){
          # only one possible match (i.e. when there is backcrossing)
          likelyGen.don[i,a] <- unname(poss_matches[,1])
          likelyGen.rec[i,a] <- unname(poss_matches[,2])
        } else { # multiple possible matches
          # vector to contain genotype combo likelihoods
          thislikeli <- numeric(nrow(poss_matches)) 
          for(m in 1:nrow(poss_matches)){
            gen.d <- poss_matches[m,1]
            gen.r <- poss_matches[m,2]
            thislikeli[m] <- 
              object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,as.character(pld.don)]][gen.d + 1, donorParent, a] *
              object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,as.character(pld.rec)]][gen.r + 1, recurrentParent, a]
          bestcombo <- which(thislikeli == max(thislikeli))
          if(length(bestcombo) == 1){
            likelyGen.don[i,a] <- unname(poss_matches[bestcombo, 1])
            likelyGen.rec[i,a] <- unname(poss_matches[bestcombo, 2])
    # save corrected parental genotypes to object
    object$likelyGeno_donor <- likelyGen.don
    object$likelyGeno_recurrent <- likelyGen.rec
# for a mapping population with two parents, get prior genotype probabilities
# based on parent genotypes and progeny allele frequencies
AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents", object)
AddGenotypePriorProb_Mapping2Parents.RADdata <- function(object,
    donorParent = GetDonorParent(object), 
    recurrentParent = GetRecurrentParent(object), n.gen.backcrossing = 0,
    n.gen.intermating = 0,
    n.gen.selfing = 0,
    minLikelihoodRatio = 10, ...){
  # Ploidy setup and error checking
  pld.don <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[donorParent]
  pld.rec <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[recurrentParent]
  progeny <- setdiff(GetTaxa(object),
                     c(donorParent, recurrentParent, GetBlankTaxa(object)))
  pld.prg <- unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)[progeny])
  if(length(pld.prg) > 1){
    stop("All progeny must be one ploidy.")
  pld.exp <- (pld.don + pld.rec) / 2
  for(i in seq_len(n.gen.backcrossing)){
    pld.exp <- (pld.exp + pld.rec) / 2
  if(pld.prg != pld.exp){
    stop(paste("Progeny ploidy of", pld.prg, "specified but progeny ploidy of",
               pld.exp, "expected."))
  # get most likely genotype for the parents
  object <- EstimateParentalGenotypes(object, donorParent = donorParent, 
                                      recurrentParent = recurrentParent,
                                      n.gen.backcrossing = n.gen.backcrossing,
                                      n.gen.intermating = n.gen.intermating,
                                      n.gen.selfing = n.gen.selfing,
                                      minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio)
  likelyGen.don <- object$likelyGeno_donor
  likelyGen.rec <- object$likelyGeno_recurrent

  # get prior genotype probabilities for F1
  OutPriors <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(object$possiblePloidies))
  for(i in 1:length(OutPriors)){
    thispld <- object$possiblePloidies[[i]]
    donorPld <- thispld * pld.don / 2
    recurPld <- thispld * pld.rec / 2
    theseDonorGen <- likelyGen.don[as.character(sum(donorPld)),]
    theseRecurGen <- likelyGen.rec[as.character(sum(recurPld)),]
    donorGamProb <- .gameteProb(.makeGametes(theseDonorGen, donorPld), donorPld)
    recurGamProb <- .gameteProb(.makeGametes(theseRecurGen, recurPld), recurPld)
    OutPriors[[i]] <- .progenyProb(donorGamProb, recurGamProb)
  # backcross
  pld.cur <- (pld.don + pld.rec) / 2
  for(gen in seq_len(n.gen.backcrossing)){
    # reestimate prior probs
    OutPriorsLastGen <- OutPriors
    OutPriors <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(object$possiblePloidies))
    for(i in 1:length(OutPriors)){
      ### consider just estimating recurrent gametes once since this is repetitive
      recurPld <- object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * pld.rec / 2
      theseRecurGen <- likelyGen.rec[as.character(sum(recurPld)),]
      recurGamProb <- .gameteProb(.makeGametes(theseRecurGen, recurPld), recurPld)
      # get gamete prob for current population
      currPld <- object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * pld.cur / 2
      currGamProb <- .gameteProbPop(OutPriorsLastGen[[i]], currPld)
      # update genotype priors
      OutPriors[[i]] <- .progenyProb(recurGamProb, currGamProb)
      pld.cur <- (pld.cur + pld.rec) / 2
  # intermate (random mating within the population)
  for(gen in seq_len(n.gen.intermating)){
    OutPriorsLastGen <- OutPriors
    OutPriors <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(object$possiblePloidies))
    for(i in 1:length(OutPriors)){
      currPld <- object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * pld.cur / 2
      currGamProb <- .gameteProbPop(OutPriorsLastGen[[i]], currPld)
      OutPriors[[i]] <- .progenyProb(currGamProb, currGamProb)
  # self (everything in population is self-fertilized)
  for(gen in seq_len(n.gen.selfing)){
    # reestimate prior probs
    OutPriorsLastGen <- OutPriors
    OutPriors <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(object$possiblePloidies))
    for(i in 1:length(OutPriors)){
      currPld <- object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * pld.cur / 2
      OutPriors[[i]] <- .selfPop(OutPriorsLastGen[[i]], currPld)
  for(i in 1:length(OutPriors)){
    dimnames(OutPriors[[i]]) <- list(as.character(0:(dim(OutPriors[[i]])[1] - 1)),
  # Add uniform priors for anything that's not progeny
  object <- AddGenotypePriorProb_Even(object)
  # Put progeny priors into the appropriate column
  object$priorProb[,as.character(pld.prg)] <- OutPriors
  stopifnot(attr(object, "priorType") == "population")
  # --> indicates prior probs are estimated for whole pop, not by taxa

AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE", object)
AddGenotypePriorProb_HWE.RADdata <- function(object, selfing.rate = 0, ...){
  if(is.null(object$alleleFreq) || attr(object, "alleleFreqType") != "HWE"){
    stop("Allele frequencies not estimated under HWE.")

  tx_pld_unique <- sort(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)))
  # array of priors by marker, with marker inheritance patterns in rows and
  # individual ploidies in columns.
  priors <- array(list(),
                  dim = c(length(object$possiblePloidies),
                  dimnames = list(NULL, as.character(tx_pld_unique)))
  for(i in seq_along(object$possiblePloidies)){
    for(j in seq_along(tx_pld_unique)){
      priors[[i, j]] <- .HWEpriors(object$alleleFreq,
                                   object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * tx_pld_unique[j] / 2L,
  object$priorProb <- priors
  attr(object, "priorType") <- "population"

AddGenotypePriorProb_Even <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePriorProb_Even", object)
AddGenotypePriorProb_Even.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  tx_pld_unique <- sort(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)))
  priors <- array(list(),
                  dim = c(length(object$possiblePloidies),
                  dimnames = list(NULL, as.character(tx_pld_unique)))
  for(i in seq_along(object$possiblePloidies)){
    for(j in seq_along(tx_pld_unique)){
      thispld <- sum(object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * tx_pld_unique[j] / 2L)
      priors[[i, j]] <- matrix(1/(thispld + 1), nrow = thispld + 1, 
                            ncol = nAlleles(object),
                            dimnames = list(as.character(0:thispld),
  object$priorProb <- priors
  attr(object, "priorType") <- "population"

AddPloidyLikelihood <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddPloidyLikelihood", object)
AddPloidyLikelihood.RADdata <- function(object, excludeTaxa = GetBlankTaxa(object), 
                                        minLikelihoodRatio = 50, ...){
  if(attr(object, "priorType") != "population"){
    stop("AddPloidyLikelihood not yet defined for priors estimated on a per-taxon basis.")
  if(ncol(object$priorProb) > 1){
    stop("AddPloidyLikelihood not yet defined for multiploid populations.")
  taxa <- GetTaxa(object)
  if(!is.null(attr(object, "donorParent"))){
    taxa <- taxa[taxa != GetDonorParent(object)]
  if(!is.null(attr(object, "recurrentParent"))){
    taxa <- taxa[taxa != GetRecurrentParent(object)]
  taxa <- taxa[!taxa %in% GetBlankTaxa(object)]
  taxa <- taxa[!taxa %in% excludeTaxa]
  nAlleles <- nAlleles(object)
  likgen <- lapply(taxa, function(x) GetLikelyGen(object, x,
                                                  minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio))
  object$ploidyLikelihood <- matrix(nrow = length(object$priorProb),
                                    ncol = nAlleles,
                                    dimnames = list(NULL, GetAlleleNames(object)))
  for(i in 1:nrow(object$priorProb)){
    thisploidy <- dim(object$priorProb[[i,1]])[1] - 1
    thesegen <- sapply(likgen, function(x) x[as.character(thisploidy),])
    countstable <- matrix(0L, nrow = thisploidy + 1, ncol = dim(thesegen)[1],
                          dimnames = list(as.character(0:thisploidy),
    for(j in 0:thisploidy){
      countstable[j + 1, ] <- rowSums(thesegen == j, na.rm = TRUE)
    # get ploidy likelihood
    thislikehd <- sapply(1:nAlleles, function(x){
      } else {
                  prob = object$priorProb[[i,1]][,x])
    object$ploidyLikelihood[i,] <- thislikehd
    # then do chi-squared test?

AddPloidyChiSq <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddPloidyChiSq", object)
AddPloidyChiSq.RADdata <- function(object, excludeTaxa = GetBlankTaxa(object),
  taxa <- GetTaxa(object)
  if(!is.null(attr(object, "donorParent"))){
    taxa <- taxa[taxa != GetDonorParent(object)]
  if(!is.null(attr(object, "recurrentParent"))){
    taxa <- taxa[taxa != GetRecurrentParent(object)]
  taxa <- taxa[!taxa %in% GetBlankTaxa(object)]
  taxa <- taxa[!taxa %in% excludeTaxa]
    stop("Prior genotype probabilities must be estimated first.")
    object <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(object)
  nAllele <- nAlleles(object)
  object$ploidyChiSq <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(object$priorProb),
                               ncol = nAllele,
                               dimnames = list(NULL, GetAlleleNames(object)))
  # object$ploidyChiSqP <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(object$priorProb),
  #                               ncol = nAllele,
  #                               dimnames = list(NULL, GetAlleleNames(object)))
  # get weighted genotype tallies from genotype likelihoods
  gental <- array(list(),
                  dim = dim(object$genotypeLikelihood),
                  dimnames = dimnames(object$genotypeLikelihood))
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(gental))){
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(gental))){
      thesetaxa <- intersect(taxa, dimnames(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]])[[2]])
      # likelihood total for each individual and locus at this ploidy
      totlik <- colSums(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]][,thesetaxa,, drop = FALSE])
      # normalize likelihoods by total for each individual and locus
      normlik <- sweep(object$genotypeLikelihood[[i,h]][,thesetaxa,, drop = FALSE],
                       2:3, totlik, FUN = "/")
      # get population proportion of genotype likelihoods for allele and copy number
      gental[[i,h]] <- apply(normlik, c(1,3), mean)
  # loop through ploidies
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(object$priorProb))){
    thisploidy <- sum(object$possiblePloidies[[i]])
    whichlik <-
                     dim(x)[1] - 1L == thisploidy *
                       as.integer(colnames(object$genotypeLikelihood)[1]) / 2L
    stopifnot(length(whichlik) == 1L)
                           dim(object$genotypeLikelihood[[whichlik,x]])[1] - 1L ==
                             thisploidy * as.integer(x) / 2L
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(object$priorProb))){
      # skip ploidies not examined in mapping pop
      if(all(is.na(gental[[whichlik,h]]))) next
      # get priors
      if(attr(object, "priorType") == "population"){
        thesepriors <- object$priorProb[[i,h]]
      } else {
        # convert priors by taxon to population priors
        thesepriors <- rowMeans(aperm(object$priorProb[[i,h]], c(1,3,2)), dims = 2)
      # estimate the components that are summed to make chi square
      chisqcomp <- (gental[[whichlik,h]] - thesepriors)^2/
        thesepriors * length(taxa)
      # chi-squared statistic
      thesechisq <- apply(chisqcomp, 2, function(x) sum(x[x != Inf]))
      object$ploidyChiSq[i,] <- object$ploidyChiSq[i,] + thesechisq
    # degrees of freedom
    # theseDF <- colSums(thesepriors != 0) - 1
    # p-values
    # object$ploidyChiSqP[i,] <- pchisq(thesechisq, theseDF, lower.tail = FALSE)

AddGenotypePosteriorProb <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePosteriorProb", object)
AddGenotypePosteriorProb.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  PTL <- .priorTimesLikelihood(object)
  object$posteriorProb <- array(list(),
                                dim = dim(PTL),
                                dimnames = dimnames(PTL))

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(object$posteriorProb))){
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(object$posteriorProb))){
      totPriorTimesLikeli <- colSums(PTL[[i,h]])
      object$posteriorProb[[i,h]] <- sweep(PTL[[i,h]], c(2,3),
                                         totPriorTimesLikeli, FUN = "/")

GetWeightedMeanGenotypes <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetWeightedMeanGenotypes", object)
GetWeightedMeanGenotypes.RADdata <- function(object, minval = 0, maxval = 1,
                                             omit1allelePerLocus = TRUE, 
                                             omitCommonAllele = TRUE,
                                             naIfZeroReads = FALSE, 
                                             onePloidyPerAllele = FALSE, ...){
  # maybe include an argument for selecting a specific ploidy rather than
  # letting the function pick what seems to be best?
    stop("Need to estimate genotype posterior probabilities first.")
    stop("Need to estimate ploidy chi-squared first.")

  altokeep <- 1:nAlleles(object)
    # make allele subset, to remove mathematical redundancy in dataset
    mymatch <- OneAllelePerMarker(object, commonAllele = omitCommonAllele)
    altokeep <- altokeep[-mymatch]
  nPloidies <- nrow(object$priorProb)
  # get weights for ploidies to use for each allele
    ploidyweights <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = length(altokeep))
  } else {
    nPloidies <- dim(object$ploidyChiSq)[1]
      ploidyweights <- matrix(0, nrow = nPloidies,
                              ncol = length(altokeep))
      bestploidies <- BestPloidies(object$ploidyChiSq[,altokeep, drop = FALSE])
      for(i in 1:nPloidies){
        ploidyweights[i,bestploidies == i] <- 1
    } else {
      chisqInverse <- 1/object$ploidyChiSq[,altokeep, drop = FALSE]
      chisqInverse[is.na(chisqInverse)] <- 0
      ploidyweights <- sweep(chisqInverse, 2, colSums(chisqInverse), "/")
    ploidyweights[is.na(ploidyweights)] <- 0

  # set up emtpy matrix to contain results
  wmgeno <- matrix(NA, nrow = nTaxa(object),
                   ncol = length(altokeep),
                   dimnames = list(GetTaxa(object),
  # loop through locus ploidies
  for(i in 1:nPloidies){
    # loop through taxa ploidies
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(object$priorProb))){
      # taxa with this ploidy
      thesetaxa <- dimnames(object$posteriorProb[[i,h]])[[2]]
      # values to represent each allele copy number
      thesegenval <- seq(minval, maxval, length.out = dim(object$posteriorProb[[i,h]])[1])
      # weighted mean genotypes for this ploidy
      thesewm <- rowSums(aperm(sweep(object$posteriorProb[[i,h]][,,altokeep, drop = FALSE],
                                     1, thesegenval, "*"), 
                         dims = 2)
      # multiply by weight for this ploidy and add to total
      thesewm <- sweep(thesewm, 2, ploidyweights[i,], "*")
      nasofar <- is.na(wmgeno[thesetaxa, ,drop = FALSE])
      nanew <- is.na(thesewm)
      add <- !nasofar & !nanew
      wmgeno[thesetaxa,][nasofar] <- thesewm[nasofar]
      wmgeno[thesetaxa,][add] <- wmgeno[thesetaxa,][add] + thesewm[add]
  # where there was no good ploidy, put in missing data
  wmgeno[,colSums(ploidyweights) == 0] <- NA
  if(naIfZeroReads){ # if there were zero reads for that locus, replace with NA
    wmgeno[object$locDepth[,as.character(object$alleles2loc)[altokeep]] == 0] <- NA

# function to get the most probable genotypes at the most probable ploidy
GetProbableGenotypes <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetProbableGenotypes", object)
GetProbableGenotypes.RADdata <- function(object, omit1allelePerLocus = TRUE,
                                         omitCommonAllele = TRUE,
                                         naIfZeroReads = FALSE, 
                                         correctParentalGenos = TRUE, 
                                         multiallelic = "correct", ...){
    stop("Need posteriorProb and ploidyChiSq.")
  if(!multiallelic %in% c("ignore", "na", "correct")){
    stop("multiallelic should equal 'ignore', 'na', or 'correct'.")
  # determine which alleles should be processed
  allelesToExport <- 1:nAlleles(object)
  if(omit1allelePerLocus && multiallelic == "ignore"){
    allelesToExport <- allelesToExport[-OneAllelePerMarker(object,
                                                           commonAllele = omitCommonAllele)]
  # matrix for output
  outmat <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = nTaxa(object),
                   ncol = length(allelesToExport),
                   dimnames = list(GetTaxa(object), 
  # index of which ploidy was exported for each allele
  if(nrow(object$posteriorProb) == 1){
    pldindex <- rep(1L, length(allelesToExport))
    ploidyindices <- 1L
  } else {
    if(multiallelic == "ignore"){
      pldindex <- BestPloidies(object$ploidyChiSq[,allelesToExport,drop=FALSE]) # Rcpp function
      pldindex[pldindex == 0] <- NA # 0 means missing from BestPloidies Rcpp fn
    } else {
      # If we are going to look at multiallelic genotypes, get the best ploidy
      # for each locus instead of each allele.
      locChiSq <- t(rowsum(t(object$ploidyChiSq), object$alleles2loc))
      pldindex_loc <- BestPloidies(locChiSq)
      names(pldindex_loc) <- colnames(locChiSq)
      pldindex_loc[pldindex_loc == 0] <- NA
      pldindex <- unname(pldindex_loc[as.character(object$alleles2loc)])
    ploidyindices <- sort(unique(pldindex))
    ploidyindices <- ploidyindices[!is.na(ploidyindices)]
  names(pldindex) <- GetAlleleNames(object)[allelesToExport]
  # loop through locus ploidies and fill in matrix
  for(p in ploidyindices){
    thesealleles <- which(pldindex == p)
    # loop through taxa ploidies
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(object$posteriorProb))){
      thispld <- dim(object$posteriorProb[[p,h]])[1] - 1L
      thesetaxa <- dimnames(object$posteriorProb[[p,h]])[[2]]
      outmat[thesetaxa,thesealleles] <-
        BestGenos(object$posteriorProb[[p,h]][,thesetaxa,allelesToExport[thesealleles], drop = FALSE],
                  thispld, length(thesetaxa), length(thesealleles)) # Rcpp function
      # correct or delete genotypes that don't sum to ploidy
      if(multiallelic %in% c("na", "correct")){
        # fix up alleles2loc and determine number of loci
        thisA2L <- object$alleles2loc[thesealleles]
        theseLoci <- unique(thisA2L)
        thisA2L <- match(thisA2L, theseLoci)
        # run the Rcpp function do to the correction
        outmat[thesetaxa,thesealleles] <- 
          CorrectGenos(outmat[thesetaxa,thesealleles, drop = FALSE], 
                       object$posteriorProb[[p,h]][,thesetaxa,allelesToExport[thesealleles], drop = FALSE],
                       thisA2L, length(thesetaxa), thispld, length(thesealleles),
                       length(theseLoci), multiallelic == "correct")
    # correct parent genotypes if this is a mapping population
    if(correctParentalGenos && !is.null(object$likelyGeno_donor) &&
      mlt <- sum(object$possiblePloidies[[p]]) / 2
      pld.d <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[GetDonorParent(object)] * mlt
      pld.r <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[GetRecurrentParent(object)] * mlt
      outmat[GetDonorParent(object), thesealleles] <- 
        object$likelyGeno_donor[as.character(pld.d), allelesToExport[thesealleles]]
      outmat[GetRecurrentParent(object), thesealleles] <- 
        object$likelyGeno_recurrent[as.character(pld.r), allelesToExport[thesealleles]]
  # put in NA for zero reads if necessary
    isZero <- (object$locDepth == 0)[,as.character(object$alleles2loc[allelesToExport])]
    outmat[isZero] <- NA_integer_
  # subset if desired and if correction was done
  if(omit1allelePerLocus && multiallelic != "ignore"){
    allelesToExport <- allelesToExport[-OneAllelePerMarker(object,
                                                           commonAllele = omitCommonAllele)]
    outmat <- outmat[,allelesToExport]
    pldindex <- pldindex[allelesToExport]
  return(list(genotypes = outmat, ploidy_index = pldindex))

AddPCA <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddPCA", object)
# some key additional arguments: nPcs is the number of PC axes to return
AddPCA.RADdata <- function(object, nPcsInit = 10, maxR2changeratio = 0.05, 
                           minPcsOut = 1, ...){
  if(minPcsOut > nPcsInit){
    stop("minPcsOut can not be greater than nPcsInit.")
  # matrix for input to PCA; depth ratios or posterior probs
    genmat <- object$depthRatio[,-OneAllelePerMarker(object)]
  } else {
    genmat <- GetWeightedMeanGenotypes(object, omit1allelePerLocus = TRUE,
                                       naIfZeroReads = FALSE)
  # replace NaN with NA
  genmat[is.na(genmat)] <- NA
  # check that no columns are completely NA
  if(any(colMeans(is.na(genmat)) == 1)){
    message("Alleles with completely missing data:")
    cat(colnames(genmat)[colMeans(is.na(genmat)) == 1], sep = "\n")
    stop("Alleles found with completely missing data.")
  genfreq <- colMeans(genmat, na.rm = TRUE)
  # if any individuals are completely missing, fill them in with mean.
  # This can happen with blanks or very low quality samples when looping
  # through the genome in chunks.
  missind <- which(rowMeans(is.na(genmat)) == 1)
  for(i in missind){
    genmat[i,] <- genfreq
  # remove non-variable sites
  genmat <- genmat[, which(genfreq > 0 & genfreq < 1)]
  # adjust number of PC axes if necessary
  if(nPcsInit > dim(genmat)[2]){
    nPcsInit <- dim(genmat)[2]
  # run principal components analysis
  pc <- pcaMethods::pca(genmat, method = "ppca", nPcs = nPcsInit, ...)
  # get rate of change in R2 values
  roc <- pc@R2[1:(nPcsInit - 1)] - pc@R2[2:nPcsInit]
  cutoff <- which(roc < roc[1] * maxR2changeratio)
  if(length(cutoff) == 0){
    cutoff <- nPcsInit
  # make sure number of PCs meets minimum threshold
  if(cutoff[1] < minPcsOut){
    cutoff <- minPcsOut
  object$PCA <- pc@scores[,1:cutoff[1]]


AddAlleleFreqByTaxa <- function(object, ...){
AddAlleleFreqByTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, minfreq = 0.0001, ...){
    stop("Need to run AddPCA first.")
  if(minfreq <= 0){
    stop("minfreq must be greater than zero.")
  if(minfreq >= 0.5){
    stop("minfreq must be less than 0.5 (typically much less).")
    genmat <- object$depthRatio
    genmat[is.na(genmat)] <- NA
  } else {
    genmat <- GetWeightedMeanGenotypes(object, omit1allelePerLocus = FALSE,
                                       minval = 0, maxval = 1,
                                       naIfZeroReads = FALSE)
  if(sum(is.na(genmat)) == 0){
    # regress estimated genotypes on PC axes
    PCcoef <- lm(genmat ~ object$PCA)$coefficients
  } else {
    PCcoef <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(object$PCA)[2] + 1, 
                     ncol = dim(genmat)[2])
    for(i in 1:dim(genmat)[2]){
      PCcoef[,i] <- lm(genmat[,i] ~ object$PCA)$coefficients
  PCcoef[is.na(PCcoef)] <- 0 # for non-variable sites
  # predict allele frequencies from PC axes
  predAl <- object$PCA %*% PCcoef[-1,] + 
    matrix(PCcoef[1,], byrow = TRUE, nrow = nTaxa(object), 
           ncol = nAlleles(object))
  # adjust allele frequencies to possible values
  predAl <- AdjustAlleleFreq(predAl, object$alleles2loc, minfreq)
  dimnames(predAl) <- list(GetTaxa(object), GetAlleleNames(object))
  object$alleleFreqByTaxa <- predAl

AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa", object)
AddGenotypePriorProb_ByTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, selfing.rate = 0, ...){
    stop("Need to run AddAlleleFreqByTaxa first.")
  tx_pld_unique <- sort(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)))
  priors <- array(list(),
                  dim = c(length(object$possiblePloidies),
                  dimnames = list(NULL, as.character(tx_pld_unique)))
  for(i in seq_along(object$possiblePloidies)){
    for(j in seq_along(tx_pld_unique)){
      pldtot <- sum(object$possiblePloidies[[i]]) * tx_pld_unique[j] / 2L
      thesetaxa <- GetTaxaByPloidy(object, tx_pld_unique[j])
      priors[[i, j]] <- array(NA, dim = c(pldtot + 1,
                                       length(thesetaxa), nAlleles(object)),
                           dimnames = list(as.character(0:pldtot),
      for(k in thesetaxa){
        priors[[i, j]][,k,] <- .HWEpriors(object$alleleFreqByTaxa[k,], 
                                       object$possiblePloidies[[i]] * tx_pld_unique[j] / 2L,
  object$priorProb <- priors
  attr(object, "priorType") <- "taxon"

AddGenotypePriorProb_LD <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddGenotypePriorProb_LD", object)
AddGenotypePriorProb_LD.RADdata <- function(object, type, ...){
  if(is.null(object$posteriorProb) || is.null(object$alleleLinkages)){
    stop("posteriorProb and alleleLinkages slots needed.")
  if(!type %in% c("mapping", "hwe", "popstruct")){
    stop("type must be 'mapping', 'hwe', or 'popstruct'.")

  # Set up list of arrays to contain prior probabilities based on linked
  # loci alone.
  nPld <- nrow(object$posteriorProb)
  object$priorProbLD <- array(list(), dim = dim(object$posteriorProb),
                              dimnames = dimnames(object$posteriorProb))
  # Find parents, to exclude from correlations in mapping populations
  if(type == "mapping"){
    parents <- c(GetDonorParent(object), GetRecurrentParent(object))
    progeny <- setdiff(GetTaxa(object), c(parents, GetBlankTaxa(object)))
    if(length(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object)[progeny])) > 1){
      stop("Only one progeny ploidy allowed for mapping populations.")
  # Loop through the possible ploidies
  for(pldIndex in seq_len(nPld)){
    for(h in seq_len(ncol(object$priorProbLD))){
      # number of possible genotypes
      ngen <- dim(object$posteriorProb[[pldIndex,h]])[1]
      # set up array to be put into priorProbLD slot.
      # (Setting up the array *in* the slot caused a mysterious problem
      # where object would get copied to a new memory address on each
      # iteration through the alleles, but only when the Rcpp function
      # ThirdDimProd was used instead of apply.)
      thisarr <- 
        array(1 / ngen, dim = dim(object$posteriorProb[[pldIndex,h]]),
              dimnames = dimnames(object$posteriorProb[[pldIndex,h]]))
      # skip if this is a mapping pop and this taxaploidy doesn't have progeny
      if(type == "mapping" && !all(progeny %in% dimnames(thisarr)[[2]])){
        object$priorProbLD[[pldIndex,h]] <- thisarr
      # Loop through alleles
      for(a in 1:nAlleles(object)){
        atab <- object$alleleLinkages[[a]]
        if(length(atab$allele) == 0){ # no linked alleles
          thisarr[,,a] <- 1/ngen
        } else {             # linked alleles exist
          # get posterior probabilities for linked alleles
          thispost <- object$posteriorProb[[pldIndex,h]][,, atab$allele, drop = FALSE]
          # in a mapping population, make sure we are considering genotypes that are possible
          if(type == "mapping"){
            # genotypes possible for this allele
            possibleThisAllele <- which(object$priorProb[[pldIndex,h]][,a] > 0)
            # array to hold new probabilities for getting priors
            newpost <- array(0, dim = dim(thispost),
                             dimnames = dimnames(thispost))
            for(a2 in atab$allele){
              # genotypes possible for this linked allele
              possibleLinked <- which(object$priorProb[[pldIndex,h]][,a2] > 0)
              i <- match(a2, atab$allele)
              if(length(possibleThisAllele) == 2 && length(possibleLinked) == 2){
                # If there are only two possible genotypes for each, we know that all
                # copies of alleles are linked and can treat them that way.
                newpost[possibleThisAllele,progeny,i] <- 
                  thispost[possibleLinked,progeny,i] * atab$corr[i]^2 +
                  0.5 * (1 - atab$corr[i]^2)
              } else {
                # If any allele has more than two genotypes, we aren't sure of
                # complete phasing.
                # regress posterior probs for each allele copy number on all posterior probs
                for(j in possibleThisAllele){
                  thisX <- thispost[possibleLinked[-1],, i]
                    thisX <- matrix(thisX, nrow = length(thisX), ncol = 1,
                                    dimnames = list(names(thisX), NULL))
                  } else {
                    thisX <- t(thisX)
                  thislm <- lm.fit(x = cbind(rep(1, length(progeny)), thisX[progeny,, drop=FALSE]),
                                   y = object$posteriorProb[[pldIndex,h]][j, progeny, a])
                  newpost[j,progeny,i] <- thislm$fitted.values
            newpost[newpost < 0] <- 0
            newpost[newpost > 1] <- 1
            thispost <- newpost
          } else { # for hwe or pop structure situations
            # multiply by correlation coefficient
            thispost <- sweep(thispost, 3, atab$corr^2, "*")
            # add even priors for the remainder of the coefficient
            thispost <- sweep(thispost, 3, (1 - atab$corr^2)/ngen, "+")
          # multiply across alleles to get priors
          if(length(atab$allele) == 1){
            thisarr[,,a] <- thispost[,, 1]
          } else {
            #          thisLDprior <- apply(thispost, c(1, 2), prod) # non-compiled version
            thisLDprior <- ThirdDimProd(thispost, ngen, dim(thispost)[2]) # Rcpp function
            thisLDprior <- sweep(thisLDprior, 2, colSums(thisLDprior), "/")
            thisarr[,,a] <- thisLDprior
        } # end of chunk for if there are linked alleles
      } # end of loop through alleles
      object$priorProbLD[[pldIndex,h]] <- thisarr
    } # end of loop through taxa ploidies
  } # end of loop through ploidies
} # end of AddGenotypePriorProb_LD.RADdata

AddAlleleLinkages <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddAlleleLinkages", object)
AddAlleleLinkages.RADdata <- function(object, type, linkageDist, minCorr,
                                      excludeTaxa = character(0), ...){
  if(!type %in% c("mapping", "hwe", "popstruct")){
    stop("type must be 'mapping', 'hwe', or 'popstruct'.")
  if(minCorr < 0){
    stop("minCorr for linkage disequilibrium cannot be negative.")
  # get weighted mean genotypes for doing correlations
  wmgeno <- GetWeightedMeanGenotypes(object, omit1allelePerLocus = FALSE)
  wmgeno <- wmgeno[!rownames(wmgeno) %in% excludeTaxa, ]
  # set up new slot in RADdata object
  object$alleleLinkages <- list()
  length(object$alleleLinkages) <- nAlleles(object)
  # set up PCA values if they will be used
  if(type == "popstruct"){
    if(is.null(object$PCA)) stop("Run AddPCA first.")
    PCA <- object$PCA[!rownames(object$PCA) %in% excludeTaxa, , drop = FALSE]
  # loop through loci
  for(L in 1:nLoci(object)){
    theseAlleles <- which(object$alleles2loc == L) # alleles for this locus
    nearbyAlleles <- FindNearbyAlleles(object, L, linkageDist)
    for(a in theseAlleles){
      # empty vectors to store alleles that are linked, and correlations
      linkedalleles <- integer(0)
      correlations <- numeric(0)
      # get weighted mean genotype values for this allele
      thisGenVal <- wmgeno[,a]
      if(type == "popstruct"){
        # get residuals after population structure accounted for
        thislm <- lm.fit(y = thisGenVal,
                         x = cbind(rep(1, nrow(PCA)), PCA))
        thisGenVal <- thislm$residuals
      # see how each allele correlates with residuals
      for(a2 in nearbyAlleles){
        if(all(is.na(thisGenVal)) || all(thisGenVal == thisGenVal[1])) break
        if(all(is.na(wmgeno[,a2])) || all(wmgeno[,a2] == wmgeno[1,a2])) next
        thiscor <- cor(wmgeno[,a2], thisGenVal)
        if(thiscor >= minCorr){
          linkedalleles <- c(linkedalleles, a2)
          correlations <- c(correlations, thiscor)
      # store linkages for this allele
      object$alleleLinkages[[a]] <- list(allele = linkedalleles,
                                         corr = correlations)
    } # end of loop through alleles for one locus
  } # end of loop through loci
} # end of AddAlleleLinkages function

## The functions AddNormalizedDepthProp and AddAlleleBias are not currently
## used in polyRAD, but may be incorporated into future pipelines.
# Function to get a normalized proportion of reads belonging to each allele
# at each locus.
AddNormalizedDepthProp <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddNormalizedDepthProp", object)
AddNormalizedDepthProp.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  # get the total number of reads per individual
  depthPerInd <- rowSums(object$locDepth)
  # get proportion of total reads for a taxon belonging to each allele
  propDepthAl <- sweep(object$alleleDepth, 1, depthPerInd, "/")
  totAl <- colSums(propDepthAl, na.rm = TRUE)
  # get proportion of total reads for a taxon belonging to other alleles at locus
  propDepthAnti <- sweep(object$antiAlleleDepth, 1, depthPerInd, "/")
  totAnti <- colSums(propDepthAnti, na.rm = TRUE)
  # get normalized proportion of reads for a locus belonging to an allele
  object$normalizedDepthProp <- totAl/(totAl + totAnti)
# function to estimate bias of each allele at each locus
# equivalent to h in Gerard et al. (2018)
AddAlleleBias <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("AddAlleleBias", object)
AddAlleleBias.RADdata <- function(object, maxbias = 4, ...){
    object <- AddNormalizedDepthProp(object)
  # estimate bias directly from data
  bias <- ((1 - object$normalizedDepthProp)/(1 - object$alleleFreq))/
    (object$normalizedDepthProp / object$alleleFreq)
  object$alleleBias <- bias

#### Accessors ####
GetTaxa <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetTaxa", object)
GetTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  return(attr(object, "taxa"))
nTaxa <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("nTaxa", object)
nTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  return(attr(object, "nTaxa"))
GetLoci <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetLoci", object)
GetLoci.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
nLoci <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("nLoci", object)
nLoci.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  return(attr(object, "nLoci"))
nAlleles <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("nAlleles", object)
nAlleles.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
GetAlleleNames <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetAlleleNames", object)
GetAlleleNames.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
GetLocDepth <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetLocDepth", object)
GetLocDepth.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  locnames <- row.names(object$locTable)[
  outdepth <- object$locDepth
  dimnames(outdepth)[[2]] <- locnames
GetContamRate <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetContamRate", object)
GetContamRate.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  return(attr(object, "contamRate"))
SetContamRate <- function(object, value, ...){
  UseMethod("SetContamRate", object)
SetContamRate.RADdata <- function(object, value, ...){
  if(value < 0 || value > 1){
    stop("contamRate must range from zero to one.")
  if(value > 0.01){
    warning("contamRate higher than expected.")
  attr(object, "contamRate") <- value

SetTaxaPloidy <- function(object, value, ...){
  UseMethod("SetTaxaPloidy", object)
SetTaxaPloidy.RADdata <- function(object, value, ...){
  storage.mode(value) <- "integer"
  if(length(value) != nTaxa(object)){
    stop("Need one ploidy for each taxon.")
    stop("taxaPloidy must be integer.")
  if(any(value < 1)){
    stop("taxaPloidy must be positive integer.")
  if(!(all(unlist(object$possiblePloidies) %% 2L == 0L) ||
       all(value %% 2L == 0L))){
    stop("Either possiblePloidies or taxaPloidy must consist entirely of even numbers.")
    if(!setequal(names(value), GetTaxa(object))){
      stop("Vector names do not match taxa names in object")
    value <- value[GetTaxa(object)]
  } else {
    names(value) <- GetTaxa(object)
  object$taxaPloidy <- value
GetTaxaPloidy <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetTaxaPloidy", object)
GetTaxaPloidy.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
GetTaxaByPloidy <- function(object, ...){
GetTaxaByPloidy.RADdata <- function(object, ploidy, ...){
  return(GetTaxa(object)[GetTaxaPloidy(object) == ploidy])

# Functions for assigning taxa to specific roles ####
SetDonorParent <- function(object, value){
  UseMethod("SetDonorParent", object)
SetDonorParent.RADdata <- function(object, value){
  if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 1){
    stop("value must be one character string indicating the donor parent.")
  if(!value %in% GetTaxa(object)){
    stop("value must be one of the taxa listed in the object.")
  attr(object, "donorParent") <- value
GetDonorParent <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetDonorParent", object)
GetDonorParent.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  dp <- attr(object, "donorParent")
    stop("Need to assign a donor parent with SetDonorParent.")
SetRecurrentParent <- function(object, value){
  UseMethod("SetRecurrentParent", object)
SetRecurrentParent.RADdata <- function(object, value){
  if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 1){
    stop("value must be one character string indicating the recurrent parent.")
  if(!value %in% GetTaxa(object)){
    stop("value must be one of the taxa listed in the object.")
  attr(object, "recurrentParent") <- value
GetRecurrentParent <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetRecurrentParent", object)
GetRecurrentParent.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  rp <- attr(object, "recurrentParent")
    stop("Need to assign a recurrent parent with SetRecurrentParent.")
SetBlankTaxa <- function(object, value){
  UseMethod("SetBlankTaxa", object)
SetBlankTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, value){
    stop("value must be a character vector")
  if(!all(value %in% GetTaxa(object))){
    stop("Every element in value must be a taxon listed in the object.")
  attr(object, "blankTaxa") <- value
GetBlankTaxa <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("GetBlankTaxa", object)
GetBlankTaxa.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  bt <- attr(object, "blankTaxa")
    bt <- character(0)

# some basic utilities ####

# plot method that shows the PCA results
plot.RADdata <- function(x, ...){
    message("Performing principal components analysis...")
    x <- AddPCA(x)
  plot(x$PCA[,1], x$PCA[,2], xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2",
       main = "PCA of RADdata object", ...)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "donorParent"))){
    don <- GetDonorParent(x)
    points(x$PCA[don, 1], x$PCA[don, 2], col = "darkgreen")
    text(x$PCA[don, 1], x$PCA[don, 2], "donor", col = "darkgreen", pos = 1)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "recurrentParent"))){
    rec <- GetRecurrentParent(x)
    points(x$PCA[rec, 1], x$PCA[rec, 2], col = "blue")
    text(x$PCA[rec, 1], x$PCA[rec, 2], "recurrent", col = "blue", pos = 1)

OneAllelePerMarker <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("OneAllelePerMarker", object)
OneAllelePerMarker.RADdata <- function(object, commonAllele = FALSE, ...){
    # get index of most common allele for each marker
      # estimate allele frequencies if not done already
      object <- AddAlleleFreqHWE(object)
    # sort by locus numbers, then by allele freq within locus
    myorder <- order(object$alleles2loc, object$alleleFreq, 
                     decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE), method = "radix")
    # get position of most common allele within sorted vector
    mymatch1 <- fastmatch::fmatch(1:max(object$alleles2loc), 
    mymatch1 <- na.omit(mymatch1)
    # translate that to position in unsorted vector
    mymatch <- myorder[mymatch1]
  } else {
    # get the index of the first allele for each marker
    mymatch <- fastmatch::fmatch(1:max(object$alleles2loc), object$alleles2loc)
    mymatch <- na.omit(mymatch)
CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno", object)
CanDoGetWeightedMeanGeno.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  return(!is.null(object$posteriorProb) && 
           (!is.null(object$ploidyChiSq) || nrow(object$posteriorProb) == 1))

SubsetByTaxon <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("SubsetByTaxon", object)
SubsetByTaxon.RADdata <- function(object, taxa, ...){
  # check and convert taxa
  if(length(taxa) == 0){
    stop("At least one taxon must be provided for subsetting.")
    taxa <- fastmatch::fmatch(taxa, GetTaxa(object))
    if(any(is.na(taxa))) stop("Some taxa don't match RADdata object.")
  } else {
    if(any(is.na(taxa))) stop("No missing data allowed in taxa.")
    stop("taxa must be a numeric or character vector")
  # set up object and transfer attributes (including class)
  splitRADdata <- object
  attr(splitRADdata, "nTaxa") <- length(taxa)
  attr(splitRADdata, "taxa") <- GetTaxa(object)[taxa]
  # mandatory slots
  splitRADdata$alleleDepth <- object$alleleDepth[taxa, , drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$alleles2loc <- object$alleles2loc
  splitRADdata$locTable <- object$locTable
  splitRADdata$possiblePloidies <- object$possiblePloidies
  splitRADdata$locDepth <- object$locDepth[taxa, , drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$depthRatio <- object$depthRatio[taxa, , drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$antiAlleleDepth <- object$antiAlleleDepth[taxa, , drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$alleleNucleotides <- object$alleleNucleotides
  splitRADdata$taxaPloidy <- object$taxaPloidy[taxa]
  # all taxa ploidies after subsetting
  # get ploidies by taxa
  tx_pld_unique <- sort(unique(GetTaxaPloidy(splitRADdata)))
  # Internal function to subset genotypeLikelihood and similarly structured slots
  subset2D3D <- function(slot){
    out <- array(list(), dim = c(dim(slot)[1], length(tx_pld_unique)),
                 dimnames = list(dimnames(slot)[[1]], as.character(tx_pld_unique)))
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(slot))){
      for(h in as.character(tx_pld_unique)){
        thesetaxa <- intersect(GetTaxa(object)[taxa],
        out[[i, h]] <- slot[[i, h]][, thesetaxa,, drop = FALSE]
  # slots that may have been added by other functions
    splitRADdata$depthSamplingPermutations <- 
      object$depthSamplingPermutations[taxa, , drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$alleleFreq <- object$alleleFreq
    splitRADdata$genotypeLikelihood <- 
    if(length(dim(object$priorProb[[1,1]])) == 3){
      splitRADdata$priorProb <- 
    } else {
      splitRADdata$priorProb <- object$priorProb[,as.character(tx_pld_unique),
                                                 drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$ploidyChiSq <- object$ploidyChiSq
    splitRADdata$ploidyChiSqP <- object$ploidyChiSqP
    splitRADdata$posteriorProb <- 
    splitRADdata$alleleFreqByTaxa <- object$alleleFreqByTaxa[taxa,, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$PCA <- object$PCA[taxa,, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$priorProbLD <- 

SubsetByLocus <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("SubsetByLocus", object)
SubsetByLocus.RADdata <- function(object, loci, ...){
  # check and convert loci
  if(length(loci) == 0){
    stop("At least one locus must be provided for subsetting.")
    loci <- fastmatch::fmatch(loci, rownames(object$locTable))
    if(any(is.na(loci))) stop("Some loci don't match RADdata object.")
  } else {
    if(any(is.na(loci))) stop("No missing data allowed in loci.")
    stop("loci must be a numeric or character vector")
    loci <- unique(loci)
    warning("Duplicate loci ignored.")
  # set up object and transfer attributes (including class)
  thesealleles <- object$alleles2loc %fin% loci
  splitRADdata <- object
  attr(splitRADdata, "nLoci") <- length(loci)
  # mandatory slots
  splitRADdata$alleleDepth <- object$alleleDepth[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
  oldAl2loc <- object$alleles2loc[thesealleles]
  splitRADdata$alleles2loc <- fastmatch::fmatch(oldAl2loc, loci)
  splitRADdata$locTable <- object$locTable[loci,, drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$possiblePloidies <- object$possiblePloidies
  splitRADdata$locDepth <- object$locDepth[, as.character(loci), drop = FALSE]
  dimnames(splitRADdata$locDepth)[[2]] <- as.character(1:length(loci))
  splitRADdata$depthRatio <- object$depthRatio[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$antiAlleleDepth <- object$antiAlleleDepth[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
  splitRADdata$alleleNucleotides <- object$alleleNucleotides[thesealleles]
  attr(splitRADdata$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only") <- attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only")
  splitRADdata$taxaPloidy <- object$taxaPloidy
  # additional components that may exist if some processing has already been done
    splitRADdata$depthSamplingPermutations <- 
      object$depthSamplingPermutations[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$alleleFreq <- object$alleleFreq[thesealleles]
    attr(splitRADdata$alleleFreq, "type") <- attr(object$alleleFreq, "type")
    splitRADdata$genotypeLikelihood <- 
      array(lapply(object$genotypeLikelihood, function(x) x[,, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]),
            dim = dim(object$genotypeLikelihood),
            dimnames = dimnames(object$genotypeLikelihood))
    if(length(dim(object$priorProb[[1]])) == 3){
      splitRADdata$priorProb <- 
        array(lapply(object$priorProb, function(x) x[,, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]),
              dim = dim(object$priorProb),
              dimnames = dimnames(object$priorProb))
    if(length(dim(object$priorProb[[1]])) == 2){
      splitRADdata$priorProb <- 
        array(lapply(object$priorProb, function(x) x[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]),
              dim = dim(object$priorProb),
              dimnames = dimnames(object$priorProb))
    splitRADdata$ploidyChiSq <- object$ploidyChiSq[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$ploidyChiSqP <- object$ploidyChiSqP[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$posteriorProb <- 
      array(lapply(object$posteriorProb, function(x) x[,, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]),
            dim = dim(object$posteriorProb),
            dimnames = dimnames(object$posteriorProb))
    splitRADdata$alleleFreqByTaxa <- object$alleleFreqByTaxa[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$PCA <- object$PCA
    splitRADdata$likelyGeno_donor <- 
      object$likelyGeno_donor[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$likelyGeno_recurrent <- 
      object$likelyGeno_recurrent[, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]
    splitRADdata$priorProbLD <- 
      array(lapply(object$priorProbLD, function(x) x[,, thesealleles, drop = FALSE]),
            dim = dim(object$priorProbLD),
            dimnames = dimnames(object$priorProbLD))
    splitRADdata$alleleLinkages <- object$alleleLinkages[thesealleles]
SubsetByPloidy <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("SubsetByPloidy", object)
SubsetByPloidy.RADdata <- function(object, ploidies, ...){
  ploidies <- lapply(ploidies, as.integer)
  oldploidies <- object$possiblePloidies
  object$possiblePloidies <- ploidies
  # don't need to subset much if genotype calling not done
  if(is.null(object$priorProb) && is.null(object$genotypeLikelihood)){
  npld <- length(ploidies)
  # get indices of the desired ploidies in the object
  pldindex <- integer(npld)
  for(i in 1:npld){
    for(j in seq_along(oldploidies)){
      if(identical(ploidies[[i]], oldploidies[[j]])){
        pldindex[i] <- j
    if(pldindex[i] == 0){
      stop(paste("Ploidy", paste(ploidies[[i]], collapse = " "), 
                 "not found in dataset."))
    object$priorProb <- object$priorProb[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
    object$posteriorProb <- object$posteriorProb[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
    object$ploidyChiSq <- object$ploidyChiSq[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
    object$ploidyChiSqP <- object$ploidyChiSqP[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
    object$ploidyLikelihood <- object$ploidyLikelihood[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
    object$priorProbLD <- object$priorProbLD[pldindex,, drop = FALSE]
  # subset items relating to likelihood, which ignore auto/allo differences
  pldsums <- sapply(ploidies, sum)
    likpld <- sapply(object$genotypeLikelihood[,1,drop = FALSE],
                     function(x) dim(x)[1] - 1L) / 
      as.integer(colnames(object$genotypeLikelihood)[1]) * 2L
    object$genotypeLikelihood <- object$genotypeLikelihood[likpld %in% pldsums,, drop = FALSE]
    pldsums.d <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[GetDonorParent(object)] * pldsums / 2
    keeprow <- as.integer(rownames(object$likelyGeno_donor)) %in% pldsums.d
    object$likelyGeno_donor <- object$likelyGeno_donor[keeprow,, drop = FALSE]
    pldsums.r <- GetTaxaPloidy(object)[GetRecurrentParent(object)] * pldsums / 2
    keeprow <- as.integer(rownames(object$likelyGeno_recurrent)) %in% pldsums.r
    object$likelyGeno_recurrent <- 
      object$likelyGeno_recurrent[keeprow,, drop = FALSE]
SplitByChromosome <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("SplitByChromosome", object)
SplitByChromosome.RADdata <- function(object, chromlist = NULL, 
                                      chromlist.use.regex = FALSE, 
                                      fileprefix = "splitRADdata", ...){
  # set up the list of chromosomes if necessary
    chromlist <- unique(object$locTable$Chr)
    chromlist.use.regex <- FALSE
  ngroups <- length(chromlist)
  # get vectors of locus numbers to keep for each item in chromlist
  locgroups <- list()
  length(locgroups) <- ngroups
  for(i in 1:ngroups){
    thesechr <- chromlist[[i]]
      # matching with regular expresions
      theseindices <- integer(0)
      for(chr in thesechr){
        theseindices <- c(theseindices, grep(chr, object$locTable$Chr))
      theseindices <- sort(theseindices)
    } else { 
      # matching exactly
      theseindices <- which(object$locTable$Chr %fin% thesechr)
    locgroups[[i]] <- theseindices
    message(paste(length(theseindices), "loci for chromosome(s)", 
                  paste(thesechr, collapse = " ")))
  # check on total number of loci
  if(sum(sapply(locgroups, length)) > nLoci(object)){
    warning("Some loci are in multiple groups.")
  # generate file names
  filenames <- paste(fileprefix, "_", 
                     sapply(chromlist, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")),
                     ".RData", sep = "")
  # make new RADdata objects and save as .RData files.
  for(i in 1:ngroups){
    message(paste("Making new RADdata object for", 
                  paste(chromlist[[i]], collapse = " "), "..."))
    # build new object 
    splitRADdata <- SubsetByLocus(object, locgroups[[i]])

    # save the object to a file
    save(splitRADdata, file = filenames[i])

# Function to discard slots that are no longer needed after pipelines have been
# run.
StripDown <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("StripDown", object)
StripDown.RADdata <- function(object, 
                              remove.slots = c("depthSamplingPermutations",
  always.keep <- c("alleles2loc", "alleleNucleotides", "locTable", 
                   "possiblePloidies", "ploidyChiSq", "posteriorProb")
  if(any(always.keep %in% remove.slots)){
    ak <- always.keep[always.keep %in% remove.slots]
    stop(paste(c("Removal of the following would interfere with data export:", 
               collapse = " "))
  for(slot in remove.slots){
    object[[slot]] <- NULL

# Function to find allele indices for nearby loci.
# locus can be the number or name of the locus.
# distance is the distance in basepairs within which to search.
# allele indices (not locus indices) are returned
FindNearbyAlleles <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("FindNearbyAlleles", object)
FindNearbyAlleles.RADdata <- function(object, locus, distance){
  if(!all(c("Chr", "Pos") %in% names(object$locTable))){
    stop("Alignment data not present in RADdata object.")
    locus <- fastmatch::fmatch(locus, rownames(object$locTable))
  thischr <- object$locTable[locus, "Chr"]
  thispos <- object$locTable[locus, "Pos"]
  # numbers for loci on this chromosome
  chrLocNum <- which(object$locTable$Chr == thischr)
  # positions on this chromosome
  chrPos <- object$locTable$Pos[chrLocNum]
  # numbers for loci near this locus
  matchingLocNum <- chrLocNum[chrPos >= thispos - distance & chrPos <= thispos + distance]
  ## (could redo this with GRanges)
  # remove this locus from matches
  matchingLocNum <- matchingLocNum[matchingLocNum != locus]
  # get matching alleles
  allelesout <- which(object$alleles2loc %fin% matchingLocNum)

# function to find rare tags and merge them in with other tags from the locus.
MergeRareHaplotypes <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("MergeRareHaplotypes", object)
MergeRareHaplotypes.RADdata <- function(object, min.ind.with.haplotype = 10,
  if(!is.null(object$alleleFreq) || !is.null(object$depthSamplingPermutations)){
    stop("Run MergeRareHaplotypes before running any pipeline functions.")

  # find alleles that are rare
  Nindwithal <- colSums(object$alleleDepth > 0)
  rarealleles <- which(Nindwithal < min.ind.with.haplotype &
                         Nindwithal > 0)
  # find alleles that are completely absent and remove them
  zeroalleles <- which(Nindwithal == 0)
  remIndex <- length(zeroalleles) + 1L

  # numbers for corresponding loci
  lociToFix <- unique(object$alleles2loc[rarealleles])
  # preallocate for other alleles to remove
  allelesToRemove <- c(zeroalleles, integer(length(rarealleles)))

  # loop through loci that need fixing
  for(L in lociToFix){
    thesealleles <- which(object$alleles2loc == L)
    thesealleles <- thesealleles[!thesealleles %fin% zeroalleles]
    theserare <- thesealleles[thesealleles %fin% rarealleles]
    while(length(theserare) > 0 && length(thesealleles) > 1){
      thisAl <- theserare[1]
      # get nucleotide distance between this allele and others
      nucdist <- .nucdist(object$alleleNucleotides[thisAl],
      # find the closest allele
      alToMerge <- thesealleles[nucdist == min(nucdist[-match(thisAl, thesealleles)])]
      if(length(alToMerge) > 1){
        # if multiple are closest, merge to the most common one
        alToMerge <- alToMerge[which.max(Nindwithal[alToMerge])]
      if(length(alToMerge) > 1){
        # if still don't have one, pick at random
        alToMerge <- sample(alToMerge, 1)
      # merge read counts
      object$alleleDepth[,alToMerge] <- object$alleleDepth[,alToMerge] +
      object$antiAlleleDepth[,alToMerge] <-
        object$antiAlleleDepth[,alToMerge] - object$alleleDepth[,thisAl]
      object$depthRatio[,alToMerge] <- 
        object$depthRatio[,alToMerge] + object$depthRatio[,thisAl]
      Nindwithal[alToMerge] <- Nindwithal[alToMerge] + Nindwithal[thisAl]
      # merge nucleotides
      newNt <- .mergeNucleotides(object$alleleNucleotides[[alToMerge]],
      object$alleleNucleotides[[alToMerge]] <- newNt
      # remove this allele
      thesealleles <- thesealleles[thesealleles != thisAl]
      theserare <- thesealleles[Nindwithal[thesealleles] < 
      allelesToRemove[remIndex] <- thisAl
      remIndex <- remIndex + 1L
    } # end of while loop for merging rare alleles
    # if an insertion was discarded, get rid of the placeholder
    thesenuc <- object$alleleNucleotides[thesealleles]
    splitnuc <- strsplit(thesenuc, split = "")
    notplaceholder <- sapply(1:nchar(thesenuc[1]), 
                             function(i) any(sapply(splitnuc,
                                                    function(x) x[i] != '.')))
      splitnuc <- lapply(splitnuc, function(x) x[notplaceholder])
      thesenuc <- sapply(splitnuc, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ""))
      object$alleleNucleotides[thesealleles] <- thesenuc
  } # end of loop through loci
  # quit if there is nothing to remove
  if(remIndex == 1L){
  allelesToRemove <- allelesToRemove[1:(remIndex - 1L)]
  # update and return RADdata object
  object$alleleDepth <- object$alleleDepth[,-allelesToRemove]
  object$antiAlleleDepth <- object$antiAlleleDepth[,-allelesToRemove]
  object$depthRatio <- object$depthRatio[,-allelesToRemove]
  varsiteonly <- attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only")
  object$alleleNucleotides <- object$alleleNucleotides[-allelesToRemove]
  attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only") <- varsiteonly
  object$alleles2loc <- object$alleles2loc[-allelesToRemove]
} # end of MergeRareHaplotypes

# Function to remove monomorphic markers
RemoveMonomorphicLoci <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("RemoveMonomorphicLoci", object)
RemoveMonomorphicLoci.RADdata <- function(object, verbose = TRUE, ...){
  alleleTally <- table(object$alleles2loc)
  locToKeep <- as.integer(names(alleleTally)[alleleTally > 1])
    message(paste(length(locToKeep), "markers retained out of", nLoci(object),
  object <- SubsetByLocus(object, locToKeep)

# Function to remove high-depth markers (likely paralogs)
RemoveHighDepthLoci <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("RemoveHighDepthLoci", object)
RemoveHighDepthLoci.RADdata <- function(object, max.SD.above.mean = 2,
                                        verbose = TRUE, ...){
  # get total depth for each locus
  totdepth <- colSums(object$locDepth)
  stopifnot(all(!is.na(totdepth))) # there should never be NA values
  # mean and SD for depth
  meandepth <- mean(totdepth)
  sddepth <- sd(totdepth)
  # identify markers to keep
  cutoff <- meandepth + max.SD.above.mean * sddepth
  tokeep <- as.integer(names(totdepth)[totdepth <= cutoff])
  # subset object
  object <- SubsetByLocus(object, tokeep)
    message(paste(length(tokeep), "markers retained out of", length(totdepth),
    graphics::hist(totdepth/nTaxa(object), col = "lightgrey",
                   main = "Histogram of mean read depth", xlab = "Depth")
    graphics::abline(v = cutoff/nTaxa(object), col = "blue")
    graphics::text("Cutoff", x = cutoff/nTaxa(object), 
                   y = mean(graphics::par("yaxp")[1:2]),
                   col = "blue", pos = 2, srt = 90)

# function to estimate contamination rate
EstimateContaminationRate <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("EstimateContaminationRate", object)
EstimateContaminationRate.RADdata <- function(object, multiplier = 1, ...){
  blanks <- GetBlankTaxa(object)
  if(length(blanks) == 0){
    stop("Run SetBlankTaxa before running EstimateContaminationRate.")
  if(length(multiplier) > 1 && length(multiplier) != length(blanks)){
    stop("Need one value for multiplier, or one value per blank taxa.")
  if(length(multiplier) > 1 && 
     (is.null(names(multiplier)) || !all(blanks %in% names(multiplier)))){
    stop("Names for multiplier vector should match names of blank taxa.")
  # get depths
  nonblanks <- GetTaxa(object)[!GetTaxa(object) %in% blanks]
  meandepth <- mean(rowMeans(object$locDepth[nonblanks,, drop = FALSE]))
  blankdepth <- rowMeans(object$locDepth[blanks,, drop = FALSE])
  if(length(multiplier) == 1){
    blankdepth <- blankdepth * multiplier
  } else {
    blankdepth <- blankdepth * multiplier[blanks]
  meanblankdepth <- mean(blankdepth)
  # get contamination rate and assign to object
  newcontam <- meanblankdepth/meandepth
  object <- SetContamRate(object, newcontam)
  cat(paste("Contamination rate:", newcontam), sep = "\n")


# function to return some useful info on the locus
LocusInfo <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("LocusInfo", object)
LocusInfo.RADdata <- function(object, locus, genome = NULL, annotation = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...){
  if(length(locus) != 1){
    stop("LocusInfo function is designed for just one locus.")
  # identify the number for the locus
  locnum <- fastmatch::fmatch(locus, GetLoci(object))
  # check if it is an allele name instead
    alnum <- fastmatch::fmatch(locus, GetAlleleNames(object))
      stop("'locus' does not match any locus or allele in 'object'.")
    locnum <- object$alleles2loc[alnum]
  # basic info on loci and alleles
  out <- list()
  out$Locus <- GetLoci(object)[locnum]
  if(verbose) cat(out$Locus, sep = "\n")
  aligned <- "Chr" %in% names(object$locTable)
    out$Chromosome <- object$locTable$Chr[locnum]
    out$Position <- object$locTable$Pos[locnum]
    if(verbose) cat(c(paste("Chromosome:", out$Chromosome),
                      paste("Position:", out$Position)), sep = "\n")
  alnums <- which(object$alleles2loc == locnum)
  out$Alleles <- GetAlleleNames(object)[alnums]
  out$Haplotypes <- object$alleleNucleotides[alnums]
    cat(paste(length(out$Alleles), "alleles"), sep = "\n")
  # allele frequencies if existing
    out$Frequencies <- object$alleleFreq[alnums]
  # functional annotation
  if(!is.null(annotation) && aligned){
    if(!requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("VariantAnnotation and other BioConductor packages needed if genome and annotation are provided.")
    getfunc <- TRUE
    # get correct chromosome name
    chr <- out$Chr # chromosome name
    chrToMatch <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(annotation) # chrom. in TxDb
    if(!chr %in% chrToMatch){
      chr2 <- grep(paste("^(Chr|chr|CHR)(omosome|OMOSOME)?0?", chr, "$", sep = ""),
                   chrToMatch, value = TRUE)
      if(length(chr2) == 1){
        chr <- chr2
      } else {
        warning("Could not match chromosome between RADdata and annotation.")
        getfunc <- FALSE # stop looking for functional annotation
      nal <- length(out$Alleles)
      # set up GRanges for where this marker is
      gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(rep(chr, nal), 
                                   IRanges::IRanges(rep(out$Pos, nal), 
                                                    rep(out$Pos + nchar(out$Haplotypes[1]) - 1, nal)),
                                   strand = rep("+", nal))
      varsite <- attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only")
      if(((isTRUE(varsite) || is.null(varsite)) &&
          nchar(out$Haplotypes[1]) > 1) || 
        # warning that we can't get functional annotation of alleles
          warning("No reference genome provided; will not search for protein coding changes.")
        } else {
          warning("Haplotypes were imported as variable sites only; will not search for protein coding changes.")
        # add genes overlapping the locus
        mygenes <- unique(GenomicFeatures::transcriptsByOverlaps(annotation, gr)$tx_name)
        out$Transcripts <- mygenes
        # print genes to console
          cat(c("Transcripts:", out$Transcripts), sep = "\n")
      } else { # get functional annotation of alleles
        # alleles as DNAStrings
        ds <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(out$Haplotypes)
        # predict coding changes
        message("Predicting protein coding changes...")
        out$PredictCoding <- VariantAnnotation::predictCoding(gr, annotation, genome, ds)
        # print results to console
        if(verbose && length(out$PredictCoding) > 0){
          cat(paste("Gene:", out$PredictCoding$GENEID[1]), sep = "\n")
  } # end of search for functional annotation
  # print haplotypes
    stringsprint <- out$Haplotypes
    if(!is.null(out$PredictCoding) && nal == length(out$PredictCoding)){
      stringsprint <- paste(stringsprint, out$PredictCoding$CONSEQUENCE)
      stringsprint <- paste(stringsprint, round(out$Frequencies, 2))
    cat(stringsprint, sep = "\n")

# function to merge multiple taxa into one before doing genotyping
MergeTaxaDepth <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("MergeTaxaDepth", object)
MergeTaxaDepth.RADdata <- function(object, taxa, ...){
  if(!is.null(object$alleleFreq) || !is.null(object$depthSamplingPermutations)){
    stop("Run MergeTaxaCounts before running any pipeline functions.")
  if(length(taxa) < 2){
    stop("At least two taxa must be merged.")
  message(paste(length(taxa), " taxa will be merged into the taxon ", taxa[1],
                ".", sep = ""))
  taxanum <- match(taxa, GetTaxa(object))
    stop(paste("Taxa not found in object:",
               paste(taxa[is.na(taxanum)], collapse = " ")))
  # sum read depths and remove taxa from matrices
  object$alleleDepth[taxanum[1],] <- 
  object$alleleDepth <- object$alleleDepth[-taxanum[-1],]
  object$locDepth[taxanum[1],] <- 
  object$locDepth <- object$locDepth[-taxanum[-1],]
  object$antiAlleleDepth[taxanum[1],] <- 
  object$antiAlleleDepth <- object$antiAlleleDepth[-taxanum[-1],]
  # remove taxa from attributes
  attr(object, "taxa") <- attr(object, "taxa")[-taxanum[-1]]
  attr(object, "nTaxa") <- length(attr(object, "taxa"))
  # recalculated depth ratio and sampling permutations
  object$depthRatio <- object$depthRatio[-taxanum[-1],]
  object$depthRatio[taxa[1],] <- object$alleleDepth[taxa[1],]/
    (object$alleleDepth[taxa[1],] + object$antiAlleleDepth[taxa[1],])
# function to filter out loci that couldn't be genotyped, generally because
# parent genotypes did not match allele frequency.
RemoveUngenotypedLoci <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("RemoveUngenotypedLoci", object)
RemoveUngenotypedLoci.RADdata <- function(object, removeNonvariant = TRUE,
    stop("Perform genotype calling before running RemoveUngenotypedLoci.")
  # if this is a mapping population, we will exclude the parents when
  # looking for missing or non-variable genotypes
  have_parents <- !is.null(attr(object, "donorParent")) && 
    !is.null(attr(object, "recurrentParent"))
    parents <- c(match(GetDonorParent(object), GetTaxa(object)),
                 match(GetRecurrentParent(object), GetTaxa(object)))
  # vector of alleles to discard; becomes FALSE if non-missing for any ploidy
  alleles_discard <- rep(TRUE, nAlleles(object))
  # loop through ploidies
  for(prob in object$posteriorProb){
      prob <- prob[, -parents, , drop = FALSE]
    all_missing <- apply(prob, 3, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
      nmprob <- prob[,, !all_missing, drop = FALSE]
      nonvar <- apply(nmprob, 3, 
            function(x) all(apply(x, 1, 
                                  function(y) sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) == 0),
                            na.rm = TRUE))
      all_missing[!all_missing] <- nonvar
    alleles_discard <- alleles_discard & all_missing
  # discard loci that have any alleles to discard
  loci_discard <- unique(object$alleles2loc[alleles_discard])
  if(length(loci_discard) > 0){
    loci_keep <- (1:nLoci(object))[-loci_discard]
    object <- SubsetByLocus(object, loci_keep)

# Function to merge alleles with identical nucleotides, generally because
# one tag was truncated with respect to the variable region.
MergeIdenticalHaplotypes <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("MergeIdenticalHaplotypes", object)
MergeIdenticalHaplotypes.RADdata <- function(object, ...){
  if(!is.null(object$alleleFreq) || !is.null(object$depthSamplingPermutations)){
    stop("Run MergeIdenticalHaplotypes before running any pipeline functions.")
  varsiteonly <- attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only")
  remal <- integer(0) # indices of alleles to remove
  for(L in 1:nLoci(object)){
    thesecol <- which(object$alleles2loc == L)
    nucident <- .nucdist(object$alleleNucleotides[thesecol]) == 0
    diag(nucident) <- FALSE # don't need to merge allele to self
    remal2 <- integer(0)
      al <- which(rowSums(nucident) > 0)[1] # merge alleles into this one
      alM <- which(nucident[al,]) # alleles to merge
      object$alleleDepth[,thesecol[al]] <- object$alleleDepth[,thesecol[al]] +
        rowSums(object$alleleDepth[,thesecol[alM], drop = FALSE])
      object$antiAlleleDepth[,thesecol[al]] <- object$antiAlleleDepth[,thesecol[al]] +
        rowSums(object$antiAlleleDepth[,thesecol[alM], drop = FALSE])
      for(am in alM){
        object$alleleNucleotides[thesecol[al]] <-
      remal2 <- c(remal2, thesecol[alM])
      thesecol <- thesecol[-alM]
      nucident <- .nucdist(object$alleleNucleotides[thesecol]) == 0
      diag(nucident) <- FALSE
    remal <- c(remal, remal2)
  # remove duplicated alleles from all slots
  if(length(remal) > 0){
    object$alleleDepth <- object$alleleDepth[,-remal]
    object$antiAlleleDepth <- object$antiAlleleDepth[,-remal]
    object$alleles2loc <- object$alleles2loc[-remal]
    object$alleleNucleotides <- object$alleleNucleotides[-remal]
    object$depthRatio <- object$depthRatio[,-remal]
  attr(object$alleleNucleotides, "Variable_sites_only") <- varsiteonly

ExamineGenotype <- function(object, ...){
  UseMethod("ExamineGenotype", object)
ExamineGenotype.RADdata <- function(object, taxon, allele,
                                     pldindex = 1, ...){
  dp1 <- object$alleleDepth[taxon, allele]
  dp0 <- object$antiAlleleDepth[taxon, allele]
  rat <- object$depthRatio[taxon, allele]
  pld <- object$taxaPloidy[taxon]
  pld2 <- dim(object$priorProb[[pldindex,as.character(pld)]])[1]
  pldindex2 <- which(sapply(object$genotypeLikelihood[,as.character(pld)],
                            function(x) dim(x)[1]) == pld2)
  if(length(dim(object$priorProb[[pldindex,as.character(pld)]])) == 3){
    priors <- object$priorProb[[pldindex,as.character(pld)]][,taxon,allele]
  } else {
    priors <- object$priorProb[[pldindex,as.character(pld)]][,allele]
  likelihoods <- object$genotypeLikelihood[[pldindex2,as.character(pld)]][,taxon,allele]
  posteriors <- object$posteriorProb[[pldindex,as.character(pld)]][,taxon,allele]
  norm_likelihoods <- likelihoods / sum(likelihoods)
  postmean <- sum(posteriors * (0:pld)) / pld
  par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  tit <- paste0(taxon, ", ", allele)
  if(dp1 + dp0 == 0){
    b <- barplot(matrix(c(postmean, 1 - postmean), nrow = 2, ncol = 1),
            names.arg = "Posterior mean genotype", main = tit)
    text(b[1], postmean / 2, round(postmean, 3))
  } else{
    b <- barplot(matrix(c(rat, 1 - rat, postmean, 1 - postmean), nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
            names.arg = c("Read depth", "Post. mean genotype"), main = tit)
    text(b[c(1, 1, 2)], c(rat / 2, rat + (1 - rat) / 2, postmean / 2),
         c(dp1, dp0, round(postmean, 3)))
  b <- barplot(matrix(c(priors, norm_likelihoods, posteriors), nrow = pld2, ncol = 3),
               names.arg = c("Priors", "Likelihoods", "Posteriors"),
               col = rainbow(pld2))
  tx <- b[rep(1:3, each = pld2)]
  ty <- c(cumsum(priors) - priors / 2,
          cumsum(norm_likelihoods) - norm_likelihoods / 2,
          cumsum(posteriors) - posteriors / 2)
  tl <- rep((1:pld2) - 1, times = 3)
  tx <- tx[ty >= 0.01 & ty <= 0.99]
  tl <- tl[ty >= 0.01 & ty <= 0.99]
  ty <- ty[ty >= 0.01 & ty <= 0.99]
  text(tx, ty, tl)
  invisible(list(alleleDepth = dp1, antiAlleleDepth = dp0, depthRatio = rat,
                 priorProb = priors, genotypeLikelihood = likelihoods,
                 posteriorProb = posteriors, postMean = postmean))

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polyRAD documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:14 p.m.