Man pages for polyqtlR
QTL Analysis in Autopolyploid Bi-Parental F1 Populations

BLUECalculate Best Linear Unbiased Estimates using linear mixed...
BLUEs.phenoA data-frame of best linear unbiased predicted (BLUE)...
bxRcpp internal function Backward from forward-backward...
check_cofactorsBuild a multi-QTL model using step-wise procedure of checking...
convert_mappoly_to_phased.maplistFunction to extract the phased map from a object
count_recombinationsPredict recombination breakpoints using IBD probabilities
estimate_GICEstimate the Genotypic Information Coefficient (GIC)
estimate_IBDGenerate IBD probabilities from marker genotypes and a phased...
exploreQTLExplore the possible segregation type of a QTL peak using...
findPeakFunction to find the position of maximum LOD on a particular...
findSupportFunction to find a LOD - x support interval around a QTL...
fxRcpp internal function Forward from forward-backward...
GIC_4xA list of GIC estimates (4x)
hexa.listA list of hexaploid bivalent pairing configurations
IBD_4xA list of identity-by-descent probabilities (4x)
import_IBDImport IBD probabilities as estimated by TetraOrigin
impute_dosagesRe-estimate marker dosages given IBD input estimated using a...
maxL_IBDWrapper function to run estimate_IBD function over multiple...
meiosis_reportGenerate a 'report' of predicted meiotic behaviour in an F1...
mr.lsA list of pairing predictions (4x)
phased_maplist.4xA list of phased maps (4x)
Phenotypes_4xA data-frame of phenotypes (4x)
plotLinearQTLPlot the results of genome-wide QTL analysis along a single...
plotLinearQTL_listOverlay the results of a number of genome-wide QTL analysis...
plotQTLPlot the results of a previous QTL analysis
plotRecLSPlot the recombination landscape across the genome
polyqtlRQTL analysis in polyploid species using identity-by-descent...
PVEFunction to determine the percentage variance explained (PVE)...
qtl_LODs.4xA list of QTL results (4x)
QTLscanGeneral QTL function that allows for co-factors, completely...
Rec_Data_4xA list of recombination count data (4x)
rem.hexRedundant genotype classes in hexavalent transition matrix...
rem.quadRedundant genotype classes in quadrivalent transition matrix...
segList_2xA list of all possible bi-allelic QTL segregation types (2x)
segList_3xA list of all possible bi-allelic QTL segregation types (3x)
segList_4xA list of all possible bi-allelic QTL segregation types (4x)
segList_6xA list of all possible bi-allelic QTL segregation types (6x)
segMakerCreate a list of possible QTL segregation types
singleMarkerRegressionRun a single marker regression using marker dosages
SNP_dosages.4xA matrix of SNP marker dosages (4x)
spline_IBDFit splines to IBD probabilities
thinmapThin out map data
visualiseGICVisualise Genotypic Information Coefficient
visualiseHaploVisualise haplotypes in certain individuals in a certain...
visualisePairingVisualise pairing of parental homologues
visualiseQTLeffectsVisualise QTL homologue effects around a QTL position
polyqtlR documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 5:09 p.m.