meanpop_fi: Mean population counts in Finland year, sex, and age group.

meanpop_fiR Documentation

Mean population counts in Finland year, sex, and age group.


Mean population counts in Finland year, sex, and age group.


data.table with columns

  • sex gender coded as male, female (0, 1)

  • year calendar year 1981-2016

  • agegroup - coded 0 to 100; one-year age groups

  • meanpop the mean population count; that is, the mean of the annual population counts of two consecutive years; e.g. for 1990 meanpop is the mean of population counts for 1990 and 1991 (counted at 1990-01-01 and 1991-01-01, respectively)


Statistics Finland

See Also

Other popEpi data: ICSS, popmort, sibr, sire, stdpop101, stdpop18

popEpi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:49 a.m.