rpcurve: Marginal piecewise parametric relative survival curve

View source: R/relative_poisson_net_survival.R

rpcurveR Documentation

Marginal piecewise parametric relative survival curve


Fit a marginal relative survival curve based on a relpois fit





a relpois object


Estimates a marginal curve, i.e. the average of all possible individual curves.

Only supported when the reserved FOT variable was used in relpois. Computes a curve for each unique combination of covariates (e.g. 4 sets) and returns a weighted average curve based on the counts of subjects for each combination (e.g. 1000, 125, 50, 25 respectively). Fairly fast when only categorical variables have been used, otherwise go get a cup of coffee.

If delayed entry is present in data due to period analysis limiting, the marginal curve is constructed only for those whose follow-up started in the respective period.


A 'data.table' of relative survival curves.


Joonas Miettinen

See Also

Other relpois functions: RPL, relpois(), relpois_ag()


## use the simulated rectal cancer cohort
data("sire", package = "popEpi")
ab <- c(0,45,55,65,70,Inf)
sire$agegr <- cut(sire$dg_age, breaks = ab, right = FALSE)

BL <- list(fot= seq(0,10,1/12))
pm <- data.frame(popEpi::popmort)
x <- lexpand(sire, breaks=BL, pophaz=pm, 
             birth = bi_date, 
             entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date, 
             status  = status %in% 1:2)

rpm <- relpois(x, formula = lex.Xst %in% 1:2 ~ -1+ FOT + agegr, 
pmc <- rpcurve(rpm)

## compare with non-parametric estimates
names(pm) <- c("sex", "per", "age", "haz")
x$agegr <- cut(x$dg_age, c(0,45,55,65,75,Inf), right = FALSE)
st <- survtab(fot ~ adjust(agegr), data = x, weights = "internal",
              pophaz = pm)

plot(st, y = "r.e2.as")
lines(y = pmc$est, x = pmc$Tstop, col="red")

popEpi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:49 a.m.