# left
#' Power joins
#' @param by As in {dplyr}, but extended so user can supply a formula or a list
#' of character and formulas. Formulas are used for fuzzy joins and
#' @inheritParams dplyr::left_join
#' @param check A list created with `check_specs()`
#' @param conflict A function, formula, the special value amongst `"patch"`,
#' or a named list of such items. If the LHS of the formula is `rw` the rhs will
#' be applied rowwise. Note that the columns will be subsetted with `[` so for
#' list columns `.x` or `.y` will refer to length 1 lists and you might sometimes
#' need `.x[[1]]` or `.y[[1]]`.
#' @param fill Values used to replace missing values originating in unmatched keys,
#' or a named list of such items.
#' @param keep A boolean for compatibility with {dplyr}, or a value among "left",
#' "right", "both", "none" or "default". See details.
#' The vales of the `keep` parameter work as follow :
#' - `NULL` (default) : merge keys and name them as the left table's keys, and
#' keep columns used for fuzzy joins from both tables
#' - `left` : keep only key columns for left table
#' - `right`: keep only key columns for right table
#' - `both` or `TRUE`: keep key columns from both tables, adding suffix if relevant
#' - `none` : drop all key columns from the output
#' - `FALSE` : merge keys and name them as the left table's keys, maps to `none` for fuzzy joins
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See README for a more verbose version
#' library(tibble)
#' male_penguins <- tribble(
#' ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g,
#' "Giordan", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 222L, 5250L,
#' "Lynden", "Adelie", "Torgersen", 190L, 3900L,
#' "Reiner", "Adelie", "Dream", 185L, 3650L
#' )
#' female_penguins <- tribble(
#' ~name, ~species, ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g,
#' "Alonda", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 211, 4500L,
#' "Ola", "Adelie", "Dream", 190, 3600L,
#' "Mishayla", "Gentoo", "Biscoe", 215, 4750L,
#' )
#' # apply different checks
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins[c("species", "island")],
#' female_penguins[c("species", "island")],
#' check = check_specs(implicit_keys = "ignore", duplicate_keys_right = "inform")
#' )
#' df1 <- tibble(id = 1:3, value = c(10, NA, 30))
#' df2 <- tibble(id = 2:4, value = c(22, 32, 42))
#' # handle conflicted columns when joining
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", conflict = `+`)
#' # the most frequent use case is to coalesce
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", conflict = coalesce_xy)
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", conflict = coalesce_yx)
#' # the conflict function is applied colwise by default!
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", conflict = ~ sum(.x, .y, na.rm = TRUE))
#' # apply conflict function rowwise
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", conflict = rw ~ sum(.x, .y, na.rm = TRUE))
#' # subset columns without repeating keys
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins %>% select_keys_and(name),
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(female_name = name),
#' by = c("species", "island")
#' )
#' # semi join
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins,
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(),
#' by = c("species", "island")
#' )
#' # agregate without repeating keys
#' power_left_join(
#' male_penguins %>% summarize_by_keys(male_weight = mean(body_mass_g)),
#' female_penguins %>% summarize_by_keys(female_weight = mean(body_mass_g)),
#' by = c("species", "island")
#' )
#' # pack auxiliary colums without repeating keys
#' power_left_join(
#' male_penguins %>% pack_along_keys(name = "m"),
#' female_penguins %>% pack_along_keys(name = "f"),
#' by = c("species", "island")
#' )
#' # fuzzy join
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins %>% select_keys_and(male_name = name),
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(female_name = name),
#' by = c(~.x$flipper_length_mm < .y$flipper_length_mm, ~.x$body_mass_g > .y$body_mass_g)
#' )
#' # fuzzy + equi join
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins %>% select_keys_and(male_name = name),
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(female_name = name),
#' by = c("island", ~.x$flipper_length_mm > .y$flipper_length_mm)
#' )
#' # define new column without repeating computation
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins %>% select_keys_and(male_name = name),
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(female_name = name),
#' by = ~ (mass_ratio <- .y$body_mass_g / .x$body_mass_g) > 1.2
#' )
#' power_inner_join(
#' male_penguins %>% select_keys_and(male_name = name),
#' female_penguins %>% select_keys_and(female_name = name),
#' by = ~ (mass_ratio <- .y$body_mass_g / .x$body_mass_g) > 1.2,
#' keep = "none"
#' )
#' # fill unmatched values
#' df1 <- tibble(id = 1:3)
#' df2 <- tibble(id = 1:2, value2 = c(2, NA), value3 = c(NA, 3))
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", fill = 0)
#' power_left_join(df1, df2, by = "id", fill = list(value2 = 0))
#' # join recursively
#' df1 <- tibble(id = 1, a = "foo")
#' df2 <- tibble(id = 1, b = "bar")
#' df3 <- tibble(id = 1, c = "baz")
#' power_left_join(list(df1, df2, df3), by = "id")
#' power_left_join(df1, list(df2, df3), by = "id")
power_left_join <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if (!inherits(check, "powerjoin_check")) abort("The `check` argument should be built with `check_specs()`")
# from dplyr 1.0.7
#' @export <- function(
x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(is_bare_list(y)) {
x <- list(x)
res <- power_left_join.list(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)
join_mutate(x, y,
by = by, copy = copy, type = "left", suffix = suffix,
na_matches = na_matches, keep = keep,
# powerjoin args
check = check, conflict = conflict, fill = fill
#' @export
power_left_join.list <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(!is.null(y) &&!is_bare_list(y)) {
y <- list(y)
na_matches <- arg_match(na_matches)
Reduce(function(x,y) power_left_join(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
), c(x,y))
# right
#' @export
#' @rdname power_left_join
power_right_join <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if (!inherits(check, "powerjoin_check")) abort("The `check` argument should be built with `check_specs()`")
# from dplyr 1.0.7
#' @export <- function(
x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(is_bare_list(y)) {
x <- list(x)
res <- power_right_join.list(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)
join_mutate(x, y,
by = by, copy = copy, type = "right", suffix = suffix,
na_matches = na_matches, keep = keep,
# powerjoin args
check = check, conflict = conflict, fill = fill
#' @export
power_right_join.list <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(!is.null(y) &&!is_bare_list(y)) {
y <- list(y)
na_matches <- arg_match(na_matches)
Reduce(function(x,y) power_right_join(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
), c(x,y))
# inner
#' @export
#' @rdname power_left_join
power_inner_join <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if (!inherits(check, "powerjoin_check")) abort("The `check` argument should be built with `check_specs()`")
# from dplyr 1.0.7
#' @export <- function(
x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(is_bare_list(y)) {
x <- list(x)
res <- power_inner_join.list(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)
join_mutate(x, y,
by = by, copy = copy, type = "inner", suffix = suffix,
na_matches = na_matches, keep = keep,
# powerjoin args
check = check, conflict =conflict
#' @export
power_inner_join.list <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(!is.null(y) &&!is_bare_list(y)) {
y <- list(y)
na_matches <- arg_match(na_matches)
Reduce(function(x,y) power_inner_join(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
), c(x,y))
# full
#' @export
#' @rdname power_left_join
power_full_join <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if (!inherits(check, "powerjoin_check")) abort("The `check` argument should be built with `check_specs()`")
# from dplyr 1.0.7
#' @export <- function(
x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(is_bare_list(y)) {
x <- list(x)
res <- power_full_join.list(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
y <- auto_copy(x, y, copy = copy)
join_mutate(x, y,
by = by, copy = copy, type = "full", suffix = suffix,
na_matches = na_matches, keep = keep,
# powerjoin args
check = check, conflict = conflict, fill = fill
#' @export
power_full_join.list <- function(
x, y = NULL, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = NULL,
na_matches = c("na", "never"),
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
if(!is.null(y) &&!is_bare_list(y)) {
y <- list(y)
na_matches <- arg_match(na_matches)
Reduce(function(x,y) power_full_join(
x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches,
# powerjoin args
check, conflict, fill
), c(x,y))
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