# Adapted from join_mutate in dplyr 1.0.7
join_mutate <- function(
# dplyr args
x, y, by, copy, type, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), na_matches = c("na", "never"),
keep = NULL,
# powerjoin args
check = check_specs(),
conflict = NULL,
fill = NULL) {
check <- complete_specs(check)
# checks on raw data
check_implicit_keys1(by, check)
check_grouped(x, y, check)
# transform `by` to list of `x`, `y` and more if fuzzy
by <- preprocess_by(tbl_vars(x), tbl_vars(y), by = by, check = check)
# check keep's values and assess right default if relevant
keep <- match_keep(keep, by$fuzzy)
# preprocess the data inputs
x <- preprocess(x, by$x)
y <- preprocess(y, by$y)
# checks on preprocessed data
check_column_conflict_extra(tbl_vars(x), tbl_vars(y), by, keep, check)
check_duplicate_keys_left(x, by$x, check)
check_duplicate_keys_right(y, by$y, check)
check_missing_key_combination_left(x, by$x, check)
check_missing_key_combination_right(y, by$y, check)
check_inconsistent_factor_levels(x, y, by, check)
check_inconsistent_type(x, y, by, check)
check_na_keys(x, y, by, check)
# dplyr original code
na_equal <- check_na_matches(na_matches)
x_in <- as_tibble(x, .name_repair = "minimal")
y_in <- as_tibble(y, .name_repair = "minimal")
# We need conflicted cols for the conflict arg and the column_conflict check
# This should include columns created through fuzzy matches
conflicted_cols <- conflicted_columns(tbl_vars(x), tbl_vars(y), by, keep, conflict)
if(is.list(conflict)) conflict <- conflict[conflicted_cols$handled]
check_column_conflict(conflicted_cols, check)
# modified dplyr code
vars <- join_cols(tbl_vars(x), tbl_vars(y),
by = by, suffix = suffix,
keep = keep,
# powerjoin args
check = check,
conflicted_cols = conflicted_cols
# give potentially suffixed names
x_key <- set_names(x_in[vars$x$key], names(vars$x$key))
y_key <- set_names(y_in[vars$y$key], names(vars$y$key))
if(by$fuzzy) {
rows <- join_rows_fuzzy(x, y, by, by$multi_match_fun, type = type)
} else {
rows <- join_rows(x_key, y_key, type = type, na_equal = na_equal)
# powerjoin checks
check_unmatched_keys_left(x, y, by$x, rows, check)
check_unmatched_keys_right(x, y, by$y, rows, check)
# rename unhandled conflicted columns
x_out <- set_names(x_in[vars$x$out], names(vars$x$out))
y_out <- set_names(y_in[vars$y$out], names(vars$y$out))
# build slicers
if (length(rows$y_extra) > 0L) {
x_slicer <- c(rows$x, rep_along(rows$y_extra, NA_integer_))
y_slicer <- c(rows$y, rows$y_extra)
} else {
x_slicer <- rows$x
y_slicer <- rows$y
# slice left table
x_sliced <- vec_slice(x_out[!names(x_out) %in% conflicted_cols$handled], x_slicer)
# slice right table
y_sliced <- vec_slice(y_out[!names(y_out) %in% conflicted_cols$handled], y_slicer)
out <- bind_cols(x_sliced, y_sliced) # and conflicted_sliced
# handle conflicts
conflicted_data <- list(x = x_out[conflicted_cols$handled],
y = y_out[conflicted_cols$handled])
out <- handle_conflicts(out, x_slicer, y_slicer, conflicted_data, conflict)
# fill y side
if(!is.null(fill)) {
if(is.list(fill)) {
for (nm in intersect(names(fill), names(y_out))) {
out[, nm] <- fill[[nm]]
} else {
out[, names(y_out)] <- fill
# add extra columns, this might create a conflict
if(by$fuzzy) {
out <- bind_cols(out, rows$extra_cols)
# we might want to have different behavior for "default" and "left"
# by default in a non fuzzy join by cols are merged, so even though we keep the
# left side name, the values might be built from both sides (right or full join)
# to be consistent it is coerced to common type in any case.
if (keep %in% c("default", "default_fuzzy")) {
if (keep == "default_fuzzy") {
# overwrite x_key and y_key so equi key columns can be combined
x_key <- x_key[names(by$equi_keys)]
y_key <- y_key[names(by$equi_keys)]
key_type <- vec_ptype_common(x_key, y_key)
# convert keys to common type
out[names(x_key)] <- vec_cast(out[names(x_key)], key_type)
# if we have a right or full join with unmatched keys in right table
if (length(rows$y_extra) > 0L) {
new_rows <- length(rows$x) + seq_along(rows$y_extra)
out[new_rows, names(y_key)] <- vec_cast(vec_slice(
), key_type)
# fill should be treated even if fuzzy, it should work on final names (potentially suffixed)
# not sure what we're doing below
# fill x side
if(!is.null(fill)) {
x_nms <- setdiff(names(out), c(names(y_out), names(y_key)))
if(is.list(fill)) {
for (nm in intersect(names(fill), x_nms)) {
out[, nm] <- fill[[nm]]
} else {
out[new_rows, x_nms] <- fill
dplyr_reconstruct(out, x)
conflicted_columns <- function(x_names, y_names, by, keep, conflict) {
# key columns that are merged are not candidate for conflict
# the default behavior should depend on fuzziness!
conflicted <- switch(
left =,
default = intersect(x_names, setdiff(y_names, by$y)),
right = intersect(setdiff(x_names, by$x), y_names),
default_fuzzy =,
both = intersect(x_names, y_names),
none = intersect(setdiff(x_names, by$x), setdiff(y_names, by$y)))
if(is.null(conflict)) return(list(unhandled = conflicted))
nms <- names(conflict)
if(is.null(nms)) return(list(handled = conflicted))
unused <- setdiff(nms, conflicted)
if(length(unused)) {
warn(paste("Some conflict conditions are not used, these are not conflicted columns:",
toString(paste0("'", unused, "'"))))
handled <- intersect(nms, conflicted)
handled = handled,
unhandled = setdiff(conflicted, handled)
match_keep <- function(keep, fuzzy) {
# if we're clean vars has by, by_fuzzy, x_aux, x_conflict, for now we can't have robust behavior
# when mixing equi and fuzzy
# do we need keep = "equi" to keep only "equi" columns" when we mix ?
# default is to fuse equi joins and keep both sides for fuzzy joins
if(is.null(keep)) {
if (fuzzy) return("default_fuzzy")
# FALSE should be "fuse" for equi joins and none for fuzzy joins
if(isFALSE(keep)) {
if (fuzzy) return("none")
if(isTRUE(keep)) return("both")
join_cols <- function(
x_names, y_names, by = NULL, suffix = c(".x", ".y"), keep = "left",
# arg from powerjoin
check, conflicted_cols) {
# original dplyr code
suffix <- standardise_join_suffix(suffix)
# x_by and y_by are named vectors of positions
x_by <- set_names(match(by$x, x_names), by$x)
y_by <- set_names(match(by$y, y_names), by$x)
x_loc <- seq_along(x_names)
y_loc <- seq_along(y_names)
names(x_loc) <- x_names
names(y_loc) <- y_names
if (keep %in% c("left", "default")) {
# aux cols = not key cols (as named in any table ? not sure why)
# we exclude by$x here just because we use c(by$x, y_aux) below
y_aux <- setdiff(y_names, c(by$x, by$y))
ind <- !x_names %in% c(by$x, conflicted_cols$handled)
# add suffixes to aux cols in x when they're found in by$x (why would they ?) or in y_aux
# key cols don't get suffixes
names(x_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(x_names[ind], c(by$x, y_aux), suffix$x)
} else if (keep %in% c("both", "default_fuzzy")) {
ind <- !x_names %in% c(conflicted_cols$handled, names(by$equi_keys))
names(x_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(x_names[ind], y_names, suffix$x)
} else {
# "right" or "none" : key cols should be taken off x_loc
ind <- !x_names %in% conflicted_cols$handled
names(x_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(x_names[ind], y_names, suffix$x)
x_loc <- x_loc[!x_names %in% by$x]
if(keep == "right") {
# copy of above with transposed x/y
x_aux <- setdiff(x_names, c(by$x, by$y))
ind <- !y_names %in% c(by$y, conflicted_cols$handled)
names(y_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(y_names[ind], c(by$y, x_aux), suffix$y)
} else if (keep == "both") {
ind <- !y_names %in% c(conflicted_cols$handled, by$equi_keys)
names(y_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(y_names[ind], x_names, suffix$y)
} else if (keep == "default_fuzzy") {
ind <- !y_names %in% c(conflicted_cols$handled, by$equi_keys)
names(y_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(y_names[ind], x_names, suffix$y)
y_loc <- y_loc[!y_names %in% by$equi_keys]
} else if (keep == "none") {
ind <- !y_names %in% conflicted_cols$handled
names(y_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(y_names[ind], setdiff(x_names, by$x), suffix$y)
y_loc <- y_loc[!y_names %in% by$y]
} else {
# "left" or "default"
ind <- !y_names %in% conflicted_cols$handled
names(y_loc)[ind] <- add_suffixes(y_names[ind], x_names, suffix$y)
y_loc <- y_loc[!y_names %in% by$y]
x = list(key = x_by, out = x_loc),
y = list(key = y_by, out = y_loc),
conflicted = conflicted_cols$handled)
# Adapted from join_mutate in dplyr 1.0.7
standardise_join_by <- function(
by, x_names, y_names,
# arg from powerjoin
check) {
if (is.null(by)) {
by <- intersect(x_names, y_names)
if (length(by) == 0) {
abort(c("`by` must be supplied when `x` and `y` have no common variables.",
i = "use by = character()` to perform a cross-join."
# implicit_keys
check_implicit_keys2(by, check)
by <- list(x = by, y = by)
} else if (is.character(by)) {
by_x <- names(by) %||% by
by_y <- unname(by)
by_x[by_x == ""] <- by_y[by_x == ""]
by <- list(x = by_x, y = by_y)
} else if (is.list(by)) {
by <- by[c("x", "y")]
} else {
bad_args("by", "must be a (named) character vector, list, or NULL, not {friendly_type_of(by)}.")
check_join_vars(by$x, x_names)
check_join_vars(by$y, y_names)
# Adapted from join_rows in dplyr 1.0.7
join_rows <- function(x_key, y_key, type = c("inner", "left", "right", "full"),
na_equal = TRUE) {
type <- arg_match(type)
y_split <- vec_group_loc(y_key)
tryCatch(matches <- vec_match(x_key, y_split$key, na_equal = na_equal),
vctrs_error_incompatible_type = function(cnd) {
rx <- "^[^$]+[$]"
x_name <- sub(rx, "", cnd$x_arg)
y_name <- sub(rx, "", cnd$y_arg)
abort(c(glue("Can't join on `x${x_name}` x `y${y_name}` because of incompatible types."),
i = glue("`x${x_name}` is of type <{x_type}>>.",
x_type = vec_ptype_full(cnd$x)
), i = glue("`y${y_name}` is of type <{y_type}>>.",
y_type = vec_ptype_full(cnd$y)
y_loc <- y_split$loc[matches]
x_loc <- seq_len(vec_size(x_key)) # moved up compared to dplyr code
x_unmatched <- x_loc[!lengths(y_loc)]
y_unmatched <- setdiff(seq(nrow(y_key)), unlist(y_loc))
if (type == "left" || type == "full") {
if (anyNA(matches)) {
y_loc <- vec_assign(
y_loc, vec_equal_na(matches),
x_loc <- rep(x_loc, lengths(y_loc))
y_loc <- index_flatten(y_loc)
y_extra <- integer()
if (type == "right" || type == "full") {
miss_x <- !vec_in(y_key, x_key, na_equal = na_equal)
if (!na_equal) {
miss_x[] <- TRUE
if (any(miss_x)) {
y_extra <- seq_len(vec_size(y_key))[miss_x]
list(x = x_loc, y = y_loc, y_extra = y_extra,
x_unmatched = x_unmatched, y_unmatched = y_unmatched)
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