
Defines functions convertNodePair listNodePairs convertGroupPair find_ql find_ql_diff correctTau statistics

Documented in convertGroupPair convertNodePair correctTau find_ql find_ql_diff listNodePairs statistics



#' Convert node pair \eqn{(i,j)}
#' Convert node pair \eqn{(i,j)} into an index
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\strong{Directed case :}}{
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item The node pair \eqn{(i,j)} with \eqn{(i\neq j)} is converted into the index \eqn{(i-1)*(n-1)+j-(i<j)}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   \item{\strong{Undirected case :}}{
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item The node pair \eqn{(i,j)} with \eqn{(i\neq j)} is converted into the index \eqn{(2*n-i)*(i-1)/2 +j-i}
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' The number of possible node pairs is
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \eqn{N = n*(n-1)} for the directed case
#'       \item \eqn{N = n*(n-1)/2}  for the undirected case
#'     }
#' which corresponds to the cardinality of data$type.seq
#' @param i Node \eqn{i} : \eqn{i\in {1, \ldots, n} }
#' @param j Node \eqn{j} : \eqn{j\in {1, \ldots, n} }
#' @param n Total number of nodes : \eqn{i,j\in {1, \ldots, n} }
#' @param directed Boolean for directed (TRUE) or undirected (FALSE) case
#' @return Index corresponding to the node pair
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert the node pair (3,7) into an index, where the total number of nodes is 10,
#' # for directed and undirected graph
#' i <- 3
#' j <- 7
#' n <- 10
#' directedIndex <- convertNodePair(i,j,n,TRUE)
#' undirectedIndex <- convertNodePair(i,j,n,FALSE)
convertNodePair <- function(i,j,n,directed){
  if (sum((i>n) | (j>n))>0){
    stop("Your index is out of range")
  if (directed){#directed case
    dyads = (i-1)*(n-1)+j-(i<j)
  } else {#undirected case
    dyads <- c(0,cumsum((n-1):1))[pmin(i,j)] + abs(j-i)

#' List node pairs
#' Create the list of all node pairs
#' @param n Total number of nodes
#' @param directed Boolean for directed (TRUE) or undirected (FALSE) case
#' @return Matrix with two columns which lists all the possible node pairs. Each row is a node pair.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # List all the node pairs with 10 nodes, for directed and undirected graphs
#' n <- 10
#' listNodePairs(n, TRUE)
#' listNodePairs(n, FALSE)
listNodePairs <- function(n,directed=TRUE){
  N <- if (directed) n*(n-1) else n*(n-1)/2
  index <- matrix(0,N,2)
  if (directed){ # directed
    index[,1] <- rep(1:n,each=n-1)
    k <- (1:n^2)[-seq(1,n^2,by=n+1)]
    index[,2] <- rep(1:n,n)[k]
  }else { # undirected
    index[,1] <- rep(1:(n-1),times=(n-1):1)
    toto <- c()
    for (k in 1:(n-2)){
      toto <- c(toto,k*(n-1)+ 1:k)
    index[,2] <- rep(2:n,n-1)[-toto]


#' Convert group pair \eqn{(q,l)}
#' Gives the index in \eqn{1, \ldots, Q^2} (directed) or \eqn{1, \ldots, Q*(Q+1)/2} (undirected) that corresponds to group pair \eqn{(q,l)}. Works also for vectors of indices \eqn{q} and \eqn{l}.
#' Relations between groups \eqn{(q,l)} are stored in vectors, whose indexes depend on whether the graph is directed or undirected.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\strong{Directed case :}}{
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item The \eqn{(q,l)} group pair is converted into the index \eqn{(q-1)*Q+l}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   \item{\strong{Undirected case :}}{
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item The \eqn{(q,l)} group pair with \eqn{q<=l} is converted into the index \eqn{(2*Q-q+2)*(q-1)/2 +l-q+1}
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' @param q Group index \eqn{q}
#' @param l Group index \eqn{l}
#' @param Q Total number of groups \eqn{Q}
#' @param directed Boolean for directed (TRUE) or undirected (FALSE) case
#' @return Index corresponding to the group pair \eqn{(q,l)}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert the group pair (3,2) into an index, where the total number of group is 3,
#' # for directed and undirected graph
#' q <- 3
#' l <- 2
#' Q <- 3
#' directedIndex <- convertGroupPair(q,l,Q)
#' undirectedIndex <- convertGroupPair(q,l,Q, FALSE)
convertGroupPair <- function(q,l,Q,directed=TRUE){
  if (sum((q>Q) | (l>Q))>0){
    stop("Your index is out of range")
  if (directed){
    index <- (q-1)*Q+l
  } else { # undirected
    qp <- pmin(q,l)
    lp <- pmax(q,l)
    index <- (2*Q-qp+2)*(qp-1)/2 +lp-qp+1

#' Convert index into group pair
#' This function is the inverse of the conversion \eqn{{(q,l), q,l} } into \eqn{{1,...,Q^2}} for the directed case \eqn{{(q,l), q<= l}} into \eqn{{1,...,Q*(Q+1)/2}} for the undirected case.
#' It takes the integer index corresponding to \eqn{(q,l)} and returns \eqn{(q,l)}.
#' @param ind_ql Converted \eqn{(q,l)} index
#' @param Q Total number of groups \eqn{Q}
#' @param directed Boolean for directed (TRUE) or undirected (FALSE) case
#' @return Group pair \eqn{(q,l)} corresponding to the given index
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert the index 5 into a group pair for undirected graph
#' # and the index 8 into a group pair for directed graph
#' # where the total number of group is 3
#' ind_ql_dir <- 8
#' ind_ql_undir <- 5
#' Q <- 3
#' directedIndex <- find_ql(ind_ql_dir,Q)
#' undirectedIndex <- find_ql(ind_ql_undir,Q, FALSE)
find_ql <- function(ind_ql, Q,directed=TRUE){
  # test coherence
  nb.groups.ql <- if (directed)  Q^2 else Q*(Q+1)/2
  if (ind_ql > nb.groups.ql) stop("Your index is out of range")

  if (directed){ # directed
    q <- ceiling(ind_ql/Q)
    l <- ind_ql - Q*(q-1)
  }else{ # undirected
    w <- cumsum(Q:1)
    q <- which.max(ind_ql<=w)
    w <- c(0,w)
    l <- ind_ql - w[q] + q - 1

#' Convert index into group pair in tauDown_Q
#' This function is the inverse of the conversion \eqn{{(q,l), q<l}} into \eqn{{1,...,Q*(Q-1)/2}}. Used only in tauDown_Q.
#' @param ind_ql Converted \eqn{(q,l)} index
#' @param Q Total number of groups \eqn{Q}
#' @return Group pair \eqn{(q,l)} corresponding to the given index
#' @export
find_ql_diff <- function(ind_ql,Q){
  if (ind_ql > Q*(Q-1)/2){
    stop("Your index is out of range")
  w <- cumsum((Q-1):1)
  q <- which.max(ind_ql<=w)
  w <- c(0,w)
  l <- ind_ql - w[q] + q


#' Handling of values of \eqn{\tau}
#' Avoid values of \eqn{\tau} to be exactly 0 and exactly 1.
#' @param tau \eqn{\tau}
#' @export
correctTau <- function(tau){
  tau <- pmin(tau,.Machine$double.xmax)
  tau <- pmax(tau,.Machine$double.xmin)
  tau <- tau/sum(tau)
  tau <- pmin(tau,1-1e-7)
  tau <- pmax(tau,1e-7)
  tau <- tau/sum(tau)



#' Compute statistics
#' Convert the initial data into the statistics matrix \eqn{N_{ijk}}, by counting the number of events for the nodes during the subintervals of a particular partition of the time interval.
#' @param data List with $type.seq, $time.seq
#' @param n Total number of nodes : \eqn{i,j\in {1, \ldots, n} }
#' @param K Size of the regular partition, i.e. number of subintervals
#' @param directed Boolean for directed (TRUE) or undirected (FALSE) case
#' @return N(i,j)k = number of events for the node (i,j) during the k-th subinterval
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Convert the generated data into the statistics matrix N_ijk with 8 columns
#' n <- 50
#' Dmax <- 2^3
#' obs <- statistics(generated_Q3$data,n,Dmax,directed=FALSE)
statistics <- function(data,n,K,directed=TRUE){
  partition <- data$Time*seq(1/K,1,by=1/K)
  N <- if (directed)  n*(n-1) else n*(n-1)/2
  Nijk <- matrix(0,N,K)
  for (ind in 1:N){
    events.ij <- data$time.seq[data$type.seq==ind]
    nb.ij <- length(events.ij)
    if (nb.ij>0){
      counts <- rowSums(matrix(events.ij,nrow=K,ncol=nb.ij,byrow=TRUE)<matrix(partition,nrow=K,ncol=nb.ij))
      Nijk[ind,] <- if (K>1) counts-c(0,counts[1:(K-1)]) else counts

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