
Defines functions outlierHadi

# detect_outliers.R

outlierHadi <- function(X) {
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Hadi, Ali S. (1994), "A Modification of a Method for the
    #  Detection of Outliers in Multivariate Samples," Journal of the
    #  Royal Statistical Society (B), 2, 393-396.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    n <- dim(X) [1]
    p <- dim(X) [2]
    h <- trunc((n + p + 1)/2)     
    id <- 1:n
    r <- p
    out <- 0
    cf <- (1 + ((p + 1)/(n - p)) + (2/(n - 1 - (3*p))) )^2
    # cf <- (1 + ((p + 1)/(n - p)) + (1/(n - p - h)) )^2
    alpha <- 0.05
    tol <- max(10^-(p+5), 10^-12)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # **  Compute Mahalanobis distance
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    C <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    S <- stats::var(X)
    if (det(S) < tol) stop ()
    D <- stats::mahalanobis(X, C, S)
    mah.out <- 0
    cv <- stats::qchisq(1-(alpha/n), p)
    for (i in 1:n) if (D[i] >= cv) mah.out <- cbind(mah.out, i)
    mah.out <- mah.out[-1]
    mah <- sqrt(D)
    Xbar <- C
    Covariance <- S   #
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # **  Step 0
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #  **  Compute Di(Cm, Sm)
    C <- apply(X, 2, stats::median)
    #original code was 
    #  C <- t(array(C, dim = c(n, p)))
    #but resulted in nonconformable arrays. 
    #so i removed the transpose
    C <- array(C, dim = c(n, p))
    Y <- X - C
    S <- ((n - 1)^-1)*(t(Y) %*% Y)
    D <- stats::mahalanobis(X, C[1, ], S)
    Z <- sort.list(D)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #  **  Compute Di(Cv, Sv)
    repeat {
        Y <- X[Z[1:h], ]
        C <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
        S <- stats::var(Y)
        if (det(S) > tol) {
            D <- stats::mahalanobis(X, C, S)
            Z <- sort.list(D); break }
        else h <- h + 1
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #  **  Step 1
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    repeat {
        r <- r + 1
        if ( h < r) break
        Y <- X[Z[1:r],]
        C <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
        S <- stats::var(Y)
        if (det(S) > tol) {
            D <- stats::mahalanobis(X, C, S)
            Z <- sort.list(D) }
    #**  Step 3
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #  **  Compute Di(Cb, Sb)
    repeat {
        Y <- X[Z[1:h],]
        C <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
        S <- stats::var(Y)
        if (det(S) > tol) {
            D <- stats::mahalanobis(X, C, S)
            Z <- sort.list(D)
            if (D[Z[h + 1]] >= (cf*stats::qchisq(1-(alpha/n), p))) {
                out <- Z[(h + 1) : n]
                break }
            else { h <- h + 1
            if (n <= h) break }
        else { h <- h + 1
        if (n <= h) break }
    D <- sqrt(D/cf)
    dst <- cbind(id, mah, D)
    Outliers <- out
    Cb <- C;
    Sb <- S
    Distances <- dst
    result <- list(Xbar = Xbar, Covariance = Covariance, mah.out = mah.out, 
                   Outliers = Outliers, Cb = Cb, Sb = Sb, Distances = Distances )
    class( result ) <- "outlierHadi"
    return( result )

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