
#' Plotting calibration for benefit of a prediction model
#' This function produces a plot to illustrate the calibration for benefit
#' for a prediction model. The samples are split into a number of groups according
#' to their predicted benefit, and within each group the function estimates
#' the observed treatment benefit and compares it with the predicted one
#' @param data An optional data frame containing the required information.
#' @param Ngroups The number of groups to split the data.
#' @param y.observed The observed outcome.
#' @param treat A vector with the treatment assignment. This must be 0 (for control treatment)
#' or 1 (for active treatment).
#' @param predicted.treat.0 A vector with the model predictions for each patient, under the control treatment.
#' For the case of a binary outcome this should be probabilities of an event.
#' @param predicted.treat.1 A vector with the model predictions for each patient, under the active treatment.
#' For the case of a binary outcome this should be probabilities of an event.
#' @param type The type of the outcome, "binary" or "continuous".
#' @param smoothing.function The method used to smooth the calibration line. Can
#' be "lm", "glm", "gam", "loess", "rlm". More details can be found in https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_smooth.html.
#' @param axis.limits Sets the limits of the graph. It can be a vector of two values, i.e. the lower and upper limits for x and y axis. It can be omitted.
#' @return The calibration plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point labs geom_errorbar ggtitle geom_smooth geom_abline geom_errorbarh theme layer_scales coord_equal
#' @importFrom stats sd lm predict quantile glm
#' @examples
#' # continuous outcome
#' dat1=simcont(200)$dat
#' head(dat1)
#' lm1=lm(y.observed~(x1+x2+x3)*t, data=dat1)
#' dat.t0=dat1; dat.t0$t=0
#' dat.t1=dat1; dat.t1$t=1
#' dat1$predict.treat.1=predict(lm1, newdata = dat.t1) # predictions in treatment
#' dat1$predict.treat.0=predict(lm1, newdata = dat.t0) # predicions in control

#' bencalibr(data=dat1, Ngroups=10, y.observed, predicted.treat.1=predict.treat.1,
#'           predicted.treat.0=predict.treat.0, type="continuous", treat=t,
#'           smoothing.function = "lm", axis.limits = c(-1, 1.3))
#' # binary outcome
#' dat2=simbinary(500)$dat
#' head(dat2)
#' glm1=glm(y.observed~(x1+x2+x3)*t, data=dat2, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#' dat2.t0=dat2; dat2.t0$t=0
#' dat2.t1=dat2; dat2.t1$t=1
#' dat2$predict.treat.1=predict(glm1, newdata = dat2.t1) # predictions in treatment
#' dat2$predict.treat.0=predict(glm1, newdata = dat2.t0) # predicions in control
#' bencalibr(data=dat2, Ngroups=6, y.observed, predicted.treat.1=expit(predict.treat.1),
#'           predicted.treat.0=expit(predict.treat.0), type="binary", treat=t,
#'           smoothing.function = "lm")
#' @export
bencalibr<-function (data = NULL, ### a dataframe with model predictions and observed outcomes
                      Ngroups = 5, ### number of groups
                      y.observed, ### observed outcomes. For binary outcomes should be 0 or 1.
                      treat,  ### treatment received. Should be 0 or 1.
                      predicted.treat.0, ### predicted outcome in treatment 0. For binary outcomes this should be probability.
                      predicted.treat.1, ### predicted outcome in treatment 1. For binary outcomes this should be probability.
                      type = "continuous", ### type of outcome to predict. Can be continuous or binary.
                      smoothing.function = "lm", ### method for smoothing the calibration line
                      axis.limits = NULL ### a vector of two values, i.e. the lower and upper limits for x and y axis
  se <- function(x) sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))
  nulldata <- is.null(data)
  if (type == "continuous") {
    if (nulldata) {
      data <- data.frame(y.observed, treat, predicted.treat.0,
    if (!nulldata) {
      arguments <- as.list(match.call())
      y.observed <- eval(arguments$y.observed, data)
      treat  <-  eval(arguments$treat, data)
      predicted.treat.0 <- eval(arguments$predicted.treat.0,
      predicted.treat.1 <- eval(arguments$predicted.treat.1,
      data <- data.frame(y.observed, treat = treat, predicted.treat.0,
      data$predicted.benefit <- data$predicted.treat.1 - data$predicted.treat.0

    data$predicted.y <- data$predicted.treat.0 * (data$treat ==
                                                    0) + data$predicted.treat.1 * (data$treat == 1)
    d1 <- quantile(data$predicted.benefit, probs = seq(0,1, 1/Ngroups))
    g1 <- list()
    for (i in 1:Ngroups) {
      g1[[i]] <- data[data$predicted.benefit >= d1[i] &
                        data$predicted.benefit < d1[i + 1], ]
    predicted <- c()
    observed <- c()
    errors.predicted <- c()
    errors.observed <- c()
    for (i in 1:Ngroups) {
      predicted <- c(predicted, mean(g1[[i]]$predicted.benefit))
      observed <- c(observed, mean(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$treat ==
                                                       1]) - mean(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$treat ==
      errors.predicted <- c(errors.predicted, sd(g1[[i]]$predicted.benefit))
      errors.observed <- c(errors.observed, sqrt(se(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$t ==
                                                                        1])^2 + se(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$t == 0])^2))
    dat1 <- data.frame(pred = predicted, obs = observed,
                      se.pred = errors.predicted, se.obs = errors.observed)
    p1 <- suppressMessages(ggplot(dat1, aes(x = pred, y = obs)) +
                            geom_point(size = 3, shape = 20) + labs(x = "Predicted benefit",
                              y = "Observed benefit") + geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                               slope = 1, color = "black", linetype = "dashed",
                               size = 0.5) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = obs - se.obs,
                                ymax = obs + se.obs), width = 0.1) + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = pred -
                                  se.pred, xmax = pred + se.pred)) + geom_smooth(method = smoothing.function,
                                   colour = "blue", size = 0.5) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1))
    r1 <- max((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p1))$x$range$range))
    r2 <- min((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p1)$x$range$range)))
    s1 <- max((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p1)$y$range$range)))
    s2 <- min((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p1)$y$range$range)))
    t1 <- (max(r1, s1))
    t2 <- (min(r2, s2))
    if (is.null(axis.limits)) {
      t11  <-  t1
      t12  <-  t2
    if (!is.null(axis.limits)) {
      t11 <- axis.limits[2]
      t12 <- axis.limits[1]
    p1 <- p1 + coord_equal(xlim = c(t12, t11), ylim = c(t12,
    cat(" Type of outcome: ", type, "\n", "Ngroups: ", Ngroups,
        "\n", "Smoothing function: ", smoothing.function,
  if (type == "binary") {

    if (nulldata) {
      data <- data.frame(y.observed, treat, predicted.treat.0,
    if (!nulldata) {
      arguments <- as.list(match.call())
      y.observed <- eval(arguments$y.observed, data)
      treat <- eval(arguments$treat, data)
      predicted.treat.0 <- eval(arguments$predicted.treat.0,
      predicted.treat.1 <- eval(arguments$predicted.treat.1,
      data <- data.frame(y.observed, treat, predicted.treat.0,

    data$benefit <- data$predicted.treat.1-data$predicted.treat.0
    d1 <- quantile(data$benefit, probs <- seq(0, 1,
    g1 <- list()
    for (i in 1:Ngroups) {
      g1[[i]] <- data[data$benefit >= d1[i] & data$benefit <
                        d1[i + 1], ]
    predicted <- c()
    observed <- c()
    errors.predicted <- c()
    errors.observed <- c()
    for (i in 1:Ngroups) {
      predicted <- c(predicted, (mean(g1[[i]]$benefit)))
      observed <- c(observed, (mean(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$t ==
                                                        1])) - (mean(g1[[i]]$y.observed[g1[[i]]$t ==
    dat1 <- data.frame("pred" <- predicted, "obs" <- observed,
                       "se.pred" <- errors.predicted, "se.obs" <- errors.observed)
    p2 <- ggplot(dat1, aes(x <- pred, y <- obs)) + geom_point(size = 3,
                           shape = 20) + labs(x = "Predicted benefit",
                             y = "Observed benefit") + geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                             slope = 1, color = "black", linetype = "dashed",
                             size = 0.5) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = obs -
                              se.obs, ymax = obs + se.obs), width = 0.005) +
      geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = pred - se.pred, xmax = pred +
                           se.pred), height = 0.005) + geom_smooth(method = smoothing.function,
                                                                   colour = "blue", size = 0.5) + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
    r1 <- max((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p2))$x$range$range))
    r2 <- min((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p2)$x$range$range)))
    s1 <- max((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p2)$y$range$range)))
    s2 <- min((suppressMessages(layer_scales(p2)$y$range$range)))
    t1 <- (max(r1, s1))
    t2 <- (min(r2, s2))
    if (is.null(axis.limits)) {
      t11 <- t1
      t12 <- t2
    if (!is.null(axis.limits)) {
      t11 <- axis.limits[2]
      t12 <- axis.limits[1]
    p2 <- p2 + coord_equal(xlim = c(t12, t11), ylim = c(t12,
    cat(" Type of outcome: ", type, "\n", "Ngroups: ",
        Ngroups, "\n", "Smoothing.function: ", smoothing.function,


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