
#' @include internal.R Objective-class.R

#' Add an objective
#' An objective is used to specify the overall goal of a conservation planning
#' problem. All conservation planning problems involve minimizing
#' or maximizing some kind of objective. For instance, the planner may require
#' a solution that conserves enough habitat for each species while minimizing
#' the overall cost of the reserve network. Alternatively, the planner may
#' require a solution that maximizes the number of conserved species while
#' ensuring that the cost of the reserve network does not exceed the budget.
#' **Please note that all conservation
#' planning problems formulated using the \pkg{prioritizr} package require an
#' objective function, and attempting to solve a problem without an objective
#' will result in an error.**
#' @details The following objectives can be added to a conservation planning
#'   [problem()]:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{[add_min_set_objective()]}{Minimize the cost of the
#'     solution whilst ensuring that all targets are met. This objective is
#'     similar to that used in *Marxan*.}
#'   \item{[add_max_cover_objective()]}{Represent at least one
#'     instance of as many features as possible within a given budget.}
#'   \item{[add_max_features_objective()]}{Fulfill as many targets as
#'     possible while ensuring that the cost of the solution does not exceed a
#'     budget.}
#'   \item{[add_min_shortfall_objective()]}{Minimize the overall
#'     (weighted sum) shortfall for as many targets as possible while ensuring
#'     that the cost of the solution does not exceed a budget.}
#'   \item{[add_min_largest_shortfall_objective()]}{Minimize the
#'     largest (maximum) shortfall among all targets while ensuring that
#'     the cost of the solution does not exceed a budget.}
#'   \item{[add_max_phylo_div_objective()]}{Maximize the phylogenetic
#'     diversity of the features represented in the solution subject to a
#'     budget.}
#'   \item{[add_max_phylo_end_objective()]}{Maximize the phylogenetic
#'     endemism of the features represented in the solution subject to a
#'     budget.}
#'   \item{[add_max_utility_objective()]}{Secure as much of the
#'     features as possible without exceeding a budget.}
#'   }
#' @family overviews
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' sim_pu_raster <- get_sim_pu_raster()
#' sim_features <- get_sim_features()
#' sim_phylogeny <- get_sim_phylogeny()
#' # create base problem
#' p <-
#'   problem(sim_pu_raster, sim_features) %>%
#'   add_relative_targets(0.1) %>%
#'   add_binary_decisions() %>%
#'   add_default_solver(verbose = FALSE)
#'  # create problem with added minimum set objective
#' p1 <- p %>% add_min_set_objective()
#' # create problem with added maximum coverage objective
#' # note that this objective does not use targets
#' p2 <- p %>% add_max_cover_objective(500)
#' # create problem with added maximum feature representation objective
#' p3 <- p %>% add_max_features_objective(1900)
#' # create problem with added minimum shortfall objective
#' p4 <- p %>% add_min_shortfall_objective(1900)
#' # create problem with added minimum largest shortfall objective
#' p5 <- p %>% add_min_largest_shortfall_objective(1900)
#' # create problem with added maximum phylogenetic diversity objective
#' p6 <- p %>% add_max_phylo_div_objective(1900, sim_phylogeny)
#' # create problem with added maximum phylogenetic diversity objective
#' p7 <- p %>% add_max_phylo_end_objective(1900, sim_phylogeny)
#' # create problem with added maximum utility objective
#' # note that this objective does not use targets
#' p8 <- p %>% add_max_utility_objective(1900)
#' # solve problems
#' s <- c(
#'   solve(p1), solve(p2), solve(p3), solve(p4), solve(p5), solve(p6),
#'   solve(p7), solve(p8)
#' )
#' names(s) <- c(
#'   "min set", "max coverage", "max features", "min shortfall",
#'   "min largest shortfall", "max phylogenetic diversity",
#'   "max phylogenetic endemism", "max utility"
#' )
#' # plot solutions
#' plot(s, axes = FALSE)
#' }
#' @name objectives

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prioritizr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:20 a.m.