
#' @include internal.R

#' Add portfolios
#' Conservation planning exercises rarely have access to all the
#' data needed to identify the *truly* perfect solution. This is because
#' available data may lack important details
#' (e.g., land acquisition costs may be unavailable), contain errors
#' (e.g., species presence/absence data may have false positives),
#' or key objectives may not be formally incorporated into the
#' prioritization process (e.g., future land use requirements).
#' As such, conservation planners can help decision makers by providing
#' them with a portfolio of solutions to inform their decision.
#' @details
#'   The following portfolios can be added to a conservation planning
#'   [problem()].
#'   Note that all methods for generating portfolios return solutions that
#'   are within the specified optimality gap.
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{[add_default_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio containing a single
#'     solution. This portfolio method is added to [problem()] objects by
#'     default.}
#'   \item{[add_extra_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio of solutions
#'     by storing feasible solutions found during the optimization
#'     process. This method is useful for quickly obtaining multiple solutions,
#'     but does not provide any guarantees on the number of solutions, or
#'     the quality of solutions.
#'     Note that it requires the *Gurobi* solver.}
#'   \item{[add_top_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio of
#'     solutions by finding a pre-specified number of solutions that
#'     are closest to optimality (i.e., the top solutions). This is useful
#'     for examining differences among near-optimal solutions.
#'     It can also be used to generate multiple solutions and, in turn,
#'     to calculate selection frequencies for small problems.
#'     Note that it requires the *Gurobi* solver.}
#'   \item{[add_gap_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio of solutions
#'     by finding a certain number of solutions that are all within a pre-
#'     specified optimality gap. This method is useful for generating
#'     multiple solutions that can be used to calculate selection frequencies
#'     for moderate and large-sized problems (similar to *Marxan*).
#'     Note that it requires the *Gurobi* solver.}
#'   \item{[add_cuts_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio of distinct
#'     solutions within a pre-specified optimality gap using Bender's cuts.
#'     This is recommended as a replacement for [add_top_portfolio()]
#'     when the *Gurobi* software is not available.}
#'   \item{[add_shuffle_portfolio()]}{Generate a portfolio of
#'     solutions by randomly reordering the data prior to attempting to solve
#'     the problem.
#'     This is recommended as a replacement for [add_gap_portfolio()]
#'     when the *Gurobi* software is not available.}
#' }
#' @family overviews
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data
#' sim_pu_raster <- get_sim_pu_raster()
#' sim_features <- get_sim_features()
#' # create problem
#' p <-
#'   problem(sim_pu_raster, sim_features) %>%
#'   add_min_set_objective() %>%
#'   add_relative_targets(0.1) %>%
#'   add_binary_decisions() %>%
#'   add_default_solver(gap = 0.02, verbose = FALSE)
#' # create problem with default portfolio
#' p1 <- p %>% add_default_portfolio()
#' # create problem with cuts portfolio with 4 solutions
#' p2 <- p %>% add_cuts_portfolio(4)
#' # create problem with shuffle portfolio with 4 solutions
#' p3 <- p %>% add_shuffle_portfolio(4)
#' # create problem with extra portfolio
#' p4 <- p %>% add_extra_portfolio()
#' # create problem with top portfolio with 4 solutions
#' p5 <- p %>% add_top_portfolio(4)
#' # create problem with gap portfolio with 4 solutions within 50% of optimality
#' p6 <- p %>% add_gap_portfolio(4, 0.5)
#' # solve problems to obtain solution portfolios
#' s <- list(solve(p1), solve(p2), solve(p3), solve(p4), solve(p5), solve(p6))
#' # plot solution from default portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[1]]), axes = FALSE)
#' # plot solutions from cuts portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[2]]), axes = FALSE)
#' # plot solutions from shuffle portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[3]]), axes = FALSE)
#' # plot solutions from extra portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[4]]), axes = FALSE)
#' # plot solutions from top portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[5]]), axes = FALSE)
#' # plot solutions from gap portfolio
#' plot(terra::rast(s[[6]]), axes = FALSE)
#' }
#' @name portfolios

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prioritizr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:20 a.m.