
Defines functions clr_extract extract_hcl clr_extract_luminance clr_extract_chroma extract_hsl clr_extract_lightness clr_extract_saturation clr_extract_hue extract_rgb clr_extract_alpha clr_extract_blue clr_extract_green clr_extract_red

Documented in clr_extract clr_extract_alpha clr_extract_blue clr_extract_chroma clr_extract_green clr_extract_hue clr_extract_lightness clr_extract_luminance clr_extract_red clr_extract_saturation

#' Extract RGB components
#' Extract the red, green, or blue color components from a vector of colors.
#' @inheritParams color
#' @rdname extract_rgb
#' @details
#' The values of the output will range between 0 and 255.
#' Use [clr_extract()] if you are planning to extraction multiple components.
#' @family Extraction
#' @return Numeric vector of values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clr_extract_red(rainbow(100))
#' clr_extract_green(rainbow(100))
#' clr_extract_blue(rainbow(100))
#' clr_extract_alpha(rainbow(100))
clr_extract_red <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

#' @rdname extract_rgb
#' @export
clr_extract_green <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

#' @rdname extract_rgb
#' @export
clr_extract_blue <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

#' @rdname extract_rgb
#' @export
clr_extract_alpha <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

extract_rgb <- function(col) {
  as.data.frame(t(col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE)))

#' Extract HSL components
#' Extract the hue, saturation, or lightness color components from a vector of
#' colors.
#' @inheritParams color
#' @param space character string specifying the color space where hue is
#'     extracted from. Can be either "HCL" or "HSL".
#' @rdname extract_hsl
#' @details
#' The range of the value are
#' - hue ranges from 0 to 360. in a circular fashion such that 0 and 360 are
#'   near identical. 0 is red
#' - saturation ranges from 0 to 100. 100 is full saturation, 0 is no saturation
#' - lightness ranges from 0 to 100. 100 is full lightness, 0 is no lightness
#' Use [clr_extract()] if you are planning to extraction multiple components.
#' @family Extraction
#' @return Numeric vector of values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clr_extract_hue(rainbow(100), "HSL")
#' clr_extract_saturation(rainbow(100))
#' clr_extract_lightness(rainbow(100))
clr_extract_hue <- function(col, space = c("HSL", "HCL")) {
  space <- match.arg(space)

  col <- color(col)
    HSL = extract_hsl(col)[["hue_hsl"]],
    HCL = extract_hcl(col)[["hue_hcl"]]

#' @rdname extract_hsl
#' @export
clr_extract_saturation <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

#' @rdname extract_hsl
#' @export
clr_extract_lightness <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

extract_hsl <- function(col) {
  hsl <- decode_colour(col, to = "hsl")
  new_names <- c("h" = "hue_hsl", "s" = "saturation", "l" = "lightness")
  hsl <- as.data.frame(hsl)
  names(hsl) <- new_names[names(hsl)]

#' Extract HCL components
#' Extract the hue, chroma, or luminance color components from a vector of
#' colors.
#' @inheritParams color
#' @rdname extract_hcl
#' @details
#' The range of the value are
#' - hue ranges from 0 to 360
#' - luminance ranges from 0 to 100
#' - chroma while depended on hue and luminance will roughly be within 0 and 180
#' Use [clr_extract()] if you are planning to extraction multiple components.
#' @family Extraction
#' @return Numeric vector of values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clr_extract_hue(rainbow(100), "HCL")
#' clr_extract_chroma(rainbow(100))
#' clr_extract_luminance(rainbow(100))
clr_extract_chroma <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

#' @rdname extract_hsl
#' @export
clr_extract_luminance <- function(col) {
  col <- color(col)

extract_hcl <- function(col) {
  hcl <- decode_colour(col, to = "hcl")
  new_names <- c("h" = "hue_hcl", "c" = "chroma", "l" = "luminance")
  hcl <- as.data.frame(hcl)
  names(hcl) <- new_names[names(hcl)]

#' Extract Multiple Components
#' Extract multiple color components at the same time.
#' @inheritParams color
#' @param components character, components that should be extracted. See details
#'   for allowed components.
#' @details
#' The allowed values for `components` are
#' - red
#' - green
#' - blue
#' - hue_hsl
#' - saturation
#' - lightness
#' - hue_hcl
#' - chroma
#' - luminance
#' This function is to be preferred if you need to extract multiple components
#' at the same time, since it doesn't need repeat transformations.
#' @family Extraction
#' @return data.frame of components
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clr_extract(rainbow(10))
#' clr_extract(rainbow(10), c("hue_hsl", "saturation"))
clr_extract <- function(col, components = c(
                          "red", "green", "blue", "hue_hsl",
                          "saturation", "lightness",
                          "hue_hcl", "chroma", "luminance"
                        )) {
  components <- match.arg(components, several.ok = TRUE)
  col <- color(col)

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