readProfileData: Read Rprof Profile Data

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/prof.R


Reads in Rprof profile data for further processing.


readProfileData(filename = "Rprof.out")



Name of a file produced by Rprof()


readProfileData reads the data in the file produced by Rprof into a data structure for processing by other functions. The details of the structure are subject to change.

readRStudioProfileCacheData returns the data for the most recent profiling run in the RStudio profile cache, or NULL if no data is available.


R representation of Rprof data,


Luke Tierney

See Also

Rprof, summaryRprof, flatProfile, plotProfileCallGraph, printProfileCallGraph, profileCallGraph2Dot


pd <- readProfileData(system.file("samples", "glmEx.out", package="proftools"))
flatProfile(pd, FALSE)

Example output

                      total.pct total.time self.pct self.time
FUN                         100       0.50        4      0.02
lapply                      100       0.50        0      0.00
replicate                   100       0.50        0      0.00
sapply                      100       0.50        0      0.00
system.time                 100       0.50        0      0.00
summary                      80       0.40        0      0.00
glm                          76       0.38        0      0.00
eval                         68       0.34        0      0.00                      36       0.18        8      0.04
%in%                         28       0.14        4      0.02
deparse                      28       0.14       16      0.08
match                        28       0.14        0      0.00
paste                        28       0.14        0      0.00
<Anonymous>                  24       0.12        0      0.00
mode                         24       0.12        4      0.02
model.frame.default          24       0.12        0      0.00
data.frame                   16       0.08        0      0.00
dev.resids                   16       0.08        0      0.00
ifelse                       16       0.08       12      0.06                12       0.06        0      0.00        12       0.06        0      0.00
force                        12       0.06        0      0.00
::                            8       0.04        0      0.00
.deparseOpts                  8       0.04        4      0.02
.External2                    8       0.04        4      0.02
$                             8       0.04        8      0.04
getExportedValue              8       0.04        0      0.00
model.matrix                  8       0.04        0      0.00
model.matrix.default          8       0.04        0      0.00
[                             4       0.02        4      0.02
[[                            4       0.02        0      0.00
[[.data.frame                 4       0.02        0      0.00                       4       0.02        4      0.02
asNamespace                   4       0.02        0      0.00
exists                        4       0.02        4      0.02
getInternalExportName         4       0.02        0      0.00
getNamespace                  4       0.02        0      0.00
is.atomic                     4       0.02        4      0.02                         4       0.02        4      0.02
length                        4       0.02        4      0.02
mu.eta                        4       0.02        4      0.02
na.omit                       4       0.02        0      0.00            4       0.02        0      0.00
names                         4       0.02        4      0.02
simplify2array                4       0.02        0      0.00
summary.glm                   4       0.02        0      0.00
unique                        4       0.02        0      0.00
unique.default                4       0.02        4      0.02
                      self.pct cum.self.time self.time total.pct total.time
deparse                     16          0.08      0.08        28       0.14
ifelse                      12          0.14      0.06        16       0.08
$                            8          0.18      0.04         8       0.04                      8          0.22      0.04        36       0.18
.deparseOpts                 4          0.24      0.02         8       0.04
.External2                   4          0.26      0.02         8       0.04
[                            4          0.28      0.02         4       0.02
%in%                         4          0.30      0.02        28       0.14                      4          0.32      0.02         4       0.02
exists                       4          0.34      0.02         4       0.02
FUN                          4          0.36      0.02       100       0.50
is.atomic                    4          0.38      0.02         4       0.02                        4          0.40      0.02         4       0.02
length                       4          0.42      0.02         4       0.02
mode                         4          0.44      0.02        24       0.12
mu.eta                       4          0.46      0.02         4       0.02
names                        4          0.48      0.02         4       0.02
unique.default               4          0.50      0.02         4       0.02
::                           0          0.50      0.00         8       0.04
[[                           0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
[[.data.frame                0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
<Anonymous>                  0          0.50      0.00        24       0.12                0          0.50      0.00        12       0.06        0          0.50      0.00        12       0.06
asNamespace                  0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
data.frame                   0          0.50      0.00        16       0.08
dev.resids                   0          0.50      0.00        16       0.08
eval                         0          0.50      0.00        68       0.34
force                        0          0.50      0.00        12       0.06
getExportedValue             0          0.50      0.00         8       0.04
getInternalExportName        0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
getNamespace                 0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
glm                          0          0.50      0.00        76       0.38
lapply                       0          0.50      0.00       100       0.50
match                        0          0.50      0.00        28       0.14
model.frame.default          0          0.50      0.00        24       0.12
model.matrix                 0          0.50      0.00         8       0.04
model.matrix.default         0          0.50      0.00         8       0.04
na.omit                      0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02           0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
paste                        0          0.50      0.00        28       0.14
replicate                    0          0.50      0.00       100       0.50
sapply                       0          0.50      0.00       100       0.50
simplify2array               0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
summary                      0          0.50      0.00        80       0.40
summary.glm                  0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02
system.time                  0          0.50      0.00       100       0.50
unique                       0          0.50      0.00         4       0.02

proftools documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:20 p.m.