
Defines functions print.progression conditionMessage.progression progression

Documented in progression

#' A Progression Condition
#' A progression condition represents a progress in an \R program.
#' @param message (character vector or a function) If a character vector, then
#' it is pasted together into a single string using an empty separator.
#' If a function, then the message is constructed by `conditionMessage(p)`
#' calling this function with the progression condition `p` itself as the
#' first argument.
#' @param amount (numeric) The total amount of progress made.
#' @param step (numeric) The step completed. If specified, `amount` is ignored.
#' _WARNING: Argument `step` should only be used when in full control of the
#' order when this progression condition is signaled._ For example, it must not
#' be signaled as one of many parallel progress updates signaled concurrently,
#' because then we cannot guarantee the order these progressions arrive.
#' @param time (POSIXct) A timestamp.
#' @param \ldots Additional named elements.
#' @param type Type of progression made.
#' @param class (character) Zero or more class names to prepend.
#' @param progressor_uuid (character string) A character string that is unique
#' for the current progressor and the current \R session.
#' @param progression_index (integer) A non-negative integer that is
#' incremented by one for each progression condition created.
#' @param progression_time (POSIXct or character string) A timestamp specifying
#' when the progression condition was created.
#' @param owner_session_uuid (character string) A character string that is
#' unique for the \R session where the progressor was created.
#' @param call (expression) A call expression.
#' @param calls (pairlist) The calls that lead up to this progression update.
#' @return A [base::condition] of class `progression`.
#' @seealso
#' To signal a progression condition, use [base::signalCondition()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
progression <- function(message = character(0L), amount = 1.0, step = NULL, time = progression_time, ..., type = "update", class = NULL, progressor_uuid = NULL, progression_index = NULL, progression_time = Sys.time(), call = NULL, calls = sys.calls(), owner_session_uuid = NULL) {
  amount <- as.numeric(amount)
  time <- as.POSIXct(time)
  stop_if_not(is.character(type), length(type) == 1L, !is.na(type))
  class <- as.character(class)
  if (inherits(progression_time, "POSIXct")) {
    progression_time <- format(progression_time, format = "%F %H:%M:%OS3 %z")
  stop_if_not(length(progression_time) == 1L, is.character(progression_time))
  args <- list(...)
  nargs <- length(args)
  if (nargs > 0L) {
    names <- names(args)
    stop_if_not(!is.null(names), all(nzchar(names)),
                length(unique(names)) == nargs)
      owner_session_uuid = owner_session_uuid,
      progressor_uuid = progressor_uuid,
      session_uuid = session_uuid(),
      progression_index = progression_index,
      progression_time = progression_time,
      type = type,
      message = message,
      amount = amount,
      step = step,
      time = time,
      call = call,
      calls = calls
    class = c(class, "progression", "immediateCondition", "condition")

#' @export
conditionMessage.progression <- function(c) {
  message <- NextMethod("conditionMessage")  ## == c$message

  ## Dynamically generate message from the 'progression' condition?
  if (is.function(message)) {
    message_fcn <- message
    message <- message_fcn(c)

  message <- as.character(message)
  if (length(message) > 0L) message <- paste(message, collapse = "")

#' @importFrom utils object.size
#' @export
print.progression <- function(x, ...) {
  s <- sprintf("%s:", class(x)[1])
  s <- c(s, paste("- call:", deparse(conditionCall(x))))
  s <- c(s, paste("- type:", x$type))
  s <- c(s, sprintf("- message: [%s] %s", class(x$message)[1], sQuote(conditionMessage(x))))
  s <- c(s, paste("- amount:", x$amount))
  s <- c(s, paste("- step:", x$step))
  s <- c(s, paste("- time:", x$time))
  s <- c(s, paste("- progressor_uuid:", x$progressor_uuid))
  s <- c(s, paste("- progression_index:", x$progression_index))
  s <- c(s, paste("- progression_time:", x$progression_time))
  s <- c(s, paste("- session_uuid:", x$session_uuid))
  s <- c(s, paste("- owner_session_uuid:", x$owner_session_uuid))
  s <- c(s, paste("- classes:", paste(sQuote(class(x)), collapse = ", ")))
  size <- object.size(x)
  size2 <- serialization_size(x)
  s <- c(s, sprintf("- size: %s [%s serialized]", format(size, units = "auto", standard = "SI"), format(size2, units = "auto", standard = "SI")))
  s <- paste(s, collapse = "\n")
  cat(s, "\n", sep = "")

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progressr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2024, 9:06 a.m.