
Defines functions parse_repo_labels parse_milestones parse_issue_comments parse_issue_events parse_issues fmt_safe_date fmt_safe_lgl fmt_safe_int fmt_safe_chr

Documented in parse_issue_comments parse_issue_events parse_issues parse_milestones parse_repo_labels

# Define internal helper functions for formatting different datatypes
fmt_safe_chr <- function(x) {ifelse( is.null(x) , NA_character_, x )}
fmt_safe_int <- function(x) {ifelse( is.null(x) , NA_integer_, x)}
fmt_safe_lgl <- function(x) {ifelse( is.null(x), NA, x)}
fmt_safe_date <- function(x) {as.Date( substring( ifelse( is.null(x), NA, x) , 1, 10)) }

#' Parse issues overview from `get_issues`
#' @param res List returned by corresponding `get_` function
#' @return data.frame with one record / issue
#' @export
#' @family issues
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myrepo <- create_repo_ref('emilyriederer', 'myrepo')
#' issues_res <- get_issues(myrepo)
#' issues <- parse_issues(issues_res)
#' }

parse_issues <- function( res ) {

  if(is.character(res)){stop("Results object contains no elements to parse.")}

  mapped_elts <-
      res ,
      FUN = function(x)
          url                  = fmt_safe_chr( x[["html_url"]] ),
          id                   = fmt_safe_int( x[["id"]] ),
          number               = fmt_safe_int( x[["number"]] ),
          title                = fmt_safe_chr( x[["title"]] ),
          user_login           = fmt_safe_chr( x[["user"]]$login ),
          user_id              = fmt_safe_int( x[["user"]]$id ),
          state                = fmt_safe_chr( x[["state"]] ),
          locked               = fmt_safe_lgl( x[["locked"]] ),
          milestone_title      = fmt_safe_chr( x[["milestone"]]$title ),
          milestone_id         = fmt_safe_int( x[["milestone"]]$id ),
          milestone_number     = fmt_safe_int( x[["milestone"]]$number ),
          milestone_state      = fmt_safe_chr( x[["milestone"]]$state ),
          milestone_created_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["milestone"]]$created_at ),
          milestone_closed_at  = fmt_safe_date( x[["milestone"]]$due_on ),
          milestone_due_on     = fmt_safe_date( x[["milestone"]]$due_on ),
          n_comments           = fmt_safe_int( x[["comments"]] ),
          created_at           = fmt_safe_date( x[["created_at"]] ),
          updated_at           = fmt_safe_date( x[["updated_at"]] ),
          closed_at            = fmt_safe_date( x[["closed_at"]] ),
          author_association   = fmt_safe_chr( x[["author_association"]] ),
          body                 = fmt_safe_chr( x[["body"]] ),
          repo_owner           = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_owner"]] ),
          repo_name            = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_name"]] ),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      simplify = FALSE

  # special handling for list columns ----
  labels_names <- lapply(res,
                         FUN = function(y)
                           vapply(y[["labels"]], FUN = function(x) x$name, FUN.VALUE = character(1) ))
  assignees_login <- sapply(res,
                            FUN = function(y)
                              vapply(y[["assignees"]], FUN = function(x) x$login, FUN.VALUE = character(1) ))

  # combine components ----
  data <- do.call(rbind, mapped_elts)
  data$labels_name <- labels_names
  data$assignees_login <- assignees_login



#' Parse issue events from `get_issues_events`
#' This function convert list output returned by get into a dataframe. Due to the diverse
#' fields for different types of events, many fields in the dataframe may be NA.
#' Currently, the following event types are unsupported (with regard to processing all
#' of their fields) due to their additional bulk and limited utility with respect to
#' this packages functionality. Please file an issue if you disagree:
#'  - (removed_from/moved_columns_in/added_to)_project: Since this package has limited value with GitHub projects
#'  - converted_note_to_issue: Since issue lineage is not a key concern
#'  - head_ref_(deleted/restored): Since future support for pull requests would likely be handled separately
#'  - merged: Same justification as head_ref
#'  - review_(requested/dismissed/request_removed): Same justification as head_ref
#' @inheritParams parse_issues
#' @return Dataframe with one record / issue-event
#' @export
#' @family issues
#' @family events
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myrepo <- create_repo_ref('emilyriederer', 'myrepo')
#' events_res <- get_issue_events(myrepo, number = 1)
#' events <- parse_issue_events(events_res)
#' }

parse_issue_events <- function(res){

  if(is.character(res)){stop("Results object contains no elements to parse.")}

  mapped_elts <-
    sapply( res ,
            FUN = function(x)
              data.frame( # guaranteed fields for all events
                id = fmt_safe_int( x[["id"]] ),
                number = fmt_safe_int( x[["number"]] ),
                actor_login = fmt_safe_chr( x[["actor"]]$login ),
                event = fmt_safe_chr( x[["event"]] ),
                created_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["created_at"]] ),
                repo_owner = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_owner"]] ),
                repo_name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_name"]] ),

                # possible fields depending on event type
                label_name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["label"]]$name ),
                milestone_title = fmt_safe_chr( x[["milestone"]]$title ),
                assignee_login = fmt_safe_chr( x[["assignee"]]$login ),
                assigner_login = fmt_safe_chr( x[["assigner"]]$login ),
                rename_from = fmt_safe_chr( x[["rename"]]$from ),
                rename_to = fmt_safe_chr( x[["rename"]]$to ),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            simplify = FALSE

  data <- do.call(rbind, mapped_elts)


#' Parse issue comments from `get_issues_comments`
#' @inheritParams parse_issues
#' @inherit get_issue_comments examples
#' @return Dataframe with one record / issue-comment
#' @export
#' @family issues
#' @family comments

parse_issue_comments <- function(res){

  if (is.character(res)) {stop("Results object contains no elements to parse.")}

  mapped_elts <-
    sapply( res ,
            FUN = function(x)
                url = fmt_safe_chr( x[["html_url"]] ),
                id = fmt_safe_int( x[["id"]] ),
                user_login = fmt_safe_chr( x[["user"]]$login ),
                created_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["created_at"]] ),
                updated_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["updated_at"]] ),
                author_association = fmt_safe_chr( x[["author_association"]] ),
                body = fmt_safe_chr( x[["body"]] ),
                number = fmt_safe_chr( x[["number"]] ),
                repo_owner = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_owner"]] ),
                repo_name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_name"]] ),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            simplify = FALSE

  data <- do.call(rbind, mapped_elts)


#' Parse milestones from `get_milestones`
#' @inheritParams parse_issues
#' @return Dataframe with one record / milestone
#' @export
#' @family milestones
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myrepo <- create_repo_ref("emilyriederer", "myrepo")
#' milestones_res <- get_milestones(myrepo)
#' milestones <- parse_milestones(milestones_res)
#' }

parse_milestones <- function(res){

  if (is.character(res)) {stop("Results object contains no elements to parse.")}

  mapped_elts <-
    sapply( res ,
            FUN = function(x)
                title = fmt_safe_chr( x[["title"]]),
                number = fmt_safe_chr( x[["number"]] ),
                description = fmt_safe_chr( x[["description"]] ),
                creator_login = fmt_safe_chr( x[["creator"]]$login ),
                n_open_issues = fmt_safe_int( x[["open_issues"]] ),
                n_closed_issues = fmt_safe_int( x[["closed_issues"]] ),
                state = fmt_safe_chr( x[["state"]] ),
                url = fmt_safe_chr( x[["html_url"]] ),
                created_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["created_at"]] ),
                updated_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["updated_at"]] ),
                closed_at = fmt_safe_date( x[["closed_at"]] ),
                due_on = fmt_safe_date( x[["due_on"]] ),
                repo_owner = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_owner"]] ),
                repo_name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_name"]] ),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            simplify = FALSE

  data <- do.call(rbind, mapped_elts)


#' Parse labels from `get_repo_labels`
#' @inheritParams parse_issues
#' @return Dataframe with one record / label
#' @export
#' @family labels
#' @inherit get_repo_labels examples

parse_repo_labels <- function(res){

  if (is.character(res)) {stop("Results object contains no elements to parse.")}

  mapped_elts <-
    sapply( res ,
            FUN = function(x)
                name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["name"]]),
                url = fmt_safe_chr( x[["url"]] ),
                color = fmt_safe_chr( x[["color"]] ),
                default = fmt_safe_chr( x[["default"]] ),
                id = fmt_safe_int( x[["id"]] ),
                repo_owner = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_owner"]] ),
                repo_name = fmt_safe_chr( x[["repo_name"]] ),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            simplify = FALSE

  data <- do.call(rbind, mapped_elts)


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projmgr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.