
Defines functions reject resolve as.promise.default as.promise.Future as.promise.promise as.promise is.promising is.promise promise_reject promise_resolve promise normalizeOnRejected normalizeOnFulfilled

Documented in as.promise is.promise is.promising promise promise_reject promise_resolve reject resolve

#' @useDynLib promises
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @import later

#' @import R6
Promise <- R6::R6Class("Promise",
  private = list(
    state = "pending",
    value = NULL,
    visible = TRUE,
    publicResolveRejectCalled = FALSE,
    onFulfilled = list(),
    onRejected = list(),
    onFinally = list(),
    rejectionHandled = FALSE,

    # Private resolve/reject differs from public resolve/reject
    # in that the private versions are allowed to be called
    # more than once, whereas public ones no-op after the first
    # time they are invoked.
    doResolve = function(value) {
      val <- withVisible(value)
      value <- val$value
      visible <- val$visible

      if (is.promising(value)) {
        value <- as.promise(value)
        if (identical(self, attr(value, "promise_impl", exact = TRUE))) {
          return(private$doReject(simpleError("Chaining cycle detected for promise")))
        # This then() call doesn't need promise domains; semantically, it doesn't
        # really exist, as it's just a convenient way to implement the new promise
        # inhabiting the old promise's corpse.
      } else {
        private$doResolveFinalValue(value, visible)
    doReject = function(reason) {
      if (is.promising(reason)) {
        reason <- as.promise(reason)
        # This then() call doesn't need promise domains; semantically, it doesn't
        # really exist, as it's just a convenient way to implement the new promise
        # inhabiting the old promise's corpse.
      } else {
    # These "final" versions of resolve/reject are for when we've
    # established that the value/reason is not itself a promise.
    doResolveFinalValue = function(value, visible) {
      private$value <- value
      private$visible <- visible
      private$state <- "fulfilled"

      later::later(function() {
          lapply(private$onFulfilled, function(f) {
            f(private$value, private$visible)
          private$onFulfilled <- list()
    doRejectFinalReason = function(reason) {
      private$value <- reason
      private$state <- "rejected"

      later::later(function() {
        lapply(private$onRejected, function(f) {
          private$rejectionHandled <- TRUE
        private$onRejected <- list()

          if (!private$rejectionHandled) {
            # warning() was unreliable here
            cat(file=stderr(), "Unhandled promise error: ", reason$message, "\n", sep = "")
  public = list(
    # "pending", "fulfilled", "rejected"
    status = function() {
    resolve = function(value) {
      # Only allow this to be called once, then no-op.
      if (private$publicResolveRejectCalled)
      private$publicResolveRejectCalled <- TRUE

          # Important: Do not trigger evaluation of value before
          # passing to doResolve. doResolve calls withVisible() on
          # value, so evaluating it before that point will cause
          # the visibility to be lost.
        error = function(err) {

    reject = function(reason) {
      # Only allow this to be called once, then no-op.
      if (private$publicResolveRejectCalled)
      private$publicResolveRejectCalled <- TRUE

          if (is.character(reason)) {
            reason <- simpleError(reason)
        error = function(err) {

    then = function(onFulfilled = NULL, onRejected = NULL, onFinally = NULL) {
      onFulfilled <- normalizeOnFulfilled(onFulfilled)
      onRejected <- normalizeOnRejected(onRejected)
      if (!is.function(onFinally)) {
        onFinally <- NULL

      promise2 <- promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          res <- promiseDomain$onThen(onFulfilled, onRejected, onFinally)

          if (!is.null(res)) {
            onFulfilled <- res$onFulfilled
            onRejected <- res$onRejected

          handleFulfill <- function(value, visible) {
            if (is.function(onFulfilled)) {
              resolve(onFulfilled(value, visible))
            } else {
              resolve(if (visible) value else invisible(value))

          handleReject <- function(reason) {
            if (is.function(onRejected)) {
              # Yes, resolve, not reject.
            } else {
              # Yes, reject, not resolve.

          if (private$state == "pending") {
            private$onFulfilled <- c(private$onFulfilled, list(
            private$onRejected <- c(private$onRejected, list(
          } else if (private$state == "fulfilled") {
            later::later(function() {
              handleFulfill(private$value, private$visible)
          } else if (private$state == "rejected") {
            later::later(function() {
              private$rejectionHandled <- TRUE
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected state ", private$state)

    catch = function(onRejected) {
      invisible(self$then(onRejected = onRejected))
    finally = function(onFinally) {
        onFinally = onFinally
    format = function() {
      if (private$state == "pending") {
        "<Promise [pending]>"
      } else {
        classname <- class(private$value)[[1]]
        if (length(classname) == 0) classname <- ""

        sprintf("<Promise [%s: %s]>", private$state, classname)

normalizeOnFulfilled <- function(onFulfilled) {
  if (!is.function(onFulfilled)) {
    if (!is.null(onFulfilled)) {
      warning("`onFulfilled` must be a function or `NULL`")

  args <- formals(onFulfilled)
  arg_count <- length(args)

  if (arg_count >= 2 && names(args)[[2]] == ".visible") {
  } else if (arg_count > 0) {
    function(value, .visible) {
      if (isTRUE(.visible)) {
      } else {
  } else {
    function(value, .visible) {

normalizeOnRejected <- function(onRejected) {
  if (!is.function(onRejected)) {
    if (!is.null(onRejected)) {
      warning("`onRejected` must be a function or `NULL`")

  args <- formals(onRejected)
  arg_count <- length(args)

  if (arg_count >= 1) {
  } else if (arg_count == 0) {
    function(reason) {

#' Create a new promise object
#' `promise()` creates a new promise. A promise is a placeholder object for the
#' eventual result (or error) of an asynchronous operation. This function is not
#' generally needed to carry out asynchronous programming tasks; instead, it is
#' intended to be used mostly by package authors who want to write asynchronous
#' functions that return promises.
#' The `action` function should be a piece of code that returns quickly, but
#' initiates a potentially long-running, asynchronous task. If/when the task
#' successfully completes, call `resolve(value)` where `value` is the result of
#' the computation (like the return value). If the task fails, call
#' `reject(reason)`, where `reason` is either an error object, or a character
#' string.
#' It's important that asynchronous tasks kicked off from `action` be coded very
#' carefully--in particular, all errors must be caught and passed to `reject()`.
#' Failure to do so will cause those errors to be lost, at best; and the caller
#' of the asynchronous task will never receive a response (the asynchronous
#' equivalent of a function call that never returns, i.e. hangs).
#' The return value of `action` will be ignored.
#' @param action A function with signature `function(resolve, reject)`, or a
#'   one-sided formula. See Details.
#' @return A promise object (see \code{\link{then}}).
#' @examples
#' # Create a promise that resolves to a random value after 2 secs
#' p1 <- promise(function(resolve, reject) {
#'   later::later(~resolve(runif(1)), delay = 2)
#' })
#' p1 %...>% print()
#' # Create a promise that errors immediately
#' p2 <- promise(~{
#'   reject("An error has occurred")
#' })
#' then(p2,
#'   onFulfilled = ~message("Success"),
#'   onRejected = ~message("Failure")
#' )
#' @export
promise <- function(action) {
  if (inherits(action, "formula")) {
    if (length(action) != 2) {
      stop("'action' must be a function or one-sided formula")
  } else if (is.function(action)) {
    if (length(formals(action)) != 2) {
      stop("'action' function must have two arguments")
  } else {
    stop("Invalid action argument--must be a function or formula")

  p <- Promise$new()

      if (is.function(action)) {
        action(p$resolve, p$reject)
      } else if (inherits(action, "formula")) {
        eval(action[[2]], list(
          resolve = p$resolve,
          reject = p$reject,
          return = function(value) {
            warning("Can't return a value from a promise, use resolve/reject")
        ), environment(action))
    error = function(e) {
      if (p$status() == "pending") {
      } else {
        # Too late to do anything useful. Just notify.
      then = p$then,
      catch = p$catch,
      finally = p$finally
    class = "promise",
    promise_impl = p

#' Create a resolved or rejected promise
#' Helper functions to conveniently create a promise that is resolved to the
#' given value (or rejected with the given reason).
#' @param value A value, or promise, that the new promise should be resolved to.
#'   This expression will be lazily evaluated, and if evaluating the expression
#'   raises an error, then the new promise will be rejected with that error as
#'   the reason.
#' @param reason An error message string, or error object.
#' @examples
#' promise_resolve(mtcars) %...>%
#'   head() %...>%
#'   print()
#' promise_reject("Something went wrong") %...T!%
#'   { message(conditionMessage(.)) }
#' @export
promise_resolve <- function(value) {

#' @rdname promise_resolve
#' @export
promise_reject <- function(reason) {

#' Coerce to a promise
#' Use `is.promise` to determine whether an R object is a promise. Use
#' `as.promise` (an S3 generic method) to attempt to coerce an R object to a
#' promise. This package includes support for converting [future::Future]
#' objects into promises.
#' @param x An R object to test or coerce.
#' @return `as.promise` returns a promise object, or throws an error if the
#'   object cannot be converted.
#'   `is.promise` returns `TRUE` if the given value is a promise object, and
#'   `FALSE` otherwise.
#'   `is.promising` returns `TRUE` if the given value is a promise object or
#'   if it can be converted to a promise object using `as.promise`, and `FALSE`
#'   otherwise.
#' @export
is.promise <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "promise")

#' @rdname is.promise
#' @export
is.promising <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "promise") || inherits(x, "Future")

#' @rdname is.promise
#' @export
as.promise <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("as.promise", x)

#' @export
as.promise.promise <- function(x) {

#' @export
as.promise.Future <- function(x) {
  # We want to create a promise only once for each Future object, and cache it
  # as an attribute. This spares us from having multiple polling loops waiting
  # for the same Future.

  cached <- attr(x, "converted_promise", exact = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(cached)) {

  p <- promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    poll_interval <- 0.1
    check <- function() {
      # timeout = 0 is important, the default waits for 200ms
      is_resolved <- tryCatch({
        future::resolved(x, timeout = 0)
      }, FutureError = function(e) {
      if (is_resolved) {
            result <- future::value(x, signal = TRUE)
          }, FutureError = function(e) {
          }, error = function(e) {
      } else {
        later::later(check, poll_interval)

  # Store the new promise for next time
  attr(x, "converted_promise") <- p

#' @export
as.promise.default <- function(x) {
  # TODO: If x is an error or try-error, should this return a rejected promise?
  stop("Don't know how to convert object of class ", class(x)[[1L]], " into a promise")

#' Fulfill a promise
#' Use these functions to satisfy a promise with either success (\code{resolve})
#' or failure (\code{reject}). These functions are not exported, but rather, are
#' passed as arguments to the \code{action} function you pass to a [promise]
#' constructor.
#' @param value The result from a successful calculation.
#' @param reason An error or string that explains why the operation failed.
#' @keywords internal
resolve <- function(value = NULL) {
  stop("resolve() must be called from within a promise constructor")

#' @rdname resolve
#' @keywords internal
reject <- function(reason) {
  stop("reject() must be called from within a promise constructor")

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promises documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.