
Defines functions .print.lineage .get.output.lineage .get.lineage debug.lineage

Documented in debug.lineage

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2020, 2021.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


# === LINEAGE ================================================================ #

#' The Lineage of a Variable/Data Node.
#' For each data node queried, debug.lineage returns a data frame representing
#' its forwards (how the data is used), or backwards (how the data was generated)
#' lineage.
#' Each data frame contains the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'		\item scriptNum: The script number the data node is associated with.
#'		\item scriptName: The name of the script the data node is associated with.
#'		\item startLine: The line number the data node is associated with.
#'		\item code: The line of code which used/produced the data node.
#' }
#' debug.lineage belongs to provDebugR, a debugger which utilises provenance collected
#' post-execution to facilitate understanding of the execution and aid in debugging.
#' This function may be used only after the debugger has been initialised using
#' one its initialisation functions (listed below).
#' @param ... The names of data nodes to be queried.
#' @param start.line The line number of the queried data nodes. Optional.
#' @param script.num The script number of the queried data nodes. 
#'                   Defaults to script number 1 (main script).
#' @param all If TRUE, this function returns the linages of all data node names.
#' @param forward If TRUE, this function returns the forwards lineage 
#'                (how the data is used) instead of the backwards lineage
#'                (how the data was generated).
#' @return A list of data frames showing the forwards or backwards lineage of all
#'         queried data nodes.
#' @seealso provDebugR Initialisation Functions: 
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.debug}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.debug.file}} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.debug.run}}
#' @seealso Other provDebugR Functions (non-initialisation):
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.error}}: Returns the backwards lineage of the error, if any.
#'              The error may be queried on StackOverflow.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.line}}: Returns all immediate inputs and outputs
#'              for the line(s) queried.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.state}}: Returns the state at the line(s) queried,
#'              after the line had been executed. The state is the list of all 
#'              variables and their values in the environment at the queried line.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.type.changes}}: Returns a data frame for each variable in
#'              the execution containing the instances where the data type changed.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.variable}}: Returns a data frame showing all instances
#'              of the variable(s) queried.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.view}}: Opens and displays the contents of each file or variable
#'              or variable queried.
#' @seealso \code{\link{debug.warning}}: Returns the backwards lineage of the queried
#'              warning(s), if any.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' prov.debug.run("test.R")
#' debug.lineage(x)
#' debug.lineage("x", start.line = 5, script.num = 2)
#' debug.lineage("a", b, forward = TRUE)
#' debug.lineage(all = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname debug.lineage
debug.lineage <- function(..., start.line = NA, script.num = 1, all = FALSE, forward = FALSE)
	# CASE: no provenance
		stop("There is no provenance.")
	# STEP: get all possible nodes
	# columns: d.id, p.id, name, valType, startLine, scriptNum
	pos.nodes <- .get.pos.var(.debug.env$data.nodes)
	# CASE: no data nodes
	if(is.null(pos.nodes)) {
		cat("There are no data nodes.\n")
	# STEP: get user's query
	# columns: name, valType ("all"), startLine, scriptNum
		query.nodes <- unique(pos.nodes$name)
		query.nodes <- .flatten.args(...)
	query <- .get.query.var(query.nodes, val.type = "all", 
							start.line = start.line, script.num = script.num)
	# STEP: get valid queries
	valid.queries <- .get.valid.query.var(pos.nodes, query, forward = forward)
	# CASE: no valid queries
	# columns: d.id, name, valType, startLine, scriptNum
	if(is.null(valid.queries)) {
		cat("No valid queries.\n\n")
		.print.pos.options(pos.nodes[ , c("name", "startLine", "scriptNum", "scriptName")])
	# STEP: for each valid query, get lineage and form table for user output
	# as some nodes may not have a lineage, keep a vector to keep track 
	# of which indices of the valid queries table do
	indices <- c()
	lineages <- lapply(c(1:nrow(valid.queries)), function(i)
		# get id and name
		d.id <- valid.queries$`d.id`[i]
		d.name <- valid.queries$name[i]
		# get lineage
		lineage <- .get.lineage(d.id, forward = forward)
		# case: no lineage
		if(is.null(lineage)) {
			cat(paste("No lineage for ", d.name, ".\n", sep=""))
		# keep track of index and form output
		indices <<- append(indices, i)
	# Case: no lineages to display
	if(length(indices) == 0)
	# extract lineages that are not null
	if(length(indices) < nrow(valid.queries)) {
		lineages <- lineages[indices]
		valid.queries <- valid.queries[indices, ]
	names(lineages) <- valid.queries$name

#' Get the lineage of the specified data node.
#' Function shared with debug.error and debug.warning .
#' @param node.id The data node id.
#' @param forward If TRUE, gets the forward lineage instead of the default backwards lineage.
#' @return The lineage (vector of procedure nodes, sorted by increasing procedure node id).
#' @noRd
.get.lineage <- function(node.id, forward = FALSE)
	# get lineage, extract proc nodes
	lineage <- provGraphR::get.lineage(.debug.env$graph, node.id, forward = forward)
	lineage <- lineage[grep('^p[[:digit:]]+', lineage)]
	# if getting the forward lineage, get the proc node which first assigned the variable
		edge <- .debug.env$proc.data[.debug.env$proc.data$entity ==  node.id, ]
		if(nrow(edge) > 0)
			lineage <- append(lineage, edge$activity[[1]], 0)
	# case: no lineage
	if(length(lineage) == 0)
	# order by increasing proc node number
	node.nums <- as.integer(sub("^[[:alpha:]]", "", lineage))
	lineage <- lineage[order(node.nums)]

#' Get user output for lineages.
#' Function shared with debug.error and debug.warning .
#' columns: scriptNum, startLine, code
#' @param id.list A vector of procedure node id (the lineage).
#' @return The lineage, formatted for user output.
#'         columns: scriptNum, startLine, code
#' @noRd
.get.output.lineage <- function(id.list)
	proc.nodes <- .debug.env$proc.nodes
	# get output for user
	rows <- lapply(id.list, function(id)
		fields <- proc.nodes[proc.nodes$id == id, c("scriptNum", "scriptName",
													"startLine", "name")]
		names(fields) <- c("scriptNum", "scriptName", "startLine", "code")
	# form data frame
	df <- .form.df(rows)
	# remove any rows where scriptNum is NA 
	# (this occurs for plots if dev.off is not called)
	df <- df[!is.na(df$scriptNum), ]

#' Prints lineage information to the console.
#' @param lineages list containing all code leading up to a variable or warning.
#' @param warning if TRUE, then information printed is about a warning thrown
#'                by R.
#' @param warning.nodes used if warning is TRUE to print the value of the 
#'                      warning.
#' @noRd
.print.lineage <- function(lineages, warning = FALSE, warning.nodes = NA) {
  # print script numbers, if multiple scripts
  num.scripts <- .print.script.nums()
  # print details for each query
  lapply(c(1:length(lineages)), function(i) {
    # print variable name, or warning number
    if (warning == TRUE)
      cat(paste("Warning:", warning.nodes$value[i], "\n"))
      cat(paste("Var", names(lineages[i]), "\n"))
    # print lineage
    lapply(c(1:nrow(lineages[[i]])), function(j) {
      # if only one script, print just line number
      if (num.scripts == 1) {
        cat(paste("\t", lineages[[i]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
      else {
        cat(paste("\t", lineages[[i]]$scriptNum[j], ", ",
                  lineages[[i]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
      # split line of code by \n
      tempCode <- strsplit(lineages[[i]]$code[j], "\n")
      # print line of code up to first \n, shortening if over 50 chars
      if (nchar(tempCode[[1]][1]) > 50)
        cat(paste("\t", substring(tempCode[[1]][1], 1, 47), "...\n"))
        cat(paste("\t", tempCode[[1]][1], "\n"))
    cat("\n") # add an extra space between iterations

Try the provDebugR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

provDebugR documentation built on April 22, 2021, 5:11 p.m.