
Defines functions .print.state .get.output.state .get.state .get.last.var .get.closest.proc .get.valid.query.state debug.state

Documented in debug.state

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2020, 2021.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


# === STATE ================================================================== #

#' debug.state
#' debug.state displays the values of all variables in the global environment 
#' after execution of a particular line.
#' For each queried line, debug.state returns a data frame showing the state
#' at that line, after it has been executed.
#' Each data frame contains the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'		\item name: The names of variables in the state.
#'		\item value: The value of each variable.
#'		\item container: The type of the container of each variable.
#'		\item dimension: The size of the container.
#'		\item type: The data type(s) contained within the container.
#'		\item scriptNum: The script number associated with each variable.
#'  	\item scriptName: The name of the script the variable is associated with.
#'		\item startLine: The line number associated with each variable.
#' }
#' If no paramters are given, debug.state will return the state at the end of
#' execution.
#' @param ... The line numbers to be queried.
#' @param script.num The script number of the queried line numbers. This is ignored
#'                   if no line numbers are given.
#'                   If script.num == "all", all possible script numbers will be queried.
#'                   Defaults to script number 1 (main script).
#' @param showType If TRUE, variable container, dimension, and type are displayed.
#' @return debug.state returns a list of data frames of states for each queried line number, or the state
#'         at the end of execution if no parameters are given to the function. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' prov.debug.run("test.R")
#' debug.state()
#' debug.state(5)
#' debug.state(10, 20, script.num = 2)
#' debug.state(5, script.num = "all")
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname debug.line
debug.state <- function(..., script.num = 1, showType = FALSE)
  # CASE: no provenance
    stop("There is no provenance.")
  # STEP: get all possible options
  # columns: p.id, startLine, scriptNum, scriptName, code
  pos.nodes <- .get.pos.line(.debug.env$proc.nodes)
  if(is.null(pos.nodes)) {
    cat("There are no lines.\n")
  # STEP: get user's query
  # columns: startLine, scriptNum
  query <- .get.query.line(..., script.num = script.num, all = FALSE)
  # STEP: get valid queries
  # columns: p.id, startLine, scriptNum, scriptName, code
  valid.queries <- .get.valid.query.state(pos.nodes, query)
  # If valid.queries is null, that means there are no valid queries or the 
  # query itself is empty. In this case, we want to show the state at the 
  # end of execution. We want to keep a variable to track that the end of 
  # execution is automatically shown.
  end.of.execution <- FALSE
  if(is.null(valid.queries)) {
    end.of.execution <- TRUE
    #cat("No valid queries.\nState at the end of execution:\n")
    valid.queries <- pos.nodes[nrow(pos.nodes), c("startLine","scriptNum")]
  # STEP: Get state for each query
  # Keep a vector to keep track of indicies where there are queries with no state
  # There should be much fewer cases of no state than those with state.
  no.state <- c()
  states <- lapply(c(1:nrow(valid.queries)), function(i)
    # Get the closest procedure node with line number <= queried line number
    # this could be the procedure from a previous script,
    # or 'p0' indicating the beginning of the execution.
    query.line <- .to.int(valid.queries$startLine[i])
    query.script <- .to.int(valid.queries$scriptNum[i])
    p.id <- .get.closest.proc(pos.nodes, query.line, query.script)
    # loop up proc until get one with output node that is a variable
    d.id <- .get.last.var(pos.nodes, p.id)
    # get state
    d.list <- .get.state(d.id)
    # case: no state
    if(is.null(d.list)) {
      no.state <<- append(no.state, i)
      cat("There is no state for line ", query.line, " in script ", 
          query.script, ".\n", sep='')
    # get output for all variables in the state
    return(.get.output.state(pos.nodes, d.list))
  # Remove, if any, elements with no state.
  if(length(no.state) > 0) {
    valid.queries <- valid.queries[-no.state, ]
    states <- states[-no.state]
  # CASE: no state to display at all
  if(length(states) == 0)
  # re-number rows of the table of queries
  row.names(valid.queries) <- c(1:nrow(valid.queries))
  names(states) <- row.names(valid.queries)
  # If not directly showing the end of execution, print table of queries with state.
  if(!end.of.execution) {
    .print.state(states, valid.queries, showType)
  else {
    .print.state(states, showType = showType)
  # Label output with indices of queries, return.

#' Returns a table of valid queries.
#' Unlike .get.valid.query.line, all integer line queries are considered valid.
#' columns: startLine, scriptNum
#' @param pos.nodes The table of possible nodes
#' @param query The table of the user's queries.
#' @return The table of valid queries
#'         columns: startLine, scriptNum
#' @noRd
.get.valid.query.state <- function(pos.nodes, query)
	# Case: no queries
	# for each query, return TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise
	valid.indices <- sapply(c(1:nrow(query)), function(i)
		# Step: check that both start line and script number are integers
		query.line <- .to.int(query$startLine[i])
		query.script <- .to.int(query$scriptNum[i])
		# Case: line number is NA or not an int, or script number is not an int
		if(is.null(query.line) || is.na(query.line))
		# Step: check if there are proc nodes in that script
		script.nodes <- pos.nodes[pos.nodes$scriptNum == query.script, ]
		script.nodes <- .remove.na.rows(script.nodes)
		# Case: invalid script number
		if(nrow(script.nodes) == 0)
		# script number is valid, line number is an int
	# extract valid queries, ensure unique entries
	valid.queries <- .remove.na.rows(unique(query[valid.indices, ]))
	if(nrow(valid.queries) == 0)
	# rename columns, return
	rownames(valid.queries) <- c(1:nrow(valid.queries))

#' Get closest procedure node id with line number <= queried line number
#' Returns NULL if a procedure node is not found.
#' @param pos.nodes The table of all possible nodes.
#' @param line The queried line number.
#' @param script.num The queried script number. Guarenteed to have associated procedure nodes.
#' @return The procedure node id of the closest procedure node with line number less
#'		   than or equal to the given line number, or NULL if none are found.
#' @noRd
.get.closest.proc <- function(pos.nodes, line, script.num)
	# Get list of all possible lines for the specified script
	script.proc <- pos.nodes[pos.nodes$scriptNum == script.num, ]
	script.proc <- .remove.na.rows(script.proc)
	if(nrow(script.proc) == 0)
	# Find the index of where the queried line falls right after in the list of
	# line numbers of the script, or 0 if the queried line falls before them. 
	script.index <- .find.num.loc(script.proc$startLine, line)
	# Case: 0 (line falls before the list of numbers in the script)
	# Returns the p.id of the node before the first node of the script,
	# or NULL if the top of the procedure nodes table has been reached.
	if(script.index == 0)
		proc.index <- c(1:nrow(pos.nodes))[pos.nodes$p.id == script.proc$p.id[1]]
		proc.index <- proc.index - 1
		if(proc.index == 0)
	# Case: line falls somewhere in the list or after it.

#' From the given procedure node id, loop up the table of procedure nodes until
#' an output variable is found. Returns the data node id of the last variable,
#' or NULL if none are found. Also returns NULL if the procedure node id given is NULL.
#' @param pos.nodes The table of all possible nodes.
#' @param The procedure node id where the search for an variable begins.
#' @return The data node id of the variable found, or NULL if none are found.
#' @noRd
.get.last.var <- function(pos.nodes, p.id)
	# Case: p.is is NULL
	# Starting from the given procedure node, loop up the table of
	# operations until an output edge to a variable is found.
	start.index <- c(1:nrow(pos.nodes))[pos.nodes$p.id == p.id]
	for(i in c(start.index:1))
		# check if there are output data nodes.
		p.id <- pos.nodes$p.id[i]
		d.nodes <- .debug.env$proc.data$entity[.debug.env$proc.data$activity == p.id]
		# case: no output edges found. check next procedure node
		if(length(d.nodes) == 0)
		# for each data node found, check if it is a variable.
		# extract the variables
		vars <- sapply(d.nodes, function(d.id)
			node <- .debug.env$data.nodes[.debug.env$data.nodes$id == d.id, ]
			return(node$type == "Data" || node$type == "Snapshot")
		vars <- d.nodes[vars]
		# if there are variables, return the id of the last one found 
		# (there could be multiple)
		if(length(vars) > 0)
	# reaching here means that no output variables could be found. return NULL

#' Returns the state for a given data node as a vector of data node id.
#' This is done by obtaining all data nodes up to the specified data node id
#' and obtaining the last occurance of each unique variable name.
#' @param d.id The data node id for the data node where the state should be
#'             obtained for.
#' @return The state. A vector of data node id.
#' @noRd
.get.state <- function(d.id)
	# Extract variables from data nodes table.
	data.nodes <- .debug.env$data.nodes
	data.nodes <- data.nodes[(data.nodes$type == "Data" | data.nodes$type == "Snapshot"), ]
	data.nodes <- .remove.na.rows(data.nodes)
	if(nrow(data.nodes) == 0)
	# Get the id and name of data nodes where fromEnv is TRUE, if any.
	# These are guarenteed to be variables.
	vars <- data.nodes[data.nodes$fromEnv, c("id", "name")]
	# Then, get the variables up until the specified data node id.
	# This is appended to the table of fromEnv nodes before
	# obtaining the last occurnce of each unique variable.
	# fromEnv nodes will always have unique variable names.
	# If d.id is NULL, just the fromEnv variables are returned.
		# Get all data nodes up to specified d.id
		max.index <- c(1:nrow(data.nodes))[data.nodes$id == d.id]
		vars <- rbind(vars, data.nodes[c(1:max.index), c("id", "name")], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		# For each unique variable name, get the last data node id,
		# if there are multiple occurrences of it.
		unique.names <- unique(vars$name)
		if(length(unique.names) < nrow(vars))
			state <- sapply(unique.names, function(var.name)
				# get all data nodes for the specified variable name
				id.list <- vars$id[vars$name == var.name]
				# sort by increasing data node number
				id.nums <- as.integer(sub('d', '', id.list))
				id.list <- id.list[order(id.nums)]
				# return the last node
	# If there are no variables, there is no state. Return NULL.
	if(nrow(vars) == 0)
	# Reaching here means all unique variable names have 1 data node associated
	# Sort table by increasing d.id, return.
	id.nums <- as.integer(sub('d', '', vars$id))

#' From the given list of data node id, form user output.
#' columns: name, value, container, dimension, type, scriptNum, startLine
#' @param pos.proc The table of all possible procedure nodes.
#' @param id.list A vector of data node id which forms the state.
#' @return The state. A data frame.
#'         columns: name, value, container, dimension, type, 
#'                  scriptNum, scriptName, startLine
#' @noRd
.get.output.state <- function(pos.proc, id.list)
	# For each variable in the state, obtain fields:
	# var name, value, valType, scriptNum, startLine
	rows <- lapply(id.list, function(d.id)
		d.node <- .debug.env$data.nodes[.debug.env$data.nodes$id == d.id, ]
		# Get fields from data node table
		# columns: name, value
		d.fields <- d.node[ , c("name", "value")]
		# Get valType (remove id column)
		val.type <- provParseR::get.val.type(.debug.env$prov, d.id)
		val.type <- val.type[ , c("container", "dimension", "type")]
		# Get start line and script number
		# For fromEnv variables, these are NA.
			p.fields <- data.frame(scriptNum = NA, 
								   scriptName = NA,
								   startLine = NA, 
								   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			# For non-fromEnv variables, find the procedure node associated with it.
			# As the variables in the state are either fromEnv nodes or were produced
			# by an operation within the script, non-fromEnv variables will always
			# have 1 procedure-to-data edge linking it to an Operation procedure node.
			p.id <-  .get.p.id(d.id)
			# Get fields from procedure node (scriptNum, startLine)
			p.fields <- pos.proc[pos.proc == p.id, ]
			p.fields <- p.fields[ , c("scriptNum", "scriptName", "startLine")]
			p.fields <- .remove.na.rows(p.fields)
		# Combine fields into a row
		return(cbind(d.fields, val.type, p.fields, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	# Combine rows into a data frame.

#' Prints the state of all variables at a particular line or lines.
#' @param states the list of variable states for all lines queried.
#' @param valid.queries the list of all valid lines from the user's query.
#' @param showType if TRUE, then the container, dimension, and type of variables
#'                 are also printed.
#' @noRd
.print.state <- function(states, valid.queries = NA, showType) {
  # print script numbers, if multiple scripts
  num.scripts <- .print.script.nums()
  # check if this is the state at the end of execution
  if(length(valid.queries) == 1 && is.na(valid.queries)) {
    cat("No valid queries.\nState at the end of execution:\n")
    # print state
    lapply(c(1:nrow(states[[1]])), function(j) {
      # if only one script, print just line number
      if (num.scripts == 1) {
        cat(paste("\t", states[[1]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
      else {
        cat(paste("\t", states[[1]]$scriptNum[j], ", ",
                  states[[1]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
      # print variable name and value
      if (nchar(states[[1]]$value[j]) > 50)
        cat(paste("\t", states[[1]]$name[j], "\t", 
                  substring(states[[1]]$value[j], 1, 47), " ...\n", sep = ""))
        cat(paste("\t", states[[1]]$name[j], "\t", states[[1]]$value[j], "\n", 
                  sep = ""))
      # print valType info, if desired
      if (showType == TRUE) {
        print(states[[1]][j, c(3:5)], right = FALSE)
  else {
    # loop through and print all valid queries before any details
    cat('Results for line(s): ')

    lapply(c(1:nrow(valid.queries)), function(i) {
      if (i == nrow(valid.queries)) {
        # on last loop, no comma
        cat(paste(valid.queries$startLine[i], "\n\n"))
      else {
        cat(paste(valid.queries$startLine[i], ", ", sep=""))
    # print variable details
    lapply(c(1:nrow(valid.queries)), function(i) {
      # line information
      # if only one script, print just line number
      if (num.scripts == 1) {
        cat(paste("Line", valid.queries$startLine[i], "\n"))
      else {
        cat(paste("Script ", valid.queries$scriptNum[i], ", line ",
                  valid.queries$startLine[i], "\n", sep=""))
      # print state for each valid line
      lapply(c(1:nrow(states[[i]])), function(j) {
        # if only one script, print just line number
        if (num.scripts == 1) {
          cat(paste("\t", states[[i]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
        else {
          cat(paste("\t", states[[i]]$scriptNum[j], ", ",
                    states[[i]]$startLine[j], ": ", sep=""))
        # print variable name and value
        if (nchar(states[[i]]$value[j]) > 50)
          cat(paste("\t",states[[i]]$name[j], "\t", 
                    substring(states[[i]]$value[j], 1, 47), " ...\n", sep = ""))
          cat(paste("\t", states[[i]]$name[j], "\t", states[[i]]$value[j], "\n", 
                    sep = ""))
        # print valType info, if desired
        if (showType == TRUE) {
          print(states[[i]][j, c(3:5)], right = FALSE)
      cat("\n") # add an extra space between iterations
  if (showType == FALSE)
    cat("\nRerun with showType = TRUE to see more detailed variable information.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

provDebugR documentation built on April 22, 2021, 5:11 p.m.