
Defines functions save.to.text.file output.prov get.notes generate.preexisting.summary generate.environment.summary summarize.prov check.file.system update.outfiles update.infiles get.tool prov.summarize.run

Documented in prov.summarize.run

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2018, 2019, 2020.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#' Provenance summarization functions
#' prov.summarize uses provenance collected from execution of an R script (prov.run)
#' or from a console session (prov.init) and outputs a text summary to the R console.
#' These functions use provenance collected by the rdtLite or rdt packages.
#' The provenance summary includes:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item The name of the script file executed.
#'   \item Environmental information identifying when the script was executed, the version 
#'      of R, the computing system, the tool and version used to collect provenance, the 
#'      location of the provenance data, and the hash algorithm used to hash files.
#'   \item The names of any scripts sourced.
#'   \item The names of any variables in the global environment that are used but not set by a script
#'      or a console session.
#'   \item Any URLs loaded.
#'   \item The names of files input or output.
#'   \item Any messages sent to standard output.
#'   \item Any errors or warnings.
#' }
#' If details = TRUE, additional details are displayed, including (1) libraries loaded by the 
#' user's code, loaded before the script started, or loaded by rtdtLite or rdt, with version 
#' numbers; (2) timestamps, hash values, and stored copies for scripts and data files; and 
#' (3) source code locations for messages.
#' If details = FALSE, only libraries loaded by the user's code at the time of execution 
#' are displayed. Note that some libraries used by the script might have been loaded before 
#' the script was executed. Run provSummarizeR with details = TRUE to see a complete list of 
#' loaded libraries.
#' If check = TRUE, the user's file system is checked to see if input files, output files,
#' and scripts (in their original locations) are unchanged, changed, or missing. The status 
#' of each file is marked as follows: file unchanged [:], file changed [+], file missing [-], 
#' or file not checked [ ]. Copies of the original files are stored on the provenance directory.
#' If console = TRUE, output is displayed in the console.
#' If save = TRUE, results are saved to the file "prov-summary.txt" or "prov-summary-details.txt"
#' in the current working directory.
#' If create.zip = TRUE, the provenance data is saved as a zip file in the current working
#' directory.
#' If notes = TRUE, notes are included for how to interpret the provenance summary.
#' For provenance collected from a console session, only the environment, library, pre-existing
#' variables, URL, and file information appear in the summary.
#' Creating a zip file depends on a zip executable being on the search path. By default, it 
#' looks for a program named "zip".  To use a program with a different name, set the value of 
#' the R_ZIPCMD environment variable.  This code has been tested with Unix zip and with 7-zip 
#' on Windows.  
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @param save whether to save the provenance summary to the file prov-summary.txt 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param create.zip whether to package the provenance data into a zip file stored 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param notes whether to include notes
#' @return string containing provenance summary
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{prov.summarize ()}
#' @rdname summarize

prov.summarize <- function (details=FALSE, check=TRUE, console=TRUE, save=FALSE, create.zip=FALSE, 
    notes=TRUE) {
    # Determine which provenance collector to use
    tool <- get.tool()
    if (tool == "rdtLite") {
        prov.json <- rdtLite::prov.json
    } else {
        prov.json <- rdt::prov.json
    prov <- provParseR::prov.parse(prov.json(), isFile = FALSE)
    prov.summary <- summarize.prov(prov, details, check, notes)
    output.prov(prov, prov.summary, details, console, save, create.zip)


#' prov.summarize.file reads a JSON file that contains provenance and outputs
#' a text summary to the console.
#' @param prov.file the path to the file containing provenance 
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @param save whether to save the provenance summary to the file prov-summary.txt 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param create.zip whether to package the provenance data into a zip file stored 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param notes whether to include notes
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' testdata <- system.file("testdata", "prov.json", package = "provSummarizeR")
#' prov.summarize.file (testdata)
#' @rdname summarize

prov.summarize.file <- function (prov.file, details=FALSE, check=TRUE, console=TRUE, save=FALSE, 
    create.zip=FALSE, notes=TRUE) {
    if (!file.exists(prov.file)) {  
        stop("Provenance file not found")
    prov <- provParseR::prov.parse(prov.file)
    prov.summary <- summarize.prov (prov, details, check, notes)
    output.prov(prov, prov.summary, details, console, save, create.zip)


#' prov.summarize.run executes a script, collects provenance, and outputs a
#' text summary to the console.
#' @param r.script the name of a file containing an R script
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @param save whether to save the provenance summary to the file prov-summary.txt 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param create.zip whether to package the provenance data into a zip file stored 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param notes whether to include notes
#' @param ... extra parameters are passed to the provenance collector.  See rdt's 
#' prov.run function or rdtLites's prov.run function for details.
#' @export 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' testdata <- system.file("testscripts", "console.R", package = "provSummarizeR")
#' prov.summarize.run (testdata)}
#' @rdname summarize

prov.summarize.run <- function(r.script, details=FALSE, check=TRUE, console=TRUE, save=FALSE, 
    create.zip=FALSE, notes=TRUE, ...) {
    # Determine which provenance collector to use
    tool <- get.tool()
    if (tool == "rdtLite") {
        prov.run <- rdtLite::prov.run
        prov.json <- rdtLite::prov.json
    } else {
        prov.run <- rdt::prov.run
        prov.json <- rdt:: prov.json
    # Run the script, collecting provenance, if a script was provided.
    tryCatch(prov.run(r.script, ...), error = function(x) {print (x)})

    # Create the provenance summary
    prov <- provParseR::prov.parse(prov.json(), isFile=FALSE)
    prov.summary <- summarize.prov (prov, details, check, notes)
    output.prov(prov, prov.summary, details, console, save, create.zip)


#' get.tool determines whether to use rdt or rdtLite to get the provenance.
#' If rdtLite is loaded, "rdtLite" is returned.  If rdtLite is not loaded, but rdt
#' is, "rdt" is returned.  If neither is loaded, it then checks to see if either
#' is installed, favoring "rdtLite" over "rdt". Stops if neither rdt or rdtLite 
#' is available. 
#' @return "rdtLite" or "rdt"
#' @noRd 

get.tool <- function() {
    # Determine which provenance collector to use
    loaded <- loadedNamespaces()
    if ("rdtLite" %in% loaded) {
    } else if ("rdt" %in% loaded) {

    installed <- utils::installed.packages()
    if ("rdtLite" %in% installed) {
    } else if ("rdt" %in% installed) {
    stop("One of rdtLite or rdt must be installed.")

#' update.infiles updates the infiles data frame by removing later duplicates
#' (same name and hash value) in infiles and duplicates (same node id, name,
#' and hash value) that appear in outfiles. This avoids duplicate entries for 
#' a file that is first written and then read. The file "package.rds" is also 
#' removed from infiles if present.
#' @param infiles a data frame of input files
#' @param outfiles a data frame of output files
#' @return an updated data frame of infiles
#' @noRd

update.infiles <- function(infiles, outfiles) {
    if (nrow(infiles) == 0) {
    # mark files to be removed
    } else {
        infiles$keep <- TRUE
        # mark package.rds
        for (i in 1:nrow(infiles)) {
            if (infiles$name[i] == "package.rds") {
                infiles$keep[i] <- FALSE
        # mark later files with same name & hash value
        if (nrow(infiles) > 1) {
            for (i in 1:(nrow(infiles)-1)) {
                if (infiles$keep[i]) {
                    for (j in (i+1):nrow(infiles)) {
                        if (infiles$name[i] == infiles$name[j] && infiles$hash[i] == infiles$hash[j]) {
                            infiles$keep[j] <- FALSE
        # mark files with same node id, name, and hash value in outfiles
        if (nrow(outfiles) > 0) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(infiles)) {
                for (j in 1:nrow(outfiles)) {
                    if (infiles$id[i] == outfiles$id[j] && infiles$name[i] == outfiles$name[j] && 
                        infiles$hash[i] == outfiles$hash[j]) {
                        infiles$keep[i] <- FALSE
        # remove marked files
        infiles <- infiles[infiles$keep == TRUE, ]  

#' update.outfiles updates the outfiles data frame by removing later duplicates
#' (same name and hash value) in outfiles and duplicates (same name and hash value
#' but different node id) that appear in infiles. This avoids duplicate entries 
#' for a file that is first read and then written with no change.
#' @param outfiles a data frame of output files
#' @param infiles a data frame of input files
#' @return an updated data frame of outfiles
#' @noRd

update.outfiles <- function(outfiles, infiles) {
    if (nrow(outfiles) == 0) {
    # mark files to be removed
    } else {
        outfiles$keep <- TRUE
        # mark later files with same name & hash value
        if (nrow(outfiles) > 1) {
            for (i in 1:(nrow(outfiles)-1)) {
                if (outfiles$keep[i]) {
                    for (j in (i+1):nrow(outfiles)) {
                        if (outfiles$name[i] == outfiles$name[j] && outfiles$hash[i] == outfiles$hash[j]) {
                            outfiles$keep[j] <- FALSE
        # mark files with same name and hash value but different node id in infiles
        if (nrow(infiles) > 0) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(outfiles)) {
                for (j in 1:nrow(infiles)) {
                    if (outfiles$id[i] != infiles$id[j] && outfiles$name[i] == infiles$name[j] && 
                        outfiles$hash[i] == infiles$hash[j]) {
                        outfiles$keep[i] <- FALSE
        # remove marked files
        outfiles <- outfiles[outfiles$keep == TRUE, ]  

#' check.file.system checks if the specified file exists in its original location 
#' and if the hash value has changed. Results are marked as follows: [:] indicates 
#' that the file exists and the hash value is unchanged, [+] indicates that the file 
#' exists but the hash value has changed, [-] indicates that the file no longer exists,
#' and [ ] indicates that no comparison was made.
#' @param location original file path and name
#' @param hash hash value
#' @param algorithm hash algorithm
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @return a coded value indicating file status
#' @noRd

check.file.system <- function(location, hash, algorithm, check) {
    if (check == TRUE && !is.null(location) && !is.null(hash) && !is.null(algorithm)) {
        if (!file.exists(location)) {
            tag <- "[-]"
        } else if (hash != digest::digest(file=location, algo=algorithm)) {
            tag <- "[+]"
        } else {
            tag <- "[:]"
    } else {
        tag <- "[ ]"

#' summarize.prov creates the provenance summary as a string.
#' @param prov the parsed provenance
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @param notes whether to include notes
#' @return provenance summary string
#' @noRd

summarize.prov <- function(prov, details, check, notes) {
    # get script file
    environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
    script.path <- environment[environment$label == "script", ]$value
    script.file <- sub(".*/", "", script.path)

    # get input & output files
    infiles <- provParseR::get.input.files(prov)
    outfiles <- provParseR::get.output.files(prov)
    infiles <- update.infiles(infiles, outfiles)
    outfiles <- update.outfiles(outfiles, infiles)

    # get string for each category
    environment.st <- generate.environment.summary(prov, details, script.file)
    library.st <- generate.library.summary(prov, details)
    scripts.st <- generate.script.summary(prov, details, script.file, check)
    preexisting.st <- generate.preexisting.summary(prov)
    infiles.st <- generate.file.summary ("INPUTS:", infiles, prov, details, check)
    outfiles.st <- generate.file.summary ("OUTPUTS:", outfiles, prov, details, check)
    stdout.st <- generate.stdout.summary (prov, details, script.file)  
    error.st <- generate.error.summary (prov, details, script.file)

    # create summary string
    prov.summary <- paste(environment.st, library.st, scripts.st, preexisting.st, 
        infiles.st, outfiles.st, stdout.st, error.st, sep="")
    if (notes == TRUE) {
        prov.summary <- paste(prov.summary, get.notes(details), sep="")


#' generate.environment.summary creates a text summary of the environment.
#' @param prov the parsed provenance
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param script.file the name of the script executed.  For provenance collected from 
#' a console session, the value is "console.R"
#' @return environment summary string
#' @noRd

generate.environment.summary <- function(prov, details, script.file) {
    environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
    tool.info <- provParseR::get.tool.info(prov)

    if (details == TRUE) {
        details.st <- " (details)"
    } else {
        details.st <- ""

    if (script.file != "console.R") {
        st <- paste("PROVENANCE SUMMARY for ", script.file, details.st, "\n\n", sep="")
    } else {
        st <- paste("PROVENANCE SUMMARY for Console Session", details.st, "\n\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "ENVIRONMENT:\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Executed at ", environment[environment$label == "provTimestamp", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Total execution time was ", environment[environment$label == "totalElapsedTime", ]$value, " seconds\n", sep="")
    if (script.file != "console.R") {
        st <- paste(st, "Script last modified at ", environment[environment$label == "scriptTimeStamp", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Executed with ", environment[environment$label == "langVersion", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Platform was ", environment[environment$label == "architecture", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Operating system was ", environment[environment$label == "operatingSystem", ]$value, "\n", sep="")

    if ("ui" %in% environment$label) {
        st <- paste(st, "User interface was ", environment[environment$label == "ui", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    if ("pandoc" %in% environment$label) {
        st <- paste(st, "Document converter was ", environment[environment$label == "pandoc", ]$value, "\n", sep="")

    st <- paste(st, "Provenance was collected with ", tool.info$tool.name, tool.info$tool.version, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Provenance is stored in ", environment[environment$label == "provDirectory", ]$value, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "Hash algorithm is ", environment[environment$label == "hashAlgorithm", ]$value, "\n\n", sep="")

#' generate.library.summary creates a text summary of the libraries used.
#' @param prov the parsed provenance
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @return library summary string
#' @noRd

generate.library.summary <- function (prov, details) {
    libs <- provParseR::get.libs(prov)
    script.libraries <- libs[libs$whereLoaded == "script", ]
    preloaded.libraries <- libs[libs$whereLoaded == "preloaded", ]
    rdtLite.libraries <- libs[libs$whereLoaded == "rdtLite", ]
    unknown.libraries <- libs[libs$whereLoaded == "unknown", ]

    # Show libraries of unknown origin
    if (is.null(libs$whereLoaded) || nrow(unknown.libraries) > 0) {
        if (details == TRUE) {
            st1 <- "LIBRARIES:\n"
            if (nrow(libs) > 0) {
                st2 <- paste(libs$name, libs$version, collapse="\n")
            } else {
                st2 <- "None"
            st <- paste(st1, st2, "\n\n", sep="")
        } else {
            st <- ""

    } else {
        # Show libraries loaded by script
        st1 <- "LIBRARIES (loaded by script):\n"
        if (nrow(script.libraries) > 0) {
            st2 <- paste(script.libraries$name, script.libraries$version, collapse="\n")
        } else {
            if (details == TRUE) {
                st2 <- "None"
            } else {
                st2 <- "None (see notes below)"
        st <- paste(st1, st2, "\n\n", sep="")

        if (details == TRUE) {
            # Show preloaded libraries
            st1 <- "LIBRARIES (preloaded):\n"
            if (nrow(preloaded.libraries) > 0) {
                st2 <- paste(preloaded.libraries$name, preloaded.libraries$version, collapse="\n")
            } else {
                st2 <- "None"
            st <- paste(st, st1, st2, "\n\n", sep="")

            # Show libraries loaded by rdtLite
            st1 <- "LIBRARIES (loaded by rdtLite):\n"
            if (nrow(rdtLite.libraries) > 0) {
                st2 <- paste(rdtLite.libraries$name, rdtLite.libraries$version, collapse="\n")
            } else {
                st2 <- "None"
            st <- paste(st, st1, st2, "\n\n", sep="")


#' generate.script.summary creates a text summary of the scripts sourced.
#' @param prov the parsed provenance
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param script.file the name of the script executed.  For provenance collected from 
#' a console session, the value is "console.R"
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @return script summary string
#' @noRd

generate.script.summary <- function (prov, details, script.file, check) {
    # no scripts for console sessions
    if (script.file == "console.R") {
    # get script info
    } else {
        environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
        scripts <- provParseR::get.scripts(prov)
        algorithm <- environment[environment$label == "hashAlgorithm", ]$value
        st <- "SCRIPTS:\n"
        for (i in 1:nrow(scripts)) {
            if (i == 1) {
                # main script
                location <- environment[environment$label == "script", ]$value
                timestamp <- environment[environment$label == "scriptTimeStamp", ]$value
                hash <- environment[environment$label == "scriptHash", ]$value
                saved.file <- paste("scripts/", basename(script.file), sep="")
            } else {
                # sourced scripts
                location <- scripts[i, "script"]
                timestamp <- scripts[i, "timestamp"]
                hash <- scripts[i, "hash"]
                if (is.null(hash)) {
                    hash <- environment[environment$label == "sourcedScriptHashes", ][i]
                saved.file <- paste("scripts/", basename(scripts[i, "script"]), sep="")
            tag <- check.file.system(location, hash, algorithm, check)
            st <- paste(st, i, tag, " ", location, "\n", sep="")

            if (details == TRUE) {
                st <- paste(st, "        Timestamp: ", timestamp, "\n", sep="")
                st <- paste(st, "        Hash:      ", hash, "\n", sep="")
                st <- paste(st, "        Saved:     ", saved.file, "\n", sep="")
        st <- paste(st, "\n", sep="")

#' generate.preexisting.summary lists variables in the global environment that are used 
#' but not set by a script or a console session.
#' @param prov the parsed provenance
#' @return prexisting variables summary string
#' @noRd

generate.preexisting.summary <- function(prov) {
    vars <- provParseR::get.preexisting(prov)
    st <- "PRE-EXISTING:\n"
    if (is.null(vars) || nrow(vars) == 0) {
        st <- paste(st, "None\n", sep="")
    } else {
        for (i in 1:nrow(vars)) {   
            st <- paste(st, vars[i, "name"], "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "\n", sep="")

#' generate.file.summary creates a text summary of files read or written by the script.
#' @param direction the file list heading (INPUT or OUTPUT)
#' @param files the data frame containing information about the files read or written
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param check whether to check against the user's file system
#' @return file summary string
#' @noRd

generate.file.summary <- function (direction, files, prov, details, check) {
    st <- paste(direction, "\n", sep="")
    if (nrow(files) == 0) {
        st <- paste(st, "None\n", sep="")
    } else {
        environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
        prov.dir <- environment[environment$label == "provDirectory", ]$value
        algorithm <- environment[environment$label == "hashAlgorithm", ]$value
        # Figure out which tool and version we are using.
        tool.info <- provParseR::get.tool.info(prov)
        tool <- tool.info$tool.name
        version <- tool.info$tool.version

        if (tool == "rdtLite" && utils::compareVersion (version, "1.0.3") < 0) {
            use.original.timestamp <- TRUE
        } else if (tool == "rdt" && utils::compareVersion (version, "3.0.3") < 0) {
            use.original.timestamp <- TRUE
        } else {
            use.original.timestamp <- FALSE
        # In rdtLite before 1.0.3, and in rdt before 3.0.3, file times were
        # not preserved when copying into the data directory.  Therefore, we needed
        # to get the timestamp from the original file.  In later versions of the
        # tools, the timestamps are preserved, so we use the timestamp in the
        # saved copies.
        if (use.original.timestamp) {
            files$filetime <- as.character (file.mtime(files$location))
        } else {
            files$filetime <- as.character (file.mtime(paste0 (prov.dir, "/", files$value)))
        for (i in 1:nrow(files)) {
            file.type <- files[i, "type"]
            if (file.type == "File") {
                # option to check file system
                location <- files[i, "location"]
                hash <- files[i, "hash"]
                tag <- check.file.system(location, hash, algorithm, check)
                st <- paste(st, i, tag, " ", location, "\n", sep="")

            } else {
                st <- paste(st, i, "[ ] ", files[i, "name"], "\n", sep="")

            if (details == TRUE) {
                if (is.na(files[i, "filetime"])) {
                    if (files[i, "timestamp"] != "") {
                        st <- paste(st, "        Timestamp: ", files[i, "timestamp"], "\n", sep="")
                } else {
                    st <- paste(st, "        Timestamp: ", files[i, "filetime"], "\n", sep="")
                if (files[i, "hash"] != "") {
                    st <- paste(st, "        Hash:      ", files[i, "hash"], "\n", sep="")
                if (files[i, "value"] != "") {
                    st <- paste(st, "        Saved:     ", files[i, "value"], "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "\n", sep="")

#' generate.stdout.summary creates a text summary for messages sent to standard output. 
#' It identifies the line of code that produced the message as well as the message.
#' If the output is long, it identifies the snapshot file instead.
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param script.file the name of the script executed.  For provenance collected from 
#' a console session, the value is "console.R"
#' @return standard output summary string
#' @noRd

generate.stdout.summary <- function (prov, details, script.file) {
    # not available for console sessions
    if (script.file == "console.R") {
    # get standard output nodes
    } else {
        stdout.nodes <- provParseR::get.stdout.nodes(prov)
        return(generate.message.summary(prov, stdout.nodes, details, "CONSOLE"))

#' generate.error.summary creates a text summary for errors and warnings.  It identifies
#' the line of code that produced the error as well as the error message.
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param script.file the name of the script executed.  For provenance collected from 
#' a console session, the value is "console.R"
#' @return error summary string
#' @noRd

generate.error.summary <- function (prov, details, script.file) {
    # not available for console sessions
    if (script.file == "console.R") {
    # get error nodes
    } else {
        error.nodes <- provParseR::get.error.nodes(prov)
        return(generate.message.summary(prov, error.nodes, details, "ERRORS & WARNINGS"))

#' generate.message.summary creates a text summary for messages sent to standard output.  
#' It identifies the line of code that produced the message as well as the message.
#' If the output is long, it identifies the snapshot file instead.
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param output.nodes standard output or error nodes
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param msg summary title (CONSOLE or ERRORS)
#' @return message summary string
#' @noRd

generate.message.summary <- function (prov, output.nodes, details, msg) {
    st <- paste(msg, ":\n", sep="")
    if (nrow(output.nodes) == 0) {
        st <- paste(st, "None\n\n", sep="")
    # Get the proc-data edges and the proc nodes
    proc.data.edges <- provParseR::get.proc.data(prov)
    proc.nodes <- provParseR::get.proc.nodes(prov)
    # Merge the data frames so that we have the output and the operation that
    # produced that output in 1 row
    output.report <- merge(output.nodes, proc.data.edges, by.x="id", by.y="entity")
    output.report <- merge(output.report, proc.nodes, by.x="activity", by.y="id")
    # Get the scripts and remove the directory name
    scripts <- provParseR::get.scripts(prov)
    scripts <- sub(".*/", "", scripts$script)
    # Output the error information, using line numbers if available
    for (i in 1:nrow(output.nodes)) {
        script.name <- scripts[output.report[i, "scriptNum"]]
        info <- output.report[i, "value"]
        info <- sub("\n", "", info)
        st <- paste(st, info, "\n", sep="")
        if (!is.na (script.name) && details) {
            if (is.na(output.report[i, "startLine"])) {
                st <- paste(st, "        Line", sep="")
                st <- paste(st, "  ", output.report[i, "name"], "\n", sep="")

            } else if (output.report[i, "startLine"] == output.report[i, "endLine"] || 
                is.na (output.report[i, "endLine"])) {  

                st <- paste(st, "        Line ", output.report[i, "startLine"], sep="")

            } else {
                st <- paste(st, "        Lines ", output.report[i, "startLine"], " to ", output.report[i, "endLine"], sep="")

            st <- paste(st, " in ", script.name, "\n", sep="")
    st <- paste(st, "\n", sep="")

#' get.notes returns a set of instructions for how to interpret the provenance summary.
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @return instruction string
#' @noRd 

get.notes <- function(details) {
    notes <- "NOTES: Files are listed in the order of execution (script 1 = main script).
The status of each file in its original location is marked as follows:
File unchanged [:], File changed [+], File missing [-], Not checked [ ].
Copies of original files are available on the provenance directory.\n"

    if (details == FALSE) {
        notes <- paste(notes, "\nLibraries loaded by the user's script at the time of execution are displayed.
Note that some libraries may have been loaded before execution. Use details = 
TRUE to see all loaded libraries along with script, file, and message details.\n", sep="")

    if (details == TRUE) {
        notes <- paste(notes, "All libraries preloaded or loaded at the time of execution are displayed.\n", sep="")

    notes <- paste(notes, "\n", sep="")


#' output.prov optionally displays the provenance summary in the console,
#' saves the provenance summary to a text file, and/or saves the provenence
#' data to a zip file.
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param prov.summary the provenance summary
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @param save whether to save the provenance summary to the file prov-summary.txt 
#' in the current working directory
#' @param create.zip whether to package the provenance data into a zip file stored 
#' in the current working directory
#' @return no return value
#' @noRd 

output.prov <- function(prov, prov.summary, details, console, save, create.zip) {
    if (console == TRUE) {
    if (save == TRUE) {
        save.to.text.file(prov, prov.summary, details, console)
    if (create.zip == TRUE) {
        save.to.zip.file(prov, console)

#' save.to.text.file saves the provenance summary to the file "prov-summary.txt"
#' or "prov-summary-details.txt" on the current working directory
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param prov.summary the provenance summary
#' @param details whether to display library, script, file, and message details
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @return no return value
#' @noRd 

save.to.text.file <- function(prov, prov.summary, details, console) {
    environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
    if (details == TRUE) {
        prov.file <- paste(getwd(), "/prov-summary-details.txt", sep="")
    } else {
        prov.file <- paste(getwd(), "/prov-summary.txt", sep="")

    cat(prov.summary, file=prov.file)
    if (console == TRUE) {
        cat(paste("Saving provenance summmary in", prov.file))

#' save.to.zip.file creates a zip file of the provenance data and saves it
#' in the current working directory.
#' @param prov the provenance object
#' @param console whether to display results in the console
#' @return no return value
#' @noRd

save.to.zip.file <- function (prov, console) {
    # Determine where the provenance is located
    environment <- provParseR::get.environment(prov)
    cur.dir <- getwd()
    prov.path <- environment[environment$label == "provDirectory", ]$value
    # Determine the name for the zip file
    prov.dir <- sub (".*/", "", prov.path)
    zipfile <- paste0 (prov.dir, "_", 
        environment[environment$label == "provTimestamp", ]$value, ".zip")
    zippath <- paste0 (cur.dir, "/", zipfile)

    if (file.exists (zippath)) {
        warning (zippath, " already exists.")

    } else {
        # Zip it up
        zip.program <- Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD", "zip")
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && endsWith (zip.program, "7z.exe")) {
            # 7z.exe a prov.zip . -r -x!debug 
            zip.result <- utils::zip (zippath, ".", flags="a", extras="-r -x!debug")
        } else {
            # zip -r prov.zip . -x debug/ 
            zip.result <- utils::zip (zippath, ".", flags="-r", extras="-x debug/")
        # Check for errors
        if (zip.result == 0 && console == TRUE) {
            cat(paste ("Provenance saved in", zipfile))
        } else if (zip.result == 127) {
            warning ("Unable to create a zip file.  Please check that you have a zip program, such as 7-zip, on your path, and have the R_ZIPCMD environment variable set.")
        } else if (zip.result == 124) {
            warning ("Unable to create a zip file.  The zip program timed out.")
        } else {
            warning ("Unable to create a zip file.  The zip program ", zip.program, " returned error ", zip.result)
    # Return to the directory where the user executed the command from.

Try the provSummarizeR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

provSummarizeR documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 1:06 a.m.