
## tests on apply C wrappers



## matrix

f <- function(x, y) sum(x*y) / sqrt(sum(x*x)) / sqrt(sum(y*y))

x <- matrix(runif(20), 5, 4)
y <- matrix(runif(20), 5, 4)

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, y, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, y, TRUE, f)

# coerce

z <- y * 100
storage.mode(z) <- "integer"
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, z, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, z, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, NULL, FALSE, f)

## list

x <- unlist(apply(x, 1, list), recursive = FALSE)
y <- unlist(apply(y, 1, list), recursive = FALSE)

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, y, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, y, TRUE, f)

## logical matrix

f <- function(a, b, c, d, n)
    a / sqrt(a+b) / sqrt(a+c)

x <- t(sapply(x, ">", 0.5))
y <- t(sapply(y, ">", 0.5))

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, y, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, y, TRUE, f)

## data.frame

f <- function(x, y) sum(x*y) / sqrt(sum(x*x)) / sqrt(sum(y*y))

x <- data.frame(unlist(apply(x, 2, list), recursive = FALSE))
names(x) <- letters[1:4]
y <- data.frame(unlist(apply(y, 2, list), recursive = FALSE))
names(y) <- letters[1:4]

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, TRUE, f)


f <- function(x, y) {
    if (rownames(x) == 1 && rownames(y) == 1) {
    sum(x == y) / length(x)

x <- data.frame(1:5, LETTERS[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

y <- data.frame(1:6, LETTERS[c(1,1:5)],
                row.names = letters[1:6],
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

all.equal(x, y)
identical(attributes(x[[1]]), attributes(y[[1]]))
identical(attributes(x[[2]]), attributes(y[[2]]))

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, x, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, FALSE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f)

# test parameters

f <- function(x, y, p = 1)
    sum(x == y) / length(x) * p

.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f)
.External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f, p = 2)


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proxy documentation built on June 9, 2022, 9:05 a.m.