Man pages for pssm
Piecewise Exponential Model for Time to Progression and Time from Progression to Death

plot-methodsPlot method for 'plot' in Package 'pssm'
print-methodsPrint method for 'print' in Package 'pssm'
pssmFits a joint piecewise exponential model for progression and...
pssm-classClass '"pssm"'
pssm.generate.dataGenerates data with a piecewise exponential proportional...
pssm.noninferiorityboundaryNon inferiority boundary as a function of the prior precision
pssm-packageJoint proportional hazards model for survival and progression...
pssm.powerA function to calculate the power for 'pssm'
pssm.simulateSimulates pssm analysis
pssm.summary-classClass '"pssm.summary"'
pssm.survivalcurvtime to progression and time to death function for a "pssm"...
summary-methodsMethods for Function 'summary' in Package 'pssm'
pssm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:12 a.m.