plot-methods: Plot method for 'plot' in Package 'pssm'

Description Methods See Also Examples


Does several different plots for a pssm object.


signature(x = "pssm")

With only one argument a solid line is plotted for the survival curve for time to progression and then m dashed lines are plotted, each being the survival curve for survival after progression if progression occures at 0, and at each of the times that the hazard rate changes.

signature(x = "pssm",type="progression",cov1=,cov2=)

The time for progression curve is plotted note that cov1 and cov2 must be matrices with first dimension the number of curves and second dimension the number of covariates.

signature(x = "pssm",type="progression",cov1=,cov2=)

The time for progression curve is plotted note that cov1 and cov2 must be matrices with first dimension the number of curves and second dimension the number of covariates.

See Also

pssm-package,, pssm, pssm.simulate, pssm.survivalcurv pssm-class pssm.power



Example output

Class "pssm" [package "pssm"]

Name:                        call                convergence
Class:                       call                    numeric
Name:                     loglike                  estimates
Class:                   function                    numeric
Name:                se.estimates       covariance.estimates
Class:                    numeric                     matrix
Name:       estimates.progression   se.estimates.progression
Class:                    numeric                    numeric
Name:          estimates.survival      se.estimates.survival
Class:                    numeric                    numeric
Name:          hazard.progression            hazard.survival
Class:                    numeric                    numeric
Name:                   intervals                    rescale
Class:                    integer                    numeric
Name:         formula.progression           formula.survival
Class:                    formula                    formula
Name:  progression.covariate.list    survival.covariate.list
Class:                  character                  character
Name:                     message
Class:                  character

pssm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:12 a.m.