#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom stats model.extract
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics symbols
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @export
fpca <-
function(formula=NULL, y=NULL, x=NULL,data, cx=0.75, pvalues="No", partial="Yes", input="data", contraction="No", sample.size=1)
# datafile is the name of the dataframe that contains the data
# y is the number of the column related to the dependant variable (ex: y = 6)
# x is the vector of the number of the columns related to the independant variables
# (ex: x = c(1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10)
# option: pvalues is a vector of determined pvalues that will replace the correlations
# to the focus variable (if pvalues != "No" then partial = "No") (pvalues="No" by default)
# q <- 1 (q>1 for a future version)
# option: partial is an option to present a focused PCA that is a simple renormalization
# of conventional PCA (partial="Yes" by default)
# option: input indicates wether the input correspond to data (default) or to a
# correlation matrix (if input != "data" then partial = "No") (input="data" by default)
# option: contraction change the appearance of the figure
# (if contraction="Yes" then pvalues="No") (contraction="No" by default)
# option: sample.size, size of the sample when input!="data"
if (is.null(y))
call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
Y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
x <- mf[,2:z]
if (pvalues[1]!="No") partial <- "No"
# definitions
p <- ifelse(is.null(y),ncol(x),length(x))
if (input=="data") n <-ifelse(is.null(y),nrow(x),dim(datafile)[1]) else n <- sample.size
if (input=="data") {if(is.null(y)) mat<-mf else mat<-matrix(ncol=p+1, nrow=n) }
names <- matrix(nrow=p+2)
one2 <- matrix(1, nrow=p)
load <- matrix(nrow=p, ncol=p)
norm <- matrix(nrow=p, ncol=p-1)
loadx <- matrix(nrow=p+2, ncol=p-1)
loadyp <- matrix(nrow=p+2, ncol=p-1)
loadym <- matrix(nrow=p+2, ncol=p-1)
loady <- matrix(nrow=p+2, ncol=p-1)
q <- 1
if (input=="data")
# missing values are NOT omitted
# input x (independant) and y (dependant variable)
# x and y are normalized
# correlations of (x,y)
if (is.null(formula)){
q <- min(q,p-1)
mat[,1] <- datafile[,c(y)]
for(i in 1:p)
mat[,i+1] <- datafile[,c(x[i])]
names[i] <- ifelse(is.numeric(x[i]),attributes(datafile)$names[x[i]],x[i])
mat <- na.omit(mat) #following command used to work for data.frames containing NA, didn't work if no NAs
n <- dim(mat)[1]
xv <- matrix(ncol=p, nrow=n)
yv <- matrix(nrow=n)
un <- matrix(1, ncol=p, nrow=n)
one <- matrix(1, nrow=n)
for(i in 1:p)
xv[,i] <- (mat[,i+1]-mean(mat[,i+1]))/(sqrt(var(mat[,i+1]))*sqrt(n-1))
yv <- mat[,1]
yv <- (yv-mean(yv))/(sqrt(var(yv))*sqrt(n-1))
matcor <- cor(mat)
} else
if (is.null(formula)){
for(i in 1:p)
names[i] <- ifelse(is.numeric(x[i]),attributes(datafile)$names[x[i]],x[i])
matcor <- matrix(nrow=p+1,ncol=1)
matcor[1,1] <- 1
matcor[2:(p+1),1] <- datafile[x,y]
matcorp <- datafile[x,x]
else {
matcor<- t([,c(namey,namex)])
matcorp <- X
decomp <- eigen(matcorp, symmetric=TRUE)
eigenval <- decomp$values
eigenvect <- decomp$vectors
eigenval <- pmax(0*one2, eigenval)
load <- eigenvect*sqrt(kronecker(one2,t(eigenval)))
#traditional FPCA
if (pvalues[1]=="No")
if (input=="data")
if (partial=="Yes")
# xp is x related to y (projection on y orthog)
scal <- t(t(xv)%*%yv)
xp <- xv - (un*yv)*kronecker(one,scal)
xp <- xv
# decomposition of the covariance matrix of xp
#matcorp <- var(xp, na.method="omit")
matcorp <- var(xp)
decomp <- eigen(matcorp, symmetric=TRUE)
eigenval <- decomp$values
eigenvect <- decomp$vectors
eigenval <- pmax(0*one2, eigenval)
load <- eigenvect*sqrt(kronecker(one2,t(eigenval)))
# renormalization of the loadings
if (contraction=="No")
for(i in 1:p)
for(j in 1:p-1)
norm[i,j] <- sqrt(load[i,1]*load[i,1] + load[i,j+1]*load[i,j+1])
loadx[i,j] <- load[i,1]*sqrt(2-2*abs(matcor[i+1,1]))/norm[i,j]
if (matcor[i+1,1] > 0) loadyp[i,j] <- load[i,j+1]*sqrt(2-2*matcor[i+1,1])/norm[i,j] else loadym[i,j] <- load[i,j+1]*sqrt(2+2*matcor[i+1,1])/norm[i,j]
loady[i,j] <- load[i,j+1]*sqrt(2-2*abs(matcor[i+1,1]))/norm[i,j] - 0.05
if (contraction!="No")
for(i in 1:p)
for(j in 1:p-1)
norm[i,j] <- sqrt(load[i,1]*load[i,1] + load[i,j+1]*load[i,j+1])
loadx[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,1]*(1-abs(matcor[i+1,1]))/norm[i,j]
if (matcor[i+1,1] > 0) loadyp[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*(1-matcor[i+1,1])/norm[i,j] else loadym[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*(1+matcor[i+1,1])/norm[i,j]
loady[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*(1-abs(matcor[i+1,1]))/norm[i,j] - 0.05
#pvalued FPCA
if (pvalues[1]!="No")
matcorp <- var(xv, na.rm=TRUE)
decomp <- eigen(matcorp, symmetric=TRUE)
eigenval <- decomp$values
eigenvect <- decomp$vectors
eigenval <- pmax(0*one2, eigenval)
load <- eigenvect*sqrt(kronecker(one2,t(eigenval)))
# renormalization of the loadings (1.5 is for drawing convenience)
pnorm <- matrix(nrow=p)
pvaluesabs <- abs(pvalues)
pvaluesabs <- pmax(pvaluesabs,0.001)
for (i in 1:p) if (pvaluesabs[i]==0) pnorm[i] <- 0 else pnorm[i] <- pvaluesabs[i]^(log(pvaluesabs[i])/-50)
for(i in 1:p)
for(j in 1:p-1)
norm[i,j] <- sqrt(load[i,1]*load[i,1] + load[i,j+1]*load[i,j+1])
loadx[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,1]*pnorm[i]/norm[i,j]
if (pvalues[i] > 0) loadyp[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*pnorm[i]/norm[i,j] else loadym[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*pnorm[i]/norm[i,j]
loady[i,j] <- 1.5*load[i,j+1]*pnorm[i]/norm[i,j] - 0.05
# Drawing
#****************** two more points for a non truncated drawing ********
if (is.null(formula)){
for(j in 1:p-1)
loadx[p+1,j] <- 1.5
loady[p+1,j] <- 1.5
loadx[p+2,j] <- -1.5
loady[p+2,j] <- -1.5
names[p+1] <- "."
names[p+2] <- "."
else {names=namex}
#******************************** q plots ***********************************
j <- 1
#*************** new axes (centered) ********
#traditionnal FPCA
if (pvalues[1]=="No")
#************** circles (r=0, r=0.2, ...)****************
radius <- matrix(nrow=5)
if (contraction=="No")
radius[1] <- 1.414
radius[2] <- 1.265
radius[3] <- 1.095
radius[4] <- 0.894
radius[5] <- 0.632
radius[1] <- 1.5
radius[2] <- 1.2
radius[3] <- 0.9
radius[4] <- 0.6
radius[5] <- 0.3
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=radius[1], inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
symbols(x=c(0,0,0,0), y=c(0,0,0,0), circles=radius[2:5], inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=1,fg="grey")
#pvalued FPCA
if (pvalues[1]!="No")
#************** circles (p=0.1, p=0.05, ...)****************
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=1.5, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=2)
symbols(x=c(0,0,0), y=c(0,0,0), circles=c(1.35,1,.557), inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=1,fg="grey")
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=1.254, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=1,fg="red")
#************** dependant variable *****************
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=0.03, bg="black", inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=1)
#traditionnal FPCA
if (pvalues[1]=="No")
#************** circle with p = 5% *****************
if (input=="data")
e <- exp(1.96*2/sqrt(n-3))
if (sample.size<4) e <- 0 else e <- exp(1.96*2/sqrt(sample.size-3))
if (contraction=="No") rayonsign <- sqrt(2-2*(e-1)/(1+e)) else rayonsign <- (1-(e-1)/(1+e))*1.5
symbols(x=0, y=0, circles=rayonsign, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, lwd=1, fg="red")
#**************** legends : r=0, r=0.2, ... ****************
labels=c("r = 0","r = 0.2","r = 0.4","r = 0.6","r = 0.8"),cex=0.5)
#pvalued FPCA
if (pvalues[1]!="No")
#**************** legends : p=0, p=0.1, ... ****************
labels=c("p < 0.001","p = 0.01","p = 0.05","p = 0.1","p = 1"),cex=cx)
#****************** plot of positive correlations ***********
symbols(x=loadx[,j], y=loadyp[,j], circles=rep(.03,length(loadyp[,j])), inches=FALSE, add=TRUE,fg="blue",bg="green")
#****************** plot of negative correlations ***********
symbols(x=loadx[,j], y=loadym[,j], circles=rep(.03,length(loadym[,j])), inches=FALSE, add=TRUE,fg="red",bg="yellow")
#***************** names ******************
text(x=-0.18,y=-.12,labels=namey, cex=cx+0.25)#focus variable
text(x=loadx[,j],y=loady[,j],labels=names,cex=cx)#other variables
#****************** name of factors ***********
#annotate <- paste("Factors : 1,", j, sep="")
#******************************** end of q plots ****************************
#******************* end **********************
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