Man pages for psychrolib
Psychrometric Properties of Moist and Dry Air

CalcPsychrometricsFromRelHumCalculate psychrometric values from relative humidity.
CalcPsychrometricsFromTDewPointCalculate psychrometric values from dew-point temperature.
CalcPsychrometricsFromTWetBulbCalculate psychrometric values from wet-bulb temperature.
GetDegreeOfSaturationReturn the degree of saturation (i.e humidity ratio of the...
GetDryAirDensityReturn dry-air density given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetDryAirEnthalpyReturn dry-air enthalpy given dry-bulb temperature.
GetDryAirVolumeReturn dry-air volume given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetHumRatioFromEnthalpyAndTDryBulbReturn humidity ratio from enthalpy and dry-bulb temperature.
GetHumRatioFromRelHumReturn humidity ratio given dry-bulb temperature, relative...
GetHumRatioFromSpecificHumReturn the humidity ratio (aka mixing ratio) from specific...
GetHumRatioFromTDewPointReturn humidity ratio given dew-point temperature and...
GetHumRatioFromTWetBulbReturn humidity ratio given dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb...
GetHumRatioFromVapPresReturn humidity ratio given water vapor pressure and...
GetMoistAirDensityReturn moist air density given humidity ratio, dry bulb...
GetMoistAirEnthalpyReturn moist air enthalpy given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetMoistAirVolumeReturn moist air specific volume given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetRelHumFromHumRatioReturn relative humidity given dry-bulb temperature, humidity...
GetRelHumFromTDewPointReturn relative humidity given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetRelHumFromTWetBulbReturn relative humidity given dry-bulb temperature, wet bulb...
GetRelHumFromVapPresReturn relative humidity given dry-bulb temperature and vapor...
GetSatAirEnthalpyReturn saturated air enthalpy given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetSatHumRatioReturn humidity ratio of saturated air given dry-bulb...
GetSatVapPresReturn saturation vapor pressure given dry-bulb temperature.
GetSeaLevelPressureReturn sea level pressure given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetSpecificHumFromHumRatioReturn the specific humidity from humidity ratio (aka mixing...
GetStandardAtmPressureReturn standard atmosphere barometric pressure, given the...
GetStandardAtmTemperatureReturn standard atmosphere temperature, given the elevation...
GetStationPressureReturn station pressure from sea level pressure.
GetTCelsiusFromTKelvinUtility function to convert temperature to degree Celsius...
GetTDewPointFromHumRatioReturn dew-point temperature given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetTDewPointFromRelHumReturn dew-point temperature given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetTDewPointFromTWetBulbReturn dew-point temperature given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetTDewPointFromVapPresReturn dew-point temperature given dry-bulb temperature and...
GetTDryBulbFromEnthalpyAndHumRatioReturn dry bulb temperature from enthalpy and humidity ratio.
GetTDryBulbFromMoistAirVolumeAndHumRatioReturn dry-bulb temperature given moist air specific volume,...
GetTFahrenheitFromTRankineUtility function to convert temperature to degree Fahrenheit...
GetTKelvinFromTCelsiusUtility function to convert temperature to Kelvin (K) given...
GetTRankineFromTFahrenheitUtility function to convert temperature to degree Rankine...
GetTWetBulbFromHumRatioReturn wet-bulb temperature given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetTWetBulbFromRelHumReturn wet-bulb temperature given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetTWetBulbFromTDewPointReturn wet-bulb temperature given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetUnitSystemReturn system of units in use.
GetVaporPressureDeficitReturn Vapor pressure deficit given dry-bulb temperature,...
GetVapPresFromHumRatioReturn vapor pressure given humidity ratio and pressure.
GetVapPresFromRelHumReturn partial pressure of water vapor as a function of...
GetVapPresFromTDewPointReturn vapor pressure given dew point temperature.
isIPCheck whether the system in use is IP or SI.
psychrolib-packagePsychroLib: Psychrometric Properties of Moist and Dry Air
SetUnitSystemSet the system of units to use (SI or IP).
psychrolib documentation built on May 29, 2021, 9:11 a.m.