
#' Compute the Robust g test statistic
#' @description  
#' The Robust g test statistic is computed for testing for periodicity.
#' @param y Vector containing the series.
#' @param freqSet The set to search frequencies.
#' @return Vector of length 2 containing the Robust g test statistic 
#' and the frequency for the maximum periodogram.
#' @details \code{An} refers to searching frequencies in the range 
#' twice as dense as the region of the fourier frequencies, i.e.,
#' \eqn{An = {0,1/n,\ldots,floor((2 n - 1)/2)/n}}.
#' \code{En} refers to searching frequencies in 
#' \eqn{En = {j/101 | j=1,\dots,50 and j/101 \ge 1/n}}.
#' @author Yuanhao Lai
#' @references  Ahdesmaki, M., Lahdesmaki, H., Pearson, R., Huttunen, H., 
#' and Yli-Harja O.(2005). 
#'  \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} \bold{6}:117. 
#'  \url{http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/6/117}
#' @keywords internal

# These programs are from the R package 'GeneCycle', but they are modified a
# little bit for simplification. Compute the Robust g test statistic
GetFitRobustG <- function(y,freqSet = c("An","En")) {
  freqSet <- match.arg(freqSet)
  Dpgram <- rankSpectrum(y,freqSet)
  Dpgram <- Dpgram[-1,]
  maxL <- which.max(Dpgram[,2])
  gr <- Dpgram[maxL,2]/sum(Dpgram[,2])
  ans <- c(gr,Dpgram[maxL,1]) #statistic and frequency
  names(ans) <- c("gr","freq")

# This function implements the robust, rank-based spectral
# estimator introduced in Pearson et al. 2003
#' The robust rank-based spectral
#' @description  This function implements the robust, rank-based spectral.
#' @param x Series.
#' @param freqSet The set to search frequencies.
#' @return A numerical value of the robust rank-based spectral.
#' @keywords internal

rankSpectrum <- function(x,freqSet = c("An","En")) 
  freqSet <- match.arg(freqSet)
  # Some adjustable parameters
  # Length of the original sequence
  n <- length(x)
  # Let us define the maximum lag for the correlation coefficient:
  maxM <- n-2
  # Correlation coefficient
  # Reserve space
  Rsm <- matrix(NA, nrow = maxM+1, ncol = 1)
  nonMissing <- rep(TRUE,n)
  nmi <- 1:n # indices for nonmissing values
  # Mean removal
  x <- x- mean(x)
  # Run through all the lags
  for (lags in 0:maxM)
    # Modified Spearman's method
    indexes <- 1:(n-lags)	# Initial indices
    ends <- n
    # Values in both the original and shifted vectors must be present:
    temp <- (nonMissing[1:(ends-lags)] + nonMissing[(lags+1):ends]) >= 2
    indexPresent <- which(temp)
    indexes <- indexes[indexPresent]	# The indices that are present in
    # both sequences
    Rsm[lags+1] <- ifelse(
      length(indexes)<=1 , 
      0 ,
      cor(x[indexes], x[indexes+lags], method="spearman" ) * length( x[indexes] )/n)   
    if(is.na(Rsm[lags+1])) Rsm[lags+1]<-0
  # Zero-padding
  # Length of the zero-padded one-sided "rho"(=Rsm)
    zp <- 2*length(x)
    Rsm[(length(Rsm)+1):zp] <- 0
    fftemp <- fft(Rsm)[1:floor(zp/2)]
    freq <- (1:floor(zp/2)-1)/zp
  }else if(freqSet=="En"){
    zp <- 101
    Rsm <- c(Rsm,rep(0,zp-length(Rsm)))
    fftemp <- fft(Rsm)
    fftemp <- c(fftemp[1],fftemp[(ceiling(zp/n)+1):51])
    freq <- c(0,(ceiling(zp/n):50)/101)

  # The following implementation is as in (Ahdesmaki, Lahdesmaki et al., 2005)
  Ssm <- abs( 2*Re(fftemp) - Rsm[1] )

  # Return the spectral content, frequencies [0,pi)
  ans <- cbind(freq,Ssm)
  colnames(ans) <- c("frequency", "robustPeriodogram")

# n <- 1000
# x <- rnorm(n,sd =5)
# rx <- rankSpectrum(x)
# max(rx)
# sum(rx)
# var(x)
# mad(x)
# var(1:n)
# xl <- seq(10,100,1)
# yl <- sapply(xl,FUN = function(n){
#   rx <- rankSpectrum(rnorm(n))
#   sum(rx)
# })
# plot(xl,yl)
# summary(lm(yl~xl))
# yl2 <- sapply(xl,FUN = function(n){
#   var(1:n)
# })
# plot(xl,yl2)

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